Falling for Bentley (Part One) (9 page)

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Authors: Shawnte Borris

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BOOK: Falling for Bentley (Part One)
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“Thanks, Andrew. You guys stay as long as you like, just bring the cooler back and drop it off on the porch before you leave.”

Bentley stood, “I think I’m going to go, too.”

“All right,” I said before hopping into the Gator, “Later, boys,” I waved.

After putting everything back in the kitchen and putting away the Gator, Bentley walked me back to the house. “Thanks for helping put everything away. You really didn’t have to,” I smiled.

“It was my pleasure.”

“When is Coach Dudley due to arrive?”

“Trying to get rid of me so soon, Hales?”

“N-no, that’s not what I meant,” I stuttered.

“I know what you meant, I was teasing. Honestly I’m not sure. He is still entertaining his in-laws for a few more days.”

I took a step up the stairs on the porch and turned towards Bentley, noticing how the wind was drying his hair curly. I just wanted to run my hands through it. It looked so soft.

“What are you staring at?” Bentley smirked.

“Me? Oh nothing.” I shook my head.

“I bet you were wondering what the worst pickup line I ever used is.”

“No, but now I am.”

Stepping closer to me so we were almost nose to nose, he lifted a piece of my hair and tucked it in behind my ear and breathed, “Haley, sweetheart, just admit it, you want to ride me like a Harley on the country roads. It’ll be so damn good, even John Deere will be jealous.”

I just stood there gaping at him.

I heard Bentley chuckle, “That’s what I thought.”

He turned away and walked back to his truck. I grabbed the hand railing, still feeling his hand on me. I closed my eyes and when I reopened them he was standing in front of me. “Thanks for the towel.”

I took the towel from his hands, “No problem.”

Bentley smiled again before walking back to his truck, “See you tomorrow, Hales.”

“Yeah, see ya,” I quietly answered back.




AS I DROVE back to Curtis’ house, the only thought on my mind was the feeling of Haley in my arms. God, I was so done for. “Ah,” I turned up my radio and blasted some Eric Church.

After cutting his grass and weed whacking, I decided to hop in the shower to cool off. “Bentley, you home?” Curtis hollered out.

“Yep, I’ll be out in a minute.” Throwing on my sweats, I opened my bedroom door and walked into the living room and plunked myself on the couch.

“Thanks for cutting the grass, it looks good.” said Curtis.

“It’s the least I can do for letting me crash in your spare room.”

“No worries.” he replied while flipping the channels on the TV.

“How was your night after leaving here?”

“It was great,” Curtis snickered with a huge grin.

“With that grin, I’m thinking I should be pretty proud of you.”

“Yes, yes you should. I know I am,” he proudly stated.

“That a boy,” I patted his shoulder as I walked by.

“Anything exciting happen around here?”

“Beer?” I asked.


I handed Curtis his beer and popped my bottle cap. “Nah, I talked to my brother before I went to bed. Woke up, worked out, ran into Haley then helped at her grandparents ranch.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Where did you meet her at?”

“The running track.”

“She’s a runner?”

“She’s got some good speed. I want to send some of my football guys over to her.”

“Huh, I guess she would be with a body like that,” my best friend offered up before taking a swig of his beer.

“Yeah,” I mumbled, remembering her drinking my water.

“What’s the plan for tonight?” inquired Curtis.

“I have to do some laundry and I was thinking of hitting up the grocery store.”

“Cool. I’ll come with you.”

“What, no plans with Loran tonight?”

“Nah, I thought it’d be better if I let her get some sleep

“Looks like you could use some, too, with those bags under your eyes,” I mocked.

Curtis stood up and slapped his chest a few times, “This bull is good to go,
the time.”

I went to my room to grab my t-shirt, wallet and keys. I walked past the bathroom, “Dude, are you pissing with the door open?”

“Looks like it, doesn’t it.”

“I don’t need to hear you take a piss.”

“I didn’t realize I let my mother stay with me,” chimed Curtis as he flushed the toilet and washed his hands.

While I was putting on my shoes I asked, “You do realize when you move in with Loran, you won’t be able to do that, right?”

“Man, I’m going to
the house. I’m even gonna make her hold it while I take a piss.”

“You’re an idiot,” we both laughed as we walked out the door.

“Welcome to the Piggly Wiggly,” said David, an autistic man the school usually has as their water boy during the football season.

“Hey, David,” Curtis and I replied with smiles.

“Ready for the football season, Bentley?” David asked excitedly.

“You bet, buddy. Gonna be my water boy this year?”

“Yes, I am!” he shouted.

“Glad to hear it, man,” I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

“Bentley, can I get a team jacket this year?”

“I don’t see why not. Just get me your size, and I’ll make sure you get one. Would you like a jersey, too?”

“Yes!” David yelled.

I laughed, “All right, catch you later, dude.”

I was placing more fruits and vegetables into the cart when Curtis came back with bags of chips, “What the hell, dude? The cart looks like a chick’s.”

“I need these things in my smoothies in the mornings.”

“No, what you need is some pussy juice in your smoothies,” Curtis ranted as he threw the chips into the cart. “I gotta go grab some bread and lunch meat.”

“I’m going to go grab some milk.”

Curtis hollered back to me, “Get some real milk, none of that skim milk shit.”

I rounded the corner of the milk aisle and saw David talking to Haley.

“I’m David,” he stuck out his hand.

“Hi David, my name is Haley,” she delicately placed her hand in his.

“You are very pretty, Haley.”

She laughed and placed her hand on her chest, “Thank you.”

I grinned, thinking how nice she was being to him.

“David, I was wondering if you could help me?” Haley asked pleasantly.

“I can help with anything,” David said excitedly.

“I’m making hot chocolate and I was wondering what is the best milk?”

“My mama always uses the pink lid milk,” he said proudly.

“Two percent sounds good to me.” She smiled while grabbing a half-gallon of the pink lid milk.

“You’re welcome, and thank you for shopping at the Piggly Wiggly,” David said before literally running the other way. Haley laughed as she watched him.

I pushed my cart beside her, “Fancy meeting you here.”

“Bentley, hey.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Grams is out of some stuff to make hot chocolate and s’mores.”

“Hot date?” I asked, more for my benefit to see if she was dating anyone.

“Nope, just the fireplace and a good book calling my name,” she answered.

“So not dating anyone?”

“Bentley, are you fishing?”

“Me? No. I just might know of someone to set you up with, that’s all.”

She hugged her bag of marshmallows tighter, “I’m not interested, but thank you.” Haley had a funny look in her eyes, I reached out for her arm, but she quickly sidestepped me and said, “I better be going. Have a good night, Bentley.”

I looked at her, puzzled, “Night.” Then it dawned on me what she said in the garden.
Great, another point in the shit pile.
I cursed myself.

Curtis dropped some more stuff into the cart, “Was that Haley?”


“Are y’all friends now?”

“I think so.”


“Ready to go?” I asked, pushing the cart down the aisle to the checkout counter. Stopping to get a few more things Curtis forgot, I managed to see Haley walk out of the store with David hot on her heels carrying her grocery bag.



“MAN, I HATE doing laundry, I wish clothes came disposable. Wear it and throw it out,” Curtis complained while he folded his socks.

“It’s not that bad.”

“Dude, all your clothes fit in one load, and you were done like an hour ago. I’ve still got like four loads left.”

“Shut up and fold,” I heckled, throwing a t-shirt at him.

“Let’s go grab some wings and beers at Pete’s. I’m sure I can convince Loran to come over tomorrow and help me finish my laundry.”

“Nah, man, I’m good. I was just thinking of putting a frozen pizza in the oven.”

“Fine.” Curtis mumbled having a bitch of a time folding his bed sheets, which eventually he just rolled them into a ball. “Whatever, so what’s your plan for tomorrow?”

“I’m going to head over to the ranch tomorrow and give Haley a hand.”

“I thought it’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow.”

“It is, but she has a few errands, and I’m going to tag along.”

Curtis put down the jeans he was folding and looked at me, “Bentley, what are you doing?”


“Dude someone like Haley, you don’t play games with. I know we were assholes in high school, but I thought we out grew that.”

“I’m not being an asshole. I seriously just want to be her friend.”

“Nothing more?” he questioned.

“Nothing,” I replied, putting my hands up in surrender.

“Well, if you ask me…”

I interrupted him, “I’m not.”

“If you ask me, you need to figure out your farm thing before you go chasing after Haley. If end up hurting her
, there won’t be a friendship left to have.”





I WAS STILL snuggled up on the couch with a fresh cup of coffee, listening to the drizzling rain and finishing one of my favorite books, when I heard a knock on the front door. Putting my cup down, I got up and moved to the door, wondering who would be here. I opened the door and was surprised to see Bentley.

“Bentley, what are you doing here?”

He lifted a bag from Maggie’s, “Brought you some breakfast. May I come in? I’m getting a bit wet standing out here.”

I quickly pushed the door fully open as Bentley grabbed the screen door, “I’m sorry. Please, come in.”

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