Explosive (29 page)

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Authors: Beth Kery

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Explosive
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A muscle flinched in his cheek. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because. I am,” she stated, knowing what she said wasn’t logical, but that it made perfect sense to her, nonetheless. She released his cock. “I’m going to undress,” she explained when he kept her hand clutched in his, unwilling for her to stop touching him.

He let go of her reluctantly.

She stood and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, glancing out the large window that looked out on the yard and lake, assuring herself there were no unexpected spectators. She felt slightly feverish, she realized, as she shrugged out of the shirt and let it drop to the carpet. Her skin was overly sensitive and prickly.

Things felt positively molten between her thighs.

She panted lightly as she pushed the print skirt off her hips and stood before Thomas wearing only a skimpy pair of pink silk panties. His nostrils flared as he examined her and his gaze predictably stuck on her breasts. Sophie had a long history of becoming annoyed when men stared at her chest instead of her face, but Thomas’s gaze was different.

It made her feel beautiful.

And because he’d given her that, she returned the gift by cradling her breasts in her hands and making him an offering of her aching nipples.

He growled low in his throat and lowered his arms, extending them toward her.

“Come here.” This time, his low command wasn’t something she was even faintly interested in disobeying.

She winced as she straddled his lap and the pressure of the butt plug amplified. Thomas didn’t seem to notice, though. He was too busy staring at her breasts and leaning up from his pillow.

She cried out shakily when he surrounded a nipple with his hot mouth. Her cheeks felt so hot. Her clit and the soles of her feet burned in sympathy with her nipple. She laced her fingers through his thick hair and held him to her, her facial muscles clenching tight when the need inside of her grew so sharp, it verged on pain.

He drew on her demandingly, amplifying the growing pressure swelling in her body. She shifted her hips and captured his penis between her thighs. She ground her pussy down on the stiff pillar.

Use your teeth
,” she begged.

She felt his teeth on the tender flesh. She cried out as her body shook in orgasm.

A moment later, she opened her eyelids, only to see Thomas leaning back on the pillow. He looked a little incredulous.

And a lot aroused.

“What’s got you so primed, Sophie?”

She licked her upper lip and pressed down on his solid chest with her hands, steadying herself as she stood next to the couch. She kept her eyes averted as she pulled her panties down her legs.

She turned her back to him.

Even as aroused as she was, it still was one of the hardest things she’d ever done to expose herself to him in these circumstances. She peered over her shoulder when he didn’t respond immediately. As she would have guessed, his gaze was glued to the base of the black plug that was wedged between her ass cheeks.

If he’d appeared a little incredulous before by the evidence of her wild arousal, he looked downright stunned now.

“Where did you get that?” he asked as he slowly sat up from his reclining position.

“I bought it this morning,” Sophie whispered. She turned, feeling both vulnerable and aroused at the impact of his scorching stare. Her ass throbbed around the plug and her clit answered with a pinch of pleasure. She was really going to have to check out her medical books on the nervous system to discover why ass stimulation could have such amazing effects on the body—

“Why?” Thomas asked sharply. He stood slowly, his long, unfolding body, stiff, glistening cock and feral expression seeming a bit intimidating. He stepped toward her. “Why the hell did you do that, Sophie?” He came closer, so that their bodies were just inches apart; the moist tip of his cock head almost kissed her bare hip.


She jerked her gaze off his erection.


She swallowed convulsively. Was it her imagination, or was he asking why she’d uncharacteristically walked into an adult sex shop and bought a butt plug or why she was doing this with him . . . sheltering him, having wild sex with him . . . falling in love?

She held his stare and took a steadying breath. “I did it because I wanted to.”

He leaned down over her until Sophie drowned in the depths of green eyes flecked with fire. She felt emotion swell in her chest, like subterranean water finding an outlet and surging wildly to the surface.

“You wanted to

“I wanted you to trust yourself again.” When his stare just continued to bore through her, she added in a whisper, “I wanted to give myself to you, Thomas.”

he hissed. He shut his eyelids for a moment, his facial muscles going rigid. She felt his cock flick up against her hip, dabbing her skin with warm moisture. His eyes opened, but he avoided her gaze as he turned and grabbed the bottle of lubricant. He reached for her hand blindly and led her toward the hallway and her bedroom.

Sophie had to hurry to keep up with his long-legged stride. A mixture of anxious anticipation and wild arousal caused her blood to pump wildly in her veins and her ass to pulse around the inserted plug, creating a low level, pleasurable burn all along her cunt.

She was breathless by the time he pulled her into the bedroom.

“Get on the bed on your hands and knees,” he rasped. She crawled onto the mattress. “No. Move a little farther up on the bed.”

His rigid expression and taut orders didn’t offend her. She sensed the edge of his excitement like a sharp file scraping gently across her sensitive skin. When she settled in position, he flipped open her bedside table and took out the vibrator and control box. She watched him, as she panted in excitement, while he lubed up his straining erection, his actions rapid and perfunctory . . . like he meant business.

She moaned softly, her arousal mounting exponentially at the sight of him readying himself. He crawled behind her on the bed, bringing the vibrator and control panel with him.

“Put the vibrator on your clit while I try to get inside you. It’ll help,” he added gruffly when she turned to look at him. His gaze snagged on hers.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Oh, yeah,” she replied with emphasis.

He tried to smile, but his muscles appeared to be too tight to cooperate.

“Just tell me to stop at any time if you get too uncomfortable. Okay?”

She nodded as he flipped the
button for the vibrator. A tremor went through her when she used one hand to hold the rubber cock head to her overly sensitive clit. When she moaned loudly at the sensation, Thomas leaned over her, his slick, stiff cock brushing an ass cheek, and turned down the power a notch. He kissed the side of her heaving ribs with a hot mouth before he knelt behind her again.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” she heard him mutter under his breath from behind her. “You’re gonna kill me, Sophie.”

She cried out shakily when he turned the base of the plug, withdrew it ever so slightly and pushed it back into her.

“Hurt?” he muttered tightly.

“No,” she gasped. Pain hadn’t been what made her cry out.

She felt him move behind her, positioning himself. He spread his hand over her left hip and gently pried back her ass cheek. Sophie whimpered when he removed the plug.

He cursed under his breath. Her vocal chords seem to vibrate in tandem with the sex toy when he arrowed the first several inches of his cock into her ass.

,” she moaned. She felt every muscle—including the one that encircled Thomas’s cock—clamp tight.

“I’m stopping,” he grated out behind her. “Are you okay?”

Her head had fallen forward and her hair hung around her face. The minimal discomfort she had experienced at his penetration faded. Her entire awareness had zeroed down to the sensation of him inside her ass. She pressed the vibrator tighter to her clit and a ripple of excitement traveled all the way up her tailbone to her neck. She responded to Thomas’s inquiry with one word.


He grabbed both of her ass cheeks and sunk into her another few inches. He hissed in pleasure.

“Christ, you’re so hot. And so fucking tight.”

Sophie pressed back with a hand on the mattress and mewled in pleasure as she slid his well-lubricated cock deeper. He grunted and spanked a buttock in gentle reprimand.

Sophie,” he bit out. “If you had any idea what I wanted to do to you right now, you wouldn’t tease.”

Sophie felt so full, so excited that she found she couldn’t respond. But she hadn’t been teasing. She had a good feeling she knew exactly what Thomas wanted to do, because she wanted it, too.

It felt incredible. He seemed to throb directly into her flesh, feeling closer than she’d ever harbored a man in her body, more immediate . . . more incendiary.

She held her breath in cresting excitement as the vibrator tickled her clit and Thomas began to pump gently, edging his cock farther and farther into her.

“That’s right. Try to relax,” he murmured behind her as he fucked her ass carefully with the upper half of his cock, pressing slightly deeper into her with each stroke. Sophie uncrossed her eyes.

Had he really just said that?
Try to relax

She showed him just how unlikely that was when her entire body seemed to seize in orgasm.

When the crashing waves of pleasure had receded and she came back to herself, the sound of her own soughing breath resounding loudly in her ears, Sophie realized that she’d dropped the vibrator to the mattress and Thomas’s hair-sprinkled thighs pressed directly against the lower curve of her buttocks. His balls nestled between her spread ass cheeks and the length of his cock throbbed deep inside her.

“I can’t take it anymore, Sophie.”

The palpable tension in his body and the strangled sound of his voice made her heart squeeze tight in her chest.

“Then don’t, Tom.”

He made a choked sound.

“Brace yourself.”

Sophie’s eyes went wide at the tautly uttered words. Her mouth hung open but her breath froze in her lungs when he withdrew his cock and plunged back into her again. He held her ass in his big hands and began fucking her with long, thorough strokes. His low, feral grunts of satisfaction and the staccato rhythm of his pelvis smacking against her buttocks filled her ears like a drumbeat of desire.

Gone was his restraint. He had endured while she found pleasure, but now he seemed intent on taking his due.

Sophie gloried in the storm of sensation and emotion that crashed all around her.

His thrusts grew more rapid and forceful, making her groan roughly.

“I told you to stay away from me.”

He firmed his hold on her ass and bent one long leg, resting his foot on the mattress, using the extra leverage to take her harder.

“I . . . don’t . . . want . . . you . . .
,” Sophie muttered between clenched teeth, every word popping out of her mouth at the same moment he smacked against her ass and filled her to capacity with his straining desire.

“Aww, Jesus . . .

She used all of her strength to brace herself, barely keeping herself from pitching over, when he plunged into her and held her to him with a desperate grasp. Her eyes went wide when she felt his cock swell. His howl of release stood in direct opposition to last night, when he’d restrained himself so carefully.

Sophie gasped raggedly while he came, her face tight with emotion. His cock was so swollen, so primed that it caused her some mild discomfort when he held her ass and thrust tightly, emptying himself into her. But it gave her more satisfaction than she’d ever experienced, knowing that he’d trusted himself once again to let go.

Knowing that she’d pleased him.

Feeling Thomas throbbing in climax in such an intimate place aroused her all over again. She remained still when he eventually withdrew and leaned over her, breathing heavily. But when he caught his breath and fell to the bed, pulling her down next to him and turning to face her, Sophie pressed her hand between her thighs and winced.

“I’m sorry,” Thomas muttered. He stretched out next to her on the bed and pressed his face to her neck. Sophie whimpered when his hand moved between her thighs, and he worked his magic. It took her all of thirty seconds before she shuddered once again in orgasm. He pressed kisses to her neck and shoulder while she came.

When she’d quieted, he settled his mouth on hers.

“Sophie,” he whispered against her lips a moment later as their stares held.

She inhaled slowly, praying she wasn’t imagining the myriad of messages she read in his eyes.

“My whole life,” he said quietly, “I never had anything that was just mine.”

Her eyes burned. For some reason, she knew exactly what he meant. In a way, they were both orphans: both belonging, and yet knowing deep down that they
belong, recognizing on some level they were extras to a family unit that had been intact and self-sufficient without their presence.

She furrowed her fingers through the thick hair at his nape while her other hand cupped his jaw. She could feel his heart still beating erratically where his chest pressed against her ribs.

She wanted to tell him that she understood . . . that her heart had never been truly owned any more than she’d ever owned another’s, but her throat was suddenly constricted with emotion.

“Shhh,” he soothed softly before he pressed his fingertips and then his mouth against hers in order to still her trembling lips.


Let’s go take a shower,” Thomas murmured after she’d cried silently in his arms for a minute or two and then quieted. She was glad he didn’t ask her for the reason for her tears. Or at least she was grateful until she realized maybe he didn’t want to hear her answer.

They showered together, talking only minimally, letting their caressing fingertips speak for them. Thomas gently washed the remnants of their lovemaking off her body. She turned away as he attempted to clean her cheeks, but he held her chin with his hand and continued, refusing to be rebuffed, and using a damp washcloth to wipe away the tracks of her tears.

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