Experiencing God Day By Day (48 page)

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Authors: Richard Blackaby

BOOK: Experiencing God Day By Day
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March 16

Habakkuk 2:1

Stand Your Watch!

March 17

Matthew 6:14–15

God's Measure for Forgiveness

March 18

Psalm 50:15

God's Provision Brings Glory

March 19

2 Corinthians 9:8

God's Abundance in Your Life

March 20

Matthew 8:26

Why Do You Doubt?

March 21

Mark 14:13

When Christ Gives a Command

March 22

Mark 14:18

The Unthinkable

March 23

Mark 14:33b–34

A Soul Distressed

March 24

Mark 14:35

Going Farther with God

March 25

Mark 14:38

A Fatal Moment

March 26

Mark 14:27

Facing Failure

March 27

Mark 14:41a

Too Late!

March 28

Mark 14:49b–50

Oriented by the Scriptures

March 29

Luke 22:31–32a

Tested Yet Secure

March 30

Mark 14:26

Praise before Victory

March 31

Mark 14:28

Your Lord Precedes You


April 1

Deuteronomy 4:6a

This Is Your Wisdom

April 2

John 12:24

Death Brings Much Fruit

April 3

Revelation 1:14–15

The Risen Lord

April 4

1 John 1:3

Fresh Encounters with Christ

April 5

Romans 8:32

He Spared Not His Own Son

April 6

2 Corinthians 5:21

He Made Him to Be Sin

April 7

Psalm 1:2

Changed through Meditation

April 8

2 Corinthians 4:7

Infinite Treasure

April 9

Luke 16:10

Faithful in a Little

April 10

1 Corinthians 15:55

Where Is Death's Sting?

April 11

Matthew 19:22


April 12

Luke 8:24b–25a

Truth Is a Person

April 13

Colossians 2:8

God's Thinking Is Not Man's Thinking

April 14

Luke 9:54

Calling Down Fire

April 15

John 20:13

Why Are You Weeping?

April 16

Mark 9:24

Help My Unbelief!

April 17

Numbers 14:38

No One Can Prevent You

April 18

Mark 16:7

The God of Second Chances

April 19

John 5:39–40

Knowing Christ

April 20

John 12:3

Anointing Jesus’ Feet

April 21

Exodus 17:16

Beware of the Amalekites!

April 22

1 Kings 18:41

Spiritual Persistence

April 23

Jeremiah 2:13

Living Water

April 24

John 6:35

Spiritual Bread

April 25

John 15:5

Abide in the Vine

April 26

Philippians 4:11


April 27

John 14:6

The Way

April 28

John 10:9

Jesus Is Your Door

April 29

Colossians 1:28

Christian Discipleship

April 30

Colossians 1:24

Suffering for Others


May 1

Colossians 3:23

For the Lord, Not Men

May 2

John 17:12b

God's Complete Protection

May 3

John 17:13

The Joy of Christ

May 4

Exodus 19:4

God Brings You to Himself

May 5

Exodus 3:14


May 6

Exodus 5:21b

Comfortable in Our Bondage

May 7

Deuteronomy 1:21

Go up and Possess It

May 8

John 5:20

That You May Marvel

May 9

1 Corinthians 10:24

Putting Your Brother First

May 10

Exodus 33:15

Success without God

May 11

Numbers 20:10

Fix Your Eyes on God

May 12

Proverbs 27:6

Faithful Wounds

May 13

Mark 6:46

Praying after the High Points

May 14

Luke 17:10

Servants of Christ

May 15

Proverbs 27:17

Iron Sharpens Iron

May 16

Judges 6:14

Faithful with the Impossible

May 17

Mark 1:22

Speaking with Authority

May 18

John 19:25

The Cost to Others

May 19

Jeremiah 9:1

Making Necessary Adjustments

May 20

Genesis 22:2

Obedience Step by Step

May 21

Acts 4:13

A Noticeable Difference

May 22

2 Samuel 12:10

God's Manner of Forgiveness

May 23

Acts 8:29

On Mission with God

May 24

Mark 14:9

Memorials of Faithfulness

May 25

Luke 22:44

The Agony of Prayer

May 26

Matthew 11:11

Whoever Is Least

May 27

Psalm 103:7

God's Ways

May 28

Jeremiah 15:16

Rejoicing in God's Word

May 29

Matthew 12:36

Every Careless Word

May 30

Matthew 16:4

Faith That Doesn’t Ask

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