Exile of Lucifer (12 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Exile of Lucifer
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88           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
viewpoint are simply the leading edges of a much larger, much
more sinister movement."
Sangius next spoke about his association with Lucifer, his
work on the Council of Worship and his slow plunge into Lucifer's
reckless world of criticism, suspicion and ambition. He told about
meetings that were particularly offensive toward the Lord or the
Kingdom, and how the Council members were passionately loyal
to Lucifer. He concluded by recounting his recent dismissal from
the Council and the recovery of his integrity through worshiping
the Lord and loving Him as never before.
Throughout the testimonies Gabriel gave no response, show-
ing very little emotion, except when Sangius spoke of his own hurt,
at which point Gabriel felt tremendous compassion. When they
were finished Gabriel sat quietly for a moment or two and then
spoke up.
"I owe you an apology, Michael. Earlier I cut you off and told
you to leave this Lucifer business alone. I can see now that your
feelings are justified or at least have the appearance of something
real." He looked at the group. "The day the Creation was
announced Lucifer was trying to pry information out of me as to
who would be governing the new world. Octrion was with him,
jabbering away as usual. I could tell the two of them had been dis-
cussing it. I can see where you might have been suspicious."
"What do you think we should do, Gabriel?" asked Michael,
relieved that Gabriel was at least considering his position in light of
the new evidence.
"I believe that the last thing we should do is make too public
an issue of this. Not yet anyway," Gabriel answered. "This calls for
patience and deliberation."
"I agree completely," said Crispin. "We must not allow Lucifer
or any of those angels friendly towards him to know that we are
observing their movements with such interest."
Crispin leaned back in his chair and assumed a professorial
attitude. "He'll give himself away at some point. He must if he is
ever to...do whatever he intends to do. The Creation now seems to
be the focus. Perhaps as it unfolds Lucifer will overreach himself
and then we'll have him."
"All I need is a show of strength--something impressive!"       89
"I don't want to have him," said Michael. "I want him to come to
his senses." He gave his old teacher a resigned look. "But you're right,
Crispin. The Creation seems to be the prime consideration in all of
this." He shook his head and made a baffled expression. "Except
that the Creation was only recently announced and Lucifer has
apparently been garnering hidden support for quite a while now."
"That's his way," said Sangius, who was considered the resi-
dent expert on Lucifer's secret world because of his recent post on
the Council. "Lucifer has always envisioned an opportunity for
which he needed to prepare. He told the Council once that his
appointment to the worship ministry was a result of his own musi-
cal effort rather than the grace of God. How did he put it? Ah yes,
he said that `music is merely a tool like any other tool--a vehicle to
something greater.' What makes Lucifer so dangerous is that he
believes he has a destiny that he must fulfill. This drives him. And,
naturally, in order to fulfill that destiny he must prepare.
"So he has been slowly building up support through the influ-
ence of the Council; through the teachings of Pellecus; through his
own ability to charm and ingratiate himself with others, by prom-
ising future benefits for present loyalties. I believe that he views the
Creation as the opportunity he has been looking for--though in
what way he intends for it to be of use to him I am not sure."
"Just remember," said Gabriel, who was increasingly uncom-
fortable with the discussion. "This is Lucifer we're talking about.
Our Chief Minister of Worship--the Anointed Cherub. In spite of
everything, including my own conversations with him, I find it
hard to believe that he would try anything so vain...so traitor-
ous...so stupid. I admit that the things you have told me bear look-
ing into. But Lucifer is our brother and until he actually does
something wrong he is innocent. I really think we need more infor-
mation before we move on this."
"Agreed," said Michael. "But as an archangel you must real-
ize your responsibility to the Most High in keeping order in this
Kingdom. And if there is a seditious group of angels who are plan-
ning something in connection with the Creation, then that is crimi-
nal enough. We must stand ready. You heard what Sangius said.
90           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
They actually believe that angels maintain order in Heaven
through their obedience; and that if the day comes when angels dis-
obey, the Lord will no longer be able to maintain the Kingdom!
Gabriel, these are very damning statements!"
"And very damning charges," said Gabriel. "I am only saying
that caution must be the byword in all of this."
"Perhaps it would help to bring an elder in on this," offered
Sangius. "That way when the time does come when we need to involve
the Lord, we will have gone through proper lines of authority."
The group looked at each other as if to read one another's
thoughts on the idea.
"Sangius might have an excellent point," said Crispin. "It's
always wise to have an authority covering you. It makes for a more
credible argument as well as a more proper approach."
Michael thought for a moment, looking to Gabriel for his
opinion. "Well?" he said.
"It could be the wise thing to do at this point," said Gabriel.
"But we'd have to be very sensitive in our choosing. I think all of
the Elders are competent and trustworthy. But if Lucifer's influence
extends to the Academy as you say, then it might also extend to the
Elders. The Lord forbid that he should corrupt that body!" Gabriel's
bluish aura began manifesting even as his words sickened him. The
thought of corruption to such degree and in such high circles of
authority affected him greatly.
"We would need someone we could completely trust,"
Gabriel continued. "Someone who is acquainted enough with
Lucifer to see that these concerns are a possibility, however remote.
Most of all, we need someone who will hold this in the proper con-
fidence it is due."
"I know just the elder!" said Sangius. "Lamon! He has always
had difficulty with Lucifer."
"I don't want someone who will be looking to bring Lucifer
down," said Gabriel.
"We need someone who will be completely objective; whose
interest is the welfare of the Kingdom."
"All I need is a show of strength--something impressive!"     91
"Sharma comes to mind," said Crispin. "He is quite closed-
mouthed and quite faithful. He often teaches at the Academy."
"How about Dracus?" asked Michael. "Talk about faithful!
He's a terrific commander."
"He talks too much," said Sangius. Michael frowned.
"Look, we all have our favorites, I'm sure," said an amused
Gabriel, who could see Michael's patience wearing thin. "I suggest
we put it to a private vote. We'll write down names and whom-
ever we can all agree upon, no matter how long it takes, will be our
contact. Now, I suggest that none of the names that have been men-
tioned thus far should be candidates so we may be in complete
Everyone agreed to Gabriel's suggestion, albeit somewhat
reluctantly. Michael retrieved a scroll and a writing instrument and
handed them to Gabriel.
"Now," said Gabriel, "first let's write down the character
traits of the person we want involved with us. I suggest we narrow
the list to seven traits." Everyone agreed and Gabriel continued,
"All of the Elders are tremendous, but at this point we must select
only one. What qualities do we want in the angel who will be work-
ing with us on this? Let me have your suggestions."
One by one Gabriel wrote down the desired character
strengths that the group gave. As the list grew, a portrait of an
angel was coming together. In Gabriel's mind the angel who would
be privileged to such information must be completely above
reproach, possess an impeccable reputation and most importantly,
be an angel of utter integrity. He must be widely respected as well,
because should this become a public issue there would be need for
such credibility and authority. As he thought about these things he
already knew for whom he would vote.
The group went over the list, deleting repetitions or other sug-
gestions that were either vague or otherwise unsuitable for the task.
When they were finished Gabriel spoke. "These are the characteris-
tics that the elder must have in whom we will confide: Trustworthy,
Confidential, Levelheaded, Patient, Faithful, Proven, and Objec-
tive. These are certainly qualities that we need in this angel. But to
92           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile                of Lucifer
these I would like to add one other: He must demonstrate tremen-
dous devotion to the Most High. He must love God passionately.
All of the other things we want in whomever we bring in are mean-
ingless if this angel does not love the Lord God with complete
abandon--as I know all of you do. Brothers, it is for our King we
are making this choice. Choose well."
Gabriel handed out the golden tablets for the angels to write
down their selections. The mood of the room had changed dramat-
ically since Gabriel spoke. They all took their time, deliberating
mentally the names and faces of the Twenty-four Elders. Michael
finished first and handed his tablet to Gabriel. Next Crispin fin-
ished and finally Sangius. Gabriel then added his own tablet to the
stack. He looked at everyone and then began reading.
Everyone noticed a smile on Gabriel's face, at first barely per-
ceptible, but then turning into a grin. The decision was unanimous.
It seemed to everyone in the room that only one angel who sat on
the Council of Elders fulfilled every character trait they were
searching for--especially in unquestioned devotion to God. Gabriel
read the name of Kara four times.
Chronicles of the Host
The Host of Heaven watched on in joyous celebration, with
Lucifer's wonderful music playing and the voices of thousands
of angels singing in great harmony, as the Lord began unfold-
ing the design of the ages. Father, Son and Spirit in perfect
Oneness had devised a plan of utter brilliance yet pure sim-
plicity; of violent action yet subtle change; of the invisible and
eternal giving way to visible and material.
Thus it was that the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the King-
dom of Heaven in all its majesty, brought forth the Heavens
and the earth in all their mystery.
"All I need is a show of strength--something impressive!"            93
And mystery it was. Not only was this to be a completely different
world, but an altogether different sphere of existence, a dimen-
sion of material reality! No angel had conceived such a thing--
even the wisest angels were astonished when the Lord made the
Heavens and earth out of physical substance--something many
angels considered to be so beneath His dignity. Who can know
the mind of God?
Chapter 7
"We know that you are an angel
who can be trusted."
All of Heaven turned out for this marvelous event. A rumor
started that there were only certain places from which the spectacle
could be seen, but the Elders assured everyone that the Creation
would be visible from any point in Heaven. Just to make sure, how-
ever, some angels crowded rooftops, others were seated on the
higher hills, and still others traveled to the very border of the King-
dom. Every angel in Heaven would remember this day!
Even Lucifer was dazzled by this historical occasion, though
he was a bit dismayed that his music wasn't playing as central a
role in the event as he had hoped. Still, it was glorious music for a
glorious day! He attended the early proceedings, spoke to a few
Elders, and then departed, disappointed that Kara was nowhere to
be found. After making final adjustments to the program, he satis-
fied himself and departed, leaving Octrion in charge of the choir.
Lucifer decided to watch the event from his balcony. When he
arrived he met Serus, who was just coming out the front door.
"And where are you going?" asked Lucifer.
Serus winced when he heard the voice. "I was just...I mean...I
wanted to see the Lord make the new world like the others."
96           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
"Like the others! I sometimes wonder, Serus, why it is that I
keep you in my service," Lucifer said. "But if you want to be like
the others..."
Serus thanked Lucifer and rushed out the door and down the
street, never looking back. Lucifer went inside and walked up the
grand staircase, humming some of his music, which he could hear
from outside. That should please the Elders, Lucifer thought to him-
self. He walked over to the glass-paned doors that opened onto his
balcony. As he opened them his music became much louder. Octri-
on is taking that a little too fast, he thought.
He walked over to the side of the balcony and looked down.
Angels were rushing here and there, discussing the best vantage for
watching the event. All of them were making their way toward the
northern edge of the Kingdom. Looking over the roofs of Heaven,
Lucifer saw angels all around the City, some seated, others stand-
ing, all waiting for the Lord to begin.
"Lucifer! Down here!"
Lucifer looked down into the crowded street.
"Here! By the gate!"
Next to the large gate that stood in front of Lucifer's house
was a figure waving at him. It was Kara. Lucifer motioned for him
to join him on the balcony. Kara glided up over the lawn and land-
ed next to Lucifer, who looked disturbed.
"What is wrong, my friend?" asked Kara, whose embrace was
not reciprocated.
"What are you doing here? You should be with the other
Elders bearing our cause to them. Especially today!" Lucifer paced
around the balcony, quite annoyed.
"I saw Serus and he told me you were here," Kara said sheep-
ishly. "I wanted to give you the good news personally!"
Lucifer's demeanor changed. "Really?"
"The Council of Elders have all but decided that they shall make
a formal request to the Most High that you be made the steward of
the new world!" Kara had tears in his eyes. "It's surely yours!"
"It certainly sounds encouraging," said Lucifer, motioning
that they should be seated at a beautiful table nearby. "But it's not

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