Fallen Angel (The List #3) (26 page)

BOOK: Fallen Angel (The List #3)
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Jax starts working the vibrator again, in and
out of my wet pussy whilst tiny vibrations begin pulsing from the bullet. I
thought his finger felt foreign, but this, this feels bizarre but so good. He
ups the speed a little more and rather than pulsing, it changes to a ripple
effect—he’s obviously studied the features well.


He replaces the vibrator with his tongue. He sucks
my pussy long and slow, reminding me of when we passionately kiss.


Rolling my stockings down to my knees, he softly
turns me over onto my back and unravels them off my toes. He turns his
attention to the hook and eyes of my basque. Methodically releasing each hook, he
gradually works his way up, alternating the pattern and the speed of the
vibrations midway.


After unhooking the last eye, he lets the
basque drop down to my sides. My breasts fall freely and my nipples peak
harder. I arch my back slightly, enjoying the abandonment of the moment. I want
him to enjoy the sight of my naked body as I so often do his.


“You are so beautiful, Angel. Do you know how
beautiful you are?” He glides his fingers up to my breasts and I focus on the
need for him to caress me. “Answer me.”


“Yes.” Touch me please. “Sir.”


Tracing ever-decreasing circles around my
breasts over and over until he reaches my nipples, he rolls them gently at
first and then tighter.


“Tell me you’re beautiful.”


I moan as he alternates between pinching my nipples
and massaging my breasts.


“I am. Beautiful. Sir.”


“Yes, you are.” Moving a thumb to my panting
mouth, he pushes inside. “Suck.” I latch onto his thumb with eagerness and suck
him hungrily. I hear him groan as I lift my knee to rub my thigh against his
erection, making it clear what I’d rather be sucking. “Do you want to suck my
cock, Angel?”


He removes his thumb for me to answer.




He clears his throat to prompt me.


“Yes please, Sir.”


I suck harder at the prospect and squeeze my
thighs together, appreciating the wave of pressure it sends to my core. Jax
gets up from the bed and takes hold of my clasped hands. Pulling them towards
him, he tells me to follow him.


He walks us over to the large tub chair that’s
usually in the corner, but he’s moved it to the base of the bed for some reason.


“On your knees… That’s it. Good.”


The music is still playing and it’s equally
intrinsic to this evening. The thick carpet cushions my bare knees and my mouth
is hungry for that connection between us.


Jax comes to sit on the chair in front of me
but leans down and takes my hands from the floor.


“Time to achieve your fantasy. Take this.” He
pushes the base of the vibrator into my hands with the head facing my body.
It’s already vibrating. At the same time he adjusts the pattern of the bullet
again. “Are you ready?”


I nod without wavering and he guides my head to
his lap. With no hands or sight, I won’t be able to hold him, to stroke him or
to even see him. His crown brushes against my mouth and I instinctively open wide
to take him in but he doesn’t guide himself inside to accept the invitation.


I dip my head and with a wide tongue, I taste
him from root to tip in one fluid motion, sucking his wetness from the tip. I
automatically move to take him into my mouth but he counters by pulling away.


“Not yet, Angel.” My arms are stretched out
either side of my breasts, causing them to squeeze together. Another alteration
to the tempo of the bullet, that’s still nestled away creating waves of confusing
excitement throughout my body. “Play with yourself first. I want to watch you.”


With permission granted, I slide my knees
further apart and easily find my slick, sweet spot with the vibrator. Once I’ve
found my rhythm, he returns his erection to my mouth where my parted lips are already


As tempting as it is, I don’t want him to
withdraw again, so this time I don’t react. He responds by angling himself to
stroke his delicious crown around my lips, like my very own Jax flavoured


I want him deep in my throat but instead I push
the vibrator deeper. The handcuffs are pulling taut across my wrists but any
discomfort dissolves into numbness as I direct my attention to the pleasure running
through me, in beat with the soothing sounds of the music mingled with Jax’s
words of encouragement.


He tells me how enchanting I look and how he’s
going to enjoy sliding into my pussy. That acts as another stimulus and as my
moans become more frequent, he alters the rhythm of the vibrations with the
remote control, reaching a new level of desire and intensity. I bite down on my


“Open. Wider.”


Jax rocks the head of his cock from left to
right, just inside my mouth. My tongue licks him enticing him in, to give us
what we both want.


He edges himself inside my mouth at last. I
relish his saltiness again. Wrapping my lips around him, he sinks into me and it’s
so good to finally have him here. I feel Jax stroking himself from his root to
my lips in sync with me.


The music keeps my movements measured and
controlled, whilst my mouth and my pussy are suitably fucked, plus there’s the
added anal stimulation too.


Jax wraps my high ponytail around his fist and
angles my head to the side in what feels like a move to grant better visibility
for him. After a few moments, I manage to synchronise my mouth and my hands so
that when his cock thrusts hard into my throat, I send the vibrating silicone length
deep inside me too.


He feeds me inch by inch, over and over.


It’s this carnal feeling of being controlled
and owned by Jax that I thrive for. It never fails to act as a security blanket,
protecting me, cloaking us into our own little invincible world.


One more change to the tempo of the bullet vibrations,
means I can no longer use the calmness of the music to temper my eagerness or stem
my arousal.


In a hedonistic move, I take him deeper into my
throat than expected and gag a little. He moans with intense gratification. I
don’t feel embarrassed like I’d imagined I would way back when we were on the


Instead, knowing that I’m being pushed further,
turns me on even more. So I do it again and again, pushing his cock down my
throat until I gag. I’m not worried about it, I’m actually aiming for it. Just
as I feel myself start to gag each time, I hold him in place for another few
seconds and then retreat back to catch my breath.


It drives him so wild that my own orgasm approaches


I hold him in place resting on my bottom lip as
I pant. As I begin to explode I suck his thick crown, letting my moans send
vibrations around his girth. I completely hand myself over to the pleasure.


Jax warns me and then let’s go himself. I
swallow hard and gasp for air as another surge fills my throat.


I drop the vibrator to the floor and cup my
pussy with cuffed hands, nurturing the after-effects that echo from the depths
of my inner walls to my quivering thighs.


The chair scrapes across the carpet as he must
push it back. Next, he crouches down, scooping my naked body up into his arms
as though I weigh nothing, which is apt because that’s exactly how I feel;
weightless, floating and numb.


Jax cradles me. Lovingly kissing my head and
then he lays me down on the bed, bringing himself down with me.


“You were amazing.”


“Thank you, Sir.”


My mouth is dry, my voice is hoarse and my lips
feel swollen. Jax carefully rolls me onto my side and bends one knee up to my


The vibrations turn off and he removes the
bullet from my ass—now there’s a thought I would’ve never thought I’d think!


The lack of vibrations there leaves a strange
stillness in its wake.


“Now, I’m going to fuck this incredible pussy
of yours—then I’ll remove your blindfold and I’ll take you again but slower.”
He wraps his beautiful, warm mouth around my nipple and sucks tenderly,
stirring the glowing embers from within. “Are you ready for my surprise, Beth?”


“Mmm-huh. Yes, Sir.”


God, I miss his mouth on mine. My breasts would
argue their case though, as I bow my spine to press into him harder, urging him
to reciprocate the gesture. He does so effortlessly being rougher, exercising
less restraint.


“Feel this.” He hovers over me and rocks his cock
through my wet pussy, coating his luscious length. It feels so good, so right.
“Do you want this, skin to skin, beautiful?”


I grind my hips upwards to gain firmer pressure.


… Sorry. I mean yes, yes I do,


“Take me. Show me where you want me.”


I reach my cuffed hands down and take hold of
his erection, rubbing him around my pussy and tormenting us both by placing him
right at my entrance in a circling motion—tempting him.


“Right here, Sir. I want you right here.”


“I received some news today. Do you trust me?”




My curiosity is piqued.


Jax starts to edge inside me but I pull my hips
back in confusion and start to object.


“Sshh, Angel. Do you trust me?” I hear the
smile on his lips.


News? He’s been tested. He must’ve have been.
It’s the only thing that makes sense.




This time I’m not biting my lip. I’m grinning.
I’m ecstatic. I can’t believe he’s done this. We’re going to have sex for the
first time without anything between us.


I raise my arms above my head, wanting to feel
his control and remember every single second of his naked cock entering me.


He edges inside again but this time I let him keep
on going. I widen my legs letting his thick cock, inch by inch, take over my


The music becomes muffled as I hone in on his
breaths, his subtle sounds of pleasure, as he embeds this moment in his mind
forever, just like me.


Once he is deep, he lowers his face to mine and
kisses me as though it’s our first kiss. It’s unhurried and calm, in tune with
the music. It empties me, yet fulfils every part of me. It’s simply beautiful.


“Nothing between us. This is how it needs to
be.” He is right, no more condoms. But when there’s no more secrets, that’s when
we’ll truly be free. For now though, this moment is way beyond what I’d thought
tonight would hold. “Are you okay, Angel?”


“More than okay. Keep going, I need this too.”


Jax moves fluidly, presses deeper each time.
Our hips beat together and I drop my arms over his head, digging my nails into
his back as the intensity spirals me into a whole new place.


He fucks me hard and his skin slickens with
sweat, making me want to see his magnificent, powerful body. As he pounds into
me, I want to see how his toned abs tense up. I want to see the prominent veins
straining out of his arms. But most of all, I want to see his beautiful eyes
looking down on me as I imagine him biting down onto that sexy silver fucking chain
of his.


I don’t recognise my own voice when I cry out
for him to go harder. He indulges me and a moment later, I’m fired up high and
call out his name as my pussy tightens around his naked cock. I feel his warm
release filling my centre.

BOOK: Fallen Angel (The List #3)
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