Exorcism - A Christian Manual (9 page)

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Authors: Carson Michael

Tags: #Demon possession, #Exorcism, #Deliverance, #Demonology, #Christian

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Do not touch a child for any reason-this is the role of the parent.



Chapter 4

A List of Demons

In my previous book on Demonology (Michael, 2012), I go into detail on the nature of each ruling demon and how it functions.  In this book there will be an abbreviated list that one can refer too quickly and easily.  The ruling demons are generally described by their function rather than a personal name.  For example, a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) attacks the emotions and a lying spirit (1 Kings 22:23) attacks the mind.  However, there are a few places where personal names are given, such as in the book of Revelation the angel over the Abyss is called Abaddon (Revelation 9: 11), and there is Leviathan, the king of pride, in Job 41:34. 

Demons are arranged like an army and there are demons with differing levels of power.  If there are more powerful demons present it usually means that the exorcism will be difficult.  It is important to map out what demons are there, how they got there, and how God wants you to get rid of them.  All of us have weak points in our character and the spirits will send the combination of demons that will be most likely to bring about our downfall.

For example, the spirit of rejection is a common smaller demon that is the first to attack an individual (see figure 2).  The devil was the first to experience being rejected from the Presence of God and he wants everyone to feel the same way he did.  If he can make someone feel unwanted and unloved he will then send a spirit of fear so that they will stay by themselves and reject anyone that is trying to help them.  In their loneliness they may turn to addictions for self-comfort and to ease the pain of life.  For another, it may send a spirit of despair so that they give up and eventually commit suicide.  For another, it may send a lying spirit to convince them that they don’t have to be lonely and that they can turn to animals or children for sex and comfort.   The devil knows which pathway will work and sends the demons to make it happen.













It is also important to determine how many demons and ruling demons are present (figure 3).  The ruling demons are far more powerful and usually have a host of demons underneath them.  There can literally be thousands of demons inside a person, as in the case of Jesus and the man from Gadarenes that was demon possessed.  Jesus asked his name, and he said it was ‘Legion,’ because many demons had gone into in.  The term legion referred to a unit in the Roman army from 3000-6000 men (Luke 8: 26-39).

  After you determine the types and structure of the demons present, you must get a plan of attack.  In some cases where there are many foot-soldiers that are protecting the ruling spirits, God may instruct you to get the lesser powers out of the way because they will cause many manifestations and use them as distractions.  The more powerful demons do not care if the lesser ones are sacrificed.  If the larger ones win the battle they will call the smaller ones back.  In other cases, where there are several main powers, God may tell you to go after the big powers first because the lesser spirits travel with them and will leave with them.  Usually there is a family of spirits that work together and finding these connections and how they work together is important for setting the captive free.


: 1 Kings 22:23: “So now the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours.” 1 Timothy 4:1: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” Spirits underneath the lying/deceiving spirits:

Seducing spirits/Beguiling sprits
False Doctrine
False Prophecy
Superstitious spirits
These demons are usually the first to work on a person.  They work very slowly and can spend years getting a person to believe their lies.  Once the lies of these demons are believed, then other demons can come in.  For example, if a lying spirit can get you to believe that everyone is out to get you, then a spirit of fear can come in and paralyze you with intense fear.  Their primary targets are the youth, the emotional, and the impulsive.  The deceiving spirits work on the gullible, the insecure, the uninformed, and the traumatized. 
: Proverbs 16:18: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Job 41:34: “He (Leviathan) looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud.”  These spirits work powerfully with the spirit of violence (destruction).  These are the spirits underneath the spirit of haughtiness/Leviathan:
Self-righteousness/ Self-love (Narcissism)

This is a dangerous spirit because it was the sin of satan.  He fell because he wanted to be God and overthrow God…”You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’  But you were brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit,” (Isaiah 14: 13-15). The spirit of violence works hand in hand with the spirit of haughtiness because violence was found in satan…”You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.  Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned,” (Ezekial 28: 15-16).  Research has shown that those that are rated high in pride and narcissism are more aggressive than those with average or low self-esteem (Paulhus & Williams, 2002).

The spirit of pride attacks those that are new to leadership and authority (politicians), new converts, those that were abused as children, and those in church leadership. It is a spirit that gets you to focus on yourself and ignore the needs of others. If others don’t do what you want the spirit of violence will push you to punish them for being stupid and beneath you.  

: Isaiah 61:3:”And provide for those who grieve in Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair (fainting-NAS; heaviness-KJV). These are the demons that are beneath the spirit of heaviness:

Defeat-Giving Up
This demon attacks those that are involved in a music ministry, choir ministry, or a school of music.  It also attacks people that are extremely sensitive, and those that get their feelings   hurt very easily.  This demon literally presses down on a person’s spirit and they will feel heavy, tired, and fatigued.  This demon will attack when someone feels down for any reason.  The attack seeks to block hope and destroy faith.  The person will feel alone and distant from God, and thus will be more likely to contemplate suicide.
: 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” The spirits beneath the spirit of fear are:
Phobias-fear of anything

Fear is a major tool of the enemy and these demons are very numerous.  The more fear that we have, the less faith we will have.  Humans literally can be made to be afraid of anything.  For example, there are people with a fear of heights (acrophobia), snow (chionophobia), knees (genuphobia), forests (hylophobia), the number 8 (octophobia), and the color purple (porphyrophobia).   Where there is fear there is spiritual paralysis. 

: Romans 11:8: “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes so that they could not see and ears so that they could not hear, to this very day.” Here are the spirits that work beneath the spirit of slumber/stupor:

Mind Darkness
Unable to Grasp Scripture-Mind Binding Spirit

These demons attack your energy.  Some signs of this demon are constantly falling asleep when trying to read the Bible, having no initiative, not being able to plan ahead, wanting to sleep all the time-especially on church days, not wanting to do fun things they used to do, and falling asleep when praying.  This spirit can be a murderous spirit as it will try to get you to sleep while driving or when watching a toddler.  Some have described having memory loss (not related to age), and feeling that their minds are going dark as if their mind or memories are being eaten.

: Mark 9:25: “When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, He rebuked the evil spirit. ‘You deaf and mute spirit,’ He said, ‘I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.’”  The demons underneath the deaf and mute spirit are:

Tourette’s Disorder
Alzheimer’s Disease
Other Neurological Functions

These demons primarily attack the brain. These demons seek to destroy people through neurological sickness and disease.


: Luke 13:11-12: “And a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years.  She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, He called her forward and said to her, ‘Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.’” The demons beneath the spirit of infirmity are:

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