Evolve Series Box Set (11 page)

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But then there’s this other little voice in the background that hates that everyone around me seems comfortable, making the most of college, friends, parties, whatever…I’m stuck in the middle, of out of my zone but afraid to explore the other side.

I swing until I’m drenched in sweat and my arms are rubbery and then head back to the dorm. Two hours and another shower later, Bennett still isn’t home. I still have no homework and my call to Evan goes to voicemail again. Okay, now it’s bugging me. Evan’s never missed two of my calls in a row, but I simply cannot bring myself to send a text, too. Don’t be that girl, Laney. I should be happy that he obviously has more to keep him busy than I do; above all, I do want him happy.

Not sure how or why, but I find myself knocking on the door of room 114.

Tate answers and smiles warmly. “Hey, Laney, what’s up? Come on in.” He moves aside for me to enter, but I remain in the hall. Baby steps and all.

“No, I’m good, um, just seeing what was going on?” I can’t force my gaze up off the floor and am already regretting my bold decision to come down here.

“Nobody’s here but me, but the boys should be back any minute. You wanna wait?”

“No, that’s okay. Just tell them all I came by to say hi, okay?”

“You sure you don’t wanna wait?”

I turn to start back towards my room, and low and behold, Dane’s striding towards me carrying a guitar. Of course he’s carrying a guitar, that’s quintessential for the evil boy tempter, right?

“Well hello there, Disney, looking for anyone in particular?” One eyebrow cocks, accompanied by that all-consuming grin. His hair is messy and his jeans hang low; he’s a tempter alright.

Why are you here, Laney? You’re mad Evan hasn’t answered? Is this his payback? Go do all the things you prophesized he would do when you were apart? Nice, Laney.

“I just came by to see what was up. I’m bored out of my mind. Bennett’s out and you guys are the only people I know.” Not sure why I’m rambling. Not sure why I’m standing here.

“As flattering as that is, I’ll take it.” He’s smiling, so he’s not insulted. It sounded better in my head. “Come on in.”

Without Bennett back-up, I’m not going in their room…so why had I come? “I’m good, I just…well, anything fun going on tonight? Bennett will be home soon, I’m sure she’d love to do something.”

“No set plans here, you got anything?” He looks to Tate, who is texting away.

“Bennett’s home in about an hour, says she’s down for whatever.” Guess we know who he was texting.

“Perfect.” Dane glances at me. “So Disney, you’re brave enough to saunter down here; you brave enough to set the agenda?”

Am I? Yes, I am. Too bad I have no clue what would be fun. Not only have I not spotted a pond nearby, but these boys don’t strike me as fishermen. Something tells me a movie marathon won’t fly either, and I could use a change. “Social coordinator isn’t my forte, so feel free to override me.” I glance at his guitar. “How about Chinese takeout and music trivia?”

“For shots?” Tate asks hopefully.

“Of course,” I spout definitively. There’s no way I’m losing at music trivia.

“Okay, hostess with the mostest, your room, hour and a half?” Dane’s face lights up.

“Sounds good, bring your guitar.” We’re gonna see what he’s got.

Feeling guilty, at a loss as to why exactly, I text Evan when I’m back in my room.


Laney: Tried calling you x2, got voicemail. Evrythng ok? Bout to hang in room w/ frnds, miss you.

Bennett bursts in shortly after, practically foaming at the mouth. In spurts, while getting ready like a banshee, she declares her undying love for me setting this up tonight. I can’t help but smile to myself. I’m actually looking forward to it, too.

The 114 lads arrive right on time, minus Sawyer, and I let them in…while holding a crab rangoon. I couldn’t wait. They both offer to pay me back for the food, which I dismiss, and we all settle in comfortably.

“Thanks for the invite, Laney,” Tate says and throws a casual arm across my shoulder. “I was kinda surprised, you seem kinda shy.”

“You’re welcome; it’s nice to have something to do.” I don’t address the shy comment; I don’t know what to say. “Sawyer knows he was invited, too, right?”

Dane coughs and shoots Tate a look, which I sure hope he doesn’t think was subtle. Tate awkwardly answers. “He had to work tonight.”

“Oh, where does he work?” Neither answer me before my cell phone dings and I race to it, elated. It’s not from Evan though, rather Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn: Thought you’d get a kick out of your crazy boy

The picture that follows gives me a kick square in the gut. Why would she send this to me? She’s got to be drunk, thinking this would be funny. It’s anything but. The sting moves throughout my body, starting at my toes and working up, tears threatening to spill. My sweet, classy Evan appears to be taking a shot from between the smashed boobs of a well-endowed blonde. Her barely there tank top is pulled down to “hold” his drink and his face is all up in that. His hands are braced on both her hips, just below the edges of a skirt riding ridiculously high as she lies back on a table.

How thoughtful of my friend Kaitlyn to capture this moment for me. Gritting my teeth, I try to remind myself that Evan can do whatever he wants; we’d discussed this at length. I have no right to be upset or jealous. The “spread your wings and fly” plan was mine. I just never thought he’d fly so far so fast. And I didn’t think I’d have to see it.

Shaking my head as though that’s going to erase the image, I snap loudly at everyone. “Let’s play some trivia!”

Turns out Dane is a really good guitarist and has a broad range of musical knowledge. I don’t stump him via iPod and he doesn’t trip me up via his strings. Bennett and Tate are barely even playing, and are either shameless, or have forgotten Dane and I are in the room. Despite the brick in my gut and the many times I find my mind wandering back to the picture, I’m actually having a pretty good time. Dane is great company, keeping me laughing and guessing. His talent and obvious passion for music is infectious, and his competitive streak, matched only by mine, is hilarious.

“Okay, Maestro, let’s see if there’s a song you can’t play,” I tease him.

He waits calmly, no remark.

Think, Laney, a song where you feel the guitar… “How about ‘The Cave’ by Mumford and Sons?”

I think I’ve got him, but he jumps right into it. He plays flawlessly, even singing along. It’s amazing, beautiful, and I can’t deny how it captivates me. He winks when he’s done and holds my eyes, waiting for me to speak.

“That was amazing, Dane.” I clear my throat to continue in more than a raspy whisper. “You’re very good, and I, sir, am impressed. Let me guess, you’re in a band?”

“Nope, no band.”

“And no college?”

“No college.”

“So what do you do?”

He laughs softly. “Nothing important.”

“Bullshit, Dane, you—” Tate starts but Dane cuts him off fiercely.

“I answered her, bro.”

I don’t pry further and the night, which really was fun, soon comes to a close.









When the team sets out to initiate the freshmen, they’re not playing around. Last night was so insane I barely remember most of it. Looking around slowly, I shield my eyes from the light creeping through the blinds. It takes a minute to realize I’d actually made it to my own room somehow.

Groggily sitting up, despite the cracked-out drummer in my head, I try to remember how I got home. After about the fourth or fifth tequila shot via the chest of a Bulldog Babe, everything gets a little fuzzy. I’ve never been a big drinker, but when the upperclassmen on your college football team summon you to an initiation party, you go. I just hope I didn’t make too big of a fool of myself.

I amble up to go use the bathroom and stop cold. No, no, no…..please say I’m still drunk and this isn’t happening.

Kaitlyn Michaels, Laney’s best friend, is standing just across the room in panties and my t-shirt. I look down at myself quickly, only underwear. Oh fucking hell, this has to be a nightmare. Why is she here? What happened? This couldn’t be worse. Laney will never buy the drunk excuse or forgive me. I’m pretty sure screwing friends wasn’t part of our deal.

I swallow down the bile, slowly looking up, gagging again when I meet Kaitlyn’s too-bright smile. She looks way too fucking happy and my gut coils. I might really throw up if this shit doesn’t start making sense real quick. Did I sleep with Kaitlyn? Surely not, you couldn’t get me that drunk, right?

She must see the question in my face because she clears her throat, beckoning my eyes to meet hers once again. “Relax, Evan, nothing happened. I’m an old friend; I just made sure you got home safe.”

Trying to wake up, I shake my head. “Then why are we in our underwear? And why are you still here?”

“I wasn’t gonna sleep in tight party clothes and you took your own stuff off. And thank you, but I didn’t think you’d want me driving back alone that late, so I crashed. You’re welcome, by the way,” she huffs and crosses her arms across her chest.

Oh, now she’s acting pissed and offended. Is she insane??? Laney will kill us both! This would be the worst betrayal possible—me and Kaitlyn. God help us if she ever finds out. We’ll both lose her forever. Yes, Kaitlyn got me home safe and I appreciate that, but shit—call me a cab, don’t spend the night in my room! I’d rather die in a ditch than lose Laney.

“Don’t get mad, Kaitlyn. I’m not trying to be mean, this is just weird and a lot to take in. I really do appreciate you looking out for me. And I’m glad nothing happened.” I go to grab water, my throat dry and tight. I turn back to Kaitlyn, full desperation in my voice. “I don’t think we should mention this to Laney. We didn’t really do anything wrong, but it’d be hard for her to understand. Right?”

“Of course, Evan,” she snips as she gathers her things. “I won’t tell Laney. I don’t see why not, though, aren’t you guys just friends now? That’s what I was being, a good friend.”

“You’re right, you were. Thanks, I mean it.” I pause to see what else she’s going to say, but after too long an awkward silence, I speak up. “So, I’m gonna go take a shower. Thanks again. Guess I’ll see ya around?”

She smiles and walks to the door, but there’s still a defensive air coming off her. “Yeah, Evan, I’ll see ya around.”

I stay in the shower for way too long, trying to assess the situation. Nothing happened. Kaitlyn was just being a good friend. We agreed not to tell Laney and upset her over nothing. It’s all gonna be okay.

Yup, everything will be fine.





Home Bittersweet Home





Leaving ball on Monday, my phone rings and I know it’s Evan before I answer.

“Well hello, stranger.”

“Baby girl, how are you? I missed you.”

I tell him I’m good, I’ve missed him, too. He explains how he lost his phone and just got a new one today. All I want to do is ask him about the picture I saw. I want to tell him how bad it hurt me, how disgusting it was, but I don’t. Evan needs to enjoy college, be free, and have fun…whatever that means to him.

That doesn’t mean I can’t test the water though, and see if he’ll tell me on his own. “So, how was your weekend?”

“Okay, I guess, had speed camp mostly, hung out for a while Saturday night, nothing much. What’d you do?”

Nope, he’s not going to tell me. The irony is not wasted on me. What took us years to build, a strong foundation that withstood any element, has just suffered its first crack. It took a fraction of the time.

“I did the Hall Crawl Friday night, it pretty much sucked. Saturday I swung a while then hung out and Sunday I did laundry.” All true.

We make plans to meet at home for the long Labor Day weekend coming up. I may be upset over the picture, but there’s no way I’m passing up a chance to see him. He’s still my best friend in the whole world, and I miss him.




Bennett calls during my drive home Friday night begging me to come back a day early and go out with her. Apparently something called “The K” will be “kickin’” because of the long weekend. Tate can’t make it, but she “reaaallllyyyy” wants to go. She’s working on our fake IDs right now.

I told her I’ll see. I’m not sure when Evan’s heading back, and I’m not leaving one minute before he does. Also, I have yet to go to a college party, and I’ve never heard of “The K,” so I’m a bit hesitant. I tell her I’d call her the next day or so.

I get home before Evan since I have a way shorter drive, so I have lots of time to get settled in and catch up with my Dad. He’s such a good man. I’ve never understood why he never dated after my mother took off. Once I asked him if he was lonely and he had a simple answer: “Now how could I be lonely when I have you? I already have the most beautiful, wonderful girl in the world.”

He loved my mother with all he was. He tried to ignore for so long how she’d simply “checked out” on us long before she actually left, but I’d known for a while that she wasn’t in the room even when she was sitting right beside me. I couldn’t believe she’d actually left, I didn’t know moms actually did that, but she did. We haven’t heard from her since, and we’ve never left that house, so she simply doesn’t want to talk to us, cause we damn sure aren’t hard to find.

Since that day, it’s been just me and Dad; every meal, every holiday, just us. His parents are both gone and I have no idea about her parents; they, too, are ghosts. He got me into playing ball, something he knew well and could relate to me with. He taught me how to fish, how to cook simple things, and how to be strong and self-sufficient. I may have been burned by my mother, but between my father, Evan, and even Parker, I’m set. I struck gold with the men in my life.

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