Falling For Disaster (6 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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Chapter 12


They were in a bed. Saint’s arms wouldn’t work but he could feel Finn’s hands sliding up his stomach as his lips brushed up the length of Saint’s cock. He was so hard and Finn was teasing him. Saint’s lips were a little numb but he managed to make them smile as Finn’s lips slid up and down the shaft. He kept avoiding the head. A moan rattled in Saint’s throat as the soft, wet heat of Finn’s tongue teased the underside before it swept back down. Saint wanted to watch, to see Finn’s lips and tongue all over his cock as he licked and sucked greedily but Saint’s eyelids were so heavy.

“That’s it,” Saint slurred. “You’re so good. Don’t stop,” he begged and he gasped as Finn’s lips wrapped around his cock and he began to suck. Saint’s head rolled from side to side as Finn’s hand stroked in time with the rise and fall of his head. It was so good but Saint needed more. He needed the hard heat of Finn’s ass clenching tight around him. Saint tried to open his eyes but they rolled and the lids wouldn’t lift. “I need to fuck you. Ride my cock,” he commanded and he heard a soft, muffled moan.

It wasn’t right. It sounded like it was slow and almost drippy and it echoed. He was able to shake his head and the echoing stopped as Finn crawled over Saint’s body. Legs gripped his hips and hands pushed against his chest and Saint sighed as his erection was bathed in slick heat. He heard a gasp and he frowned as he was bathed in lush softness.
No… It’s not right.
Saint’s head thrashed on the pillow as he tried to wake up. Finn wasn’t right. He was too soft, too wet. It wasn’t like before.

“God, baby! I love fucking you,” Rose whimpered. “Your cock feels so good,” she gasped and it was as if someone dumped a bucket of ice water on Saint.

He hissed as his eyes snapped open. Saint tried to sit up but his body was still heavy and Rose’s hands pushed against his chest as she rocked and writhed over him. Her head was thrown back and her breasts rose and fell rapidly as she panted. Saint’s stomach clenched and bile burned the back of his throat but he managed to keep his hands at his sides despite the urge to push Rose off of him. Everything became cold and Saint could feel every muscle in his body become taut as rage and hate swelled within him. He had never hated himself more than he did in that moment.

“I’m so close, Saint!” Rose cried as she ground against him and he could feel his erection failing.

He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to picture Finn. For a moment, Saint could almost smell him and he saw Finn’s shoulders and arms stretching and straining as he held onto the bannister. Rose’s lips covered Saint’s and her tongue invaded his mouth, pushing Finn away and Saint knew he was running out of time. He got a hand in her hair and pulled. Rose hissed as she arched her back and Saint caught one of her nipples and sucked hard. He slipped a hand between them and found her clit. He circled it with his thumb and bucked his hips as he used his teeth to graze Rose’s nipple. A strangled scream filled the room and Saint almost sobbed in relief when he felt her pussy spasming and gripping his cock as goosebumps covered her flesh and she began to convulse. Saint let go of her hair and released her nipple and Rose went limp and collapsed on his chest. She hummed happily as her fingers slid into his hair and Saint clenched his jaw as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Don’t you want to finish?” She asked. “I can suck your cock again until you’re hard and you can come in my mouth, if you want,” Rose offered and Saint’s stomach twisted. He shook his head softly.

“Not tonight, babe,” he murmured as his hand idly stroked her back and he wished she were heavier and her body was harder. He shut his eyes and Finn was leaning against the wall, naked with his sweat pants and boxers around his ankles. He felt Rose lift her head and when he looked down she was frowning at him. He raised his head and kissed her forehead. “My head still hurts. I think I need to sleep it off,” Saint said and her lips twisted.

“I can give you something for that,” she offered and Saint felt a little guilty for making her worry. He slid a hand into her hair and pressed her head back to his chest.

“I don’t need to take anything else. I’ll be fine in the morning.” He said. “Let’s get some sleep.” Saint rubbed Rose’s scalp with the tips of his fingers and she purred as she melted over him. He kept his body still until Rose’s breathing became even and when he was sure she was sleeping deeply he rolled so they were on their sides then carefully scooted away from her. Despite the heavy drowsiness and the weight that clung to his limbs, Saint knew he wouldn’t go back to sleep. Everything within him roared and thrashed and he had to fight to stay in bed. He felt like he was being torn to shreds internally and he wanted to rip his hair out. Guilt and nausea churned within him and his body hurt, the need to feel Finn and taste him was so strong.

You have to get a handle on this. You can’t go back there,
he warned. Saint could tell by the way his heart raced and his nerves wound tight that he was fucked. He might make it a couple of days, maybe a week, before he was back at Finn’s. He’d never been more terrified in his life.

Chapter 13


Monday was definitely living up to its reputation. The weather was shit. There was a heavy fog and it drizzled all morning. Finn got a flat tire on the way to school and putting on the spare almost made him late. On top of that, he ended up with grease stains on his favorite khakis. Then, the coffee maker in the teachers’ lounge vanished and Randy Cooley had the balls to accuse Finn of taking it. The fluorescent light over Finn’s desk flickered and he was sure it would cause him to have a seizure. Finn was convinced by lunch time that he’d have more cooperation from his students if he tried to pull all the teeth out of their heads with pliers. He couldn’t get them to settle down and focus and it seemed like none of them had their shit together. It didn’t help that Finn still felt hungover despite two days of hydrating and way too much sleep.

By seventh period, Finn was at the end of his rope. He threatened the kids with physical injury if they didn’t keep quiet as he put Ken Burns’
The Civil War
on and promptly ignored them as he graded essays. By the time the bell rang, Finn felt a little less cranky.

“Mr. Wade, can I have a word?” He called as the students gathered their books and bags and filed out. He saw Brian Wade wave for his friends to go on without him as he made his way to Finn’s desk. “I won’t keep you too long,” Finn promised and Brian shrugged as he pulled his backpack over his shoulder.

“I’ve got study hall next period, so it’s no big deal,” he said and Finn smiled as he sat back in his seat. Finn could tell there was a lot going on behind Brian’s sharp brown eyes. They were always darting around and searching. He always asked questions that kept Finn on his toes. He was one of those students that teachers lived for. With the right amount of engagement and encouragement, there was no limit to what he could achieve. Finn picked up Brian’s essay off the top of the pile and held it out to him. Brian’s brows pulled together as he looked at the folder.

“I wanted to let you know that you did an excellent job. I really enjoyed your essay, Brian,” Finn explained and Brain’s face lit up. Finn opened his grade book and confirmed that all of Brian’s essays received A’s. “As usual, I was impressed by your research and the writing was flawless,” he said and a faint blush tinted Brain’s cheeks.

“Thanks, Mr. Finn. It’s always fun writing for your class, you give us more freedom with the topics and you aren’t as uptight as the other teachers,” he said and Finn shrugged.

“If you aren’t interested in what you’re writing, you’re going to turn in a miserable essay. Then, I’m stuck with a mountain of lame essays to grade.” Finn raised a brow and Brian nodded his head and laughed.

“I guess so,” he agreed and Finn pointed at Brian’s essay.

“But that’s above and beyond what I’m getting from your peers. You’re a talented writer. Have you considered a career in journalism? Research and reporting seems to be your passion,” Finn said and Brain’s face dropped and he shrugged.

“Not really.” He became focused on unzipping his bag and shoving the essay into it. Finn rubbed his jaw as he tried to figure out what caused the dramatic shift in Brian’s mood.

“You know, I have a lot of friends at some of the bigger schools in the state, there are some really good camps that you could benefit from,” Finn said and Brian’s expression grew darker.

“I can’t go to anything like that, those camps are really expensive,” he argued and Finn waved dismissively.

“There are ways around that,” he said and Brian shrugged again.

“What’s the point?” He asked and Finn’s head pulled back in confusion. He never expected Brian to react so negatively, he was almost confrontational. It was totally out of character.

“Well, you’d learn a lot and become a stronger writer,” he explained and Brian didn’t look impressed. Finn crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to give up. “You’d probably walk away with a few college credits and those camps look great on applications,” Finn added and Brian chuckled softly.

“You don’t get it. I’m not going to college, Mr. Finn,” he said and Finn’s heart sunk to his stomach.

“Why not?” He asked and Brian rolled his eyes.

“If we can’t afford tuition for a journalism camp, what makes you think my family can afford college?” Brian asked and Finn nodded in understanding.

“There’s tons of money in scholarships out there, Brian. I would be happy to help you do the research and apply,” he offered and Brian shook his head quickly.

“Nah. Even if it was all free, I couldn’t go. My parents need me here to help support the family. My dad drinks too much and fell and hurt his back. He can’t work anymore and mom can’t take care of my brothers and sister on her own,” he said and Finn started to feel like he was sinking.

“I’m sure your parents want more for you than that,” he argued and Brian laughed.

“My dad doesn’t give a damn about anyone and my mom doesn’t want us to starve,” he said and Finn sighed as he nodded, agreeing to let it go.

“So, what are you going to do after you graduate?” He asked and Brian’s eyes dropped to his feet.

“I’ve got a cousin in The Brotherhood. He put in a good word for me and I’m pretty sure I can get in. It’s better money than bussing tables at the diner,” Brian stated and Finn could feel his temper swell and it wasn’t easy to keep his expression neutral.

“There has to be something else, Brian,” Finn said. “I don’t know if you noticed but the new members always end up in the most trouble. You’ll have a criminal record before you’re old enough to drink. Do you know how many opportunities you’ll miss out on?” He asked and Brian shook his head and laughed.

“There are no opportunities for me, Mr. Finn. Other than The Brotherhood,” he added as he backed away. “I have to go. I appreciate what you said though, it means a lot,” Brian said as he waved then slipped out the door.

Finn would have groaned and held his head in his hands but the eighth period students started wandering in. He tried to smile despite the breaking of his heart. Brian Wade was one of his favorite and most promising students but Blytheville and The Brotherhood were going to suck the life out of him. It was such a terrible waste.


By the time Finn parked in front of the diner, his mood was beyond salvaging. He was about to put the truck back in Drive and leave when Saint walked out and went into the alley between the diner and the convenience store. Finn jumped out and slammed the door behind him as he rushed after Saint. When he rounded the corner Saint was dropping onto the seat of his bike and his eyes flared when he saw Finn.

“Hey! Do me a favor and tell The Brotherhood to stop recruiting kids,” Finn said as he pointed at Saint. “Fuck up your own life all you want but give the kids a chance to get the hell out of Blytheville and make something of themselves,” he demanded and Saint’s brows pulled together as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“What are you talking about?” He asked and Finn threw his hands up in disbelief.

“One of my students told me that he’s not going to college and that he’s already been accepted into The Brotherhood,” Finn said as he advanced. He saw Saint roll his eyes and shrug and Finn’s temper threatened to boil over.

“First of all, seventeen and eighteen year olds aren’t exactly kids. Second, they all think they’re going to get into The Brotherhood. Most of them don’t and end up working at the Walmart in Brentwood or doing oil changes and tire rotations at that Sears in the shitty mall in Corbin,” Saint said and Finn shook his head wildly.

“Brian Wade said his cousin is in the club and he’s pretty much in,” he argued and Saint’s lips pulled tight and he nodded.

“Jasper’s cousin,” he said softly. “He’s a bright kid. It wouldn’t surprise me if Wes did approve,” Saint admitted and Finn exploded.

“No! Not him, Saint!” Finn yelled. “You’ll treat him like he’s disposable and let him take the fall for shit so your senior members don’t have to get their hands dirty. He’s got a chance to be something, he’s not…” He stopped when Saint’s hand fisted in his shirt and he was yanked off his feet. Saint pulled him close until they were practically nose to nose.

“Don’t ever yell at me in public,” Saint’s voice was a low, lethal growl and Finn’s eyes widened. “Neither of us want that kind of attention, Finn. You’re lucky no one’s seen us and you’d better knock it off before someone hears and decides to see what’s going on. I won’t be able to let you get away with that,” his eyes were hard and empty as they stared into Finn’s. “Don’t think for a minute that I wouldn’t beat the shit out of you to save face or to keep people from thinking there was something weird going on between us,” he warned and Finn’s blood went cold despite the warmth that rolled off of Saint and the soft huff of his breath against Finn’s lips. He nodded as he pried Saint’s fingers loose. Saint let Finn go and he stumbled back.

“Right. I can’t believe that I mistook you for a reasonable person,” he mumbled and Saint shook his head.

“You’re the one that was yelling and flailing his arms like an asshole,” Saint said and Finn’s jaw fell. Saint gave him a pointed look and Finn would have eaten his tie before he admitted that Saint had a point. “If you make a scene, you’ll leave me no choice. It’s twisted as fuck but I’d rather kick your ass than watch one of the other brothers do it. And I sure as shit don’t want to end up in the hospital. Some of those guys are fucking animals,” he added and Finn could only stare in shock as he slowly backed away. Saint’s head tilted to the side as he watched Finn. “If you still need to talk about this, we could later…” he said softly and Finn shook his head.

“No. I’m good,” he whispered and Saint’s lips pulled into a frown and he nodded as he started the bike.

“I’ll see you around,” he said before he gave it gas and rolled past Finn. Saint turned onto Main Street and the bike roared as he sped away.

“Go to hell,” Finn mumbled as he shoved his hands in his pockets and strode quickly to his truck. His appetite was completely gone and he hated that he had to wait until Friday before he could drink his face off again.

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