Except the Queen

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Authors: Jane Yolen,Midori Snyder

BOOK: Except the Queen
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Praise for
Except the Queen

“A magical tale. . . . Unconventional narrative techniques and a full dose of magic and folklore give this urban fantasy a lyrical, mythic feel.”

Publishers Weekly

“A wonderful romp of a book, full of unlikely heroes and heroines, thoroughly nasty villains, and natural magic seen through a kaleidoscope’s eye in vivid, ever-changing detail. . . . The writing is fast-paced and powerful. . . . 
Except the Queen
is indeed a treat for the fantasy lover.”

—Patricia A. McKillip, author of
The Bell at Sealey Head

“This is a great urban fantasy with an atypical feel to the story line that enhances the otherworldly tale. Fast-paced from the onset, fans will welcome the siblings as each struggles with adjusting to the world of the mortals.”

—Alternative Worlds

“Reminiscent of the urban fantasy of Charles de Lint in their ability to blend human characterizations with the world just beyond the borders of human perception, the authors succeed in crafting a modern fairy tale.”

Library Journal

“Jane Yolen really can’t be beat when it comes to traditional fantasy. This is a beautifully written novel.”

—So Many Books, So Little Time

“A fantastic read whether you believe in fairy tales or not!”

Sacramento Book Review

“An unexpected delight of a novel. . . . I loved the little surprises along the way to resolution and the unexpectedness of this quiet, beautifully written book.”

—The Book Smugglers




Jane Yolen


Midori Snyder


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Copyright © Jane Yolen and Midori Snyder, 2010

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ISBN: 978-1-101-66451-3


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For Terri Windling, Ellen Datlow, Isak Dinesen, Angela Carter, Alice Hoffman, Ellen Kushner, Delia Sherman, Pamela Dean, Patricia Wrede, Holly Black, Emma Bull, Patricia McKillip, Ellen Klages, Kelly Link, Diana Wynne Jones, Robin McKinley, Shannon Hale, and all the other sisters of fantasy.


For my mother, Jeanette Snyder, who made sure I knew how to swim in the river of myth and fairy tale.


Table of Contents

1 The Queen Remembers

2 Meteora Spills a Secret

3 Red Cap’s Dark Lord

4 Queen’s Plaint

5 Serana’s Expulsion

6 Meteora Runs Away

7 Serana Finds Herself

8 Meteora Meets Her Guide

9 Serana Moves In

10 Juan Flores Observes

11 Meteora Arrives in Town

12 Meteora’s Home

13 Sparrow’s Tattoo

14 Hawk

15 Sparrow’s Tattoo

16 Serana’s Doves

17 Meteora and the Dove

18 Serana Receives a Message

19 The Queen Scratches a Name

20 The Dog Boy Marks His Territory

21 Sparrow Under the Influence

22 Meteora Learns About Mail

23 Meteora Sends a Lesson

24 Serana and Paperwork

25 Serana Finds the Post Office

26 The Dog Boy Seeks But What Does He Find?

27 Meteora Finds the Changelings

28 Meteora’s Melancholy

29 Serana Among the Trees

30 The Dog Boy Finds

31 Serana Is Rudely Awakened

32 Serana’s Scare-bird

33 Sparrow Buys a Present

34 Meteora in the Garden, Meets a Jack

35 The Dog Boy’s Plaint

36 Serana Sees Portents, Signs

37 Hawk and Aileen

38 Meteora Meets Red Cap

39 Serana Recoils

40 Hawk Casts a Net

41 Sparrow at the Crossroads

42 Sparrow’s Plan

43 Meteora Has More Questions Than Answers

44 Summoning the Dog Boy

45 Serana Decides

46 Meteora Receives a Present

47 Sparrow Sleeps

48 Meteora Insists

49 The Dog Boy Scratches an Itch

50 Serana Has Five Days of Peace

51 Sparrow Steals a Letter

52 Meteora and the Arum

53 The Queen Searches

54 Serana Castigates the Arum, Her Sister, the Boy, the Girl

55 Sparrow Longs

56 Robin and Sparrow in the Garden

57 Meteora Regrets

58 Sparrow’s Anguish

59 Hawk’s Discovery

60 Meteora Enters the Battle

61 Serana and the Crones

62 Serana and the Crones Prepare for Battle

63 Sparrow and the Bananachs

64 Robin Binds the Wounds

65 Meteora Moves to Vinnie’s House

66 Serana in Flight

67 Dark Passage

68 The Bridge

69 Sparrow Begins a New Tale

70 Meteora Writes a Letter

71 Three Crones

About the Authors


The Queen Remembers

ou are in the forest that is not your own. You squint at its brightness; the sunlight bleaching the familiar green, the scent of the trees dusty as pressed flowers. You have come out of curiosity, and shivering beneath the glamour you are wearing, you roam through the quiet pines and birch. You have left behind your armor, your rank, your power, your great age. Here you are young, beautiful and fragile as the lily, your throat white and perfumed. Birds trill a warning and fall quiet. And then you hear it, a man singing softly under his breath, something tuneless, without true shape to change the world.

You stop and wait, frozen as the deer, for this is what you have come to see, to learn, to experience. For an eternity you have existed in another time, but now you are in this moment, and desire burns away the practiced control.

You see him weaving in and out of the sunlight, his chestnut hair stippled like a fawn’s hide. Yet he moves purposefully, hunting for you. You can smell the oil of his rifle, cradled in the crook of his arm. Alarm prickles your skin, crying
. But you will not. You want to see what happens. You want to know what it feels like, that pain that is human love, that weakness that binds stronger than spells. You, who have never given so much as a mustard seed of power for free, you have come to give yourself away.

The man moves into the clearing and hesitates as if he knows you are there. And why should he not feel you? Have you not come here the last three days to spy on him? He is well made, with a comely face that pleases you. He is dressed like an oriole, the dark wool of his coat partially covered by a shrill orange that makes it easy to spot him even in the brush.

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