Faithfully (17 page)

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Authors: Izzy Cullen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Relationships, #Love & Romance

BOOK: Faithfully
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“It is a disease, you fucktard,” Alex shot back at her quickly.

“No shit, but one he is recovering from. Sheltering him from alcohol isn’t helping him learn to live with it in his life. He won’t know how to cope in a real world situation if he isn’t practicing with people who care about his sobriety. Do you think every place he goes will remove booze when he walks into the room?” Sam was making a good point. We were babying him, but I honestly didn’t think much about drinking since I do little of it during the school year anyway.

“It’s early in his sobriety, so that’s why I haven’t had it around. You know what has happened in the past.” Obviously this conversation was just between Sam and Alex, because I was clueless on what happened in the past.

“This is different. I think he actually wants it this time. In the past it was because you guys were holding the band over his head. At this moment the band isn’t doing shit.” Sam was getting mad and I have never seen her get this heated ever. I could tell it had to do with defending someone she cared about. There were feelings there, and I now wanted to get tangled in this web to help them, even if it pissed Alex off.

Johnny walked back in and he handed a beer to Derek and Alex. “Sorry, I knew you didn’t drink beer,” he said to me and then looked back at the others. “So what was all said about me? I know you were talking about me.”

“Well, I was explaining to my wise brother here that they can’t keep treating you like a baby and you have to learn to deal with being around alcohol.” Sam was shooting daggers at Alex.

“I was explaining to Miss Know It All that I have had experience with this and exposing you too soon isn’t the best thing.” Alex shot her a smirk.

“My track record sucks. I know that, and basically the whole public does too, but I can stay clean this time.” Johnny was only looking at Sam when he said it, almost as if he was trying to reinforce something.

“Fine, I’ll move the beer back in the house. I can keep a better eye on it that way.” He stuck his middle finger up at Johnny as he opened the can of beer.

“Love you, too,” Johnny shot back.

Derek and Alex had a few beers while Sam, Johnny and I had coffee. We channeled surfed and Derek filled us all in on the different women he had been seeing. I guess one, and occasionally, two dates didn’t really count as seeing. I wished he would settle down and find someone, but he just couldn’t be happy with any woman that he found. I thought it to be sad, but he thought it was fun. Finally, around eleven, we decided to head to bed.

The next morning, Alex and I talked about our plans for Thanksgiving. He was getting up early to help my mother. I had a few salads I needed to make here at the house and the pumpkin pies. We were eating in the afternoon, so there was plenty of time. Plus my family has always had a relaxing Thanksgiving. My dad always watched the Lions, so there was no need to dress up in stuffy clothes.

Alex was up pretty early. He kissed me and told me coffee was on downstairs, but to stay in bed for a bit if I wanted. I did, and there was no need in telling or offering me that option. I finally did get out of bed, but only because I had to go to the bathroom. I washed up and headed downstairs. I peeked in on the girls first and they were all crashed. Sam’s door was shut, but I couldn’t help be curious to see if she was in there. I thought I was being quiet, but I must not have been.

              “Yes, mom, I’m in my own bed.” Crap, I was caught.

“No, I was going to see if you wanted coffee and to help with the pies and salads.” I thought that maybe she would buy into it.

“No and no, I’m sleeping. I’m a guest. I don’t need to work for my food.” She rolled over and wrapped the covers around her tighter.

“Someone woke with a bad case of the bitchies.” I grabbed the knob to shut the door when I saw a hand with the middle finger sticking up on it. I made a kissing sound as if I was blowing her a kiss and then shut the door.

When I got to the kitchen, I noticed the snow coming down. I had a love-hate relationship with snow. I loved how it made everything look once it made a full blanket on the ground. I hated it because it stayed so long and how it made everything look dirty in the spring.

The girls came downstairs after I had the pies in the oven. I saw Derek being dragged behind them. I made him a cup of coffee and slid it across the island to him. He was sitting on a stool and the girls were sitting and standing around him. The girls told us about their dreams, and about what they planned to eat at Thanksgiving dinner. I sent them upstairs to brush their teeth and get clothes set out so I could get them in the shower.

“What the fuck is this shit?” I snapped my head around and saw Sam walking into the kitchen. She was pointing outside.

“It’s called snow. I’m sure you have heard of it before and possibly even seen it in movies.” I went to get her a cup of coffee, too.

“No shit, I’ve seen it before, but it’s only November.”

              I was starting to make another pot of coffee. “Well, you lucked out, because we usually get snow in October. In fact, sometimes we trick or treat in snowsuits.” I wasn’t exaggerating either.

“Why do you live here again?” I ignored her question.

“Go over and get Johnny please. There isn’t a coffee pot over there.” I shot her a sly look. “Or you can wait and just take him a cup.” I winked at her.

“His ass can get his own. He has two legs.” Sam slid in next to Derek.

“I am so lucky to be in a house with the two classiest ladies I know.” Sam reached over and smacked Derek before I could. “Honestly, it’s kind of hot.” I rolled my eyes at him.

We sat around and had another cup of coffee before Johnny came over. The pies were done soon after and I was upstairs getting the girls ready. When I was done, I had a few more salads to make and then it was time to get ready to head over to my parents. We had to take two cars because mine wasn’t big enough. Derek drove the girls and me over and I had Sam and Johnny take my car.

When we pulled in, the girls ran right in as Derek and I started to unload the car. I couldn’t help but watch Sam and Johnny in the car. It looked like they were in a heated discussion. It ended with Sam exiting the car and slamming the door. She blew right past us and into my parent’s house. Derek followed with an arm full of stuff. Johnny walked over to help carry the rest in with me.

“Hey, is everything okay? I didn’t mean to spy.” I was genuinely concerned, not just being nosy.

“You know the saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me?” He didn’t wait for a response. “I’m just the fool who has fucked up a lot and run out of chances.” He shut the door with his foot and started to head into the house.

“Johnny.” He turned and looked at me. “Just remember that actions speak louder than words.”

“Yeah, so I’ve been told.” He turned and walked back into the house.

When I walked in, it smelled so good. Alex and my mom were finishing up in the kitchen. I kissed Alex as he took the pies from my arms and then gave my mom a hug. I went and looked for my dad. I hadn’t seen him in a few days, but when I did see him on Monday he had looked so tired. He was getting worn out, and I wasn’t there to help like I had been in the past.

I walked into the living room and he was in his chair watching football. The girls were playing by his feet and Sam was sitting on the couch next to Bruce, her arms crossed. I walked over and kissed the top of my dad’s head. He looked up, smiled, and wished me a Happy Thanksgiving. I went back to help set up the table.

Dinner was so good. There was so much food, and the amount of leftovers was ungodly. We would be eating turkey for weeks. My mom told us she was making turkey potpie and sending a huge dish over the next day. We all helped clean up and package leftovers. Bruce took a bag full home, saying he now didn’t have to worry about dinner for the next week.

When we got outside, I noticed how much it snowed. There had to be a few inches now on the ground. The girls were trying to catch flakes on their tongues as everyone started getting ready to leave. Sam quickly jumped in with Derek. She had avoided Johnny most of the night and didn’t look at him during dinner. The girls split up between cars. Lily and Josie went with Johnny, and Jasmine went with Derek and Sam. Alex and I rode back together.

“This is the last quiet weekend for a while.” With all the company, it wasn’t very quiet. “Paige, Eric, and the band will be showing up on Monday.” I had forgotten all about her coming. I leaned my head back on the seat.

“Well, Sam will be here to help, so that should help keep things smooth.” I was thankful for that.

“No, Sam said she was leaving on Saturday. She said she had some things to take care of, but would be here for Christmas.” Alex changed the station. “But Johnny said he would stay and help out. He said he doesn’t have anything going on and he really likes it here.” I was now wondering if Sam wasn’t staying because she wanted to get away from Johnny. I needed to get her alone before she left Saturday to find out what the hell was going on.

“I’m glad Johnny is staying.” I really was. I was growing to really like him and think of him like family. It hadn’t been long, but my hate for him had turned to like and now into a loving friendship. “Where is everyone staying while they are here?” I hadn’t thought to ask before. Honestly, I didn’t really care or get involved in Alex’s work. It wasn’t my business.

“I rented a house in town and the band will stay there. Eric will stay in the house and so will Paige.” I was not into this plan at all, but I was not going to be the crazy girlfriend. I just didn’t like something about Paige. “I’ll be staying at your house. I can plan my own schedule, so we will work during the day and I’ll be there for dinner and bedtime.” He squeezed my hand when he said it. I liked the fact he was staying at my house.

When we pulled into the driveway, everyone was piling out of the two cars. “You know, if you got a bigger car we wouldn’t need to take so many vehicles.” He kept trying to talk me into letting him buy me a Suburban or Escalade, but my car was perfect and paid off.

“If you need a bigger car, you can buy one. My car is fine.” I did not want another vehicle payment. The extra money in the bank every month was a nice feeling.

“I’d buy this one for you, plus I look good in a Jeep.” He started getting out of the car. 

“Says who?” I quickly responded as I jumped out of the vehicle. I had shut the door and had taken a few steps when I felt a snowball whack me in the shoulder. I looked over as Alex let another one go and it smacked me in the face.

“You are dead.” I bent
over, made a snowball, launched it at him, and missed. This just pissed me off more. Then I heard the girls yelling, “Get her,” and, “Get him.” They were calling out teams. Derek, Sam and Johnny had no plans on joining until Alex pelted them with snowballs. By the end of the snowball fight, it was everyone versus Alex. He was making enemies quickly. He didn’t grow up around snow, so he was never taught that face shots were not allowed.

We all piled into the house laughing and carrying our bags of leftovers. Alex went to make a fire. I started putting things away and put hot chocolate on as everyone went to change into warm pajamas. Once the fire was going Alex came in, wrapped his arms around me from behind, and started kissing my neck. “This has been the best Thanksgiving I’ve ever had, and I’m not just saying that.”

I immediately smiled. I was happy to hear that. The family holidays were something that I have always known and still take for granted. “I wasn’t done, but if it’s already the best, no need to worry about what I had planned.”

Alex spun me around. “What did you have planned?” My arms wrapped around his neck and I pulled him in for a kiss. I whispered in his ear my plans for later.

“It’s time for everyone to go to bed,
so turn that off,” he demanded.

I started to laugh. “No, go take a cold shower. It’s not that late. Plus you are on the receiving end of all this, since I’m still out of commission.”

He kissed my forehead and leaned into my ear. “Normally I’d be excited, but I love watching you cum.” He grabbed my ass and pulled me into him. We were kissing when Derek walked into the kitchen.

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