Fallen (20 page)

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Authors: Kelley R. Martin

Tags: #New Adult, #paranormal romance

BOOK: Fallen
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A knock at the door had us both turning our heads. 

“Oh!” I’d almost forgotten. “I ordered pizza.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes and shifted, reaching into his back pocket to get his wallet. “I don’t see how anyone can eat as much bread and tomato sauce as you.”

I scowled and pushed the blanket off me, rising from the couch. “There’s more to it than that.” Like cheese. Delicious, melty cheese. 

(Insert Homer Simpson drool-face here.)

I grabbed the money from him and jogged over to the front door, swinging it open. I faltered when I saw the man on the other side wasn’t a delivery guy, but a handsome man in a sharp suit. My brows pinched as something clattered behind me, Gabriel’s breath leaving him on a single word: “Michael.”

Chapter Thirty-Five



“You must be Emily.”

Gabriel was in front of me instantly, shielding me with his body. That didn’t stop my heart from dropping to my knees.

What the hell was he doing here? How did he even find us?

Oh, God, had Gabriel turned me in?

I stepped back, my mind racing as my eyes darted around the apartment. I could jump from the terrace if it came to it—

“How the hell did you find this place?” My gaze snapped back to Gabriel, watching him square his shoulders as his back tensed. 

Michael smiled, his stare never leaving me. “I followed you,” he answered absently. “I had to see what was so pressing.” He bit his lip and giggled. “Now I know.”

It was the strangest thing, the way Michael looked at me. Almost like he was in awe.

He took a step toward me and Gabriel placed his hand on Michael’s chest, stopping him. “That’s close enough.”

Gabriel’s cease and desist finally broke through to the Feeder, and he did not look pleased to be told to back off. He glanced at Gabriel, his whole demeanor changing as he said, “Job well done on getting the target here. You’ve just saved me a trip to Paris.” He patted Gabriel on the shoulder, and I noticed the tiniest clench of his jaw at the man’s touch. “There’s a party tonight at the compound. I expect you to accompany Miss Hayes. Is that understood?” 

The look in Michael’s eyes dared Gabriel to argue. 

“Of course,” Gabriel replied, though it was obvious he’d much rather slit the guy’s throat than acquiesce to any of his demands.

Michael responded with a self-satisfied smile and turned his attention to me. “Good day,” he said, bowing.

He was gone an instant later, and as Gabriel shut the door, I lost it. 

“Are you
? You’re just gonna take me to this party and what, hand me off to him?”

Gabriel scowled as he brushed past me. “Don’t be ridiculous. Nobody’s handing you off to anyone.”

“Then what the hell are we going for? I sure don’t want to socialize with that prick.”

“Just calm down,” he said as he went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. “I have a plan.”

Chapter Thirty-Six



A soft knock on the bedroom door had me tightening the sash on my robe for the millionth time. I wiped my palms on the white terrycloth and sat on the bench at the foot of the bed. 

Wait, maybe I should be standing. 

I stood again, and immediately second-guessed myself. Or third-guessed myself, as the case may be. Feeling foolish, I stood once more, wondering what the hell this “plan” could possibly entail. All he’d told me was the less clothes I wore, the better.

Hence my discomfort and general WTF-ness.

“Are you ready?” Gabriel asked, his voice carrying through from the hallway.

“Yeah, come on in.”

The knob turned as he pushed the door open and walked in, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of him. He was naked, save for a towel wrapped around his waist. 

Oh, look, how interesting. It’s the floor.

I studied the grain of the hardwood, pretending I hadn’t just looked away from him because of how low his towel sat on his hips, or how water droplets from his shower still lingered on his chest and abs, taunting me with their slow descent down flawless skin.

Nope. It was because of the floor. The super neat, shiny floor.

My inner self was busy doing a facepalm as I stuck my hands in the robe’s pockets. I suddenly didn’t know what to do with them. It felt weird to have them just hanging at my sides…

Oh, Jesus. Get it together!

I cleared my throat, hoping I didn’t appear as spastic as I felt, and said, “Are you sure this is going to work?”

“For now, it will.”

Well, that’s super reassuring.

At my scowl, he said, “If we do this, they can’t touch you without killing me first, and that’s not something they’ll do casually.”

“Why not?”

“ ’Cause it’ll really piss off my uncle, and he is
someone you want to cross.”

Apparently his uncle was also a big deal, or else they wouldn’t care. “So what exactly are we doing?”

“I have to mark you.”

“And that is…?”

His eyes dropped. “Me claiming you. As mine.”

Little alarm bells started ringing in my head. “Claimed like…how?”

“I have to mark you with my scent.”

My nose instantly wrinkled. “You’re not going to pee on me, are you?”

The tension eased from his face as he smiled. “No, it doesn’t work like that.”

“Good. So how do we…do this?”

“I have to warn you, marking someone can be a little intense.”

“Will it hurt?”

“No, it won’t be painful, but it’ll probably make you uncomfortable.”


He kept his eyes down as he rubbed the back of his neck, slightly wincing as he said, “Because I have to be…turned on.” Huh. It looked like he found the floor just as interesting as I had.

“Oh.” So it was more awkward-uncomfortable than painful-uncomfortable. I could deal with that. 

I think.

I swallowed, ignoring the waver in my voice as I asked, “What do I have to do?”

He nodded to my clothing. “Are you wearing underwear under that robe?”


“Take it off.” At my incredulous look, he quickly added, “The robe, I mean, not your underwear.”

I had to give him credit. He didn’t look as the robe came off and hit the floor. His eyes wandered down to the ground and stayed there until I said, “Now what?”

“Just stand still. And close your eyes, please.”

I did as I was told, and heard his towel drop to the floor with a soft thud. My mind immediately registered his nudity, and absently wondered what he looked like underneath that towel…

He stepped forward and took my hands in his, lacing his fingers through mine. My brows puckered for a brief second when I heard his heartbeat falter and sensed his hesitation. 

Oh my god, he’s nervous.

Huh. I didn’t think he was capable of being rattled. 

Even though his hands engulfed mine, I still gave him a soft, reassuring squeeze. He exhaled long and slow, like he was psyching himself up for something. When he pressed his body against mine, I knew why.

He was hard.

I immediately froze. It was an involuntary reaction, and one I hoped he wouldn’t take too personally. I knew he said he’d have to be turned on, but it was still a shock to have his twig and berries pressing against my belly. Or
and berries, in Gabriel’s case.

there…” I smiled and cracked my eyelid a tiny bit, hoping he was in a joking mood.

I caught the grin on his face before he dropped his head and shook it, like he couldn’t believe how much of a goober I was. “Are you done?” 

Closing my eye, I nodded and tried to stifle my smile as I exaggerated my voice. “So sorry to interrupt. Proceed.”

He flopped his head onto my shoulder. “I can’t do this if you’re quoting lines from
Billy Madison

“Okay, sorry,” I said, trying to contain my laughter.

Breathe. Don’t laugh, just breathe.

I focused on his skin, all warm and soft, yet unyielding. Like a worn marble statue that’d been left out in the sun. I felt myself relaxing as I inhaled and exhaled, breathing in his scent. There was the generic honeysuckle Feeder scent, but there was also something else. A masculine undertone that deepened as the seconds passed. 

His hands left mine as his fingers grazed my arms. Goosebumps arose in his wake. His fingertips traced my collarbone, then down to the tops of my breasts. He was trying not to touch them. I could tell he wanted to, though. The desire was almost tangible.

His breathing changed minutely, accelerating as he leaned down, his nose brushing my neck as he nuzzled me. He gripped my waist, his fingers digging into my skin. I think he was trying to keep himself from thrusting. 

Moving to the other side of my neck, he gently rubbed his face against me. I had to stop myself several times from reaching up and wrapping my arms around him. My natural inclination might be to return the embrace, but I didn’t want to send the wrong message. So I remained still, with my hands by my side as he clung to me like a koala to a tree. 

My resolve to remain neutral wavered when his lips skimmed my neck. He placed feather-light kisses along my jaw, making my knees go weak. 

Cupping my jaw, his thumb ghosted across my bottom lip. He was so close to me that I felt his breath on my skin, hot and humid. Was he going to kiss me? My heart beat unevenly as I parted my lips, dreading and yet anxiously awaiting his next move.

I can’t take this anymore. 

The sudden urge to open my eyes couldn’t be quelled. I didn’t know why, but I felt like I
to look at him.

He came into view as my lids fluttered open. I couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath as his gaze hit me.

There had always been a current lurking beneath the surface, constantly humming as it ran between us. But right now it was no gentle hum. It was crackling and sparking as enough voltage ran through it to light up Times Square.

His eyes seared into me, the flecks of gold standing out like liquid pools in a moss forest. The way he looked at me was…overwhelming. Like I held the whole world in the palm of my hand. The intensity, the longing—it was all mapped out on his face.

Gabriel was not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but for once, he’d pulled it back for me to see. And sure enough, there it was, small and fragile, but beating nonetheless.

His eyes dropped to my mouth. He leaned in, his lips brushing mine in the softest kiss. They tingled in his wake and sent flutters straight to my belly, that rush of excitement and anticipation coursing through me. 

I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed this.

His hand grazed my jaw as he cradled my neck, his minty breath washing over me. My eyes squeezed shut as I lowered my head. I didn’t want to say it, but I knew I had to. I just hoped to hell that fragile heart of his could survive it.

“Gabriel, I can’t…” My hands went to his sides, gripping him. “You’re my best friend. You’re all that I have left. I can’t risk that.”

His forehead dipped to meet mine, resting there for several seconds before moving to kiss the top of my head. He smiled sadly and said, “It’s probably for the best… I could never give you what you deserve.” 

My heart broke at his words, and I had to close my eyes to keep the tears from spilling out. “I’m sorry.”

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me to him. “Me, too.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven



The Feeder compound was bigger than a shopping mall and decorated for royalty. Emily stood in awe inside the foyer, her mouth hanging open like a trout. I smiled at her unabashed sense of amazement and envied the way she looked at the world—all innocent and untainted. I bet it was nice to be able to see things that way.

My smile faded when I saw Michael break free from the group of Feeders stationed off to the side of the foyer, talking quietly amongst themselves. He walked over to us quickly, nodding to Em.

“Miss Hayes, how nice to…” He trailed off as his nostrils flared, his eyes darting back and forth between her and me. “You
,” he said, his gaze narrowing as it landed on me.

Well, guess the cat’s out of the bag now…

“I did.” Slipping Emily’s hand in mine, I gave it a light, reassuring squeeze.

Michael looked fit to be tied. “Gabriel, a word, please.”

I turned my back to him and saw the panic etched across Em’s face. “Don’t leave me,” she mouthed, gripping my hand tighter.

Leaning in, I made a show of kissing her forehead, like I cared a great deal about her—which, let’s be honest, wasn’t exactly a lie. But this very public declaration was only for Michael’s benefit. 

While I was still close enough, I whispered, “It’ll just be a second, I promise.”

Her hazel eyes met mine as I slipped out of her grasp, still swimming with doubt and worry, but she nodded once before I turned and walked away with Michael. 

He led us into the library adjacent to the foyer and closed the massive double doors behind him. His hands gripped the gold doorknobs as he hung his head. “I don’t know whether to punch you in the face or congratulate you.”

I stuck my hands in my pockets as I moseyed on over to the fireplace, watching the orange and yellow flames lick up from the charred logs. “I’ll take the congratulations, thanks,” I murmured dryly.

“What the hell were you
?” Michael hissed, stalking over to me. “She wasn’t yours to claim, Gabriel. The boss is going to—”

?” I ground out. “What’s he going to do that’s so much worse than what he originally planned?”

His mouth set in a grim line. “That’s none of your concern.”

“The hell it isn’t!” I shoved at his chest, pushing him back several feet. Emily was my
concern, and I’d be goddamned if Michael or anyone else tried to tell me otherwise.

He glared at me as he smoothed out his suit. “She’s just a
, Gabriel—one that’s over. What the boss intends to do with her is out of my control, and yours.”

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