Exile of Lucifer (15 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Exile of Lucifer
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"I can tell that the news is overwhelming."             115
Word has come to me that perhaps you and some others
harbor certain feelings of resentment towards me. As we
have always been brothers I desire to express to you my
undying love and my sincere wish to win back your con-
fidence. True, I have been vacant of late, but not because
of anything untoward or brooding.
My position as leader of the worship of the Most High
has held me captive recently. I beg you to visit me after
this next creative phase is concluded. I understand that
the fifth day is upon us and I must attend that glorious
spectacle. Afterwards we shall meet, you and I, as broth-
ers and servants of God, and will dispel any and all
rumors that have bewitched your heart.
Your brother angel, L.
Michael read through the message several times, trying to
ascertain the true intent of its sender. Was it possible that every-
one was misunderstanding Lucifer? Perhaps he should at least
give some room for doubt. Everything Michael had uncovered
indicated that a small group of angels under Lucifer's leadership
were planning...something. But what? There was no real hard evi-
dence that indicated anything truly seditious or rebellious point-
ing back to Lucifer--bits of this and strands of that. Crispin was
certainly convinced that there was something perverse happening
among the Host. But does poor judgment or moody dispositions
indicate treasonous intent? Could it be that Lucifer simply needed
a friendly voice of encouragement rather than the suspicions of an
Michael's attitude all along had always been that if there was a
chance for reconciliation between the angels then such an event must
occur. A show of unity among the Host would benefit the Kingdom
immensely, particularly with the plans for the new Creation unfold-
ing. Such a show of love would also be pleasing to the Most High,
would it not? Michael decided to meet with the others and show
116          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
them the overture he had received from Lucifer. Or perhaps he
should meet privately with Kara first?
"Michael! What a splendid surprise," Kara said, greeting
Michael warmly. Michael had not spoken with Kara since he met
with the others and advised a prudent course of action. Kara saw
the scroll in Michael's hands. "I gather this meeting is coincidental
to our discussion about Lucifer."
"Yes it is, Kara," Michael replied, handing the scroll over. "I
received this from Lucifer and thought you should be advised."
"Really?" Kara answered, unrolling the scroll and beginning
to read. He looked up from time to time at Michael, gratified that
the archangel had brought the letter to him. It meant that he had
the complete trust of Michael and the others. As he finished the let-
ter he looked at Michael and asked, "What do you intend to do?"
"I don't know, Kara," Michael said. "I want to reconcile if at
all possible but I'm not sure whether to trust him at this point. I
must have an Elder's position on this."
"Yes, that is an issue," Kara agreed. "And we certainly desire
to reconcile all parties in this affair if at all possible. The Lord's
expectation of the Host is that we be able to settle such matters
without His involvement. After all, Michael, if angels cannot settle
affairs in Heaven, how can we possibly hope to govern the earth
"How can `we' hope?" asked Michael. "So the Elders do
believe that an angel will be named to govern the new world?"
Kara acted uncomfortable, as if he had blundered into some
sensitive territory that he should have left alone. Michael sensed
the tension and indicated that Kara need not go on. Kara held up
his hand and said, "Well Michael, I officially am not at liberty to say
right now but as the present crisis is extremely volatile, I shall
divulge some Kingdom information with you, strictly confidential
of course. As an archangel you will soon be privy to this anyway."
Kara motioned for Michael to sit with him on a golden couch.
He hesitated for a moment or two as if collecting his thoughts, and
"I can tell that the news is overwhelming."           117
then began his story. "Michael, as you know, the Most High creat-
ed the Twenty-four Elders to worship Him at His Throne and to
dispense His authority among the Host. It is a tremendous honor
and one that none of us takes lightly. We are merely His servants
and recognize our role as completely submitted to His holy will. It
has never been the role of an Elder or any angel to approach the
Lord with anything other than the expected prayers offered in His
most holy name.
"Now Michael, before the announcement of the Creation was
made, the Most High in an act of marvelous grace informed the
Elders through the Zoa that the Creation was imminent." Kara
reflected a bit on the event, drinking it all in once again. "The Zoa
are curious creatures, Michael, unlike any other in the Kingdom,
and they have the closest proximity to His Person of any being in
Heaven." Michael had often wondered about these strange crea-
tures who were tied so closely to the Throne of God and whose
appearance was said to be both beautiful and bizarre. "The Zoa
also informed the Council of Elders that there would be a `steward'
named to exercise authority on behalf of the Most High, and that
the Lord would proclaim such person in due course. Naturally we
were thrilled! Think of an angel governing the greatest creation
since Heaven in the name of the Most High God!"
Michael could read utter delight in Kara's eyes, as if he was
lost in the thought of it all. "So how did Lucifer come by this infor-
mation?" asked Michael. "If this was all as secretive as you say,
Lucifer should not have known until Gabriel himself announced it.
That's when all the rest of us heard."
Kara looked surprised at Michael. "What are you suggesting?
That an Elder would discuss sacred Kingdom business with other
angels? That's absurd! Lucifer found out precisely when you did--
at Gabriel's announcement."
"I'm not suggesting any Elders spoke out of turn, Kara," said
Michael. "I'm merely pointing out that Lucifer's behavior had
begun changing even before the announcement. That's all."
"Quite, quite," said Kara. "I see. Yes, well Lucifer was operat-
ing under some difficult situations, Michael. He was involved in
118          CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
matters for the Most High--urgent matters of which even many of
the Elders are unaware. You see, Lucifer understood that the Lord
had selected him for a great promotion. We all knew it. But none of
us knew what the promotion entailed. So when first you, then
Gabriel were named archangels, Lucifer was a bit discouraged."
Kara was relieved that Michael believed the story, which was
not entirely untrue. Lucifer had been selected for a great promotion--
of sorts. The Most High apparently intended on allowing Lucifer to
teach the new creatures on earth how to worship Him so that they
might begin their lives in adoring fellowship. Kara had only just
happened on this information and found it quite amusing that the
very creatures that were to have been taught by Lucifer how to
worship the Most High would now be learning how to worship
Lucifer. He would enjoy telling this amusing detail to Lucifer.
"Discouraged to the extreme, I should say," said Michael. "I
really think that he exceeded discouragement, don't you?"
"Of course," agreed Kara. "Lucifer is far from perfect, though
the Lord created him with a divine beauty that reflects a sort of per-
fection. I'll admit he has strayed a bit--acted out of sorts--but what
angel has not?"
Michael was surprised by Kara's attitude. Recognizing that
Lucifer had "strayed" was one thing, but making excuses for him
was inappropriate for an Elder. "Of course angels are far from per-
fect," Michael retorted. "But an angel with such responsibility as
Lucifer must behave in a decorum befitting his rank. Lucifer is high-
ly exalted--the Anointed Cherub--and must behave responsibly!"
"Agreed, Michael. That is why the Council spoke with him.
You didn't know that, hmm? You see Michael, I have not been idle
since I met with you and Crispin and the others. The Chief Elder
and I and a few select others ministered to Lucifer and allowed him
to purge himself of these attitudes. So now the matter is in its final
"Except for the fact that nothing has changed," Michael
answered. "Lucifer's attitude hasn't improved. If anything it has
gotten worse. And the horrible situation at the Academy must be
addressed as well."
"I can tell that the news is overwhelming."           119
"I tell you, Michael, that both Lucifer and the Academy are
well on their way to recovery. Things sometimes do change in
Heaven." He smiled.
"Well I certainly see no change in Lucifer's attitude," Michael
"Yes, as this letter you handed me reveals," Kara said with a
touch of sarcasm. He held up the letter. "Is this not the writing of a
contrite spirit, Michael?" He looked deeply into Michael's eyes.
"Perhaps you have been pursuing Lucifer for so long you have for-
gotten that he might in fact have a change of heart. You must give
him the benefit of any doubt. Just as some of the Council has in its
move to recommend him to the Lord."
"Recommend Lucifer?" asked a weary Michael. "For what?"
"That should be obvious, Michael. We are recommending
Lucifer to the Lord as steward of the earth to rule in the Lord's
name and authority. Or at least we will be shortly as soon as the
matter has been deliberated. Decorum, you know."
Kara enjoyed the effects of his words upon the archangel of
whom he was becoming less and less fond. Michael was astonished!
All this time he had been investigating an alleged plan by Lucifer to
somehow work his way into an authority which, should the Elders
have their way, would now be handed over to him. It didn't make
sense. Even if Lucifer was told that he might be appointed to some
great promotion, the fact that he was working with such venomous
fervency to realize such a possibility was at best unwise--at worst,
unholy. Either Michael was the worst judge of character in all of
Heaven or the Elders were completely taken in!
"I can tell that the news is overwhelming," said Kara. He
placed his hands on Michael's shoulders and faced him with great
compassion. "Michael, you asked me to help you as an Elder. I did
that. I spoke with Lucifer and brought him into the Council for dis-
cipline. I believe he was forthright with us. He indicated that he
had been misjudged in some matters and judged rightly in others.
But he assured us that he was in no way involved in any plan to
have himself honored. Lucifer promotes only the Lord and not him-
self. You can be sure of that, Michael."
120         CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
Michael looked at Kara, deeply troubled. Suddenly the issue
of Lucifer and the Academy and the turmoil in the Host seemed
insignificant compared with this arrogance being displayed by the
Elders. He was almost trembling with revulsion at the thought of
mere angels approaching the Most High with this or any other rec-
ommendation as to how something should proceed. Creatures
appearing before the Creator without invitation in order to pro-
mote one of their own! Abominable!
"Kara. The Council cannot seriously consider such a move,"
Michael finally said. "The Elders have no more right to present a
petition to the Lord than I do! On whose authority would they
make this...this suggestion?"
"Why it would be on our own authority, Michael," answered
Kara, who knew that he must step delicately in this matter. "You
see, we believe the time is coming when angels will have a
greater...involvement in the Kingdom. The Creation bears this out.
A steward to be named bears this out. We are merely expediting the
"On your own authority?" Michael asked. "You have no
authority except that given to you by the Lord! This makes no sense
to me at all, Kara. Is the Chief Elder in agreement with this?"
"Quite," answered Kara smugly. "Wholeheartedly, I believe.
As are most of the others." He looked slyly at Michael and added,
"At some point, Michael, you must decide too whether or not you
support the authority and wisdom of the Most High as we do. I
assume you are with Him?"
Michael reared back. "What are you talking about?" he asked.
"I am most loyal to the Lord. I am the Chief Commander of the
Host and completely dedicated to the wisdom and authority of
God! This you know, Kara." Michael's sword began to shimmer as
a bluish aura began emanating from it. Kara looked at the sword
and back again at Michael.
"Well then," said Kara quietly, composed once more and feel-
ing the advantage of Michael's anger, "you must know that the
Lord in His wisdom provided for the Council of Elders and vested
them with His authority to act in the best interests of the Kingdom.
"I can tell that the news is overwhelming."              121
If you disregard the wisdom and actions of this body, you demean
the wisdom and authority of our Most Holy God by implying that
He has selected angels who are unwise--a most unwise thing for so
wise a God to do. Wouldn't you agree?"
"I suppose," said Michael, recalling his conversation with
Crispin at the Academy. "But even the wisest angel can choose
wrongly, even if his intentions are pure. I suspect they can also
choose wrongly with the most impure of intentions."
"I would only say the Lord have mercy on that angel," said
Kara, haughtily. "But I suspect, Michael, that were something foul
in Heaven, the Lord would have dealt with it by now. Yet I see
Lucifer still in his office. I see the Elders in order. In fact, I see no
angel in any danger of the Lord's judgment!" He laughed.
"Nor do I, Kara," answered Michael. "But then you and I are
merely angels."
Chapter 9
"One day it will be the Son
casting the shadow, not us!"
As Michael made his way to the Academy he thought of his
disappointing conversation with Kara. How could Kara be so
enamoured with Lucifer? Or was he? Maybe Kara was right. Per-
haps Lucifer had been the quarry for so long that perspective had
been skewed. Still, as he reflected on the meeting he began to see a
disturbing logic that Lucifer and his proponents all seemed to rally
around: that the Lord's apparent inaction was a validation of their
progress. Kara alluded to this notion; Berenius was stirring it up at
the Academy; Sangius admitted that the Council of Worship found
comfort in it. Several times Michael had had the question posed to
him: Why hasn't the Most High acted if there is something amiss--even
wickedness occurring in Heaven? Why would He tolerate such behavior?
Crispin's answer to the question was couched in rather vague
terms that offered nothing but the fact that the Lord is sovereign
and will act when He deems it appropriate. But by not intervening,
could God be encouraging such behavior within the Host? Was He
ignorant of the affairs of Heaven as Lucifer thought; or was He
merely a longsuffering God who held out for final reconciliation as
Crispin held?

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