Exposed by Rage (14 page)

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Authors: Sherrel Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Exposed by Rage
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The techs found Mimzi’s fingerprints on a gas can she had set in the hallway and it wasn’t surprising to find her name wasn’t Mimzi, and she had a long history of starting fires.  Her real name was Connie Long and her parents had died in a fire she was suspected of having set, but it had never been proven.  After that she had burned down a restaurant after she was fired, and because she was only sixteen, she had spent the next thirteen months in a juvenile lockup, released the day before her eighteenth birthday.  I didn’t know Mimzi well enough to determine where she had gone.  But if she was with George, I figured I could track them down. 

George is not the most original thinker.  He would go to ground somewhere close to the studio Trixie used to do promo work for her films.  He wouldn’t be able to leave his equipment and just disappear. 

I also had the feeling Connie-Mimzi wasn’t going to stay hidden.  She needed to finish the job she had started and that was going to include coming at me again. 

In the meantime, I was staying at DeMarco’s.  It was getting ridiculous having to move every time Mimzi decided someone had to die or be burned out.  Fortunately the fire in my bedroom hadn’t gotten out into the rest of the house and once the carpet had been removed and the smoke damage cleaned, we could move back in if we decided to.

“I think you aren’t meant to live in that house, Ash.  Maybe you should sell it and find somewhere else like you could live here.  I wouldn’t mind you as a roommate,” DeMarco wrapped strands of my hair around his fingers as we lay cuddled up in his bed, having taken a break from the worries of deadly crimes.

“I think you should consider moving in with me instead,” I told him  

That’s a lot of house for just to two of us.   But you might convince me to stay with you.  Maybe I can do a little body—guarding.”

I have ideas for the house.  I think I’m going to open an agency to help the ones out there that don’t trust cops.  I have the connections that give me an opportunity to gain their trust and I know the girls who got mixed up with George and Mimzi aren’t the only ones who need help.  I’ve already talked to a few people about coming on board.”

“I figure we’ll do a little remodeling, have some rooms for a few people to stay if they need a place temporarily.  Maybe I can even find a way to help them get jobs in a different arena.  They don’t have to stay in the sex business, but I’m not going to try to force them to change.”  I waited for Michael to tell me I was nuts and that I needed to do more to make the sinners change their lives.

“I don’t think you’re going to have to do anything but help these people.  I think it’s a great idea and hope you can pull it off.  Are you having someone check out the residential ordinances for the city?  You might need some special permits or licenses.”

“I called Severenson and he’s working on it.  You want to join me?  You can leave the force and you’d help me run everything.”

“Let me think about it,” Michael threw back the covers, collected his clothes and gave me a wicked grin.  “While I think about it, why don’t you join me in the shower?” 

DeMarco and I are both early risers, which is a good thing or he would have missed the meeting with his boss, but he wouldn’t be turning in his resignation.  I’m not sure I blame him.  As a cop he had a lot more power than I would as a private investigator and I think it would be difficult for him to be paid by Jillie’s estate, and have me as his owning partner.

He left for work and I stayed to do some research on the computer, before I went in to check on Caroline and the goings on at VixSin.  No matter what was happening, I needed to keep in touch with the business at hand, and get to know my new club manager better.

Even so I couldn’t rid myself of the thought of the film studio.  Trixie didn’t change a lot of things once they were established and wouldn’t have moved the station.  I used the Google satellite mapping to see the area where I remembered the general location it was in..

Plano would never permit the filming of Trixie’s movies, but the studio was used to cut film, do voice overs and even some promotional video where the actors and actresses were clothed--barely.  There was also a large viewing room she could use, but most of that had been done at her house, before it was burned out.

I was sure that I would find George near that facility or he might even have gone there to hide since there was no one in town to use it.  I don’t think he’d have any idea I would remember where it was or that it even existed.  I hadn’t been there in ten years, but I have a very good memory.  One of things that makes me really good at taking down crazies and scum.  Confirming the area hadn’t changed much in the years I had been away, and that I could find the building, I dressed and left to attend to business.

* * * *

I admit I was impressed with the changes Caroline had made at the club.  She, like Jillie, made sure the place was uber-clean, but had removed the carpeting and replaced it with gleaming dark marble that reflected the low lighting but left the customer’s faces in shadow at the tables that sat a few rows from the stage.  The waitresses now wore a variety of see-through lace and cut-leather corsets.  Even the mirrors behind the bar had been replaced with smoke colored mirrors in various shapes and sizes that were meant to capture only partial images creating a fascinating collage.

“I was hoping you’d come by,” Caroline said, walking out of the office area and into the main room.  “I heard about the fire at your house. Are you having any luck finding the ones who did it?”

“We know who they are, but they’ve gone into hiding.”  I changed the subject.  “I like what you’ve done.  It’s elegant and very practical.  I don’t see our old regulars, did you chase them out?”

“Not on purpose, but I think they were a little intimidated by the changes.  Do you mind that they aren’t here?”

“Hell no.  I think you’re going to really give the women a boost in income, because the clientele will have a few more dollars in their pockets.  What else have you done?”

“We’re featuring a lunch buffet and will be doing a late dinner buffet once a week if this works out.  A lot of people like to sneak away for a bit of entertainment during the time they have for lunch and some even want a special place for lunch meetings with their customers.  I figure if we can meet their needs and fill their bellies, it should be a winner.”

“Just make sure the needs your meeting don’t include any extras that can get us closed down.”  We walked back toward the office as we talked.

“Not to worry, Ashley.  I’ve added some bouncers who have great reputations for making sure no one gets too handy.  We will be welcoming and provide exceptional shows and dances, but we’re strictly no touch.  I’ve also made it clear that anyone caught prostituting themselves will get an immediate boot.”

In the office I closed the door and took the chair next to Caroline’s desk.  “So, are you hearing anything about Mimzi or George?  Have they contacted anyone you’re aware of?”

“There’s a lot of gossip and speculations, but I don’t think anyone knows where they are, but I’m still an outsider so they might not say anything in front of me,” Caroline said. “You want me to get Kevin or Butch in here?  They might have some information if anyone has heard from them.”

“No.  I’d rather you talk to them for me.  I don’t want to look like I’m interrogating them and you can have a quick word and ask them to call me if they hear anything.  No one will think anything about it.  I have some other things to take care of but I’ll have my phone on if anyone needs me.  I think you’ve done some smart things for VixSin and like your ideas.  Keep up the good work.”

Caroline actually blushed, surprising that a compliment would bring color to her cheeks.  Maybe she was working on confidence issues like so many of us do. I know I have a hard time when people remark on the way I look.  Maybe that’s a hangover from all the comparisons with Trixie and her fleet of actors.  It had followed me when I left for the Army then had gotten a little better.  After all until I came back to town, most people had no idea that I was born from the loins of a porn queen.

* * * *

I drove to the east side of town where there were a number of warehouse style buildings that housed a variety of businesses, including Trixie’s studio.  I wasn’t foolish enough to go in and look around without backup—DeMarco would kick my ass if I died doing something so stupid.  Instead I just staked out the place, watching for any signs of activity.  Most of the building’s façade was stone, but there were a number of high windows on the front of the building. 

I didn’t see any cars I recognized, but I could watch the windows for signs that lights were going on or being turned off.  I also didn’t see the old man who was usually parked in the glassed in lobby.  I wasn’t sure if that was something to be concerned about or if he’d been sent off on some vacation when the others had been shipped out.  Trixie was a great employer, making sure the men and women who worked for her, in any capacity, were given plenty of family or personal time and I couldn’t reach her at the SPA, true to her own rules, she’d turned off her phone.

I only stayed a couple of hours.  Hours filled with boredom and frustration.  I don’t know what I expected but my blood pressure was rising with each minute that passed.  Kevin had given me a call while I watched the studio, only to report he’d heard nothing from anyone.  Butch called a while later with the same report.   Both promised to keep their ear to the ground for me.  Damn I was tired of this and wanted everything settled.   Mostly I wanted to find Mimzi and pummel her senseless.

I turned the key and pulled out of the parking space, did a slow circle around the building and rolled toward the exit.  Mimzi sat at a red light in the turn lane directly in front of me.  I took a quick right then did a U-turn at the first opportunity, pulling into the same turn lane three cars back from her.  I dialed DeMarco but got his voice mail.  Leaving a message I followed Dimzie into the parking lot, returning to the same spot I had just left.

She walked across the tarmac, swinging her hips and carrying bags with the name of a restaurant on them.  She was bringing dinner to her partner in crime but it made me angry to see how upbeat she appeared.  I couldn’t believe my luck. 

Maybe I was going to have the opportunity to beat the shit out of her.


Minutes passed and I got antsy.  Convinced myself that DeMarco was on his way and he’d sent backup to make sure I was safe until he arrived.  I already knew it was dangerous to make any type of assumption, but what I know to be the truth when dealing for others, just never seems to apply to me.

I just wanted a look.  A quick peek to determine where Mimzi had gone when she’d entered the studio.  The video and audio rooms were set up so that the operator of the camera or sound equipment could see the players, but the players were seeing an image projected to help them get into the right mood for whatever they were filming or recording.  I knew that if the couple were in one of the sets, I could take a quick look from the technician’s side and they would never know I was there. 

I crept silently up the steps and into the building lobby keeping an eye out for any cameras that might have been installed for security purposes, but fully expecting that would not be the case.  Trixie didn’t like people spying on her and had already experienced more than one breach into a system that was supposed to protect her.  No cameras were in sight.  I opened the hallway door only far enough to check to see if anyone was in there. Finding it empty, I slipped passed the door and crept down the passage glancing through the doorways into each studio until I saw Mimzi taking out food cartons in a video set.

I turned quietly to leave the building and wait for Michael. 

George growled as he ran through the doorway opposite the one I was standing in. 

A knife gleamed in his hand.  He struck me.  Blood bloomed even as I raised my hands to block the blow.   I hardly felt it slice into my upper arm.  Twisting away I found Mimzi, a blood maroon bat raised to strike me.  I ducked.  My muscles responded with the memory of hours of training. 

I turned, using the velocity of the motion to drive my elbow into Mimzi’s face.  I heard the bat drop to the floor as I extended my leg targeting George’s knee.  A satisfying crack as he screamed told me I had hit the target.

George dropped like the sack of shit he was.

Mimzi recovered. She charged at me, her acrylic, tiger-sharp claws extended.  Rage distorted her features changing them into a demonic parody of the innocent faced sex star she had become.  She swiped the claws across my chest.

I had seen drunks fight with the ability to contort into boneless shapes. Slip out of the hands of some of the meanest, most muscular, hardcore, examples of military might.  Mimzi made them look like gawky teenagers. 

She moved with speed and agility making it impossible to land a direct kick or punch, while she continued to scratch and claw at my face, breasts and abdomen.   Fury drove her in an unending rampage against me.  I realized I was slowing as she continued to connect her dagger sharp blows. 

I evaded and ducked, faked left and then right.  She followed my every move.  Breathless my energy surged as I realized George was directly behind her.  I moved forward, forcing her back a half step, then another, driving her until she stumbled.  Lost her balance.  Fell.  The plunk of a basketball bouncing across a court marked her head hitting the ground.

I bent down, turned her over and grabbed one of the restraints I carried in my pocket I twisted her arms behind her and fastened it tightly around her wrists before she regained her senses. The door from the lobby opened behind me, and I looked up to find DeMarco leading a charge into the hall.  Distracted by the anger carved into this face, I never even thought about the knife until George drove it into my calf.  Braden charged forward kicking George’s arm to keep him from making a second strike.   DeMarco caught me before I fell into the heap of bodies at my feet.

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