Fallen Angel (The List #3) (21 page)

BOOK: Fallen Angel (The List #3)
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“You know I value our friendship, right?”


“Of course.”


“I’d like to think I could talk to you about


“What’s up, Craig?”


This bar is the kind of place where you can
hold a conversation without shouting to be heard but the girls can also dance
without looking out of place too.


“Is everything alright with you? Only, you seem
different—distracted. Like when you sparked that guy out at the party. With you
not being around at work, I just wanted to make sure—”


“Everything’s good. That prick deserved to get
smacked. It’s no big deal. And I’m just working from home for a while. Nothing
to worry about here bro.”


“Okay. So are you seeing Beth?”


Trust Craig, never backwards in coming
forwards. It’s a trait I respect but I’m never usually on the receiving end of


“What makes you ask that?”


“Come on. I saw the way you two kissed at
Keepers. I’ve never seen you that caught up before.”


“I was just helping her deal with her scumbag


“Bull. Shit. That shit was fucking authentic. You’ve
been clocking her all night and laying sweet chicks off. I mean I don’t blame
you, Beth is one hot piece of ass that I wouldn’t mind tapping——and therein
lies the truth my man.”




“The way your knuckles turned white and you
nearly shattered that glass at the mere thought of her with somebody else.” I
screw up my face, frowning, trying to casually dismiss his observations without
outright lying to him. Craig is like a dog with a bone as he pursues his tactic
to rile me further. “Okay. So the thought of some dude fucking that sweet pus—”




Craig shows no glory in making me cave. He
already knew anyway.


“Why the fuck didn’t you just tell me?”


“You know I don’t do this. This is—new
territory. I don’t wanna fuck it up.”


“Can I give you some advice man?” I shrug
nonchalantly but other than Jack, Craig’s the only person I’d listen to about
the subject. “You’re already fucking it up, Jaxson.” Well, I wasn’t expecting
that. “Why are you even keeping it a secret? You’re both free and single, so
unless you get off on watching strangers trying it on, what’s the point? Not
only have I seen the way you two have been eyefucking from across the pool
table tonight but I’ve also seen her crushed whenever a girl is in your space.”


“Very fucking observant all of a sudden aren’t
you? If you must know, Detective, Beth was the one who suggested we keep
ourselves undercover for a while longer.”


“And you agreed?”


is that a bad thing? I was
with her.”


“Okay, Beth is a sweet girl. She knows this is new
to you. I reckon she doesn’t want to push you too fast in case you freak out
and lay her off. It’s my guess that what she
wanted to hear from
you was;
Fuck that! Bethany, you’re mine and I want everybody to know it

My advice? The next time you look at her—maybe you should act on instinct
instead of overthinking this shit.”


On that note, he slaps my back and walks off to
the bar. Well, he’s certainly given me food for thought. I down the rest of my
beer and put the bottle on the nearby table. Everybody else is absorbed in
conversations so I turn my back to them and start texting Beth, I need to see
her. Is Craig right?


A moment later, I sense her presence before I
see her. I glance around and spot her weaving herself towards me. I know exactly
where she’s been and so does my dick. I know what she’s been doing and it’s
what I’ve been thinking about doing since we left the goddam house.


Now she’s in front of me with a devilish smile
on her lips. Her cheeks are rosy and that sinful badass look is still lingering
in her eyes, possessing me in a heartbeat, with visions of me fucking her.


Deliberately positioning herself between me and
the wall, she keeps herself concealed behind my frame. Without further
hesitation she reaches up, pressing two fingers to my lips. I don’t take my
eyes from hers.


Pocketing my phone, I take her wrist and guide
her fingers between my lips. Wrapping my tongue around, I taste her. I imagine
where her fingers were just minutes ago. Although I’m distinctly aware of where
we are, my body doesn’t care. The urge to touch her, to be with her—it’s like there’s
no decision anymore; it’s a necessity.


This woman is one of a kind and I know that
Craig is right. Denying my angel in public is a major fuck up on my part. She
is mine and I want every fucker to know it. I’ve kept my feelings of
possessiveness under control tonight, believing that that’s what she wanted but
now I believe different.


Beth doesn’t deserve to be shunned, she’s had
enough of that before she met me. I feel like shouting from the rooftops,
telling everybody how awesome my girl is. Although I’m not ready to wear my
heart on my sleeve, there’s nothing stopping me from being with her in public,
like any other couple would do. It’s okay to be that guy.


Slowly sucking, I withdraw her fingers from my
mouth. She’s been biting onto her bottom lip the whole time, mesmerised. Acting
on instinct I prowl forward three steps, capturing her with me along the way,
forcing her backwards up against the wall. I see a moment of panic in her eyes
as she tries to glance over my shoulder to see if anybody is looking. It’s time
to let her know that I don’t give a fuck—and hope she feels the same.


I welcome the onlookers. Wedging her snugly
between me and the wall, I crush our mouths together. Spanning one hand at the
base of her neck, keeping her pressed against the wall, I give her the clear
message that I’m publically staking claim of what’s mine.


My tongue urges her lips to part for me and she
moans into my mouth. After taking a moment, she joins me in throwing our secret
in the air like confetti. The more I touch her the more I’m reminded of how I
will never get enough of her.


We’ve kissed in public once before but tonight there’s
no agenda, no games. This is genuine and by the end of the evening there’ll be
no mistaking it.


We lose ourselves in the kiss and in each other.
My tongue explores her warm mouth as she completely submits to me. I taste the sour
apple shots on her tongue. The feel of this goddam velvet dress against her
smooth naked skin is addictive.


Beth breaks away first but our lips are still
touching, not wanting to let go just yet.


“Jax, I thought we… Why now?”


“Because you’re amazing—and I’m an idiot. You’re
mine Angel and I want everybody to know it.” Her eyes flick back and forth
between my eyes, taking in what I’m saying. She still looks worried. “Is this


In answer she tugs my hips towards her, smiling
wickedly and moaning in approval when she feels my hardening cock rub against


“A little too late to be asking permission,
don’t you think, G?”


Leaning up, she kisses me sweetly. This time
slower, more considered. God, I love kissing this girl, her lips are perfection
to me. I trace my fingers down her face and when I break the kiss this time,
her eyes tell me that I’ve righted that stupid wrong. She scrunches up her
nose, making that face full of my wishes light up, looking shy and innocent.
Her eyes peep over my shoulder again, concerned about what people might be


“Look at me... Every time your lips touch me,
it takes root. You possess me, my body, my thoughts. That day, in the beginning,
you offered me
. Do you remember that?”


“Yes. I remember.”


“Well, you’ve given me so much more than that. You
being with me, it’s opened me up to changes I didn’t think I’d ever make. I
know we’ve got far to go but you need to know that you’ve brought me a long way


“You’re quite the romantic tonight, Jaxson. I
like it.”


“Well, beautiful, you do have an uncanny
ability to bring out these different sides in me.” I drop a swift kiss on the
end of her nose. “Come on, let’s go and face our audience before this semi starts
becoming a problem.”


Brazenly her dexterous fingers take hold of my


“Be more optimistic, G.
see that as
a problem,
see it as an opportunity.”


I nudge her face to the side and plant kisses
up her neck. Groaning in her ear as she grips me harder and I bite down on her
ear lobe.


I whisper, “Get your fine ass over there before
I call your bluff and make you come right here, with an audience.”


On that note, she reluctantly lets me go.


“Promises, promises.”


I take her hand and we walk back over. I don’t
want any awkwardness for Beth so I break the hushed silence and curious looks
by telling the group that Beth and I are indeed seeing each other. I notice Wills
shit-eating grin immediately. I know we’ve got her best friend’s approval. As
suspected, the girls gradually edge towards Beth, dying to ambush her whilst
the lads air various noncommittal grunts of praise. These guys are a good crowd,
I wouldn’t surround myself with them otherwise.


Now we’ve got our licence, Beth and I can’t keep
our hands off each other. The old part of me would be worried about looking
weak. The new part of me has re-evaluated my priorities.


I lost Beth to the circling vultures about an
hour ago. Now the lads know I’m not scouting out the talent, it means they’re
only too pleased to oblige in fostering the unwanted female attention.


My phone vibrates with a text message.


Thanks 2 u, I’m knickerless & wet.
So what r u gonna do about it? x


I wish I could Angel, trust me. Don’t
worry, we’ll b going home soon x


Ur wish is my command xxx


I didn’t intentionally make that wish but if my
little angel’s granting wishes, I’m certainly not going to stop her. Looks like
we’re calling it a night.


Now? x


Always & All Ways xxx


Beth comes to find me, having said goodbye to
the girls. I wrap my arm around her, securing her back at my side whilst we say
our goodbyes to the lads and make our way out.


The cool night’s breeze hits us and she huddles
in closer.


“Thanks for a lovely night Jax. It’s been
brilliant. I haven’t felt this relaxed in ages, which sounds weird because I’ve
just been drinking and dancing and fingerbombing myself… Oh God, sorry, that
wasn’t meant to come out like that.”


My girl waffles when she’s either nervous or
when she’s had a drink. So this is the drink talking. She’s tipsy and the
massive grin on her merry little face tells me she’s really happy right now.


I love her waffling. I find it endearing. So I
don’t say a word. I keep walking us towards the end of the street, intermittently
kissing the top of her head. The car’s not too much farther now.


“So, that’s it then. We’re public. We’re a proper,
proper couple, loud and proud… I hope you don’t live to regret it. No wait, is
that right? That sounds like I’m saying that I hope you don’t live, which I’m obviously
not. I don’t mean that. I’m saying I hope you don’t regret it, you know ‘

You were right earlier you know, when you said we’ve still got a long way to
go. There’s still loads and loads…” She breathes in deeply, continuing, “…and
looooads we need to learn about each other. Okay, that’s actually bullshit. I’m
the open book remember, luckily for you. But there’s still so much I want to
know about you. Other than the fact that you’re
sexy and
handsome and massive and lovely—”

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