Read Fairytale chosen Online

Authors: Maya Shepherd

Fairytale chosen (10 page)

BOOK: Fairytale chosen
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Lean greeted by clapping their hands, whereupon they all straightened. "Prince Lean, it is a great honor," announced the master of the house.

"Baron Loradios, may I introduce you to my lovely companion? This is Erina. "He released her hand and pushed it slightly forward.

The Baron gave her a polite smile. "A true beauty!" He announced and kissed her hand, after which the girl blushes eyelashes reflected. In Erinas red hair  was covered with snowflakes and her skin was almost as white as the snow. She had never looked more beautiful.

"And so modest!", The wife of Baron exclaimed enthusiastically. It sounded approving murmurs of the guests. Lean, knew that they would have reacted the same way if he had brought a sow and they imagined them as a candidate. He often enjoyed the company of the simple  people over the nobles, the day in and day out honey smeared around the mouth.

They were led into the house. In the dining room there was a festively decorated dining table. A fire burned in the fireplace and they left large windows overlook the surrounding white country. The Prince took the head of the table. Erina sat on his left and on his right Loradios. The maids distributed steaming mulled wine to the guests. Erina sipped timidly at her cup and did not seem to dare to see someone there.

When the appetizer was served, the Baron drew again the conversation to the present candidate. "Prince, enlight me why you've chosen Erina?"

All present  looked instantly and expected an exciting answer. Including Erina.

Lean smiled. "Erina has the most beautiful eyes of all," he announced, after which the guests nod hurry and made known their approval did, although so far certainly none of them had even looked her in her the eyes. Erina smiled and lowered  her eyes for the first time not to look.

For the main course the Baron had spared no expense or effort and let dish oysters next to a pheasant. The maids invited each guest directly three on the plate. Only when all began to eat, Lean noticed how Erina incredulously looked down at her food. She looked at the oysters, as if they were insects crawling.

"Have not you ever eaten oysters?" The Prince whispered to her and she shook her head shyly.

"Tastes like seawater," replied Lean, sipping one of the shells before their eyes empty. He did not just like oysters, as they belonged to high society and he had grown up with them. Erina did it after him, but as soon as she swallowed, she grimaced. A few seats away sounded subdued laughter. Erina watched as three of the female guests looked in their direction, giggled and whispered something in their ears. Lean got away with nothing.

"You do not have to eat if you do not like," he assured her. But Erina shook his head. She did not want to be rude. "I was just about the taste scared", she claimed. "They're really delicious," she said in the direction of the Baron. Although  she clearly did not like the oysters, she emptied the remaining two shells. They had their facial expressions under better control.

After that, the pheasant was cut and distributed by the maids. Although wine flowed freely, the day was not yet advanced enough to forget the good manners. All took up a knife and fork and began the flesh to separate from the bone. Only Erina was having hard time. She had never eaten in their lives with a knife. She was accustomed to using their fingers or a spoon. In the village inns knives were not even enough to eat, because otherwise there was a danger that the guest mutually stung out their eyes in dispute. Wherever beer flowed, the violence level was very high. Erina avoiding these places.

She did not know how to hold the knife and struggled off to the meat. They constantly had the laughter of the female guests in their ears, and she felt all staring at her. This made her even more nervous. She was ashamed to land.

It was so striking that even noticed Lean how the other guests considered Erina : Behold the little beggar girl, she does not even know how to hold a knife!

The noble ladies were the worst. Loosened by wine, they showed even Erina. Lean had never ashamed of his acquaintances. He rammed his knife into the table, after which everyone was staring at him in shock. His fork he dropped to the ground. He reached with both hands after the pheasant pieces, which lay on his plate and bit it off. Grease ran down his chin and dripped onto his blue shirt. "Delicious!" He praised the Baron. "Pheasant should be eaten only with your hands, just to have the taste completely”

Loradios put his cutlery also to the side and so did the same prince. He was followed by all the guests. With pointed fingers, the ladies kept the flesh between her hands and dabbed after every bite with his napkin from his mouth. Lean wished  a painter was there, of this for eternity would be able to capture. Erina gave him a grateful smile. Warmth and affection in her eyes and was restarted Lean was aware that he would really break the heart.

As Erina returned to the castle in the evening with flushed cheeks, a happy smile and bright eyes, the other candidates expected them impatiently. Heera found that they had something of raptors who pounced on their prey.

"How was it? What have you done to her? "Asked Daphne the first.

"He took me to a noble family and presented" Erina replied shyly.  But it was uncomfortable to be at the center.

"Have you danced?" Xenia asked.


"Did he held your hand?" Says Medea asked.

Erina blushed. "Yes."

"Did you kiss him?" Phoebe asked curiously.

"No," replied indignantly Erina.

Agnes sniffed. "So I would not have hesitated!"

"Neither do I," Daphne chuckled approvingly. The girl withdrew. They had to know what they wanted to know. Only Heera remained and went to meet Erina. "Was it good?"

"Yes, very," she smiled dreamily. "The prince is not only good-looking, he also has a big and kind heart." She told Heera what had happened while eating and how Lean had campaigned for them. Heera would thus not have expected him a noble behavior. Which of the girls would be able to spend a day with him as Next?

The snow falls down from heaven,

Mutes the voice of greed.

The wind is blowing and the rain is running out.

The fire burns and the water flows.

Only if you know the words,

 the gift 


he elect were called before breakfast in the throne room. The prince wanted to announce something that clearly makes the girls run smoothly. You already expect the worst. It was well known that not twelve of them are likely to remain until the end. Gradually, the prince would sort always more of them, so that in the end only a handful remained, from which would then only T HREE reach the next round, to compete against the princesses from the four cardinal points. Especially the elect who had not passed the previous exam, were afraid of the first selection of the Prince.

With anxious faces they entered the throne room, in which the entire court and the royal family were already gathered. It was only when they were all there Lean rose from his throne and walked restlessly up and down. Even his parents seemed unaware because the Queen was followed every step of her son full of curiosity.

"Dear court, dear friends," he opened his speech Lean  looked around for his chosen ones, "dear ladies." He gave them a warm smile and lingered on Erina, before he continued. "I have always believed that I know all about our beautiful Chóraleio, but yesterday I became aware that there are many grievances that I should improve as king." He looked at his parents. "My father cultivates values and always says that the welfare of the people from the king should come first. That's why I decided to build an poorhouse in every city of the empire or to enlarge  an exciting one. I will also do away with the rent for the houses from today. People who require help, from every workhouse wouldnfind refuge without having to pay for it. A roof over your head and a bed for the night is the least I owe every citizen of my kingdom. In addition, the almshouses each evening will spend a hot meal ... "

A little man from the court waving excitedly with his arms. "Prince Lean, your charity in all honor, but how do we finance it? Your strokes revenues and further increased spending through the roof. "

Lean waved off the objection. "The pantries are filled and the gold jingling in our treasury. We will certainly not go hungry. "

However, King Egeas also objected. "My dear son, such a major change in the law you have to be to discuss with me ... "

Lean interrupted him angrily in the word. He was determined and would be dissuaded from anything or anyone. "I am the future King of Chóraleio and it is time that I take responsibility for myself and my people. I am the people of our realm is not only guilty of a worthy bride, but also a worthy king. My mind is and exactly how it will happen. I will today visit the poorhouse of the city, to give me even a picture of what needs to be improved. "

Neither the king nor the treasurer dared to contradict him. As Lean raring left the hall, Heera watched him with big eyes. She was really impressed. Previously they had believed that the fate of the poor it would not matter, but apparently he seemed much just do not know or had to be encountered on the nose. You could well imagine, who was responsible for his change of heart. Right next to her was Erina who smiled dreamily. Heera nudged slightly. "That is your merit! You are doing him good. With you as Queen Chóraleio might really just a place. "

Erina beamed at her. "Are you really?"

" The Prince changes brandish laws! You must have seriously impressed with him," said Heera your good and said it to be honest.. Medea would, as she behaved at the time, probably just ensure that even more senseless festivals were celebrated. They already seemed now to have forgotten where it came from. Never Heera would have expected that the events would develop so. While they looked more critical her own sister, whom she loved more than anything, she began to appreciate Lean. He was not as bad as she had expected. Quite the contrary. He had humor, was quick-witted and goodness it did not seem to be lacking him.

Before Heera late evening entered the dining room, she heard already the girls weep bitterly. Something had to have happened. She quickened her pace. They immediately looked to the table at which the ranking was published. Already at first glance you could see that some of the missing names. She stepped closer.

1.)  Erina

2.)  Xenia

3.)  Heera

4.)  Medea

5.)  Phoibe

6.)  Acelya

7.)  Agnes

8.)  Daphne

9.)  Celestia

Lacked the name of Jone, Lenya and Selene. It was clear to all what that meant. The girls were eliminated and now had to leave the castle. But what Heera more than met, was the fact that her name was now in third place of the ranking. About Medea.

She had not even passed the exam, which the queen had made them. The girls had Prince Lean observed as he left late in the evening Heera’s room and now she stood in third place. That was bad blood, that was for sure. Only for Erina she was pleased that was the number one with the Prince now. She had this position earned more than any other. Before she could look around, she felt her sister came up behind her. She recognized Medea to her step and her smell: delicate as peach blossoms.

"Did you tell him the truth?" Medea whispered anxiously in his ear.

"What kind of truth?" Heera replied blankly.

"About the strawberries! Did you tell him that we have found them together? "


"But why are you standing over me then? You must have told him anything! What were you talking about? "Her words were urgent, her eyes looked suspiciously. It hurt less that they had lost a place in the rankings, more that her sister was standing over her. Although Heera was the older, people had always preferred Medea. She was the prettier, the more talented, the nicer and especially the more congenial. Although she loved her sister, it was hard for her to deal with it.

"I told him that you're the right bride for him!" Swore Heera, but Medea did not believe her.

"I told you, you should stay out of you!" She snapped injured, close to tears. "Why are you still here? You wanted to go yet! "

Heera was running out of patience at the end. She had understanding for her sister, but she did not accuse unjustly. "Stop crying, be glad that you're still there! The rankings can change at any time again! "She instructed her younger sister cope, in the moment when the Prince entered the room in person. The three girls were sobbing at the same time resigned, while Medea fell silent immediately and bowed to Lean.

"Good evening, ladies," Lean greeted them. "I'm sorry that for some of you the day ends with bad news."

He turned his attention to Jone, Lenya and Selene. " Please take my decision not as a discredit to your person. You are all three wonderful ladies, who one day will make a man very happy, but I am not this man. I had to come to a decision and the time was too short to get to know you. Please forgive me that I could make you not happy.”

"It was an honor to you to be close for a few days, Prince Lean" Jone assured him politely.

"These few days were the most beautiful of my life," Selene said.

Lean kissed one after the girls' hands goodbye. "You may keep your gifts for granted. In addition, I can deliver meals to your families, so that your return can be celebrated. You will care for a year with food from the castle, so you have to get worry about your welfare. I'm sure there are a lot of men to stop your hand. Choose wisely! Let your heart speak, because only the heart alone will choose the right. "

Jone, Lenya and Selene left the hall. Lean looked at the other girl. "I am pleased to have an each of you continue on my side. Exams are before you. Tests, which require not only courage, but also brains. Each of you who is your check is further allowed to stay with me. "

He did not say what would happen to the other. When he tried to leave the room, Heera stepped in his way. "In a word?"

He looked surprised, but nodded. They stood in the door.

"I have asked you to send me home, instead, you put me on the third place of your ranking. What are you doing? "She snapped angrily.

BOOK: Fairytale chosen
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