Fallen Elements (29 page)

Read Fallen Elements Online

Authors: Heather McVea

Tags: #baltimore, #lesbian paranormal romance, #witch and love, #elemental fantasy romance, #urban adult fantasy

BOOK: Fallen Elements
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“It’s my house, Ryan.” Leah said seriously,
but she couldn’t hide the amused expression on her face.

Ryan slowly leaned in, her eyes devouring
every detail of Leah’s face, from the contours of her high cheek
bones, the definition of her jaw, and the piercing green of her
eyes. Ryan tentatively touched her lips to Leah’s, a quiet sigh
escaping her as the now familiar shock of heat Leah elicited in her
shot across her lips.

“You get me incredibly hot.” Ryan muttered
against Leah’s lips.

“I nearly passed out twice last night.” Leah

Ryan opened her eyes. “Really?”

Leah blushed. “Really.”

“Then I don’t feel so silly telling you that
every time I’m near you - and dear lord, every time you touch me -
I feel like I’m under a torrent of warm water.” Ryan kissed Leah
full-on the lips. “It’s -
- amazing!”

Leah grinned, but her expression was one of
worry. Ryan frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Shaking her head, Leah pulled Ryan to her.
“Nothing.” She kissed Ryan, her hand cupping the back of her neck,
pulling Ryan more fully into the moment and into her. “I love

Ryan knew she would never tire of hearing
those words from Leah. “I love you, too.”

Leah rolled over and looked at the clock. “If
I get going now, I could be back by noon.” She turned to Ryan,
cupping the younger woman’s cheek in her hand. “Can you wait?”

Ryan contemplated. “Why don’t I head home?
Are you willing to drive in - we can do lunch or dinner?”

Leah grinned. “Yes.”

“Lunch or dinner?”

Leah kissed Ryan’s cheek. “Both.”

Nearly an hour and a half later, having had
casual kissing and cuddling escalate to sex, Ryan and Leah stood at
the front door. Ryan’s arms were wrapped around Leah’s waist. “I’ll
see you around one?”

Leah shook her head, an embarrassed
expression on her face. “That was when we thought we were getting
up at seven thirty. It’s almost eleven.” Leah winced. “So, more
like four-ish.”

Not wanting to pout, Ryan put on a brave
front, even though she loathed the idea of being apart from Leah.
“Okay. I can’t wait.”

Reluctantly the two women parted, and Ryan
walked slowly back to her car. Unlocking the Honda’s driver’s door,
she glanced over at Leah’s Nissan. Frowning, Ryan looked at the
house, and then back at the car.

Trying not to be too conspicuous in case Leah
was watching her leave, Ryan slowly walked toward the hatchback of
the station wagon. Ryan bent over and pretended like she was
looking for something in the back of her car. While she hunched
down, she quickly looked over at the back of the Nissan. There was
no sign of a collision.

Her initial suspicions about Leah’s reason
for the bruises on her neck and hip came back to Ryan. Brows
furrowed, Ryan walked back around and got into her car. She
couldn’t imagine why Leah would lie to her.

Maybe it was something silly and she was
embarrassed to say that?
Ryan reasoned.
But her tone didn’t
seem awkward or embarrassed.
Ryan started the car.
It seemed

Putting the car into reverse, Ryan navigated
out of Leah’s driveway and onto the narrow two-lane road leading
back toward the main highway.
Just ask her later today, I’m sure
she’ll come clean, and it’s probably nothing.

In spite of her efforts to convince herself
otherwise, Ryan drove toward Baltimore feeling somewhat less
certain about Leah and her. That realization alone weighed heavy on
her, and she hated that she was suspicious of someone she felt so
close to. The contradiction made the feeling of despair Ryan
experienced the previous afternoon flare up. Once again, some of
the questions she had pushed to the back of her mind stepped




Chapter 14

Ryan walked across Fleet Street in Canton,
and into Bad Decisions. The bar was a quintessential neighborhood
dive bar, but the drink menu was eclectic and fairly priced.

“I’m on my second Mitch Morgan, friend. One
more and you’ll be carrying me home.” Nicole slid off her barstool
and hugged Ryan.

Ryan looked at the nearly empty shot glass
with a large piece of thickly cut bacon garnishing it. “What the
hell is that?”

Nicole gestured to the female bartender as
she and Ryan took their seats. “Maker’s Mark and bacon.”

Ryan wrinkled her nose. “I hope you didn’t
just order me one.”

“Live a little, Myers.” Nicole downed the
last of her bourbon and took a bite from the bacon. “I was hesitant
myself, but Greg suggested it, and I thought why not. This place is
known for its
bacon nights

Ryan arched her brow. “Greg? Since when are
you taking advice from a would-be stalker?”

Nicole blushed as she crunched on another
bite of bacon. “That’s why I was texting you like a mad woman last
night, but crickets was all I got from you.”

The bartender slid two shot glasses in front
of Nicole and Ryan. “Same tab?”

Nicole nodded, and lifted her glass, frowning
as Ryan looked suspiciously at hers. “Don’t leave me hangin’.

Ryan took a sip of the bourbon and then
quickly chased it with a generous bite of bacon. She was surprised
at how well the wood undertones of the bourbon complimented the
saltiness of the bacon, but she couldn’t imagine making this her
go-to drink. “This doesn’t suck.” She took another bite of bacon.
“What are we toasting, and why the ADD texting?”

Nicole threw back the remainder of her drink,
not bothering with the bacon chaser. “Greg and I are dating.” Ryan
nearly choked as a sliver of salty bacon hit the back of her
throat. Nicole quickly patted her friend on the back.

“Are you serious?” Ryan managed as her eyes
began to water.

“Don’t make a
out of it. We’ve
just been talking the last few days, and thought we would give it a

Ryan finished the last of her bourbon, more
to squelch the tickling in her throat than out of actual enjoyment.
“Well, I’m happy for you.” Ryan’s eyes narrowed as she considered
Nicole. “You’ll forgive my bluntness, but you’ve never shat where
you ate before – so –”

Nicole held her hand up. “I know. We’re
taking it slow so if it doesn’t work out it won’t turn into a
complete nightmare.”

Ryan shook her head. “It would anyway, but at
least you both know that.”

Nicole waved the bartender over. “Another

“Wait.” Ryan interrupted. “Can I just get a
Natty Boh, please?”

The bartender nodded, a faint smile on her
lips. Ryan turned her attention back to Nicole who sat with a pouty
expression on her face. “Coward.”

Ryan shrugged. “Turns out I don’t like to mix
my pork products and booze.”

“So enough about me. Where were you last
night?” Nicole asked.

Ryan wasn’t sure what she should say. She was
inclined to tell her friend everything. The sordid details of her
dinner with Lucy and Carol, the subsequent argument with Leah,
their sleeping together, and the cascade of confusion Ryan had
experienced that morning when she realized Leah had been lying
about her car accident.

“Leah and I fought.” Ryan took a drink of her

Nicole frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“But then we made up.” Ryan smirked.

“Slut.” Nicole teased.

“But then things got weird.”

“Like weird, or exciting weird, or weird like

“Stop.” Ryan placed her hand over Nicole’s
mouth before she could elaborate on her idea of shades of weird. “I
think she’s not telling me something, and I can’t figure out if
it’s just about her and my mother, or something more.”

Nicole pulled Ryan’s hand away. “Ask

Ryan exhaled. “I have. What do you think the
fight was about?”

Before Nicole could answer, her gaze shot
past Ryan, her mouth turning upward into a broad smile. “Let’s ask
a man’s opinion.” Nicole hopped off the barstool and wrapped her
arms around Greg.

“Hey!” The man’s face lit up. “Sorry I’m

Ryan smiled. Her two friends seemed genuinely
happy with each other, even if she was still adjusting to the idea
herself. “Sounds like your patience finally paid off.” Ryan patted
Greg on the shoulder.

Nicole spun around. “Actually, we have your
cousin to thank for this.”

Greg leaned in and kissed Nicole on the
cheek. “Our friend here became a raging wreck when she thought I
was going to start dating Carol.”

“I wouldn’t say raging, sweetie.” Nicole
pulled Greg over to the barstool next to hers. “You were just so
tragic, throwing yourself at her like that. I had to do

Greg asked the bartender for a Mitch Morgan
and water. “Is that why you threw yourself at me?” Greg leaned in
and kissed Nicole full on the lips. In return, Nicole wrapped her
arms around his neck.

Ryan cleared her throat. “Alrighty. So, I
need to get going. Congratulations, and try not to get arrested for
excessive PDA.”

Greg and Nicole both turned toward Ryan.
“What? I just got here and you’re leaving.”

Ryan downed the last of her beer. “I’m

Nicole laid her head on Greg’s shoulder.
“Ryan was busy having make-up sex last night with Leah.”

Greg smiled. “That’s awesome!”

Ryan shook her head as she put her empty beer
glass on the bar. “Nice, Nic. Ah, I have to go. Thanks for the

“Stay. We can go somewhere for an early
dinner or late lunch.” Greg suggested.

“I’m going home – for a nap, and then I have
plans with Leah.” Ryan shuffled around Nicole, and hugged Greg.
“Bye.” She gave Nicole a quick kiss on the cheek, and walked out of
the dimly lit bar into the brightness of the afternoon sun. She was
grateful to have escaped without a barrage of questions about Leah
from her friends.

2 May 1628

I stood huddled next to Coleen and Hester
this morning on the banks of the Pemigewasset River. We had become
one town, one people. Margery and Abigail were walked to the river.
I had learned from Coleen that Goody Sebille had passed during the
night, her soul now lost forever.

I confess, though, that I had a moment of
sadness as the sisters, with eyes bloodshot from crying, neared the
river’s edge. I could not help but pity the poor creatures for
everything they lost, even if it was by their own sin.

It was Isaac who stepped forward, and I knew
him well enough to see the nervousness he was trying to mask from
our neighbors. I was proud that he was taking a more prominent role
in the community, but saddened that it should come with such a
heavy burden.

On this, the second day of May in the
year of our Lord sixteen hundred and twenty eight, we the people of
Plymouth Colony stand in judgment of Margery Sarah Sebille and
Abigail Lea Sebille. The women, of keen minds and unfettered
hearts, have willingly and knowingly given their souls and services
over to the devil. This was evidenced to, and so decided by, a jury
of freeman and witnessed by the God fearing people of

My heart grew heavy as Isaac pronounced the
sentences. The women were to be bound and drowned. If they be truly
of the devil, their dark master would find a way to save his
servants and raise them from the river’s depths. If they be good
Christian souls then they would sink, their bodies lost but their
souls saved. I prayed for the latter!

It is difficult to put into words what
happened next. I can only convey what my eyes saw, and know it to
be true. Margery was the first of the sisters to be thrown into the
cold waters of the river. I closed my eyes, my breath catching as I
prayed she remain submerged and be the kindly woman I had always
thought her to be.

Alas, it was not to be. For mere moments
after she disappeared under the surface of the water, she rose
above the lapping waves, hands and feet still bound, and stood just
at the water’s surface. I reached for Coleen for fear I would swoon
from sheer shock, but she was no longer beside me.

Scanning the crowd of people as they
scattered to and fro, I spotted Coleen near the river bank. I can
not say how she managed to clear such a wide distance in mere
seconds, but she, along with Goodman Tynan, had grabbed Abigail
around the shoulders and feet, their intent clear as they meant to
throw her in the water.

Margery now stood on the far side of the
river bank, no longer bound, her hands outstretched toward her
sister. What I can only describe as two columns of water stabbed
upward from the river, and then as if directed by Margery herself,
were thrust forward with such force they knocked Goodman Tynan and
Coleen to the ground.

I could see a faint glow coming from the
ropes around Abigail, and within a blink of an eye, a flash of
light engulfed her, and the ropes – now clearly singed – fell to
the ground. Free of her restraints, Abigail waved her hands in
front of her, and to my utter horror, flames from Hell’s fire shot
from the ground.

Where the two columns of water had been,
there was now an empty river bed as dams, unseen by my eyes, held
the current at bay. Abigail ran across to Margery, and in a few
heartbeats, the two women disappeared into the wooded area beyond
the river.

In the confusion, I felt strong hands grasp
me by the shoulders. Relief washed over me as Isaac pulled me to
him. My legs failed me, and I felt the ground beneath me give way
and begin to spin.

I woke near dusk, Coleen and Isaac sitting
next to my bed. The look of worry on my poor husband’s face brought
tears to my eyes.

What happened?” My mouth felt dry, and my
throat burned.

Isaac was the first to his feet. He clutched
my hand to his chest, tears streaming from his eyes. “Wife, I
thought you had left me.”

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