Exile of Lucifer (18 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Exile of Lucifer
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140          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
received earlier. Kara watched him leave and waited for calm to be
restored. Though uncomfortable with the nature of the debate,
Kara knew the time had come to make an end of it.
"Brother angels! We stand ready to influence our Kingdom as
never before. The Fourth Day has come and gone--the earth now
has its own sun and moon and even stars that shed their light apart
from our Lord. This can only mean that His attention will now turn
toward the inhabitants of that planet--inhabitants who will need a
gentle hand to guide them. I know, brothers, that these are stressful
times. But we must be brave and humble in this task as we place
our trust and confidence in the one angel who can maintain unity
among our struggling angelry. I, Kara, elder of the Host, call upon
this body to make official our designation of Lucifer as governor of
the new world called earth; and for that name to be humbly placed
before the Most High for His wise and most holy consideration..."
Michael entered Lucifer's house in a guarded mood. Crispin
had convinced him that this was a proper course of action as
Lucifer had initiated the contact. He also felt he owed it to one of
Heaven's greatest angels to meet with him alone, but could not
help but be suspicious of this sudden desire on Lucifer's part to
speak with him. Serus conducted Michael through the vast house
and led him into the garden where Lucifer was seated. Michael
noticed immediately the worshipful state of mind that the garden
invited as Lucifer's music filled the air, greeting visitors as they
progressed through the estate.
"Ah, Michael," said Lucifer, who stood to embrace him.
"Thank you for coming!" He indicated for Michael to be seated
next to where he had been sitting. "Serus, see that we are not dis-
turbed," Lucifer said.
After Serus disappeared Lucifer continued. "I know how
awkward my message must have made you feel, dear brother,"
said Lucifer. "But it is for that reason that I wanted to speak with
you to clear your mind of any thoughts you might have regarding
"I fear you are making a grave mistake placing yourself in Lucifer's hands."   141
my loyalty to the Most High. It is terribly awkward for me as well,
I assure you."
Michael was clearly uncomfortable. Lucifer was the most
influential angel in Heaven and here he himself was, a recently
appointed archangel, accusing Lucifer of nothing short of disloyal-
ty to God. "I'm sure that we can straighten the matter out, Lucifer,"
said Michael, "provided that you can set my mind at ease regard-
ing some activities of which I have become aware."
"Of course," said Lucifer. "Anything I can do to promote har-
mony in this Kingdom will have my full attention and support."
Thus did Michael begin to divulge to Lucifer the results of his
investigations and discussions with other angels. All of the recent
events seemed to swirl about the two as Michael chronologically
detailed Lucifer's apparent jealousy of Gabriel; the Council of Wor-
ship's potentially hostile agenda; the prideful attitude of certain
angels friendly to Lucifer; the teaching at the Academy and the
brashness of many angels there; Sangius' report of Lucifer's inter-
est in the Creation; Lucifer's alliance with Pellecus and other angels
who seemed bent upon great changes....
When Michael was finished he waited for Lucifer's reaction
with great interest. As he made the charges his discomfort had
taken on a feeling of vindication. He felt that he would finally begin
to clear up this matter by placing Lucifer in direct line of his ques-
tioning. Also, by taking the matter discreetly to Lucifer and allow-
ing him to give his own account, he felt he was doing the honorable
thing. Surely the Most High would approve should this matter take
on greater importance.
"Well I certainly look guilty, don't I?" Lucifer finally respond-
ed. He picked a berry from one of the nearby bushes and tossed it
casually into his mouth. "And I can certainly understand why you
and Gabriel and the others would be concerned." He laughed. "If I
were you I too would be suspicious of me!"
"Well?" asked Michael. "Can you explain these things to me so I
can go back and tell the others that we have nothing to fear in Lucifer?"
"Fear me?" asked Lucifer, who burst into laughter. "I thought
there was no fear in this Kingdom." He looked at Michael with
142          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
great passion. "Dear Michael, I preside over the worship of the
Most High God, Creator of all. I bring praises to the Throne Room
of Him who is above all. My music fills Heaven as we rejoice and
extol the virtue of the Father, Son and Spirit. Tell me, Michael, if I
was truly involved in these sordid excursions do you really believe
that the Most High would allow me to continue in my place of
service--much less approach His Throne and lead others there as
well?" Michael noticed that as Lucifer spoke a hazy light blue aura
manifested around him, which usually only occurred whenever
Lucifer was leading the praises of the Lord.
"Our Lord is all-powerful, is He not?" continued Lucifer. "Yes,
He is. He is in the process now of creating a world merely by speak-
ing it into existence as you and I would speak to another angel. If
these seditious antics were truly occurring how long would I or
Pellecus or any of the rest of those you named be a part of this King-
dom? Why would the Most High tolerate corruption under His
very throne? He would not, I say--not if He is truly all-powerful!"
"I cannot answer that," said Michael. "I know that Crispin
believes that the longsuffering nature of our Lord possibly allows
Him to put up with such behavior--for a season."
"Ah, Crispin," said Lucifer. "A capable teacher there. Very
wise. And very jealous of the school's reputation and integrity. Per-
haps a little too jealous, Michael."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm simply pointing out that when one is buried in one's
tasks one can lose perspective and become a little overprotective of
his domain--small as it might be. I love Crispin with all my heart.
But he seldom leaves the Academy and for that reason is mistrust-
ful of most who enter there--including myself and others who
might enjoy debating a different point of view. Crispin is to you
what Pellecus is to me--an academic voice with whom I enjoy
scholarly discourse. Nothing more."
"Crispin would welcome debate," Michael said. "But open debate
that would involve the secretive teachings that Pellecus promotes."
"Secretive teachings?" asked an amused Lucifer. "I would
hardly call what most of the Academy now seems to subscribe to a
"I fear you are making a grave mistake placing yourself in Lucifer's hands."   143
secret teaching! No, Michael, Crispin would call secretive anything
that he deemed unworthy of or different from the sacred teachings.
Perhaps if he would entertain different thoughts from time to time
he wouldn't find himself a part of such fantasies and see danger in
every new idea." Lucifer smiled. "He certainly has agitated a great
number of angels with this nonsense."
"So what does Pellecus teach?" asked Michael, finding him-
self on the defensive at this point. "Crispin is no fool. If he believes
that there is dangerous doctrine being promoted within the Acade-
my there must be something to it."
"I quite agree," said Lucifer. "Crispin is no fool. But you and
I will never settle this here. This is a matter to be settled between
Pellecus and Crispin. It always centers around those two, doesn't
it? Perhaps there would be no better way to demonstrate my devo-
tion to the peace and goodwill of this Kingdom than by helping
create a lasting peace between them."
"What are you proposing?" asked Michael, curiosity aroused.
"You said yourself that Crispin would welcome open debate
on the subjects that are in question. I propose that Pellecus and
Crispin have such a debate to be witnessed by the instructors and
students of the Academy. This would be a scholarly exercise unpar-
alleled since the inception of the school, and would, I believe, lay to
rest the notion that Pellecus' teachings are dangerous. Perhaps,
Michael, it might even be discovered that the real peril to the
integrity of the Academy comes from the unwillingness within to
grow in knowledge. Pellecus has borne brutal reaction from the
Academy. But enlightenment comes at a price for those willing to
birth it."
Michael thought about Lucifer's suggestion. He didn't neces-
sarily agree that a debate would lay matters to rest. But he did feel
that by opening up the issue in such a setting it would at least clar-
ify the positions of the angels involved, both students and teachers.
He liked the idea.
"I'll speak to Crispin about it," said Michael.
"And I Pellecus," said Lucifer. "What a discourse that will be!"
144          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
As they continued talking Lucifer batted down Michael's
arguments one by one with great skill: Sangius? He was upset with
Lucifer because he wanted to become more highly placed within
the Kingdom and Lucifer felt that his request was untoward. He
did propose that Sangius take less of a role in the Council of Wor-
ship until an appropriate response to Sangius' request could be
engineered. But Lucifer was "shocked" that he would take his
anger to such extremes and actually accuse him of some malevolent
The Council of Worship? Indeed there were a number of
angels from the various ministries involved in regular meetings
with Lucifer. What better way to infuse all of Heaven with the wor-
ship of the Most High than by selecting high officers from each
order and instructing them in the praises to Him?
Pellecus' teaching? The debate should settle that issue.
"Now we must come to something which I must concede is
true and for which I am ashamed: my attitude of late," Lucifer con-
tinued. "I must admit it's a bit of a mystery even to myself,
Michael. I have felt withdrawn lately and quite alone. I am no
longer satisfied with the performance of my duties...it's as if I have
lost touch with the Lucifer I once was..." He looked lovingly at
Michael, his bluish aura reflecting off Michael's face. "How very
proud I am of your rank, my brother. Indeed I should have shared
in your joy instead of retreating from it."
Michael felt a stirring of compassion for Lucifer--something
that he had not felt sincerely for quite some time. "Lucifer, I am
here to help you in any way I can. I wish to have you for my friend
and brother. As an archangel I am obliged to seek out any potential
disturbances to the Kingdom and this is what has brought me here.
Will you give me your promise, Morning Star, my once and always
brother, whose sacred office lifts praises on high, that your purpos-
es in this realm are pure?"
"I swear that, Michael. I have no intention in mind except
that which I believe to be best for this or any kingdom that our Lord
has devised."
"I fear you are making a grave mistake placing yourself in Lucifer's hands."   145
"Then I must believe you, Lucifer. And I must report to the
others that I do so believe." Lucifer started to embrace Michael,
who held up his hand to stop him. "But hear me now, brother.
Should you or any other angel prove false to this Kingdom, I will
avenge the honor of the Lord."
"May you have the better of me, Michael, should I prove
false," Lucifer said, grasping Michael's strong hands. "May you
cast me out of Heaven, never to return, should I prove a liar."
Michael looked at Lucifer and softened his features. He
laughed aloud and added, "May it never be!"
"My lord!" came Serus' voice from somewhere in the garden.
He appeared from the direction of Lucifer's dwelling. "My lord. A
delegation from the Chief Elder has arrived on urgent business!"
Lucifer looked perplexed and turned to Michael. "Michael,
certainly you did not report these suspicions to the Elders?"
"No," answered Michael, who thought to himself that Kara
certainly made short work of it. "I came straight to you!"
"In any case I would like you to receive the delegation with me.
If perchance this issue has come to light I would like you to allay
their fears with the words we have just shared here in my garden."
"Of course," said Michael as they made their way toward the
house. Lucifer certainly didn't appear to have prior knowledge to
the news he was about to receive. If in fact this were the delegation
naming him steward, would he truly have asked Michael to accom-
pany him?
The Elders had assembled in the massive entryway of
Lucifer's house. Michael could see Kara talking with some of the
others as Lucifer led the way into the room. Lucifer and Kara
looked at each other for a brief moment and exchanged knowing
glances. Serus also saw the exchange between the two and was a lit-
tle repulsed by the fact that Lucifer's plans seemed to be working
out so splendidly.
"There he is," Kara announced. "Greetings, brother Lucifer."
Kara rushed to embrace Lucifer and then stopped quite suddenly
146          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
upon seeing Michael enter the room behind the worship angel.
Kara gave Lucifer a wondering look and then added, "And the
archangel Michael! How marvelous that you are here as well!"
"Yes," Lucifer quickly responded, taking Kara's hand. "I am
glad to report to you and the other Elders that all is well in Heav-
en, though I am sure that is not what brought you here!" They
laughed. He looked intently at Kara and repeated in a lower tone of
voice, "All is well." Kara glanced again at Michael and nodded in
Assuming his role as chief delegate of the Council, Kara
solemnly said, "We are here, my lord, in an official capacity to
announce that the Elders would have your name placed before the
Most High as the greatest angel in Heaven and the most worthy
subject to become governor of the new world! Brother Lucifer, we
desire to see you become the steward of earth!"
Lucifer looked completely surprised. He turned to Michael
who himself was watching Lucifer's reaction. "My dear brothers,"
Lucifer responded, "thank you for such an honor. I am deeply
moved." He motioned for everyone to move into the receiving
room where they gathered in the center.
"Noble honor fitting for so noble an angel," added Plinus.
"Thank you again. It's quite embarrassing really. The
archangel and I were just now discussing issues which found me
rather compromised. I hope, Michael, that this coincidence does
not change your conclusion about me. I was not expecting this!"
"Lucifer, I honor you as always," Michael said, still astonished
by it all but willing to go along discreetly.
"But surely we all recognize that the plans of the Most High
cannot be anticipated by us mere angels," Lucifer said. "Who are
we to bring this before Him?"
The Elders looked at each other somewhat confused, as Kara
implored Lucifer as to the reasons that he must accept their recom-
mendation of him to the Lord.
Michael could not believe what he was hearing. Lucifer and a
few "malcontents" as Crispin called them was one thing. They
could be explained and handled. But the Elders? The ruling angels

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