Falling for Bentley (Part One) (6 page)

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Authors: Shawnte Borris

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BOOK: Falling for Bentley (Part One)
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“Starting the fence.”

“I know. I’m doing it.” I tugged back.

“Look, I can get it tighter than you. Just give me the fence stretcher,” Bentley instructed.

“Fence stretcher what?” I challenged, holding it still between us.

give my pig-headed brother the fence stretcher,” called out Travis.

“I’d be delighted to Travis,” I replied in my kindest voice, shoving the stretcher into Bentley’s chest before walking away. Grabbing a hammer and a pail of nails I walked my way down the fence line.



“DAMN, IT’S SO hot out today,” Bo said, taking off his wife-beater and wiping the sweat off his forehead.

“I know, man. I’m surprised we aren’t melting,” replied Cullen.

“Twilight, vampire’s don’t melt, they sparkle in the sun,” teased Bo, trying to take off Cullen’s t-shirt, “Come on, Cullen let’s see you sparkle.”

Cullen shoved him back, “Fuck off, Bo.”

The boys started laughing, cheering Bo on.

“All right, boys, let’s stop and see what’s in the cooler,” I offered. “Since everyone is picking on Cullen, he can sit with me and pick the first drink out of the cooler.”

“Thanks, Haley,” muttered Cullen.

“No worries, Twilight,” I laughed.

Rolling his eyes, Cullen dug in the cooler, “Is this Mrs. Wells’ sweet tea?”

“It is,” I winked.

“Awesome,” he said, excitedly opening the lid and downing half of it.

“Any more in the cooler?” asked JJ, “I love her sweet tea. She makes the best in church.”

“Nope, I just saw the one bottle in the fridge,” I shrugged, downing a bottle of water.

An hour later, I was done, so I told the boys it was a wrap for the day. “Thanks, guys, for all your help. I can’t believe how much we got done today.”

“I’d say another two hours tomorrow and we should be done, Haley,” Andrew announced looking down the fence line.

“I think so, Andrew.” I smiled at the boys. “If you are coming tomorrow, let’s start at eight so we can finish early. I hear tomorrow is supposed to be hotter. When the fence gets done, why don’t you boys bring your swim trunks and cool off in the pond afterwards,” I offered. “Then, if y’all want to stick around, we can BBQ in the afternoon.”

Everyone else said they were coming back, except Cody. “Sorry, Haley, but I promised my mom I’d help her in the garden tomorrow.”

“No worries. I’m just glad you were able to help today.”

“I can come on Thursday,” he offered.

“Sure, come whenever you can make it. I don’t want to be taking any of you away from your family, or other commitments you have already made.” I said, securing the cooler to the truck and looking over to the boys.

“The team will be here, we made a commitment,” Bentley announced roughly.

“All righty then.” I saluted before hopping up on the tailgate of the truck. “Bentley, will you be the last one out and close the gates, please?”

Back at the barn I told the boys to leave everything in the barn and to not bother putting it away, since we’ll just be using it tomorrow. After I sent them on their way, I walked into the house and slouched in a kitchen chair. I forgot how exhausting it was working in the sun, but I can’t say I’m sore, since the boys pretty much pushed me out of the way and did everything themselves.

I took another look at Papa’s list, deciding tomorrow the boys can finish the fence while I cut the grass then weed the garden and flowerbeds. I made myself a quick sandwich before hopping in the shower and climbing into bed.




I DON’T UNDERSTAND why Haley got under my skin, but she did. Maybe it was her smell, or her smile, or how fucking great her legs looked in those sweet-ass shorts. I gave my head a shake, trying to let go of the image of her, sitting on the tailgate, boobs bouncing, while I followed her on the quad.

Holding Curtis’ fridge door open as I stared into space thinking of Haley, I once again found myself wondering what she was doing at this very moment. Maybe she was soaking in the new claw tub Curtis installed for her grandmother.

“What are you doing?”

I jumped, hitting my head on the freezer door, “Fuck!”

“Serves you right for holding my fridge door open for the last five minutes.”

Rubbing the top of my head, “Hey, man, what are you doing home so soon?” I turned and shut the fridge door.

“Whoa, dude! Put the tent away.” Curtis cringed while covering his eyes.

I immediately covered my crotch by reopening the fridge door. “Beer?”


I passed him the beer before closing the door, hoping that my dick had time to deflate. “I thought you were going to Loran’s tonight?”

“I was, but she has PMS or something, and was totally bitchy, so I came back home.” We walked over to the living room and settled in to watch
Sports Center
. “If I didn’t love her so much…sometimes I just wish I could say, ‘Put the crazy back in the box.’”

I laughed, “Well, you should have known crazy runs in that family. Seriously, look at her sister, Mandie.”

Curtis was quiet for a moment before he blurted out, “I want to marry her!”

I spit out my beer, “What?”

Curtis got up and set his beer on the table. “Bentley, I’m going to ask Loran to marry me.”

“Seriously?” I asked stunned.

“Yeah, man. I love her.”

“It’s only been six months,” I coughed.

“I know, but shit man, I fell in love with her before she even decided to go out with me.”

I stood and gave Curtis a bro hug, “Congratulations, man. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks, man.”

Curtis grabbed his phone and walked into his bedroom while I went back to the couch. I must have fallen asleep because when Curtis opened his bedroom door it woke me. He had his jacket and boots on.

“Where are you going?” I asked sitting up.

“To Loran’s.”

“Going to grovel?” I teased.

Grabbing his keys off the table, he smirked, “Already did that, now it’s time to make up.”

I shook my head while Curtis shut the front door on his way out.

I rubbed my hands over my face then looked at my watch, eleven o’clock. My phone rang while I was brushing my teeth. I tried to catch it, but I didn’t make it in time. Noticing it was Travis; I called my brother back right away.

“Hey, brother what’s up?”

“Are you by yourself?” Travis asked quietly.

“Yeah, why?”

“Bentley, I did something really dumb tonight.”

“What?” I asked unsurprised.

“I had sex with Whitney.”

I sat on my bed, “Okay.”

“Bentley, you don’t understand, I forgot to wrap up.”



I took a deep breath, thinking about what I was going to say to my brother.

“Bentley, what am I going to do?”

“Don’t panic. Is she on the pill?”

“She says she is.”

“Do you believe her?” I asked seriously.

“I do.”

“Then my guess is you’re probably okay.”


“Yeah, man.” I heard my brother let out a breath. “Did you and Whitney talk about it afterwards?”

“Yeah, she said she was okay with what happened and that she wasn’t worried because she has been on the pill for a while now.”

“My advice, just remember to always wear a condom, Travis.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

We were both quiet for a minute, “Travis?”


“If she gets pregnant, we’ll figure it out together,” I reassured him.


“That’s why I’m here. See you tomorrow at Haley’s.”


I put my phone on the nightstand and lay in bed, watching the ceiling fan turn. I couldn’t believe it, my best bud is getting married and my brother is having sex. What’s next? Getting Haley to fall in love with me? Even that thought made me laugh out loud. Turning over, I set my alarm for five am so I could get a good work out in before heading to the ranch.



GRABBING MY TWO water bottles, I headed down to the football field to start my work out. I was on my last chin up on the goal post when I noticed someone running on the track. I jumped to the ground, grabbing one of the water bottles, and walked over to see whom it was.

As I drew closer, I noticed it was a woman. I’m usually doing drills this time of morning, and I’ve never seen anyone out here unless they were cutting grass. She was working on her last corner facing away from me when I walked onto the track. I watched as she gave it all she could, and this chick had some power. I should send my boys over and get her to teach the team a few things.

I watched as her blonde hair swayed with every step, her body looked nice and lean, her ass was nice and tight and those thighs were strong enough to hold on to my waist. I kept watching as she rounded the last corner, now facing me. Her legs were long in her tiny running shorts, her stomach was small, but had a little give, just enough to get my hands on it without feeling her bones. Her boobs in the sports bra she was wearing looked magnificent. I couldn’t help but let my mouth drop open. As my eyes went farther up to her face, the runner skidded and came to a full stop.

“Holy shit.” It was Haley.

“Nice to see you, too, Bentley,” she puffed, bending over to catch her breath.

“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you.”

“Expecting someone else?”

“No.” I couldn’t say more; I just stood there and stared. As Haley stood up, I noticed little sweat beads all over her body and I wondered what her skin would taste like.

“Take a picture, Bentley. It will last longer.”

I shook my head, “Huh?”

“I said, you may want to wipe the drool from your face,” she laughed.

“Oh.” I ran my hand across my chin before I reached out my water bottle, “Water?”

Haley took the bottle, “Thanks, mine is on the other side of the track.”

Still unable to say anything else, I watched as she tipped her head back and poured a little on her chest before drinking. Watching her drink was the most sexual thing I have ever witnessed, not to mention all that water on her chest.

Handing over the now empty bottle, Haley said, “Thanks, I needed the cool down.”

I took the empty bottle and smiled, “No problem.”

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