Read Eye of the Tiger Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Eye of the Tiger (11 page)

BOOK: Eye of the Tiger
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When had he stopped jacking off?

He’d had his own private room with the group but nothing had turned him on there. Even before that, though, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d pleasured himself. The move to Lake Worth, beginning a new job with the Coalition and working on his house had left him too tired at the end of the night to even think about taking his own pleasures. Meeting someone had been out of the question.

He could concentrate on that now, though.

Rubbing his thumb over the head of his cock, he hissed at how good it felt. With his left hand he cupped his balls while starting to stroke himself. He closed his eyes and of course he pictured Agent Fox, Abilene, standing over him. Her face flushed and eyes wide with arousal.

She was a firecracker.

He bet that even when he got her into his bed—and he was going to—she’d be just as passionate as in other aspects of her life. Hmm, yeah he could already imagine it. Abilene would be the kind of woman who would demand what she wanted. Maybe even take charge.

That thought hit, and his knees went weak. Fuck, he would love to have her ride him. Lie back and watch her impale herself onto his cock.
His cock jerked, and he sprayed cum all over the shower floor. His orgasm had hit quickly and left him feeling wiped out, even more so than earlier.

Turning, he did a quick rewash before twisting the knobs and cutting off the spray. He stuck his hand outside the enclosure to grab the towel hanging up on the bar. He brought the soft cotton to his face, breathing in deeply—freshly laundered and comforting.

Drying off with fast, efficient movements, he finished his routine. Now that he was no longer under the magical spell of the hot shower, he was more motivated. As he wrapped the towel around his waist, he strolled back to the sink. Three shelves lined the side of his wall and he pulled down his shaving kit. He’d managed to keep from looking like a mountain man with a full beard but he still had more scruff than he preferred.

He filled the sink and began his shaving ritual.

He had a lot to do the next day and hopefully they would get more out of the suspects they’d arrested. Mike Timmons had managed to get away. Since he wasn’t sure when Timmons had left the property, he couldn’t help much in locating him. Zak knew one man who would probably know exactly where Mike Timmons was, though. Logan would have all the information they’d need. So far Logan hadn’t said a word. He also had not asked for an attorney, which surprised Zak. Zak had expected Logan to lawyer up right away.

Logan was obviously up to something but there wasn’t much that could be done from lock-up so Zak was at a loss for what Logan’s plans were.

Finished with his task, he ducked his head and splashed water on his face before patting his chin dry. He dropped the linen into the basket on his way out of the bathroom.

Zak went directly to his dresser and pulled out his softest faded pair of sweats. He never took them on assignment with him since they were his absolute favorite. He also decided on a white ribbed tank top. Going commando—since he planned to only be up a few more hours—he dressed quickly then headed back down the stairs.

On the landing, he could already smell the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Aubrey, somewhat of a coffee snob, provided him and Jamie with freshly ground beans every time she went to the specialty store.

Zak couldn’t wait to get his hands on a cup.

Just as he stepped down to the first floor, the bell rang. Cody and Jamie had both told him to go on home and they’d see him in the morning so he couldn’t imagine they’d be dropping by already. But he wouldn’t put it past his friends or Aubrey to double-check on him. Chuckling, he pulled open the door.

And froze.

Abilene Fox stood at his entry.


“Can I come in?” she asked when he didn’t say anything.

He blinked before seemingly coming back to himself. He threw her a quick smirk but opened the door wider.

Abilene brushed past him, delighting in his sharp intake of breath. She’d had her own surprise when he’d open the door. Instead of the rough, handsome man she’d been expecting, Zak had cleaned up. He wore the thinnest pair of sweats she’d ever seen with the outline of his cock right there for all her enjoyment. His strong, wide shoulders were bare under his tank top. And he’d shaved. Completely naked of any hair on his face. The guy was just so fucking hot! Any doubts that she’d had about driving to see him disappeared.

Abilene had checked into the hotel with Luca earlier, finding the accommodations much better than the motel she’d been in before. This hotel had a restaurant, bar and twenty-four-hour room service.

Luca had been looking a little pale so after helping him to his room, she’d made sure he had everything he needed before going to her own.

Showering then changing her clothes, Abilene had been at a loss as to what to do next. The long afternoon of interviews had had her agitated that they weren’t getting anything from their suspects. She’d needed to unwind and only one thought had come to mind.

So she’d grabbed her keys and headed out. A quick call to Spencer had provided her with Zak’s address. As she’d worked with Jamie in the afternoon, she’d been constantly reminded of Zak. Jamie had mentioned him whenever the two of them had been alone. She hadn’t needed the constant reminder.

Hell, her lips still tingled when she thought about the kiss she’d shared with Zak. The press of his lips over hers had been sweet and soft. Controlled. She wanted to steal that restraint away from him.

“I was about to make a cup of coffee, would you like some?” he asked, closing the door behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder, seeing him watching her closely.

It wasn’t her imagination that his voice was husky and deeper than usual.

She strolled back over and ran her finger down his chest. “We can start with coffee if you would like.”

He caught her hand and brought it up to his mouth, tonguing the pulse in her wrist. “Come on then.”

Abilene liked the fact that he didn’t let go of her. Instead he led her through a large living room to the back of the house. She could smell the brew that he’d offered and although she really couldn’t have cared less about the beverage, maybe it was good that he had suggested it.

She wasn’t shy when it came to men but she’d never put herself out quite like she was doing with Zak. The last time she’d had a sexual partner had been over a year ago and she had dated him for eight weeks. There was just something about the sexy tiger shifter that she had to get her hands on. Zak led her to a dark rectangular table and pulled out a chair. “How do you take it?” he questioned.

She laughed softly. The way that inquiry could be taken was just too good to pass up. Zak lifted an eyebrow and the words ‘hard and fast’ died on her lips. The spark in his eye was all predator and she had no doubt he was just waiting for a chance to pounce on her. While that was what she wanted, in the end, Abilene had every intention of making the first move.

“Two creams and two sugars,” she replied instead.

Grinning, he winked at her. “I figured.”

He moved around the kitchen with grace, his big hands opening cabinets and drawers, pulling out cups and spoons. She had his attention too. His gaze flicked back and forth between what he was doing and her, time after time.

“Should I ask what you’re doing here or how you got my address?” he asked.

She accepted the mug before shrugging. “What if I told you one of your friends gave it to me?”

“I would believe it.” He took the chair across from her.

“Or maybe,” she said, leaning forward to sit the cup down, “I used my connections to stalk you.”

Zak licked his bottom lip, and she had to clench her fist to keep from reaching out and touching him. She wanted it to be her tongue on his mouth.

“That would be even better. It would mean you had to work to find me,” Zak commented gruffly.

A tingle worked down her spine at the deep low tone his voice had taken. “You are most definitely work,” she said.

“Yeah?” Zak asked as he settled back into his chair and picked up his coffee. He blew over the lip of the cup.

Ah, she really wanted to taste him.

“I don’t believe anyone has ever told me that before. I’m a pretty laid-back guy,” he said.

She was already shaking her head. “Let’s be honest? We’re both adults.”

Zak waved his hand at her so she took that as he agreed.

“There was a spark between us when I pulled you and Luca over that first time. Not only that but my shifter side felt it too. I know you did, unless you always get hard when stopped by the police.”

He laughed, surprising her. “God, I love the way you talk—no filter, no doubt, just take it or leave it.”

She wouldn’t apologize for the way she was. She’d learned to protect herself at an early age. While her mind would race with ‘what ifs’ and uncertainty, she refused to let anyone else see that. “Are you denying what I said?”

“Oh, hell no,” he told her. “Please continue.”

“This morning I wanted to punch your lights out.”

“I got that part,” he said dryly.

“That wasn’t all, though,” she admitted.

“Yeah.” Zak set his mug back down. “I could see that, too.”

“So here I am,” she offered. “We can either see what this is between us or I can leave and we’ll bury it forever. That choice I’m giving to you.”

“That choice?” he asked.

Pulling on her bottom lip with her teeth, she openly ran her gaze up and down his hot body. “Tonight that is the only choice you’re going to make.”

The low rumble surprised her. His chest expanded. “I’m agreeable to that.”

She wasted no time throwing back her chair and meeting up with him on the other side of the table as he stood.

Reaching up to grab onto those wide shoulders, she pulled him close, this time leaning up to take his mouth. He opened for her, and she could have just died and gone to heaven. This was what she’d been craving ever since she’d gotten her first taste of him.

Zak’s hands came down to grip her waist, holding her tightly, as Abilene stroked her tongue inside his mouth. The power she felt at the knowledge that this strong man would let her take him was mind-numbing.

She squirmed closer until her breasts brushed against his chest. She needed more.

She backed away long enough to push up his tank top. He grabbed the back of the garment and tore it over his head before letting it fall to the ground. It only took a small amount of movement to get her tongue right there on his gorgeous pecs. She hummed a little as she lavished his right nipple then his left.

Zak’s palms shook as he rubbed them down her back.

“Take me to your bedroom,” she ordered softly.

Expecting that he’d lead her by the hand, she gasped when instead he lifted her off her feet and into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Just following your demands,” he told her cheekily.

With long, quick strides, he carried her out of the kitchen and through the house. Since she didn’t have to concentrate on not walking into walls, she used the opportunity to nibble on his neck.

He stumbled on the first step of the stairs but caught himself before they could tumble down. “Feels good,” he said, while tilting his head to give her better access.

She liked his encouragement. She could still taste the soap he must have used earlier in his shower. Running her tongue over the vein, she followed it up to bite at his chin. “Did you think about me while you were showering?” she asked.

“Yessss,” he hissed.

“Good,” she approved.

His hand tightened on her ass, holding her more firmly against his body.

Zak didn’t turn on any lights but she knew they’d finally made it to his bedroom. She could smell him in there, even though there was a distinct freshly cleaned and dusted aroma mixed in as well.

That made sense, as Zak hadn’t even been home for the last several months.

A thrill raced through her when she realized that he would be sharing his first night back with her in his bed. Sucking on his collarbone, she marked him in her own way.

He rocked his hips into her. They weren’t at the right angle for her to feel his thrusts where she really wanted to but he was getting some friction off her. That wasn’t good enough.

As soon as her back landed gently on the soft mattress, she used her legs to roll them both. Luckily the bed was wide enough to allow her to do so without the risk of them falling off. Since she hadn’t actually looked around, it was a very good thing.

Zak’s eyes shone back at her as she straddled him. Leaning forward, she teased the side of his mouth with her tongue. He was already panting when her lips met his. Instead of spending the hours she really wanted to on kissing him, she pulled back.

“Tonight you’re all mine, Zak Lewis,” she told him boldly.

“Yes, yes please,” he agreed, pumping his hips up.

“Not until I say,” she taunted while reaching back to cup his erection through his fragile cotton sweats.


Chapter Nine




“Damn.” Zak couldn’t hold back his curse. Even though Abilene was touching him through the barrier of his pants, it was still the best thing Zak could ever remember.

“Hmm,” she murmured, before digging the heel of her hand harder into him.

He needed that friction, the touch. Raising his hips, he was just about to start begging when her hand disappeared.

“No!” he whined, opening his eyes.
. He’d actually just whined.

Her smile, though, was radiant. “There’s still more to come,” she promised.

She was a vixen and had been put on the earth to torture him. That could be the only explanation. “Can you take what I give you, Zak?” she asked seductively.

“Anything,” he begged.

“We’ll have to see,” she teased. Straightening, she sat up, her ass landing on his cock. He wanted to thrust up but she had made it obvious that she was the one running this show.

Her brown eyes seemed to melt as he stared up at her. Slowly, she started to pull her T-shirt up, revealing her flat stomach, then finally pulled it over her head. Her black silk bra barely contained her full breasts. He couldn’t stop himself from cupping her as he lifted his head to mouth the thin fabric. She moaned while arching above him. Zak couldn’t remember ever seeing a more gorgeous sight. Her soft flesh molded to his touch. Wetness from his lips soaked through to her nipples, which pebbled for him.

BOOK: Eye of the Tiger
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