Falling Behind (Falling Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Falling Behind (Falling Series)
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Chapter Twenty-Five


Mom came in just as Titus was getting ready to say something important. I wish she wouldn’t have interrupted. I wanted to know what he had to say more than anything. She came over and sat next to me after Titus left.

“How are you doing after today?”

I looked at her, confused. How did she know? “Huh?”

Gustin called to inform us that Josh was arrested after assaulting you, today He also told us about some other charges and about a restraining order you had started against him. I wish you would have come to me with this, Reese. I could have helped you deal with it. So, how are you?”

, I’m glad he was arrested. My heart hurts that I was with someone that was doing and distributing drugs. I wasted so much time and lost so much because of him.”

“Do you want to talk about it
, Hun?”

“I want to. I’
m just so ashamed.”

“Oh Reese, there is nothing to be ashamed about. I have a feeling I know what happened
, but tell me so we can do what we need to. I will not judge you.”

I went into detail
, without going into detail, about my relationship with Josh. “I felt like I had to keep having sex with him because I told him I loved him. He made me feel like I had to.”

Mom cried, silently the tears flowed. “Reese
, that is”—

“Date rape. I know. Now. Mom, to me that isn’t the worst of it. I mean, don’t get me wrong; that’s bad and I want to press charges, but he also threatened my life. He was just trying to scare me, but”—

“Stop right there. Do NOT make excuses for him. Please.”

“I won’t. He was mad at me one day and drove out to the White Oak to force himself on me. When I told him I really wanted to come home
, he pulled the e-brake and slid the truck around pinning my door against a telephone pole. I lost it. I started having a panic attack. He was trying to force himself on top of me. He grabbed my thighs running his hands up and that’s when I started screaming, ‘home’. I think my nearly blacking out scared him back to his senses. He brought me home and apologized, profusely.”

, we need to talk to the sheriff. We WILL be pressing charges.” She held my hands with one of hers and swiped her tears away with the other. There had been so much crying for everyone, lately. I was really tired of it.

“That’s not all. The night of the formal, Titus found him forcing me to have sex with him
, again. If it wasn’t for Titus interrupting, he would have forced me to do it in the peach trees, during the afterparty”

“Thank God for Titus.” She released me and grabbed for her phone. “I’m calling the sheriff’
s department.”

Within a half hour
, there were two sheriffs sitting in my living room, taking down my statement. I had to re-live the whole thing over, yet again. In horrid detail. In front of my mom. I was mortified. I cried through the entire process. The officers said they would be in touch with us, and most likely Titus, since he witnessed the last rape and assault.

I was relieved that I told mom
, and the sheriffs, even if it was horrific. I jumped in the shower, washing away all memory of Josh and his abuse. I took a second to cry over Candice before washing that pain away, too, and getting out clean and refreshed. I was ready to start healing.

All I need
ed was Candice’s parents to return home from their trip so I could get approval for the assembly. Stand Up To Violence needed to happen. I knew they would be on-board. Slipping on my soft pink pajamas, I sunk into my bed, waiting for Titus to call.

Fifteen minutes later
, my phone rang. “Hello?”

, how are you?” Titus’ voice sounded strained. He had to know, already.

“Good. Better now that I’m talking to you.”
Crap I didn’t mean to say that aloud.
“I mean better, I talked to my mom and told her everything. We started the process to press charges.”

“I know
, your mom called me and my mom, so we wouldn’t be surprised when the police came, asking questions.”

“Thank you
, Titus. Hope it was okay that I said your name.”

“Of course
, it was. I told you I am here for you.” He sighed into the phone. “Reese?”

Something was different about the way he said my name. It made my stomach twist with anticipation.

“Prom’s next weekend.”
Crap! How did I forget prom? Do I even want to go?
“I understand if you don’t feel like going to it; but I was thinking, maybe we, uh, hell, can I come over?”


Titus chuckled on the other end of the line. “I know that made no sense. I want to talk to you
, in person. Can I come over for just a minute?”

“I’m sure it’s fine
, but let me double check.” I covered the phone with my pillow and ran into the living room. “Mom, can Ty come by for a few minutes?”

I expected surprise to fill her face
, but nothing but a warm, knowing smile was there. “Sure.”

That was weird. I shook it off, “Thanks
, Mom.”

I grabbed my phone and couldn’t help
smiling. “Come on over.”

I went outside
to wait for Titus. He pulled up less than three minutes later. Smiling, I waited for him on the porch chair. He slid into the chair opposite me, pulling it close. “Hi.”

I smoothed down my wet hair and glanced down at my pajamas. I’
d never cared if Titus saw me in them before, but right now I felt under-dressed. I questioned what it meant. “Hey.”

, as I was trying to spit out on the phone…” His deep laugh did something to me and he grabbed my hand. “Prom is next weekend. Did you want to go?”

I shook my head. I knew I couldn’t. “I can’t.”

“I don’t think I can, either. What I suggest. No wait, that’s all wrong.” He ran a hand through his own wet hair.

For the first time ever, he made me nervous. I grabbed a small section of hair and started twirling it. The faster my heart rate went, the faster I twirled my hair. I waited. I didn’t want to interrupt him and I wasn’t sure what to say, just yet.

“I am screwing this up. Let me try again?” He stated it as a question
, so I nodded. “Okay, Reese, I really don’t feel like either one of us can handle prom, this year; would you go out to dinner, and maybe a movie, with me, instead?”

Huh? Did he just ask me out?
I sat there, a small smile playing on my lips as I watched his smile grow and then slowly drop. I realized it was taking me too long to answer. “Yes, I’m sorry. As a date or two friends?”

“I didn’t clarify that
, did I?” He laughed again, sending chills down my spine and goose bumps covering my arms and legs. “As a date, Reese.”


He stood up, pulling me up with him, hugging me to his chest. “Good night.” He kissed the top of my head and left.

I was going on a date with Titus. I
was smiling as I shyly waved goodbye as he drove away. On the inside, I was dancing a jig.


Saturday, the day of the prom and my first date with Titus
, was here before I knew it. I stood in my room, staring into my closet. Nothing looked right. I wanted something cute and new. I hadn’t wanted to ask mom to spend money on a new outfit, though. They’d had enough to deal with, lately.

“Something wrong
Hun?” Mom stuck her head in the door. “Titus will be here soon and you’re not ready.”

I groaned
. “I know. I can’t find anything cute that I didn’t wear out with Josh or doesn’t have a bad memory associated with it.”

“Good thing I stopped by your favorite store on the way home

I swung around looking at the Forever 21 bag hanging from her fingertips. “Mom, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you.”

“You don’t even know what it is, yet.” She laughed as she sat down on my bed, watching me.

I pulled out a short teal dress that had a
long sheer overlay. It was gorgeous and lined with crystals. It was strapless, but had a black crop jacket with it. The crystals started out think on the top of the chest and faded down growing heavier on one side at the hip. The sheer overlay gathered at a cluster of crystals on my hip and the top layer flowed down to my ankles the front open to see the short skirt of the dress. “I love it.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


I finally did it. I finally asked Reese out, and she said yes. Tonight was the night. I had just gotten out of the shower and was standing in my bedroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, pulling out a pair of dark-washed jeans when I noticed a new black button down shirt hanging in my closet. Mom. I smiled, pulling the shirt out. I would need to thank her for it. It was perfect. Black with thin teal pin stripes and a teal tie. I wouldn’t wear the tie, but the shirt was nice.

I slipped it on
, along with the jeans, and ran some gel through my hair, leaving it sticking up at odd angles. I slid on my chucks and headed out the door. Mom was at work, so I didn’t have to worry about thanking her, right now, or answering the billion questions she would have asked.

I love
my mom, but sometimes she was a little much. I was nervous enough as it was. I needed to relax and not screw this night up. I’d waited too long. Reese and I were finally free to be together. I wanted nothing more than for this night to be perfect.

I knocked on Reese’s door. I’d brought her a corsage. All the prom experience minus the limo and the prom. Mr. Milson answered the door. “Hey Titus, since when do you knock?”

“Since I’m here to take your daughter out

Mr. Milson
chuckled. “Alright, well come on in. I don’t think she’s quite ready, yet. Have a seat. Do you want something to drink?” He shook himself. “You know where everything is. Just be careful with her, okay?”

Before I could answer him
Reese yelled, “Dad!”

I looked
up as she came out of the hallway, entering the dining room. She was beautiful. I laughed and knew our mom’s must have coordinated our outfits for the evening when I saw the beautiful teal dress she wore. She was smokin’ hot. The color made her eyes pop and it definitely showed off her curves. I didn’t spend too much time admiring her body, though; I didn’t want her dad pissed off at me. I hadn’t had a chance to sit down, so I walked straight over to her. I held the white corsage in my hands. “May I?” I lifted it for her to see.

She smiled and nodded, holding her wrist out for me to slide the flower on. “Thank you. Hang on.” She shuffled quickly to the refrigerator
, pulling out a boutonniere that matched. “I think our mom’s wanted us to experience prom, even if we weren’t going.” She giggled and it made my heart swell. It had been a while since I heard her laugh.

“You look amazing.” It seemed I would be stumped for words tonight.
Five words. That’s all I’ve said to her.

“Thanks, you look pretty amazing
, yourself.” She linked her arm with mine. “You ready?”

I opened the car door and helped her in. We chatted all the way to the Elephant Bar
in Fresno. The restaurant was supposed to be good. Mom raved about it. I hoped Reese liked it. When we got there, I got out and asked her to wait. Rushing around to her side, I opened the door for her. “Let’s go eat.”

Dinner was easy going and fun. The weirdness of being on a date finally wore off when Reese slammed her little fists on the table. “Okay
, Ty, this is it. No more. If we don’t relax and have a good time, neither of us will want to do this, again. This is stupid. We’re still us. We can still talk about all the same things. I don’t want to walk on eggshells. I want to be me. I want you to be you. It’s who I’ve been falling in love with for years.” Her eyes went wide and her mouth snapped shut. I busted up laughing. She was in love with me.

“I love you,
too, Reese, I have for a very long time.” She glared at me. I guess because I laughed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Crap! Now I have to tell her about Candice.

“It’s a long story. Do you care if we skip the movie and
just drive around, instead?”

“Not at all.
Because you are not getting out of explaining the reason why you are just now telling me that you love me.”

I took a bite of steak
. “I promised Candice. Last year, I promised her I wouldn’t date you, this year. She asked me to promise her because she couldn’t handle it if we stopped being friends. She said she would need us both this year.”

She sighed and
reached across the table to squeeze my hand. “She was adamant that she would need us both this year. I guess she was right.

“I’m sorry I never told you. I’m sorry you had to go through everything
you did, this year, just to get here with me. I’m ready to go.  I want to go somewhere and just talk. Where do you want to go?”

“Black Bridge.”

We drove through Laton and headed down toward the bridge. I pulled on to the dirt lane and put the car in park. “Do you want to sit in here or go out there?”

“Can we sit on the hood?”

I smiled and nodded. Mom kept a blanket in the trunk. I got out, went around and opened her door, helping her out. After getting the blanket, I spread it on the hood of the car. Helping Reese get up I waited for her to get situated before climbing up next to her. We lie back on the hood staring at the stars.

“I’m glad we’re finally here.” She entwined her fingers with mine, closing her eyes.

I followed suit. “Me too.”

We talked about everything under the sun. Or moon. The moon was full and we were parked on a levy. I had an idea. It may not be prom but it could be our prom. “Hang on I’ll be right back.”

Her soft voice startled me. “Okay.”

I plugged in my
iPod and searched for a long, slow song.  Surely I owned one. “Reese, I’ve waited months to get to dance with you. Will you dance with me?”

She slipped down the hood, landing on her feet in front of me. “I thought you’d never ask.”

My arms went around her waist, pulling her into me. I inhaled her sweet and spicy, berry aroma. Her hands went around my neck and we swayed to the music. I placed a kiss on the top of her head. When she looked up at me I saw desire and need woven in the steel grey of her moonlit eyes. She gasped. I slid my hand up to the back of her head, tilting it back. I waited, in case she wasn’t ready. When her eyes closed and her lips parted, I asked, “Can I kiss you now?”

.” It came out in a whisper as I captured her lips with mine. They were soft and yielding. I loved the way they moved with mine. I licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth. When my tongue met hers, I swear there were fireworks. I felt the kiss all the way down in my toes. I pulled back, first. Panting. We were both breathless.

“Wow. I always imagined
...” She shook her head.


She kissed me again, taking it deeper. I groaned when she pulled away. “I always imagined it would be just like that. I could kiss…” she placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth “You.” She kissed my upper lip and then kissed me square on the mouth “All day.”

I chuckled
, pulling her closer to me. “You imagined kissing me?”

Reese didn’t respond
, just flashed me a knowing smile. As if I should know that she had day dreamed about us just as I had. I let it go, for now. I took her home, kissing her goodnight at the door.

, Ty. Thank you for tonight. It was wonderful.”

My heart soared
, again. Every time she said my name, my heart raced. Every time we kissed, my stomach knotted up. Every time I looked in to her eyes, I fell more in love. She had me falling hard.
And now you sound like a whipped puppy and it’s your first date.

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