Expecting the Rancher's Child (Callahan's Clan) (8 page)

BOOK: Expecting the Rancher's Child (Callahan's Clan)
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“Maybe two lives were changed a little this afternoon,” her mother said. “Blake’s a nice guy, and I’m glad you took the job with him. He’s going to help so many people here. Dad is already making plans about what he can do with the money you’ve given him.”

“I’m glad.”

“Here comes Justin with a skinned knee. I don’t see his mother, so I’ll go help him.” Her mother moved away to take care of one of her three-year-old grandsons.

In minutes Sierra was busy clearing tables, and she didn’t talk to Blake the rest of the afternoon. She saw him with her brothers as they joined a bunch of kids of all ages in a tug-of-war over a narrow part of the winding creek.

They had a cookout for dinner, wanting to send everyone home with a hearty meal. It was eleven when quiet settled at home, and she finally stood at her bedroom door to tell Blake good-night.

“Thanks for all your help today.”

“It was interesting. I’m sure you wanted me to see what you’re involved in, and you wanted to stir my sympathy. Well, you succeeded.”

“Some of those kids have a tough deal.”

“Are you sure Bert isn’t a relative of yours? He quizzed me about how long you’ll have to be in Texas, that sort of thing.”

“Bert worries and he hovers, but his intentions are good.”

“I don’t think his intentions toward me are so good,” Blake remarked.

She smiled at his joke. “He worries about me. He worries about Nan. He’s a good guy. You don’t have to go with all of us to church tomorrow if you’d rather not.”

“I’ll go and see what life is like for you,” he replied.

“That will please Dad. He is always happy to have someone come hear him preach,” she said quietly, looking up at Blake. Beard stubble shadowed his jaw, and his black hair was tousled. Her heart drummed because she wanted to be in his arms, wanted his kisses. She had seen another side to him today, a really good side. His helping her family, caring about people and kids, particularly William, drew her to him in ways that were even stronger than their physical attraction.

This one weekend wouldn’t make him a different man. He was still bent on revenge. But it had changed the way she saw him. There was so much to him that was good.

She would soon have to tell him goodbye. She suspected it would take a long time to forget him, but the sooner they parted, the sooner she would start.

* * *

On Sunday Blake joined Sierra and her family for church and another delicious meal with so many people that he marveled at how well her mother handled everything. After dinner a lot of her family played volleyball, and he joined them, laughing and helping the little kids who joined in.

It was sundown when he told everyone goodbye. Sierra drove as they headed for the airport and his private jet. Relaxed and friendly, he occasionally brushed her fingers lightly, or her nape, or moved a lock of her hair—tiny touches that shouldn’t have even been noticeable, but instead steadily built a longing in her for more.

When they landed, a limo waited to take them to his Dallas home. Following the winding drive, the car stopped in front of a palatial three-story home with lighted grounds. Inside, as soon as he switched off an alarm, closed the door and locked it, he turned to embrace her.

Surprised, Sierra looked up into midnight eyes that conveyed his intent. Her heart thudded.


his is Sunday night, and we haven’t kissed since Friday,” he said in a husky voice as his arm circled her waist and held her against him.

While her heartbeat raced, she gazed at him in silence. She had always wanted a marriage like her parents’ because they truly loved each other and their family. That seemed the best possible situation to her. There was no hope of that if she fell in love with Blake. He didn’t know what a loving relationship was. He had no role models, no examples. He didn’t even seem to want that in his life. Right now his goal was revenge—a chilling ambition.

Blake was a solitary person and probably had been for so long that he didn’t even realize he was different from a lot of people. She had seen a good side to him this weekend, but it would be foolish of her to expect him to give up his drive for revenge or his lifelong feelings of resentment about his father. The sooner she and Blake said farewell and parted ways, the better off she would be. She had to cut ties with him…

But it would be after tonight.

Even as she reminded herself of all these things, she was mesmerized by Blake’s brown eyes, breathless because of the intent they conveyed.

Wisdom whispered to walk away while desire shouted to put her arms around him and kiss him in return.

She followed the longings of her body, of her heart. Tomorrow she would be in another state, away from Blake. She would no longer have temptation to struggle with. She’d go on with her life and let Blake Callahan become a memory.

She wrapped her arms around him, winding her fingers in the hair at the back of his head. Holding him tightly, she kissed him, wanting to excite him as he did her, to rock his world as much as he had rocked hers.

While he continued kissing her, Blake swung her up in his arms and headed for a bedroom. As he did, her heart drummed and she clung to him tightly.

Tonight, she wouldn’t think about tomorrow. Tonight she wanted to make love. Would she ever be able to forget him?

* * *

Hours later, she sat with her back against him in a large tub. His arms were around her while he showered light kisses on her neck. She was warm and satisfied. For the moment, happiness filled her. She thought about the weekend and William.

Had Blake really been interested in William, or had his attention to the boy been meant to impress her? She didn’t know Blake well enough to know what he truly felt about William. No matter what the motive, he had helped the boy, and for a short time at least, thanks to Blake, William had broken out of his shell, enjoying life and the kids around him.

“This is perfect, Sierra.”

“I have to agree. I’m glad you went home with me. You may have made a big difference in William’s life. Sometimes kids, even adults we work with, think they’re the only one something has happened to, and William may be one of those. Although he knows there are other kids at the shelter who don’t have anyone.”

“How does he do in school?” Blake asked. He massaged her shoulders, rubbing lightly, his hands warm and soothing.

“I have no idea, but I can find out. My guess is average, or I would have heard otherwise,” she answered quietly, scared to hope that Blake would really get involved in William’s life.

“Check and see. Too bad they don’t have a ranch for some of those kids who are old enough. They could learn to care for a horse, to ride, to help out and do chores. It’s a good life for a kid who is willing to work.”

‘We’re doing good to have shelters in the city. We don’t have the staff or facilities to have horses and land.”

They were both quiet, letting the warm water lap against their skin.

He broke the companionable silence to say, “You have a nice family. And your folks have a good marriage.” He combed her long hair back from her face.

“My parents have the best of marriages. They’re very happy.”

“My family had more money—your family had more love. Too bad things can’t balance out.”

“We’re all there for each other. When I quit my New York job and came home, I had everyone’s support.” She paused. “Blake, I’ll ask again—have you ever thought about talking to your dad as an adult? It might be different now. You might find out that you really don’t want to pursue a course of revenge.”

“Don’t try to reform me,” he said, brushing light kisses on her neck, his breath warm against her.

“I wouldn’t think of it. I imagine you’re way too stubborn for me to reform,” she teased. He wound his arms around her and cupped her breasts gently, caressing her, making her close her eyes and gasp with pleasure.

“You’re starting something again,” she whispered.

“I hope I am,” he answered.

“Please remember I have to get up early tomorrow to fly to New York.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he answered in a polite tone of voice that made her smile briefly, until he twisted her around. When he looked into her eyes, his teasing expression vanished. He pulled her up to kiss her hard and then reached for a condom before he moved her over him. She straddled him as he held her hips and thrust into her, filling her, making her cry out with pleasure while she moved with him until they were in a frenzy of need.

When she climaxed, ecstasy shaking her, she held him tightly and felt his wild, thrusting response as he shuddered with his own release.

She didn’t know how much time passed before he spoke softly. “When you finish this job, I want to see you again.”

“When that time comes, I’m guessing you’ll change your mind,” she whispered, her head against his shoulder. “We’ll say goodbye. You’ll see.”

The words were easy to say when they were locked in a warm embrace after loving. At the moment, telling him goodbye didn’t seem to loom in the near future, but she knew parting and not seeing him again was reality.

When he didn’t answer, she assumed he agreed with her.

* * *

It was early morning when she slipped out of bed and went to the shower. She glanced back once. Blake was sprawled in bed, one muscled arm flung across a pillow and the sheet around his waist. His hair was a tangle.

For a moment, she longed to go back and kiss him awake, but she had a flight to catch. Two hours later, as he drove her to the airport, out to his waiting private jet, she wondered again how long it would be before she forgot him. She knew time would give her the answer.

When Blake opened the car door and she stepped out, he moved close and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“This isn’t very private,” she said, watching a breeze tangle short locks of black hair above his forehead.

“I don’t care about that. I want to hold you close.”

“You still don’t want to be involved in all the details?”

“I still don’t,” he said, smiling. His gaze lowered to her lips, and her heart beat faster at the desire in his eyes.

“I may not take another job with an alpha male.”

“That would suit me just fine,” he said, smiling again. “I’d have you all to myself.” Their smiles faded as she gazed up at him. “I’m going to miss you,” he said, his voice lowering a notch as his gaze shifted to her mouth.

She forgot their surroundings. She was telling him goodbye, and it might be a long one. His arm tightened and he leaned down to give her another possessive, fiery kiss that made her want to get back in the car with him and go back to his house.

“Don’t stay away too long,” he finally said as he released her. He was breathing hard, looking at her intently with desire clear in his warm brown eyes.

“Hurry back, darlin’,” he whispered. The endearment shook her because he didn’t say it often. She reminded herself that he meant little by it.

“Goodbye, Blake,” she said, a chill sweeping her.

“Not yet. No goodbyes until the end of the job,” he said. “I’ll be around when you come back. We can say our goodbyes later. A farewell kiss would be good. Then we’ll have a hello kiss when we’re together,” he said. He leaned down and kissed her again.

She finally turned and boarded the plane where she sat to watch him drive away. She wondered if he had plans to be at the ranch when she returned.

* * *

For the rest of the next week Lucinda, Eli and Sierra worked together in New York, looking at furnishings and artwork, getting together at the office to go over the day’s selections, plus the changes, the sketches and suggested purchases.

Sierra worked long hours looking at sketches, plans, catalogues and pictures of furnishings. During the day she spent time in art galleries, searching for the right pieces, wondering all the time if Blake would like what she did.

She missed him and thought about him constantly. She tried to convince herself it was because she was working on the design for his new wing. Late at night he usually called, and they talked for a long time about nothing important.

The more she missed him, the more she worked. Late on Wednesday night she fell asleep at her desk. Her phone woke her, and when she heard Blake’s voice, she came fully awake. She was glad to talk to him. She sat back, listening to him, telling him about paintings she had selected, and sending him pictures from her phone of what she had chosen that week, even though he had said he didn’t want to be consulted.

To her relief he listened, made suggestions and, even better, liked what they had picked and what they planned to do.

“Tomorrow I’ll call the contractor and set up a time for all of us to meet at your ranch. We’ve talked on the phone and I’ve sent plans, so he already knows a lot about what he’ll need to do.”

“What I’m interested in is when you’ll be here at the ranch to stay, and we can be alone.”

She laughed. “You lusty, lusty man. Eli and Lucinda will be with me when I come back. Eli is excellent in dealing with contractors, and I’m turning some of that over to him. I don’t know if you and I will be alone much.”

“That’s not what I want to hear. I’ll work on that one. This is a big house. We’ll put Eli and Lucinda in the guest houses. They might enjoy the privacy.”

“Actually, they might enjoy the peace and quiet. However, do not make plans for me to move in with you when I’m busy, and so many people are working in your house.”

“I wouldn’t think of asking you to move in with me.”

“Oh, yes, you would, and I’m sure you were planning exactly that,” she remarked, amused and certain she was right.

“Well, I’ll admit the thought crossed my mind.”

Smiling, Sierra continued talking with him for another hour before finally telling him goodbye.

During the week she called Nan to ask about William. Sierra hoped Blake would really care about the kid. He had cared enough to give William some attention when they were in Kansas, but that had been easy. Now, when Blake was back in Texas, it would be a bigger task. Part of her hoped Blake would make the effort.

For the rest of the week she got a call late every night from Blake, but then he had meetings in California and the calls stopped. She knew he was busy with his commercial properties, and he was deeply involved in his work. And she also knew that she should get used to living without his conversation or company.

Sooner or later she’d have to let go because they had no future together.

* * *

Blake’s schedule was packed, partially because of things he had put off doing when Sierra was at the ranch, and partly because he worked at finding ways to keep busy to try to forget her.

She was not his type, and the sooner he went on with his life, the better off he would be. All sensible thoughts, but not a solution. He missed seeing her. He wanted to go out with her again, and he wanted her back in his bed.

Blake called old friends, accepted party invitations, kept busy and resisted calling Sierra. His father had just built a new luxury hotel in Florida, and Blake had already bought nearby land and made arrangements to start construction. Blake flew out to look, staying in his father’s hotel to check it out, something he did about once a year. His hotels were taking more business than ever from his father’s.

But even that work made him think of Sierra. He remembered their conversations about his father. She didn’t understand his motives because she had never been hurt the way he had. She had grown up insulated by the love of her family.

He had seen the latest figures on the hotels. He had cut into his dad’s business so much that he expected him to sell his properties.

In years past that small success would have brought more satisfaction than it did now. Was that Sierra’s influence—or was Blake tiring of trying to get a bit of revenge for the years his father had refused to acknowledge him?

Blake thought about the kid at the picnic, William, who didn’t know his father and had lost his mother. There ought to be some way to help the boy beyond sticking him in a shelter. The shelter was better than the street, of course, but there must be something that would give him a better chance in life. Blake made a note to have someone look into it.

That was definitely Sierra’s influence, he thought.

How could she have had such an impact on him in such a short time?

* * *

In early April, Sierra flew to Dallas to meet with Blake and his contractor, and make arrangements to commence work. She was jittery, and not sure if it was because she was presenting their final plan for Blake’s approval or because she would be seeing him again.

When she stepped out of the rental car, he was waiting on his porch. Tall and handsome, Blake looked like the Texas rancher he was with his jeans, boots and tan shirt. He came down the steps to sweep her into his embrace.

The moment his strong arms closed around her, she forgot her mission and lost all her apprehension. She clung to him tightly and kissed him.

She felt as if she’d come home.

All that she had intended to say was forgotten when he took her into his arms. After a moment, she moved out of his embrace. “Blake, you hired me to finish this job for you, and it will never get done if we don’t stop kissing.”

He grinned. “So? I can live with that.”

Laughing, she shook her head. “Eventually, you wouldn’t want to. You paid me a lot of money for this. You might as well have your new wing finished, and I’ve bought some expensive artwork.”

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