Read Falling Bundle Online

Authors: Alex Jace

Falling Bundle (12 page)

BOOK: Falling Bundle
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Arjen clearly couldn’t wait to dive into their private pool, which shone like a jewel in the decking. Max discovered that he looked fucking amazing wearing only swim shorts. He tugged Arjen back toward him before he could jump into the water. “Not so fast, sweetling. It’s thirty-five degrees. You’re going to burn.”

Arjen laughed. “I can see your concern is only for my welfare. Not because you want to rub me all over with sun cream and get me all slippery.”

“Duty calls.” Max grinned.

He made Arjen lie down. Arjen grumbled, but stretched out on the sun-warmed wooden decking, resting his cheek on his folded arms. The sight of all that lean muscle laid out underneath him made Max bite his tongue hard to hold himself back; he wanted to tug those swim shorts down and zero in on that perfect ass.

Patience. Max poured the sun cream onto his hands and began to rub it in.

It felt fantastic. Arjen was delightfully warm beneath his hands, relaxing more under every stroke, and when Max pressed harder into the muscles of his back, Arjen gave a little moan. “Oh, that’s good.”

Arjen was going to end up getting fucked into the decking if he didn’t behave. Max rubbed the stuff into his shoulders, then down his back, enjoying the curve of his spine. He parted Arjen’s legs deliberately and rubbed down his thighs and calves, then tantalised himself by running his hand back up his inner thigh. “Turn over, baby.”

“Mmm.” Arjen seemed to have melted beneath his hands; turning over was clearly too much effort.

“If I have to stare at your ass in those shorts any longer, I will not be responsible for the consequences. Turn over.”

Arjen stirred reluctantly, then subsided again. “Don’t want to.”

The growl rose unbidden in Max’s throat. He yanked those damn shorts straight down and spread Arjen’s thighs wide. It really was a fantastic view—his ass was amazing, muscled and tight. Max cupped Arjen’s ass in his slippery hands, squeezed and kneaded, pressing his thumb into his hole. Arjen arched under him with a gasp. “Ah!”

“Hush. This is your own fault.” Max added some lube to his fingers for good measure and pushed that thumb in. Arjen groaned as it slipped in. “You’re all slippery. I should have known this was only going in one direction.” He tugged his own trunks off so he could rub himself against Arjen’s ass. His cock slid back and forth along his crack. Arjen squirmed under him, trapped against the wooden deck. “I should just come all over your ass. Get you even stickier.”

“No, please fuck me.”

“You’re going to be such a mess.” Max grinned as he spread him even wider and pushed into him.

Arjen said “Oh,” then “
,” his body tautening deliciously as Max eased home. They were both slippery now, sliding against each other. Arjen was scorchingly hot, like he’d soaked up all the warmth of the sun. He smelled of some scent they put in the sun cream. Max wanted to lick him.

Max tugged him until he was half kneeling, his ass in the air, his face still pressed against the deck. In this position Max could reach under him and capture his cock in one slick hand. He discovered that he could also hit an angle with his thrusts that made Arjen cry out. Arjen tried to muffle his cries in his folded arms, but Max slapped his ass sharply. “No. Nobody’s here except me. I want to hear you.”

Arjen shuddered under him, and Max gripped him tight and began pounding him in earnest. Arjen must have been closer than Max had thought, because within a few strokes Arjen screamed out as he climaxed, his body squeezing Max so tight that fireworks burst inside Max’s head. Primal hunger took over and Max hammered him until he came fiercely inside him.

Afterward they collapsed together, sticky and exhausted. Max chuckled. “Now look what you did.” Arjen just gave a decadent groan of satisfaction.

They dipped into the pool to wash off; the crisp chill of the water was bracing. Then they lay together at the poolside, pleasantly tired, and Max dried them with a towel, then rubbed them both down with sun cream. It was easy to do now that he was spent and lazy; the slow slide of his hands seemed to be putting Arjen back to sleep, and Max could steal gentle kisses between strokes.

The weather was spectacular all day. They both loved the water, and Max learned to memorise the quicksilver flash of Arjen’s dive into the pool, the ripple of motion along the bottom, the cascading water as he burst back up into the open air. Max sat on the side of the pool, kicking his feet in the water; Arjen smiled up at him, dark and sleek.

“You are beautiful,” Max told him in all honesty.

“You’re just saying that because you want to get laid.” Arjen cupped him teasingly through the front of his trunks.

Arjen knew exactly how to stroke Max to get him hard again. The sudden ache of hunger woke in seconds. “You’re playing with fire,” Max warned.

“One can only hope.” Arjen had such a wicked smile as he rubbed Max’s hard cock.

That was it. Max made a grab for him; Arjen slipped out of his grip, quick as a fish in the water. But Max had a longer reach than Arjen had anticipated. He got a grip on Arjen’s arm, lost it, got it again, hauled Arjen sputtering and laughing back toward him. Max took him firmly by the hair. “That’s enough. Now you can finish what you started.” He pulled his cock out of his trunks.

Arjen’s eyes darkened. He had always loved giving head. “You want it in your mouth,” Max prompted.

“Yes.” Arjen licked his lips.

“You want to please me.”


“Go on.” Max pushed his head down.

Arjen took him straight into his mouth. His mouth was so hot after the cool water that Max groaned aloud; Max’s hand flexed in Arjen’s hair, forcing him deeper. Arjen made a stifled sound of need and sucked hard, his hands braced on Max’s thighs. It was utterly decadent having Arjen so devoted to his pleasure. Max wanted to drag it out, make it last forever, but that knot of tension in his stomach only tightened and he had to clutch Arjen’s hair and drag him closer as he shot his load down Arjen’s throat.

Arjen swallowed him down obediently. He licked his lips afterward, looking extremely satisfied.

The holiday melted into one long haze of sunlit warmth. They spent lazy mornings in bed, kissing slowly as they rocked together. Sometimes they wandered through little towns with market stalls set up on cobblestones, or strolled along beaches facing out onto the grey-green Atlantic. They spent hours messing around in the pool, splashing each other and laughing like teenagers, and in the warm evenings they liked to sit out with a bottle of wine and relax together. At nights Max was only too pleased to deliver on everything he’d promised on the plane. He wanted Arjen so happy, so satisfied, that he would stay with Max forever.

He dared to whisper that to Arjen as they lay together in bed. Arjen smiled up at him, sleepy and warm. “Forever is a long time. You might get bored with me.”

“Never.” Max found him endlessly fascinating. Infinitely rewarding. All the affection he poured into his relationship with Arjen he got back tenfold. It was one of the simple pleasures of life to sleep with Arjen in his arms. “I’d never get bored with you.”

“Good.” Arjen snuggled closer.


Max woke in heaven. His cock was being taken slowly into a very talented mouth. Glorious sunshine spilled across the rumpled sheets to dazzle Max’s half-lidded eyes. Arjen made a contented sound in his throat as he took Max deeper into his mouth.

It was pure bliss. The heat of Arjen’s mouth was unbelievable; Arjen’s cheeks hollowed as he sucked. Max groaned, his eyes falling closed again, lost in the sensation. He stretched and arched up into his mouth.

Arjen wrapped a hand around his cock to stop him pushing deeper. Max growled, and reached down to catch hold of his hair. He knew just how much Arjen liked it when Max took control.

Something metallic yanked at his wrist and his hand stopped after only an inch. His eyes snapped open. It took him a stunned moment of disbelief to realise what had happened. That little fiend had handcuffed him to the bed.

“Arjen!” Max was scandalised. This was not how it was supposed to go.

Arjen flashed him an innocent look under his lashes, and hummed as he sucked. His grip tightened rhythmically in time with the slow slide of his mouth. The effect was spectacular; Max clenched his teeth on another groan, fighting the urge to arch again into his mouth. He yanked at the handcuffs and only succeeded in bruising his wrists. “Let me go.”

He could feel Arjen’s smile around him. Arjen draped a warm arm across his stomach. He clearly had no intention of letting Max go.

Max yanked again, harder. He winced at the pain. The wooden bed frame creaked ominously; he pictured how much trouble they’d get into if they broke the bed in their holiday villa, and desisted. “Arjen! Uncuff me right now.”

Arjen pulled off his cock, letting the tip slide from his mouth. He had an utterly wicked smile. “Let me think. Hmm. No.”

He was absolutely irresistible like this, playful and teasing. Max’s voice dropped to a mock growl. “You’re going to be in so much trouble for this.”

“Then I’d better enjoy it.” Arjen lifted off his body with a sexy smile and straddled him, his lean thighs parted. He took Max’s cock in one slick hand and positioned himself ready to push down. Max tensed with anticipation, focused on that first sweet moment of entry, when he’d sink into that tight, squeezing body…

Arjen paused. “You wanted me to stop?”

“Arjen!” Max was going to strangle him.

Arjen was definitely laughing at him now, his dark eyes dancing. He squirmed around so that Max’s cock rubbed tantalisingly up and down his slick cleft. It felt amazing. A shudder went through Arjen and he moaned; Max’s muscles bunched as he fought for control. He tried putting a snap of command into his voice. “You start riding my cock right now or I’ll—”

“You’ll what? Glare at me?” Arjen’s smile was full of mischief.

“Arjen! Now!” At this rate Max was going to come before even getting inside him.

“You’re so demanding.” Arjen leaned in to kiss him, making it gentle. “I like you that way.” He began to slowly, slowly slide down onto Max’s cock.

That entry was every bit as exquisite as Max had thought. The first inch that slid into Arjen’s hot body forced a gasp from Arjen’s throat; Arjen’s head tipped back and his eyes fluttered shut as he moaned aloud, a sound of pure surrender. God, he was unbelievable. So tight, so gripping. Max’s fists clenched, his jaw tightening, the handcuffs creaking under the strain of holding him back. If anything, his helplessness made this even more intense than normal.

Arjen was biting his lip now, panting as he continued to sheath himself. He braced himself against Max’s bare chest with both hands to control the depth of Max’s penetration. The muscles in his lean body flexed delightfully. He slipped down another inch and his inner muscles squeezed tight, getting another helpless groan from Max. At last Arjen sheathed himself fully on Max.

“Jesus.” Max couldn’t seem to catch his breath, his heart hammering in his chest.

“Feels big.” It came out a whimper. Arjen clutched at him, clearly filled to the point of pain.

Max lifted his head from the soft pillow to capture his mouth. He kissed him to distract him, nipping his lower lip. Arjen relaxed into him with a sigh, his body finally unclenching. Arjen cupped his face in his hands and kissed him again. “Feels good,” Arjen whispered against his mouth.

“Good.” Max kissed him one last time. “Untie me, sweetling. I’ll make it even better.”

Arjen’s mouth curved against his in a teasing smile. “Nice try, Max.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Oh, I’m serious.” Arjen bit his lip in concentration, and started to ride him.

Having Arjen all slippery in his lap sliding up and down on his cock undid his patience in approximately half a second. Max yanked again at the handcuffs, badly wanting to roll Arjen beneath him and fuck him. Arjen was too dazed to notice, he just buried his face in Max’s shoulder with a groan. “That feels… I…”

This was pure torture. Max’s voice was getting hoarse. “Untie me, baby. Be good now.”

It took some coaxing, not least because Arjen clearly could only think about Max inside him, but Arjen finally uncuffed him. Thank God. Max dragged himself up to sit back against the pillows and pulled Arjen tight against him, taking him in an iron grip so that Max could control the depth and angle of his thrusts. He slammed home hard; Arjen gasped, clenching around him. “There,” Max growled, “that’s better, isn’t it. That’s what you need. A good, hard fucking.” Max lifted him up only to slam him back down. Arjen’s fingers bit into his arms as Arjen trembled in his lap. “You need to be taken. Owned.” Arjen could only clutch him and cry out as Max took him ruthlessly, reclaiming control of him.

Max’s orgasm was intense. He groaned aloud as he spilled himself deep into the tight grip of Arjen’s body. Then he rolled Arjen under him where he belonged and with a few hard thrusts he got Arjen crying out in desperation as he came, hot and slippery under Max’s weight.

Afterward Max laughed, breathless and filled with warmth. “You are in so much trouble. I should punish you for this.” He dipped his head to steal a slow, sweet kiss.

“You should.” Arjen smiled up at him, warm and trusting. He tucked himself into the curve of Max’s body where Max was only too happy to have him. It was pretty much marvellous, to be honest. Max had never discovered this tender side of himself before and Arjen absolutely glowed from Max’s affection.

BOOK: Falling Bundle
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