Fake Boyfriend (14 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: Fake Boyfriend
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"Eva, we
are going to have to talk about your behavior." He says, standing

sir." I reply, almost running out of the room embarrassed. I see
Dave at the end of the hallway looking bored. "Dave, take me to
Ruxin, please. Xavier is being a jerk."

"Come on
that was fun." Xavier responds, walking after me.

until you blamed me for everything." I huff.

"Its what
I pay you for."

"To take
the fall for you?"

"Precisely." He replies, smirking.



like the little brother I begged my mom to have. I'm glad she never
gave in." I say, still angry.

He replies, rubbing he chest like he's wounded.

"Your dad
completely hates me you know." I state.

laughs. "Are you kidding me. He was trying not to


"Yeah, I
did the same thing  to him when I was fourteen. He learned his
lesson, never took me to another board meeting. It's good to know I
still got it." He states, proudly.

I laugh.
"Congratulations. You can still act like a fourteen

The rest
of the day Xavier is at his desk, making phone calls and reading
reports. After I finish highlighting dates and specific names in
the reports. I place them in a pile and stand up. "Alright, boss.
I'll see you tomorrow."

but you better flip Ruxin off and tell him what I told you to say."
He reminds me.

chuckle. "Consider it done. Bye."


I walk
out of the office and see Dave waiting patiently for me. "Is Ruxin
still here?"

ma'am. I'll take you to him if you're ready?"

ready, thanks."

We take
the elevator to the top floor and the doors open. The lobby of his
office looks a lot like his condo. Cold, modern and minimalistic.
The women at the reception desk greets us with a hello and we walk
by. I see Julia sitting at a desk typing on her computer. She
doesn't look up as we pass her. Ronan nods at us and knocks on a
set of double doors. I'm assuming it's Ruxin's office. The doors
open and Ruxin is standing there on the phone looking at Ronan
questioningly. When he sees me and hangs up. "How was your day,
dear?" He asks, smiling. I walk into his open arms and he shuts the

sugar pie. It was the interesting." I answer, thinking about
today's events.


Xavier wanted me to give you something." I flip him off. "Courtesy
of Xavier Sterling. Sorry, I had to do it. I already have multiple
marks in my file." I smirk.

"Marks in
your file? What for?" He asks, confused.

I explain
about the cookie incident and calling him an idiot in front of
Charles. Which, incidentally he liked very much. Then I told him
about the meeting and he startes to get angry, I see it on his
face. "What are you mad about?" I ask, not understanding his
irritation. I thought he would find it funny, apparently I am

"He was
flirting with you." He states angerly.

"If that
was flirting then he really is an adolescent man-child." I

looks thoughtful for a minute. "I don't like this arrangement." His
stance alone tells me I'm in for a fight.

Ruixn. I think if he was interested in me he would have flirted
with me, not acted like I was his little sister."

sister or friend?" He questions.


"Was he
treating you like a sister or a friend?" He inquires.

difference does it make?" I ask, not understanding.

"No one
wants to fuck their sister, but friends are different other story."
He clarifies. I can see he's getting worked up, but trying to cover
it up like he always does.

want to, "Do" each other. Is that what you're saying?"

can't be friends with women without thinking about them sexually at
one point or another." He replies, like he's stating a simple

complete bull crap." I point out getting annoyed.

"Its the
truth!" He yells, crossing his arms angrily.

jealously looks good on you." I tease, trying to distract

not going to work. You're quitting." He orders.

I roll my
eyes. "No, I'm not quitting."

"Eva, You
will. He's only doing this to piss me off."

"I know
that. He admitted it." I shrug, not at all caring.

"And you
just don't care that he's using you to make me mad?" He asks,
getting loud again.

"Why are
you letting it make you mad? I'm using him for a pay check. I'm
doing stupid tasks a trained monkey could do and making top dollar.
You should be happy I'm taking advantage of him. You have nothing
to be pissed off about, so relax." I say, completely tired of the




I hate
that she doesn't see her appeal. As men of means, Xavier and I, we
attract a certain kind of woman. Gold digging, beautiful,
occasionally smart. Eva is beautiful, smart, sassy, innocent,
honest and independent. She's a rarity in our world. Xavier wants
her, I know it. I let her take the job to make her happy, we're
leaving after this weekend anyway. However, the thought of her
working another day with him isn't sitting well with me.

"I think
I should have a say in this. I don't want you working with a man I
don't trust. I'll find you another job. Something that pays top
dollar and a trained monkey can do."

"I'm not
working for you, Ruxin. I liked working with him, he's quiet unless
he's playing a joke, he's not overly demanding and his dad's pretty

I rub my
jaw, hearing the scratch of my nails against my five o'clock
shadow. "I don't like it." I say again.

"I swear
if he tries anything I'll have Dave kick his ass. But honestly,
you're being paranoid for no reason. He was probably planning on
getting this reaction from you." She points out.

"Fine. If
he steps over the line. I don't care if it's a toe over, you have
to tell me."

see that's reasonable. Don't you feel better?" She asks, rubbing my

I huff,
loudly. "I should make you negotiate my business deals. I'd make

She rolls
her eyes. "Don't you have enough money?"

"You can
never have enough money." I laugh.

disagree. When can we leave? I'm starving." She states.

"We can
leave right now. What do you want to eat?"

doesn't matter. Want me to cook something?" She asks,

"No, I
want Chinese. Let's go home, get it delivered and watch a movie." I

moans. "Sounds amazing."



Laying in
bed with Ruxin after the movie I can't help but think of the last
few days. I don't know what to think about Ruxin and I. It's like
we're friends, but more.

Ah! Even
I cant make sense of us. I like him, I'll start with that. I found
him interesting the night of the benefit. I would probably never
have spoken to him if he hadn't been so pushy. That's Ruxin Novak
pushy, domineering, possessive and tenacious. Yet he's also nice,
funny, sweet, attentive and almost caring. What makes me so mad is
that he shouldn't be those things. It's almost as if he blackmailed
me, then hijacked it and made us into a couple. I just don't
understand the motives, he could have anyone. Why would he want
more then sex with me? That fact is I am probably over thinking
this. He probably only wants to make sure we get along. Yeah, I bet
that's it. Ruxin just wants to insure we have fun for the next six
months. But it's confusing my feelings for him. I don't mean to
look at him differently but I do. I react instinctively to every
touch, but I don't feel cheap. I don't feel used, I feel cared for.
There's apart of my brain that wants me to harden my heart and open
my eyes. He blackmailed me to sleep with him for the next six
months. I shouldn't enjoy any of it. I shouldn't lean into his
touch, I shouldn't seek it out, but I do.

What is
wrong with me? I'm in this for the next six months what does it
matter? I can walk away when its over and be fine. I traveled, made
a friend or two and will have my old life back. I should enjoy it
for what it is, six months of a vacation from my life.

I turn to
face Ruxin who is sleeping soundly with his arm around my waist.
He's so handsome. Even in his sleep he manages to look hard and
serious. I wonder if he was always this way? He's so different from
me and anyone I've ever met, except maybe Xavier. Their a lot alike
then either of them realizes. I'm lucky Ruxin gave in and let me
work with Xavier, I have a feeling I would have lost that battle if
he hadn't caved. Good thing I didn't tell him my office was
actually Xavier's office. I doubt me being behind closed doors with
Xavier would have ended well. I know I'm right I'm sure of it.
Xavier is a man who doesn't need to beg for female attention, like
Ruxin they fall at their feet. If he wanted to flirt with me he
wouldn't play pranks on me or push my buttons. No, Xavier would use
all his charm. He hired me to play with Ruxin's head and it worked.
I have to say it was very hot to see Ruxin so worked up and
jealous. I wasn't joking when I said jealousy looked good on


wake up." Ruxin says, stroking my cheek with his

"No, go

I hear
him chuckle. "Your going to be late on your second day."

"I don't
care. Tell Xavier he's a butt face." I reply, rolling

He starts
kissing my neck and back. "I got you coffee." He bribes.

"No." I
whine. Why did I stay up all night thinking!

I start
to smell the coffee and groan. I throw back the covers and sit up
pouting. I hate waking up, its always the worst part of the day. I
feel him start to kiss my shoulders, his soft kisses successfully
waking me up. "I'm up." I moan. Feeling the tingles down my spine
and goosebumps break out. He pulls my hair back in his hand and
brushes it over one shoulder. His lips caress my neck and his
tongue tastes my skin. I feel him shift completely behind me
running his hands run down my sides to my thighs. When his hands
lift me and bring me back against him, I feel his hard member
touching me. He cups my breasts as he sucks and nibbles on my neck,
making me breathless.

I shout when he hands lower between my legs.

He uses
his fingers on my sensitive flesh until I cant take anymore. I turn
in his lap and push him down on the bed. Our lips meet hungrily,
pushing me closer to the edge. He lifts my hips and brings me down
on him. I feel my body stretching to accommodate him, leaving me
wanting more. I sit up knowing no other way to move to get what I
want. Looking down at him he approves. I lift myself and back down
again then rock against him. His moans turning me on even more. I
repeat everything until Ruxin holds my hips lifting me and slamming
me against him. He sits up suddenly and rolls us over until I'm on
my back. His pace is fast and punishing. I arch up meeting his
thrusts, reaching completion. He keeps going He lifts my hips up by
gripping my butt and I hear his final guttural release. He
collapses on me and lays his sweaty head on my chest. We both are
breathing hard and now totally exhausted.

Top of


of Form

"Shit! We
really are going to be late." I say, trying to push him off my me.
I feel him smile against my chest.

"We have
an hour." Is his response.


"Yeah, I
just thought I get an early start and try to wake you up. Then I
got carried away. You really need to stop moaning and pouting in
the morning. Its irresistible." he says, sleepily. I slap his

"You woke
me up two hours early!"

He lifts
his head. "Stop, being so feisty or we'll be staying in bed all
day." He states and as if to prove a point rubs his hard on against
me. "On second thought." he mutters, kissing between my



I finally
talk Ruxin into letting me leave the bed to get ready. I'm lucky
Ruxin had Julia pick out more outfits for me, because I don't have
any work clothes with me. I decided to wear a skirt, but was
ordered to change when Ruxin saw me. Now, I'm wearing lose grey
slacks with a white dress shirt and black heels.

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