Expose! (38 page)

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Authors: Hannah Dennison

BOOK: Expose!
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“What about that farmer chap in the Capri who tailed us to the Banana Club last Saturday?” I suggested. “He’s obviously infatuated with you and just the type to cause trouble.”
“Yes,” Annabel nodded slowly. “He
been following me a lot.” She shuddered again. “Oh, it’s all been so horrible. The photos in the newspaper, people laughing behind my back, being suspended and without
“At least Wilf kept it out of the
, dear.” Mrs. Evans patted Annabel’s hand.” Why don’t you take a long bath? That’ll make you feel better. Vicky will show you to your room.”
Out in the hallway, I picked up the cushion with huggable arms but Annabel snatched it out of my hands. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you,” she hissed. “Nice try with those contact lenses, but I know who you really are, Victoria Ada Hill.”
I looked her steadily in the eye. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Someone got to my witnesses, and I
you had something to do with it.” She was close to tears of rage. “And those Birken bags in my bedroom—”
The doorbell rang. “Answer the door,” shouted Mrs. Evans from the kitchen. “I’m on the phone.”
“Will do!” I called back. “The sewing room is the third door on the right.”
Muttering, “It’s not fair” and “I’ll prove it,” Annabel stomped up the stairs with the cushion under one arm, carrying her suitcase.
I was far more shaken by Annabel’s desire for revenge than I care to admit, but when I discovered D.S. Probes standing on Mrs. Evans’s doorstep I thought I was going to die.
“I’m sorry,” he said as he whipped out a pair of handcuffs. “You’re under arrest.”
“No!” I whispered. My head began to spin. My knees went weak. Strong hands grabbed my shoulders. The next thing I knew I’d fallen into Probes’s arms.
He looked worried. “It was a j-j-joke, silly. I only wanted to take you to dinner.” I was speechless. “I’ve never made a woman faint before,” Probes said wryly. “No strings attached. Just friends.”
I looked up into his eyes, searching for any signs of insincerity but found none.
Suddenly, there was an ear-splitting scream from upstairs. “Omigod!” shrieked Annabel. “My black dress! My lovely dress is cut to shreds!”
Mrs. Evans was supposed to have repaired it.
At the sound of Annabel thundering down the stairs yelling, “Vicky! You ruined it!” I took Probes’s arm. “Let’s go!”
As we sped out of Factory Terrace it occurred to me that I couldn’t leave Gipping quite yet. There were still a few unanswered questions—most notably, with D.S. Probes for starters.
At the pub last Sunday, I distinctly remembered him mentioning he was finding something out for Annabel.
Given the recent developments, it was vital I discover what that might be. I couldn’t risk another exposé. As Dad says, “
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,
” and that was exactly what I proposed to do.
With Annabel ensconced in Factory Terrace, and Probes pursuing me for reasons that weren’t yet clear, I didn’t want to make any hasty decisions.
Probes looked across at me and smiled, and I smiled back. I’d managed to outsmart Annabel, I was sure I could outsmart Probes, too.
I’d have to delay my flight but why worry about leaving Gipping today. I’d worry about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.
Scarlett O’Hara was on to a good thing.

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