Experiencing God Day By Day (50 page)

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Authors: Richard Blackaby

BOOK: Experiencing God Day By Day
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August 15

Romans 3:23–24

Victory over Sin

August 16

Matthew 6:9b

Hallowed Be Your Name

August 17

Matthew 6:10

May God Rule in Our Midst

August 18

Matthew 6:11

Daily Bread

August 19

Matthew 5:3

The Poor in Spirit

August 20

Matthew 5:4

Those Who Mourn

August 21

Matthew 5:6

Hunger and Thirst

August 22

Matthew 5:5

The Meek

August 23

Deuteronomy 7:22

Victory One Step at a Time

August 24

Isaiah 11:2

The Spirit of Wisdom

August 25

John 10:10

Abundant Life

August 26

Ephesians 5:15–16

Redeeming the Time

August 27

Luke 14:11

Humble Yourself

August 28

1 Corinthians 16:9

Open Doors and Adversaries

August 29

2 Corinthians 5:10

The Judgment Seat

August 30

2 Corinthians 5:18

A Ministry of Reconciliation

August 31

Mark 10:51



September 1

2 Chronicles 15:2

If You Seek Him

September 2

Exodus 18:14

Working Alone

September 3

1 Samuel 12:23

Far Be It from Me!

September 4

2 Chronicles 31:21

The Key to Prosperity

September 5

Matthew 10:8b

Freely Give

September 6

Romans 8:35

Nothing Can Separate You

September 7

Deuteronomy 1:6

Long Enough on the Mountain

September 8

Luke 19:5

Not Lost in the Crowd

September 9

Luke 5:5

Returning to Your Failure

September 10

Jeremiah 2:2

God Remembers

September 11

Matthew 28:19


September 12

Romans 8:29

God's Design

September 13

Acts 2:1

Prayer Is Preparation

September 14

John 1:4

Life and Light

September 15

Ezekiel 36:26

A Heart of Flesh

September 16

Daniel 9:23

Much Beloved

September 17

2 Chronicles 7:1

The Glory of the Lord

September 18

Acts 9:26–27

Divine Potential

September 19

Isaiah 5:20

Evil, Good and Good, Evil

September 20

Isaiah 6:8

A Pure Heart

September 21

Isaiah 10:15


September 22

1 Peter 1:13

Prepare Your Mind

September 23

Romans 12:19


September 24

Romans 12:1

A Living Sacrifice

September 25

1 John 4:16

Believing God's Love

September 26

1 John 3:6

No Sin

September 27

1 Peter 5:7

Casting Your Cares

September 28

James 5:16


September 29

Deuteronomy 30:11

It's Not Difficult!

September 30

Acts 5:5

Sympathy with God


October 1

Acts 14:19

Painful Reminders

October 2

Luke 3:21

While He Prayed

October 3

2 Corinthians 11:29

Weak with Those Who Are Weak

October 4

1 Samuel 17:45

Spiritual Optimism

October 5

Titus 1:15

All Things Are Pure

October 6

Exodus 32:32

Prayer Changes You

October 7

Job 38:2–3

Questioning God

October 8

Isaiah 38:5

Trusting God's Wisdom

October 9

2 Corinthians 12:9a

God's Sufficient Grace

October 10

1 Samuel 8:7

Leaders and Managers

October 11

Matthew 25:10

Spiritual Preparation

October 12

2 Timothy 3:12

Godliness and Persecution

October 13

Luke 8:17

No Secrets

October 14

Deuteronomy 8:7

Victory Versus Defeat

October 15

1 Kings 19:14


October 16

Luke 10:33

Never Too Busy

October 17

Joshua 7:13a

One Man's Sin

October 18

Job 42:5

Seeing with Your Eyes

October 19

Deuteronomy 32:47

It Is Your Life!

October 20

Malachi 3:3

Prepared for Worship

October 21

John 1:41

Bringing People to Jesus

October 22

Luke 10:21

Hidden from the Wise

October 23

Jonah 3:1

A Second Time

October 24

Habakkuk 3:17–18

I Will Rejoice!

October 25

Habakkuk 1:5

God Speaks through His Activity

October 26

Habakkuk 3:2


October 27

Luke 15:29

Are You Coming to the Celebration?

October 28

Isaiah 51:1


October 29

Malachi 3:16

The Lord Hears

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