Falling For Disaster (8 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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“Fuck.” It was strangled and gravelly as it slipped from Saint’s lips.

Finn watched Saint as he continued to tug at his length. It was like watching a line being stretched and waiting for it to snap as it became more and more taut. Finn slowly slid his hand down his hip and into his pants. He reached deep, pushing his hand between his legs so he could tease his hole as he worked his shaft and Saint broke. His hands locked around Finn’s ass as his head dove and Saint’s lips wrapped around Finn’s cock.

“Saint!” Finn yelped as his cock was engulfed in searing wet pressure as Saint sucked hard.

Saint’s nails dug into the cheeks of Finn’s ass as his head rose and fell rapidly. Finn’s balls tightened as his nerves coiled and flickered. Heat and pressure pushed up his length and Finn’s shoulders came off the couch as his body shattered. Come pumped from the head of Finn’s cock and Saint hummed as he swallowed. Finn twitched and hissed as Saint’s tongue pushed into the slit as he sucked, seeking every drop of Finn’s release.

“Jesus! Ok, that’s it!” Finn exclaimed as his body twisted and his hands pushed at Saint’s shoulders. Saint chuckled as he looked up at Finn.

“Are you sure?” He asked and Finn nodded drunkenly as his body became limp and weak.

“Yeah. I’m completely spent,” Finn announced and Saint sighed as he adjusted the waist of Finn’s pants and sat up.

“Just as well, I have to get going. It’s late,” Saint said as he stood and Finn frowned as he reached for his phone.

“What? How long was I out?” He asked.

“Almost three hours,” Saint called from the kitchen and Finn stared at his phone in confusion.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled as he set his phone down and rubbed his eyes.

“Why?” It was in his ear and Finn shivered as Saint’s beard tickled his neck. “I didn’t mind,” he said before he nipped Finn’s ear lobe. Finn lowered his hands and looked up at Saint. He was wearing his shirt and his hair was pulled back again.

“It must have been pretty boring,” Finn said and Saint shook his head before his lips tugged at Finn’s.

“It wasn’t,” Saint said before he stood up straight. “I’ll see you later,” he announced and waved over his shoulder as he went through the kitchen and pushed the back door open.

It shut behind him and Finn stared for several moments before he turned and fell back on the couch. He frowned as his eyes went to
The Odyssey.
It was opened and face down and if Finn didn’t know any better, he’d say that Saint must have read most of the book. A moment later, Finn shook his head, dismissing the thought as his eyes shut and he gave into the heaviness of his limbs and let his consciousness fade.



Chapter 16


This is getting out of hand,
Saint decided as he stared at the ceiling. Rose’s breath was a soft, sweet huff against his neck. It was like a heartbeat beneath the floorboards for Saint, his conscience and his body pulsed with guilt and loathing. He hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep in weeks and he was mentally exhausted. His body wasn’t much better off.

Saint couldn’t go more than three days without having to see Finn. Especially if he’d been with Rose. Saint did his best to avoid it. He’d pretend to be asleep if she got home after him or he’d wait until he was sure she was asleep before he went to bed. If she did catch him, Saint tried to satisfy her by fingering her or going down on her. A few times, it was just unavoidable and Saint had to fuck Rose. If he was drunk enough (or, on one occasion, high enough) Saint could get off if he thought really hard about Finn. But that was dangerous. If he slipped up and said Finn’s name… Saint shuddered and flung his arm over his eyes.

Being with Finn involved a certain amount of calculation as well. Saint developed a strategy of getting Finn wound up quickly and carried away so that he wouldn’t think about taking things to the bedroom. Then, if he did mention it, Saint could reasonably argue that it was too late. No matter how many times Saint declared the bed off limits, Finn wouldn’t let it go. As much as Saint fantasized about being in a bed with Finn, he couldn’t let it happen. Sex with Finn was always mind-blowing. But it was just sex. It was cramped and uncomfortable and clothes were always in the way. Naked sex, in a bed would be bliss. Bliss would make things complicated and screw with Saint’s head even more. So, Saint was constantly walking a tight rope, whether he was with Rose or Finn.

His body had developed its own formula to cope with the aftermath of sex with Rose. He would feel sick and tainted until he was with Finn again. The guilt and discomfort could be neutralized and purged with the right amount of Finn. If Saint went down on Rose or got her off by playing with her pussy, a good blow-job from Finn or fucking him would be enough. If Saint fucked Rose, there was nothing for it but for Saint to beg Finn to fuck him so hard his ass would hurt for days. Riding a bike in that kind of pain was its own penance.

Saint knew the whole system was sick. But if he was going to Hell, he might as well bathe himself in gasoline first. He knew it was only a matter of time before someone said something and Finn found out about Rose. So far, the fact that Finn never mentioned Saint to anyone had worked in his favor. But in a town as small as Blytheville, it wouldn’t be long before one of them was mentioned which would inevitably result in the other being thrown in by association.

The best Saint could hope for was that it wouldn’t happen before he was ready. Or, if it did, Finn didn’t react badly in front of anyone. Not that Saint was really worried about that. Finn was highly rational and careful. Saint never had to explain what would happen if one of them was outed or they were discovered together.

If anything, Saint was more worried about himself. He was constantly on edge and afraid of making a mistake and giving them away when they were in the same place or anyone mentioned Finn.

Saint briefly considered and almost instantly dismissed the possibility of ending things with Finn. He didn’t have that much longer and he knew there was no way he would be able to control or resist his need for Finn. All he could do was be more careful. He would just hold everything together as best as he could until it was over. In the mean time, he’d enjoy every minute he had with Finn.

Saint exhaled slowly, trying to push the tension from his body. His breath smelled like Rose. He knew his whole body reeked of her. He grinned and his cock started to get hard as he looked forward to begging Finn to beat the hell out of his ass.

Chapter 17


It was shaping up to be a beautiful afternoon and Finn had a feeling it was one of the few warm days left before fall decided to get serious. It was a half day and he was planning to spend the free afternoon by the lake, reading on the dock. He was singing under his breath as he climbed the porch steps when he spotted Saint sitting in one of the rocking chairs. Finn paused for a second before he pulled his keys from his pocket. He did his best to ignore the giddy swell of anticipation as his body tightened and his heart raced.
It would be a lot easier if he wasn't so fucking hot,
Finn decided as he pulled the screen door open. Saint’s grin was lazy and his eyes heavy as he rose to his feet and Finn shook his head softly.
Does he even own a t-shirt in his size, or do they all look like they’re painted on?

“I wasn’t expecting you to show up for a few more days, you were just here the day before yesterday,” Finn said as he pushed the door open and stepped into the house. Saint was right behind him and Finn bit his lip as Saint’s body pressed against his back and he heard the door shut behind them. Then, Saint’s hands were all over Finn’s chest, working at the buttons and untucking Finn’s shirt.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how good it was. All I can think about is you riding my cock. I need you again, Finn,” Saint growled as he tossed Finn’s shirt on the floor. “I don’t have to be anywhere until late. I want you to fuck me hard and deep and take your time,” he whispered as his hands attacked the front of Finn’s khakis. Finn nodded as he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants when they hit the floor. Urgent lust surged but he held it at bay as he turned in Saint’s arms and leaned back as his hand found Saint’s hard-on through his jeans and stroked. Saint groaned as his head fell back and Finn decided it was time to put his foot down.

“I’ll fuck you for as long as you want. I’ll do anything you want,” he said silkily and Saint’s next groan was hoarse as his hands splayed and slid down Finn’s chest. Finn stopped them before they reached the waist of his boxers. “In bed,” Finn stated and Saint’s eyes snapped open and he raised a brow.

“I told you, no bed,” Saint reminded and Finn shrugged as he stepped back, out of Saint’s reach.

“I’m over fucking on the couch like high school kids,” Finn said as he turned and reached for the bannister. “I want you naked and in a bed. I’m willing to hold out for as long as it takes,” he warned and paused on the middle step. He dropped his boxers and there was a frustrated sigh from Saint. Finn pulled his lips in and kept climbing. “If you want me, you’ll get your ass up here and take off your clothes,” Finn announced before he waved over his shoulder and went down the hall.

Finn squeezed his eyes shut and prayed he hadn’t overplayed his hand as he grabbed a book off the dresser then sat on the bed. He arranged the pillows and reclined as he listened to Saint pacing in the living room. Finn opened the book and curled an arm behind his head and told himself to be patient and stay strong. The front door opened and the screen door slammed. Finn held his breath and swore he wouldn’t budge from the bed. He might not want or expect an actual relationship with Saint but Finn was ready to admit that the sex was good but it could be incredible if they slowed down and had a little more room and a lot less clothing. If he was going to be some asshole’s booty call, Finn was going to get everything he could out of it. So far, Saint was still on the front porch, his steps were heavy as he marched back and forth across the creaking boards. Every second that passed without the sound of Saint’s bike starting made Finn more confident. The screen door slammed again and Finn cheered silently.There was more pacing in the living room before Finn heard Saint’s boots drop onto the floor. Finn became anxious as Saint slowly climbed the stairs and Finn did his best to look nonchalant and interested in his book when Saint cautiously leaned into the room.

“You decided to stay,” Finn mumbled as he turned a page and Saint exhaled heavily as he stepped into the room. He pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it in on the dresser.

“This isn’t good, Finn,” Saint warned as he unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his legs. Finn kept his eyes on the book and shrugged. “This is going to be a mistake,” Saint grumbled as he stepped out of his boxers briefs.

“Every minute we spend together is a mistake, Saint,” Finn argued distractedly as he continued to pretend he was reading. “That hasn’t stopped us so far,” he added and Saint swore as he dropped onto the bed with his back to Finn. He grumbled under his breath as he rubbed the back of his neck then stretched it before he let his head fall. Finn chuckled and turned another page. “Funny, the regret usually happens after we have sex,” he joked and Saint’s eyes were narrowed when he turned back to Finn.

“You could always say no,” Saint said and Finn shrugged again.

“Sometimes, it’s ok to give into The Nothing,” he mumbled and Saint snorted.

“Heidegger’s concept of Being is bullshit,” Saint announced as he turned and fell back on the pillows and Finn’s brows pulled together as the book fell on his chest.

“What did you just say?” He asked in confusion as he stared at Saint. He was about to ask Saint to explain how or why he knew anything about Heidegger when Saint scrubbed his hands over his face.

“Nothing, I think I heard that somewhere,” he said and Finn’s hand rubbed across his lips as he considered.

“You heard someone arguing about Heidegger’s theories and Existentialism? Was this down at the bar or in prison?” Finn asked and Saint gave Finn a hard look.

“First, don’t be a dick. You don’t know anything about me. Second, The less you know about me, the better. Don’t ask questions and I won’t lie to you,” Saint said and Finn’s tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek as he debated arguing or telling Saint to leave. Saint’s declarations hadn’t totally killed the mood but they were enough to remind Finn of exactly why he hated himself once Saint left. Saint shut his eyes and pulled in a deep breath. “Put the book down. You got me up here, we might as well make the best of it,” he said and Finn decided there was no point in pretending he had the strength to send Saint away.

“Fine,” he said as he turned and set he book on the bedside table.

As soon as he turned back to Saint, Finn gasped as he was pulled against the hard heat of Saint’s body and arms like steel bands wrapped around him. Feeling everything from his chest to his feet pressed against Saint was a delicious shock and Finn hummed in approval as his hands closed around Saint’s face and their lips brushed and clung. Saint’s hands were large and demanding as they gripped and glided over Finn’s back. Saint’s tongue slid between Finn’s lips and he tasted crisp, like mint and wind as he claimed Finn’s mouth and body with his tongue and fingers. Saint’s hands wrapped around Finn’s ass as he rolled his hips, grinding his erection against Finn’s. Finn hissed as his head snapped back and Saint’s face pressed into the corner of Finn’s neck. Saint growled happily as his lips and teeth nibbled and caressed Finn’s skin as Saint thrust his hips. Finn moaned softly as warmth pooled in his groin and his cock throbbed as it rubbed against Saint’s. Intoxicating need pushed through Finn’s veins and he realized he would never say no, he would always want Saint. His fingers raked through Saint’s hair and tugged until the band fell out and he sighed as he filled his hands with Saint’s hair and raised them to his face. There was more wind and the clean scent of Saint’s shampoo and Finn’s body became even more taut as Saint’s tongue slid between Finn’s pecs and Saint’s beard tickled his sensitized skin.

“Mmmm…” Saint hummed as he traced Finn’s abs. “I love the way you taste,” he rumbled as he slid lower and Finn’s jaw fell as Saint’s fingers dipped into the cleft of his ass.

“Jesus Christ!” Finn exclaimed as Saint wasted no time and took Finn’s length into his mouth and sucked greedily. Finn’s legs stretched and kicked restlessly as Saint’s head bounced slowly over his groin and his fingers traced and teased Finn’s puckered entrance.
Don’t let him take charge,
Finn warned.
As soon as he gets what he wants, he’ll take off and who knows when you’ll be able to get him back up here.
He nodded to himself and clenched his fists and focused past the pleasure and heat that swirled in his crotch. “I want your cock,” Finn announced and Saint stilled. “Turn on your side and scoot over here,” he commanded as he slid his body across the bed.

Saint released Finn’s erection just long enough to get in position. As soon as Saint’s cock was within reach, Finn’s hands and mouth were all over it. Saint groaned around Finn’s now throbbing length and Finn’s balls pulled tight. Finn feasted. He sucked and licked, determined to savor every moment and inch of Saint’s naked body in his bed. Slick, warm fingers pushed into Finn’s tight hole and he hissed as he nuzzled his lips and nose into Saint’s sack. He breathed deep, filling his lungs with as much of Saint’s scent as he could before he pulled one of Saint’s balls into his mouth. Saint’s fingers curved around Finn’s prostate and his eyes rolled as Saint massaged it as he tried to swallow Finn’s cock. Finn forced his brain to focus and sucked on his fingers before caressing Saint’s hole. He felt it flinch as Saint’s shaft pulsed and became harder. Finn teased the end of Saint’s erection as his finger slipped past the tight ring of his ass and Finn was rewarded with a deep moan as Saint’s hips twitched. The soft taste of Saint’s pre-cum coated Finn’s tongue and he began to suck as his finger worked in and out of Saint’s ass.

Once Saint was mindlessly riding Finn’s fingers and panting around his cock, Finn released him and reached for the bedside table as he crawled up Saint’s body. His hands swept through the otherwise empty drawer and easily found a condom and the tube of lube.

“You wouldn’t rather go first? You’re so hard,” Finn said as he waved the condom in front of Saint’s face. “I think I could ride the fuck out of your dick for at least an hour,” he purred and Saint bit his lip and shook his head.

“Later, definitely,” he panted. “I need you to fuck me now, Finn,” Saint urged breathlessly as his hips came off the bed, his ass seeking contact with Finn’s hard-on.

Finn grinned cockily as he pushed off the bed and sat back on his heels. He loved that he could reduce Saint to begging. He almost laughed as he imagined how shocked everyone would be if they knew that the big, strong alpha biker many had a healthy dose of fear and respect for loved getting railed by a school teacher. None of them would believe that Saint could let someone so unassuming bend him to his will. Finn’s shaft pulsed angrily as a potent blend of confidence and desire flooded him. He’d never wanted anyone the way he wanted Saint, his need had never been beyond his control and rational thought. But it was the way Saint was helpless against his need for Finn that was driving him wild. Finn didn’t want to dominate Saint, he just found it overwhelmingly arousing that he had that power over Saint when they were together. He stroked a generous amount of lube over his length and Saint licked his lips as he watched. Finn clicked the lid shut and tossed the tube on the bed and Saint started to roll over. Finn shook his head as his hand curved around Saint’s thigh.

“Stay where you are,” Finn ordered and Saint’s brows pulled together and he was about the protest when Finn fell forward, catching himself with one hand. He lowered until his nose was touching Saint’s. “I want you like this,” he declared as he guided the head of his cock to the entrance of Saint’s ass. Saint squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head again.

“Finn, I don’t want us to…” Whatever he was going to say was lost as Finn slid deep in one smooth, steady stroke. “Oh, shit,” Saint breathed as he body clenched tight around Finn.

Finn nodded and let his forehead rest on Saint’s as he waited for Saint’s body to soften. He knew that Saint was avoiding intimacy. Saint wanted to keep things raw and frantic between them, purely physical and primal. Finn was willing to give him that as long as he could take them further now and then. He was fine with them never being lovers in the traditional sense. Hell, he didn’t even want to be friends with Saint. But he wanted to drown in the sensual bliss of Saint’s body and submerge himself in the blind lust Saint unleashed within him once in a while. And deep down, Finn wanted to get under Saint’s skin and make him burn when they were apart because there was a part of Finn that resented the hell out of the fact that he was at the mercy of Saint’s whims. He had no way of dictating when he’d see Saint again. Every time Saint walked out the door, a tiny, muffled voice in the back of Finn’s head whispered that he’d never come back. And even when Finn was hating himself for letting it happen again and swearing that he was done, part of him worried that the voice was right.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to fall in love with you,” Finn teased and Saint snorted as his legs wrapped around Finn’s hips and pulled him closer.

“Shut up and fuck me,” Saint demanded as his head tilted and his lips collided with Finn’s.

All the bravado and calculating fled Finn as he pulled his hips back and thrust deep into Saint’s tight heat. Their lips and tongues dueled as Finn rode Saint. They clawed and swallowed each other’s screams as they fought to get closer. Saint’s heels dug into Finn’s ass as he clenched the muscles gripping Finn’s length. Finn pulled his lips free and gasped into the corner of Saint’s neck as his hands tightened around Saint’s ass. Finn had never fucked anyone as hard as he was fucking Saint. His groin pounded and ground against Saint’s ass as Finn licked the sweat from Saint’s skin.
This would terrify Taylor. I’d probably break something.
Finn should have smiled ruefully or felt smug. Instead, he felt a little dizzy and lost as his hips rolled tirelessly into Saint. Finn raised his head and dove for the other side of Saint’s neck and his thrusting became even wilder as the taste of Saint’s skin and sweat flooded his mouth, making Finn’s jaw twinge and his mouth water.
Taylor never tasted this good or felt this fucking perfect. You never wanted him like this,
Finn shut his eyes tight as he waited for a tremor of something nervous and dark to pass through him and fade.

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