Exception to the Rules (8 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Morris

BOOK: Exception to the Rules
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Inside, the club looked spectacular. Adorned with coral and lavender balloons, customer-made to match Marcella Girardi’s favorite colors. She’d been afraid that it would look like a clash of colors, but the elegance of the flowers, the sheer drapes, and the art work made it appear to be something out of a beautiful dream. The décor worked, and when the dance floor was packed and the music filled the air, the atmosphere would transform into something erotic and sensuous, exactly what she was aiming for.

Kallie waved from the bar and headed their way. She looked great in her simple red gown. With her hair pinned back by a sparkling diamond clip and the small hanging diamonds in her ears, she seemed to glow.

“Oh, you’re dazzling!” Kallie walked a complete circle around them. “Just ravishing! Both of you.”

“And check you out,” Bas said. “You’re going to have every man in this room begging for a few moments of attention from you.”

Her cheeks flushed and she averted her gaze. “Yeah, right.”

Bas reached for her hand. “Hey,” he said very softly. Kallie brought her gaze back to his after several heartbeats. “While I was on a mission in Ecuador, deep in the rainforest, I watched a caterpillar turn into a butterfly. The transformation was breathtaking, and later when I tried to tell a friend about the magnificence of the butterfly, I couldn’t find adequate words. Now all I would have to do is point to you, and he would understand.”

Kallie’s cheeks turned hot pink and her eyes grew moist. “I’m not—” 

Bas leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Knock ‘em dead, beautiful,” he murmured, just loudly enough so that Gaea could hear.

Her attention drifted from her assistant to this unusual man she’d hired to be her escort. How could he have known that Kallie had been struggling to transition from a somewhat geeky youth into a confident young woman? That the dress, the entire approach to Kallie’s look, was new and untried? That what Kallie needed most was a man, especially a very handsome, self-assured man, to affirm that she was stunning, that she could relax and enjoy this new phase of her life?

Kallie practically floated away with an indistinguishable promise to check into something, leaving Gaea alone with Bas. Well, as alone as one could be while waiters and team members scurried about adjusting this and straightening that. He smiled at her, but not in a cocky, boastful way, which she had kind of expected. He’d made Kallie’s night, and most men she knew would have worn that success like a trophy.

“Would you like something to drink?” he asked. “Or maybe there’s some work I can do? I’m pretty good with a screwdriver, or even a food tray.”

Gaea shook her head. “No, thanks. It looks as though we have everything under control, but if you’d like, you can come with while I do the final check.”

“I would love to.”


* * * *


After a good forty-five minutes of checking with the hired staff, the liquor supply and the DJ, Gaea led Bas back into the main room of the club. Kallie stood at the door, welcoming the first of the party goers. From the distance, Gaea couldn’t see who it was. As they walked across the dance floor, she felt Bas’s hand slip from her shoulder to the base of her neck. His long fingers felt a bit ticklish and very warm. Her first reaction was to cringe, but she pushed it aside quickly.

She’d never really thought about all the places a man touched a woman that went beyond casual boundaries. An acquaintance could definitely touch a shoulder, a hand, even an arm. But to touch the face or neck carried with it an unspoken message:
I’m entering into the land of intimate here. You’re allowing me to. That means were more than friends, and if you let my hand linger, it means you’re ready to allow me into more private areas.
Gaea hadn’t let anyone into her personal space in years, and she wondered if she’d been on a date with Bas, would she have cringed? Or would she have welcomed his touch?

  As things were now, she couldn’t shake his touch off. He was simply doing his job. Making it clear to everyone that they were a couple. She didn’t dare to tell him to back off in case Arnold was in sight, because Arnold could be anywhere at any time, watching for just this kind of thing.

In fact, she slowed her pace, looked up to meet Bas’s gaze, and slipped her hand around his waist.

“Hey there,” he murmured.

“You’re good at this,” she whispered.

“I’ve been on dates before.”

“This isn’t one.”

“Not technically, no. But why let a little thing like a perverted, pesky boss get in the way? I’m going to enjoy every minute of tonight, and I hope you are, too.”

“It’s irrelevant whether I enjoy myself or not. I can’t afford to forget I’m working.”

“Who said the two have to be exclusive? You can be attentive, take care of business, and still have some fun.”

She stopped him before he could get carried away. “What planet are you from?”

He shook his head, his expression perplexed. “Why on earth would you strive for a career that you don’t find enjoyable?”

“Enjoyable? Enjoyable isn’t the issue.”

“It isn’t? Are there better criteria?”

“Of course! Money, power. You know, the things that make the world go round?”

“So you get off on money and power, do you?”

“Who doesn’t?”

“You say that like it’s a given.”

“It is. Money and power is what it’s all about.”


“Come on, Bas. Look around you. Those who have the most money and power win.”

“Win what? What’s the prize?”

Gaea looked over at the front door. More people were arriving, and she shouldn’t leave Kallie to greet the crowd on her own. “Can we talk about prizes later? I need to be over there.”

“Sure. But I’m not going to forget where we were.”

“I’m positive you won’t.”

They reached the entrance and Kallie stepped to her side. “Owen Wilson is here, and so is Jessica Simpson. The limos are starting to stack up.”

“Wonderful. Now do me a favor. Go ask Zoey to start serving the hor d’oeuvres and champagne. Have you seen Arnold?”

“He arrived some time ago. He asked me where you were.”

“I’m sure he’s around.”

Kallie gave Bas a big smile, then headed off for the kitchen. Gaea turned to find Jamie Foxx at the door with his latest girlfriend. She settled in for a long hour of greetings, the entire time aware that Bas was close by.


* * * *


Once the bulk of the guests had arrived, Bas lead Gaea away from the door into the heart of the party. The music, a body thumping mix by one of the most popular DJs in the city, was just loud enough to make conversation difficult. Drinks and food flowed freely courtesy of the ever attentive staff, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. He hoped to make that the case for Gaea as well.

She handled the introductions like a pro, but when he touched her, he could feel the tension in her muscles. Arnold had come by briefly, pretty much ignoring Bas, but the crowd had been such that he had to leave Gaea alone. Now that they were out in the open, so to speak, Bas felt certain Arnold would make his move.

They were in the middle of a dance floor when an upbeat song with a strong beat came on. Bas grabbed Gaea’s hand and spun her around to face him. “Let’s dance,” he shouted.

She shook her head no, and tried to turn away, but he stopped her.

“Come on, one dance. It will help you relax.”

She closed the distance between them and he bent at the waist so his ear was near her mouth. “I don’t know how.”

“Ah,” he said. “Then I’ll wait for a slow song.”

“Bas, I have a lot of work to do.”

“What work would that be? Everything’s going wonderfully.”

“I have to make sure it continues.”

“It will. Look around.”

She did, with a slow spin, turning around until she’d see the entire room.

“See? These people know how to have fun on their own.”

She nodded, but appeared to be preoccupied by something in a dark corner. He followed her gaze to find Kallie standing with Dax Kavanagh. The two were huddled close as Dax talked to her.

“Is something wrong?”

Gaea shook her head. “No, everything’s okay. It’s just that Kallie has a—”

He lost the tail end of her sentence. “What?”

She stood up on tiptoe and cupped her mouth. “Kallie has a huge crush on him. I’m happy for her.”

“Ah. Good for her.”

The fast song ended and another fast number took its place. “Is there something quiet around here?”

“The only place I know of is the bathroom.”

He arched a brow in her direction. “No good.”

“Oh,” she said. “There’s the V.I.P. room.”

“Perfect. Where’s the entrance?”

She pointed toward the bar. “Over there where security is standing guard.”

He chuckled. “No need to show me. You’re coming with me.”

“No, I don’t have time.”

“Yes, you do.” He took her hand and led her through the throng of people. It took a while, but they made it off the dance floor. He even managed to grab a glass of champagne as they neared the bar.

The bar area bustled with activity, but Bas didn’t allow her to stop to investigate. He just kept leading her toward the V.I.P. area. When they reach the entrance, the security guard nodded at her and stepped aside. Gaea dug her heels in.

“Bas, really, I can’t.”

“Just a few minutes. We’ll get away from the crowd, have a drink, relax. Then we can come back and you can work as hard as you want.”

“I don’t think you understand,” she stated, unfortunately not ready to concede to his request. Thankfully Arnold Pratt made his appearance, giving Bas the perfect excuse. He was on the other side of the bar, but he’d spotted them. His voice, calling out Gaea’s name, but he could barely be heard over the music.

“Don’t look now,” Bas said. “Arnold has spotted us.”


“Let’s go in before he gets over here.”

She allowed him to lead her into the dimly lit room. The ambiance was even more steamy and sensual than inside the main part of the club. Perfect.

He tugged her toward a dark corner that would offer them privacy.

“See there,” he said. “This isn’t as bad as you thought it would be.”

“Actually, it is—”

“Much better than you though it would be.” He handed her the glass of champagne. “I won’t ask you to sit because I know you’ll resist. However, I do insist you take at least one sip of that. Then relax. At least that will give us enough time to make Arnold wonder what we are doing in here.”

Gaea looked at the glass, then back at him. “Okay. Just a couple minutes.”

“Sheesh! Is that is? Man, you don’t expect much from me, do you?”

She appeared puzzled for a few heartbeats, then she gasped. “You really think Arnold will think we’re in here having sex?”

“People have done it.”

Gaea arched a dark brow in his direction. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

Bas returned her disbelieving expression. “You seriously doubt it would be the first thing he’d attempt to do if he had the opportunity?”

She sighed. “With the way Arnold has been acting, you’re probably right.”

He stepped closer to her, took her hand into his. “You don’t think it’s the first thing any man here tonight would do if given half the chance?”

“You need to stop with the compliments. I just might start to believe you.”

Bas tugged her closer, resting her hands against his chest. “You have no idea how enticing you are, do you?”

She averted her gaze. “Arnold isn’t here.”

“And you can’t imagine how happy that makes me.”

She looked back at him. He didn’t hide his innermost thoughts at all. And when he saw her tongue sweep out and moisten her bottom lips, the last of his control went out the window. He lowered his head for the kiss he’d desired all evening.

He enclosed her in his embrace, not wanting to give her the opportunity to get away, but from her response, that seemed to be the last thing on her mind. She opened her mouth just enough to allow him to fully taste her, to linger the warm, moist recesses of her wet heat. She made a small sound, and he pressed closer, letting her feel his desire. Her moan told him he’d succeeded.

“I’ve wanted to have you like this since you walked out of the bedroom tonight,” he whispered.

She responded with her mouth, sliding her hands into his hair, bringing his head down again as she teased him with her tongue. His entire body went taut at the feel of her, with jolts of pleasure rushing through him. His hands moved slowly over the bare flesh of her back, the silkiness enough to push him to the brink.

When he felt her fingers gripping his back, he was the one who moaned. He took pleasure in her taste, maneuvering his mouth to get her from every angle, to touch her completely and thoroughly, to possess her.

Pulling her closer, the sounds of the party goers around them disappeared until all that existed was the two of them.

He pressed against her, anxious and hard, letting her know that all she had to do was say the word—


Arnold’s voice stopped them cold. She pulled away, jerking as though she’d been hit.

“Hello, Arnold,” Bas said, disliking the man more and more.

“Gaea,” he said again, ignoring Sebastian. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“I just took a short break,” she said. “Is something wrong?”

D Magazine
wants an interview, and I thought you should be present.”

“I thought they wanted to do a piece on Trisha and Dax.”

“They do, but we should definitely be there as well.”

“Well, um, okay. I’ll be right out.”

Arnold gave Bas a look that would have made a lesser man shake. “I’ll show you where they are since they aren’t on site.”

She reached out and took Sebastian’s hand. “Okay, we’re ready.”

When Arnold realized Bas was joining them, he wasn’t happy, to say the least. The rest of the evening was all business, but every time she looked at him, he knew her thoughts never strayed too far from that kiss.

Chapter Seven


They left the party a few minutes after three, the quiet of the elevator startling after so much noise. Gaea seemed pleased and exhausted. From what he could see, the evening had been an absolute success. However, it hadn’t been triumphant for him.

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