Fall of kNight (14 page)

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Authors: T. L. Mitchell

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Fall of kNight
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“You will find that you and Daniel will become more of a „pack‟ so to speak.”

Charlotte spoke softly. “Everything about you will increase: your strength, your senses and especially your instincts. You will even have a greater connection with Daniel. If you are ever in trouble, he will be the first to know.” She paused and glanced to Daniel.

“Daniel, you will feel her in a way you have never felt before. The connection will be stronger. You will be linked in a way like no-other. You will hear her clearly in your mind, no matter where she is.” She finished.

“What about the werewolves? I can‟t just let Daniel go out there alone.” I was now worried about him.

“Lass, we will have Daniel covered. Right now, we all feel the same way. Keeping you safe. I can speak for Heather when I tell you we are both excited for you and Danny boy. Our instincts are high at this point as well.” Jason chimed in.

Yes, I did feel the protection they were offering. It was an odd sort of feeling. We were all behaving like a true pack. However, my soothing thoughts soon turned to the blueberry muffins. Laughter filled the kitchen as they watched Daniel and me devour them.

“Jason,” Daniel began. “You feel up to coming over and seeing the clinic I set up? I need to check out the blood sample.”

Jason‟s eyebrows rose. “Of course, I‟m up for it. I want to see what you‟ve put together. Have you hired an assistant yet?”

Daniel glanced to me then back to Jason. “Well, my assistant is currently handling something more important.” He smiled broadly, his attention now on me.

“Well, you two have a great time. I‟m going to take Heather into town and pick out a dress for the wedding.” I returned his smile.

Daniel showered and dressed, then returned downstairs to steal another muffin before he left with Jason. Heather and I took my dad‟s Jag to Nancy‟s Boutique. A small store centered outside of the Atlanta city limits, the quaint little store where Charlotte purchased all of her formal attire was a specialty boutique that catered to and fared well among the wealthy.

I chose a medium blue floor length dress for the evening. The long sleeve dress was very elegant, straight and form fitting. The silver embroidery down the right side gave it the shimmering effect.

Nancy and I picked out an elegant gown for Heather. I was surprised how sexy it looked on her petite figure. The full-length black evening gown fit her perfectly. And, based on Nancy‟s recommendations, we chose a loose gold belt to accentuate her waist with gold jewelry. The dress was plain, but when Nancy was finished adorning it with gold accents, it was beautiful and Heather was gorgeous. I was sure Jason would appreciate how the dress flattered her. We roamed the boxes of shoes for the perfect match, and Nancy made the adjustments for both gowns and sent us on our way.

Tomorrow morning they would be ready to be picked up. Even though Heather insisted on paying for her dress, I further insisted I would take care of the bill. It was a gift, one of which I owed to them. Besides, I knew she could not afford the dress considering that Nancy‟s dresses were all designer originals. The bill was well over what Heather would consider paying for a car! I put it on my tab. It was a way of life for my family.

We returned to the house. Heather was exhausted and went straight to her room for a nap. I was still running on adrenaline. There had to be something in this house to entertain myself. The thought of the Dark Wolves crept back into my mind. This was something I could do. I wanted to see if there was any information on the Dark Wolves.

Maybe I could find something that would help Daniel.

The doorbell rang as I made my way back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. As my eyes glanced to the front door, an immediate rush of fear flooded over me like a heavy rain. It was Richard. At this point, I didn‟t know what to do. So much for the perimeter of the house being protected! So much for Lycan bodyguards! Slowly I set the bowl down on the coffee table, and moved toward the front door.

Richard stood outside and waited patiently as he saw me moving toward the door.

My heart froze for a second to two as I contemplated opening the front door. The black long sleeve sweater he wore enhanced the pale color of his skin. I assessed his attire, admiring his choice in black Kenneth Cole jeans and shoes. Even I had to admit he looked very handsome despite the pale features.

As I opened the door, Richard removed his sunglasses. The inhumanly beautiful creature now stood before me. The tinted contacts he wore hid the beautiful crystal blue diamond-like eyes. My heart skipped another beat as his eyes appraised me in a seductive manner. There was no reason I had to fear him, especially when Heather was just a scream away.

“Richard.” I managed flatly.

“Julie.” His deep voice was thick and lustrous. The tones tingled in my ears.

“And you are here because?” I tried to hide the alluring qualities as my hand gripped tightly to the doorframe.

A spark of humor flickered in his face as a smile donned lips. “Actually, I wanted to talk with you concerning the information I found. May I?” He gestured with his hand for me to invite him inside of the house.

The air was chilled outside, so I went against my better judgment and stepped aside to let him enter. A warm smile crossed his lips as he moved past me through the threshold of my home. A few steps and he turned toward me.

“You have a guest?” He inquired as his eyes drifted up the stairs.

“Yes, Heather and Jason are staying with us for a little while.” My voice strained.

His attention was upon me again. “Hmm.” He began as he took a step toward me.

“So we are not alone then.”

“Richard, I swear to you…” I huffed out in a breath.

A small chuckle escaped him as he took a step away from me. His hand rose to his mouth to cover the laugh. “You do have a beautiful home, Julie. It was my intentions of complimenting you before, but I was somewhat distracted.”

“You are always distracted, Richard. As you were saying about the information.” I urged.

“Ah-yes, please accept my apologies. It seems I have found some rather interesting information on your werewolves.” His voice was silky and smooth. It appeared the more he spoke, the more I was drawn to him.

“Please enlighten me, if you will.” My voice was firm and sarcastic.

My eyes narrowed slightly as I wondered if this was a trick. Richard appeared to be calm and very sure of himself. What type of information could he offer me?

“A lady would ask a gentleman if he would like to have a seat.” His gaze drifted around the room. “Is this not what you would call Southern Hospitality?”

“Yes, a lady would.” I walked past him into the living room. “However, I am no lady when it comes to you.” I sneered. “Sit Richard, and please tell me what you have to say.” I sat down on the sofa and motioned for him to sit down.

Richard moved slowly and fluidly toward the chair I offered him. As I watched him walk, I was awestricken once again. He moved as a man in control, confident and sexy.

The way his legs moved with his body sent chills over my arms. Damn, he was too sexy for his own good. I shifted slightly on the sofa as I watched him seat himself in the chair across from me. My heart skipped another beat as I watched him lean back in the chair. The air of arrogance preceded him in the most unnerving way. Any woman would admire this in a man. It was what most women wanted. A man who knows what he wants, but Richard was no ordinary man. He was in fact a vampire. It was a fact which I constantly needed to remind myself. Does this quality add to the sense of sex appeal?

For me, it most certainly did.

This inhumanely beautiful vampire had that type of confidence in his own abilities.

It was this air of arrogance that drew me to him. Just watching him as he moved, walked across a room made my heart flutter. How was it that this vampire had this ability?

“I found out our werewolf friends are searching for something inside of the mountain. It appears there is an item which is hidden deep within the mountain itself.”

“Do you have any idea what the item is?” I leaned forward; my curiosity over this new found knowledge appeared to have the best of me.

“No. There is one person who would know. I have already made arrangements to meet him.” Richard glanced around the room again.

“Who is this person? How does he know what is hidden there?” My questions rushed out of my mouth.

Richard‟s gaze shifted only for a second. Even in that small second, I noticed his eyes travel past me and up the staircase. Without even questioning, I knew something about Heather bothered him. Maybe it was the fact I was not alone with him.

“His name is Mithras.” Richard began as his attention fell upon me again. “I said he might know what is hidden up there. The answers you seek still remain open.” He inhaled a slow breath and leaned forward placing his arms on his knees. “Julie, there is one more thing.” His voice was low and soft.

The moment he moved, my heart fluttered once again. It appeared that even moving an inch closer bothered me. It was without control of myself that I immediately stood to my feet. I needed distance between this beautiful vampire and me. Reminisces of our first kiss clouded my mind.

Slowly I crossed the floor to the bar, allowing a little distance between this vampire and myself. I had the uneasy feeling Richard was not going to stop. He didn‟t seem to be the type to give up so easily.

There was a flash of sudden movement in my peripheral vision. Richard had moved, standing behind me as his floral fragrance encumbered my senses. The familiar smell of lilies and carnations lingered against my senses, even heavier than before. My eyelids drooped as I tried to breathe without inhaling the intoxicating scent. Slowly my hands gripped the granite counter, holding tightly as I fought the effects of this exquisite scent.

“In my scurry to uncover the secrets behind your werewolves, another precarious secret revealed itself to me. One of which, I was most intrigued in its origin. Of course, I had to explore more into this wondrous thing.” The coolness of his breath fanned against my hair. The sweet scent overloaded my senses, leaving me helpless once again. The desire to have his lips once again on mine, tasting the sweetness of his kiss overwhelmed me.

“What may that be, I wonder.” My words came out through gritted teeth.

I felt my hair as it was pulled away from the side of my face, exposing the flesh on my neck. The temperature in my veins rose as I felt the coolness of his lips against my skin.

He inhaled a deep breath. “Mmm.” He paused. “Oh, I think it is something you would enjoy immensely. A bit of information your dear Daniel and the people you consider your family and friends may have hidden from you.”

The muscles in my arms trembled. The tones in his voice tingled in my ears. I couldn‟t think. Confusion had taken over my mind. As I fought hard against this wave of intoxication, I remembered, it was his spell. It was the spell of a vampire.

I bore down against his spell, turning to face him. My will had to be stronger than his.

“You‟re lying.” I hissed between clinched teeth.

Richard chuckled softly. “

my dear.”
He whispered.
“See I know a few things
about you, some of which you don’t even know about yourself. Your mother for example.”
His hand lifted slowly to my face. The pale finger locked onto a strand of my hair and twirled it around his finger then brought it to his face.
“You never knew who or what she
was. Maybe she wasn’t what you thought.”

I blinked a couple of times, staring into his beautiful face. The lips that once touched mine carried that kiss which still haunted me.

“If you will,”
He began as he leaned closer to my face.
“Trust me and I will tell you
everything I know.”

I inhaled a deep and ragged breath. My mind swirled from his scent. “Wha-at ma-ake-s you-u…” The words shuddered out of my mouth. “Th-hink I can trust you.”

“Because my lovely, I am the only one who will give you what you desire.”
He leaned closer to my face.

Richard took a step back away from me. Something had changed about him. His eyes had become bloodshot. The linings of his eyelids were almost a blood red. I watched as his body tensed and become rigid. The beautiful features suddenly became distraught as his jaw clinched tightly together. For a moment, I had considered the fact Richard might indeed attack me. Was he actually losing it?

Apparently, he gained control of himself and spoke in a strained voice. “Soon and very soon I shall return for you, my lovely.”

A soft kiss feathered against my skin, my eyes closed tightly, my body trembled.

Richard was in control of himself. Just how badly did he want me? I wondered. When I opened my eyes, he was gone. My trembling fingers lifted to touch the skin where the soft kiss lingered. At least this time, I thought, I didn‟t faint.

Richard‟s new information left me in a quandary. What if Daniel and the Maxwell family knew about my mother? What if there was something about her they were keeping hidden from me? Charlotte had said once; she knew what my mother was. Was it something that would cause me pain? All of these thoughts ran through my mind in a rush. I was tired of being in the dark. I wanted the truth. For now, Richard appeared to be the only one willing to provide me with the answers I was seeking. The biggest question remained, could I trust this inhumanly beautiful creature with my life? There was only one way to find out.

Daniel and Jason returned later that evening. There appeared to be some odd static in the air concerning the two of them. Even Heather noticed the difference. After a quiet dinner, quiet meaning no one spoke during the entire dinner, I watched as Daniel lingered by the kitchen counter staring blankly into the wall. My heart was beginning to break. I didn‟t know if Daniel realized it or not, but it felt as though he was putting a certain amount of distance between us.

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