Falling For Disaster (12 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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“Can I eat your ass now or do I have to wait until after the bath and your dirty things?” He asked and his heart stopped when Finn looked back over his shoulder and smiled. He was so beautiful and his smile so honest and easy, Saint could almost forget that they were running out of time. It wouldn’t be long before Finn hated him and wouldn’t want to talk to him ever again. They paused at the top of the stairs and Saint shivered as Finn’s fingernails grazed Saint’s back.

“When have I ever said no?” He asked and Saint groaned again as Finn pushed his boxer briefs down over his ass.

“Sometimes, I wish you had because God knows I can’t,” Saint whispered as Finn’s lips teased and clung to his.

“I’m glad we didn’t,” Finn said and Saint stopped thinking as his tongue parted Finn’s lips and slid into the bright, sweet heaven of Finn’s mouth. He tasted like juice and syrup and Saint silently begged for it to never end.


Of course, it did. They laughed until they were in tears as they folded their bodies into the tub and bathed each other in what ended up being only a few inches of water once they were done splashing water everywhere. After, they explored each other with lips and fingers until their need took over. Finn held Saint and thrust into him with quick, deep strokes as their lips and tongues melded until he was on the edge of his release. Then, he surprised Saint by pulling out and stretching a condom over Saint’s cock so he could ride him hard. For a moment, Saint forgot about his body and the climax that was rushing upon him as Finn gasped his name and bucked and swayed over him. Finn was breathtaking and the need to hold him and never let him go, was so strong, it stunned Saint until he felt Finn’s passage tighten brutally around his cock as Finn’s come spilled all over Saint’s stomach and chest. Tears slid from the corners of Saint’s eyes as he arched and convulsed on the bed and clawed at Finn’s body.

By the time Saint pulled into Rose’s driveway, he was physically and emotionally exhausted. His body was more sated than he could ever recall while his head hurt and his heart ached with a cold emptiness. He took his time, shutting off the bike and walking to the front door. When he opened the door, it felt like the worst betrayal he had ever committed. He wasn’t sure who he was going to hurt the most; Rose, Finn or himself.

“I missed you so much, babe,” Rose mumbled drowsily when Saint slid beneath the covers next to her.

“I missed you too,” he lied. Saint’s heart began to pound against his ribs when Rose’s naked body draped over his. She purred as she rubbed against him from breast to hip.

“Don’t you dare say no,” she warned and Saint managed to keep the groan that escaped from his throat gentle and low despite the pain in his chest and the twisting of his stomach. He rolled them and Rose giggled as he dropped his head into the corner of her neck.

“Woman. My back, legs and arms are done,” he complained and Rose growled in frustration as her hips bucked off the bed and ground against his.

“Saaaaiint!” She whimpered. “Please!” Rose begged and Saint growled softly as his tongue slid up her throat.

“You taste very sweet tonight,” he whispered silkily. “My tongue still works and I’m hungry,” Saint said and Rose moaned as his lips swept over her collar bone and into the valley between her breasts.

“Oh… That’ll work too,” she said breathlessly then hissed as Saint’s tongue flicked at her navel.

Saint didn’t want to let go of the taste of Finn but he took consolation in the fact that it didn’t take Rose long to come and once she was satisfied, she was asleep within minutes. Saint stared at the ceiling for at least an hour, trying to convince himself that he hadn’t betrayed Finn as much because what he did with Rose didn’t involve his body and he certainly hadn’t wanted or enjoyed it. He had definitely betrayed Rose but Saint had been doing it for so long and it had been all but unavoidable, he no longer needed to rationalize it. There was a surge of guilt when he admitted he should have cut her loose long before Finn but he quickly pushed it away.

Finn’s words about tomorrow and deciding how to use the time they had came back to Saint. He didn’t know if they had any time left but he wasn’t going to regret what had already happened or not make the most of any opportunities. He’d take whatever he could and it would have to be enough when it was all over.


Chapter 23


“You have a good night and stay out of trouble,” Cheryl said as Saint pushed the diner door open.

He waved as he slid his hand in his pocket to pull out his keys. Thanks to Finn “accidentally” stumbling and discreetly grabbing Saint’s crotch on his way out, Saint had been semi hard through the entire meal and the pockets of his jeans were a lot tighter. He chuckled as he made his way to his bike. He’d have to teach Finn a lesson. His mind was already imagining various ways to torture Finn when Saint sat on his bike and started it. He chewed on his lip as he looked in the direction of the bar. He should probably check in with Rose and make sure she wasn’t expecting him to be around but the idea of delaying his plans for Finn for as much as a half hour didn’t appeal at the moment. Saint shrugged as he steered the bike onto Main Street and turned to leave town.

By the time Saint parked in front of the house, he had a raging hard-on and his balls were furious from the vibration of the bike. He’d settled on tying Finn to the bed and slowly fingering his ass until he came without touching any other part of Finn’s body. Then licking him clean. Saint was practically drooling by the time he tapped his knuckles on the front door. When Finn opened it in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants, Saint knew that Finn had caught on to his weakness.

“You’re not going to park out back?” Finn asked as he held the door open. Saint froze and slowly turned and looked at his bike. He didn’t realize that he’d done it. In fact, the whole ride had been a blur, he was so distracted. Saint shook his head and shrugged as he pushed Finn back.

“I’ll move it later,” he said as his hands wrapped around Finn’s face.

Saint’s cock pressed against the front of his jeans and demanded to be released as he backed Finn toward the couch. His lips covered Finn’s and he groaned as his tongue slid into Finn’s mouth. He tasted like warm spice from the apple pie at the diner and beer and Saint became ravenous. He angled his head, taking the kiss deeper as Finn’s hands pushed Saint’s shirt up his chest. Saint growled in protest as he pulled his lips from Finn’s and whipped the shirt over his head. It hit the lamp in the corner and hung from the shade as Saint reached for Finn. His fingers speared through Finn’s hair and he hummed in approval as Finn’s fingers attacked the fly of Saint’s jeans. When they reached the couch, Saint pushed against Finn’s chest, causing him to fall back onto the couch. He scowled and reached for Saint as he dove on top of Finn. Saint sighed into Finn’s mouth as he ground his hips, rubbing his erection against Finn’s. He felt Finn’s hand reaching between them and shook his head.

“No touching,” he ordered and Finn’s brows pulled together as he panted and stared up at Saint. “I’ve got plans for you tonight and I can’t have you distracting me,” Saint teased and Finn grinned as he raised his arms and let them fall back over the arm of the couch.

“Do your worst,” he murmured and Saint laughed as he grabbed the waist of Finn’s sweatpants and jerked them down his hips.

“I’ll remember that you said that,” he teased as he tilted his head and buried it in the corner of Finn’s neck for one last deep whiff before he was prohibited from touching anything but Finn’s ass.

A loud bang on the porch had Saint’s head snapping up and his heart stopped. He felt Finn pushing against his chest as he tried to sit and Saint stumbled as he jumped to his feet. Steps rushed across the porch and Saint was scrambling to pull up his jeans as he rushed for the door. He pulled it open and the feeling left his body as he saw the door of a black Camaro slam shut before it sped down the dirt drive a second later.

“Do you know who that was?” Finn asked and Saint nodded as he stared at the plume of dust falling back onto the road. His heart was pounding so fast and so loud, he’d barely heard Finn. Saint turned and tried to think as he looked around the room and imagined what the scene would have looked like a few minutes earlier.

“Oh, fuck,” he whispered and Finn gestured impatiently.

“Who was that, Saint?” He asked loudly and Saint’s eyes flared as he looked at Finn.
You have to go! You have to hurry!
He nodded to himself as he strode across the room and grabbed his shirt.

“It was Rose,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head and Finn frowned as he looked toward the porch.

“The woman that owns that bar? Why would she be spying on us?” He asked and Saint pushed his hand through his hair. Of course it was loose, Finn was always pulling his hair.

“She’s my girlfriend, Finn,” Saint explained as he zipped his jeans. He saw Finn’s face pale as he stepped back.

“What?” It was weak and strained and Saint winced as he reached for Finn.

“I had to Finn. I’ll explain this later but I have to go after her before she tells someone,” he said and Finn shook his head and slapped Saint’s hands away.

“No. I don’t want to hear some bullshit excuse about having to protect your image. Do you fuck her?” He asked and Saint was about to warn Finn not to ask when he shook his head and pointed at Saint. “Don’t give me that fucking lecture about not asking questions so you don’t have to lie to me. All you do is lie and I don’t care about the rest right now. Are you fucking her when you aren’t with me?” Finn asked forcefully and Saint’s stomach felt like he’d swallowed a brick and his skin became clammy and cold.

“Not as much since you and I…” Saint paused, he didn’t know how to finish the sentence and Finn’s face twisted in horror.

“So, what is this? Are you bi or were you just looking for something different to do while your old lady was at work?” He asked and Saint squeezed the bridge of his nose and groaned in frustration as he fought back waves of panic. He needed to get to Rose before she told Wes or any of the other brothers but he didn’t want to leave Finn until he understood. Which only made Saint more frantic because he couldn’t explain everything. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to come close enough, Finn wasn’t going to forgive him.

“No!” Saint argued as he pulled his hair back. “I tried so hard to avoid having sex with her, Finn. You have to believe me. I never wanted her,” he swore and Finn looked appalled. Saint started to pace, he didn’t have time for this. “I have to go. I promise I’ll come back as soon as I can and tell you as much as I can but if I don’t go now, we’re both in serious danger,” he said and Finn’s eyes narrowed.

“Why?” He asked and Saint paused as he tried to understand Finn’s question. Finn swallowed hard as he studied Saint. “Why did you have to? If you didn’t want her, why did you do it anyway? Why are you so scared?” Finn asked and Saint quickly worked through what he could get away with telling Finn.

“Wes is her brother. I only pursued her because it was good for my standing in The Brotherhood,” he stated and Finn’s hand clapped over his mouth and his eyes flared. Saint tried to reach for him again but Finn backed away quickly.

“You’ve been using her and she doesn’t know that you’re…” His voice broke and he covered his mouth again. Saint could only nod as pain and guilt exploded in his chest. When Finn’s hand dropped he looked like he might be sick. “You better go after her, then,” he whispered hoarsely and Saint nodded and let his head fall as he turned to go. He pulled the door open and was too afraid to look back. “Don’t come back,” Finn said firmly and Saint shut his eyes as his entire world became cold and dark.

When Saint opened his eyes and stepped onto the porch everything felt like it was rolling and swaying beneath his feet as he made his way to his bike. Nothing felt solid as he sat and he could barely see past the stinging and blurring of his eyes as he sped away from Finn’s. Fear, hate, loss and anger swirled within him as he quickly made his way to Rose’s house. He prayed that she’d gone there instead of the bar. He had no idea how she was going to respond but he didn’t want to take his chances in front of an audience. Saint nearly wept when he saw her car in the driveway. He didn’t know what he’d say but he’d do whatever it took to keep her silent. Saint tucked all of his emotions away as he cut off the bike and ran to the house. Self preservation kicked in and he knew he’d have to worry about Finn and his own feelings later.

“Rose!” Saint called as he rushed into the house. His eyes scanned the living room and then the kitchen. He found her at the table with a bottle of tequila and a shot glass. Saint dragged a hand down his face in relief when her eyes met his and they were only filled with accusation. He wasn’t sure he could handle her crying and he didn’t think he could reason with her if she was spitting mad and throwing things at him. He sighed as he walked into the kitchen and pulled out the seat across from her. “I’m sorry and you deserve so much more,” he said as he sat and she snorted as she poured a shot.

“I kept feeling like something was wrong. I got Carla to cover for me tonight so we could talk. I saw you driving out of town and I had to follow you. I lost you and was turning around at the old Simon place and saw your bike,” she explained softly and Saint would have set himself on fire if he could. She must have read his mind. “Right now, I’m just relieved that it wasn’t me,” she mumbled as she knocked the shot back and grimaced. Saint’s head pulled back in confusion and she laughed softly as she poured another shot and pushed it across the table.

“What do you mean?” He asked before he downed the shot. He squinted at Rose as he waited for it to stop burning.

“The sex was never bad but I always felt like I wasn’t really doing it for you. I thought that maybe I wasn’t skinny enough or my tits weren’t big enough or I wasn’t good at giving head,” she explained and Saint rolled his eyes.

“You’re perfect, Rose,” he insisted as he passed the glass back. “Aside from the fact that you’re a woman. But if I were into women, I promise, you’d do it for me. Believe me, pretending could have been a lot worse,” Saint said and she narrowed her eyes as she stared back at him.

“So, you were just compensating with me so that none of the brothers would think that you’re gay?” She asked and Saint nodded slowly.

“Something like that,” he said carefully as he watched her pour.

“You know, I was really in love with you and I wanted this to go somewhere,” she complained and Saint exhaled loudly as he fell back in his seat. She took the shot and he waited for her to recover.

“I’m so sorry. I figured I’d find some way to get you to break up with me that wouldn’t piss Wes off. I was just waiting for someone to come along that was good enough for you,” he said and Rose shook her head as she pushed the glass and the bottle at Saint.

“I’ve shot down some pretty decent guys, Saint,” she said and he cringed. “You know, if you’d told me, I probably wouldn’t have freaked out. I might have even helped,” Rose stated and Saint blinked in surprise. She was already taking it pretty well. So far. He couldn’t imagine her actually helping him live a double life.

“That would have been really complicated and even more awkward,” he said and she shrugged.

“I get it, Saint,” she said loudly. “You’d be an idiot if you weren’t afraid of anyone finding out and bike clubs are all about being alpha and misogynist. You needed a woman and I’m about the best someone could do around here for a trophy girlfriend,” Rose said and Saint nodded in agreement before he drank. “It would have been nice if I could have watched though,” she winked and Saint choked. He sat forward, gasping as he beat on his chest and Rose laughed. “It was really hot. At least the little bit that I saw,” she added and Saint’s face flooded with warmth.

“Jesus, Rose!” He whispered loudly as he slid the bottle across the table and she shrugged.

“I wouldn’t have minded partying with my hot boyfriend and his hot boyfriend if I knew we were going nowhere and I could have had my own piece of ass on the side,” she explained and Saint squeezed his temples.

“I’m an asshole, Rose. I shouldn’t have let it go for so long,” he said and her lips twisted as she stared at the glass in her hand.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do now,” she admitted then raised the glass to her lips. She tilted it back and Saint couldn’t help but smile. She was so strong and smart, he wished that Wes wasn’t her brother and she wasn’t going to get hurt more than she already was.

“Neither do I,” he murmured as he reached for the bottle. “Are you going to tell everyone? I wouldn’t blame you but I’d appreciate the heads-up,” Saint said as he poured and Rose shook her head.

“God, no,” she muttered and Saint sighed silently in relief. She saw it and grinned. “Do you know how humiliating that would be for me? After they killed you or ran you out of town, I’d be tainted goods. I’d be the biggest joke in town,” Rose explained and Saint’s brows rose as he considered. She was right. And he’d never once thought about what would happen to her if he was outed.

“Then we find some way to break up that doesn’t make you look bad?” He offered and her eyes flicked to the ceiling as she gave it some thought before she nodded.

“That would work. And maybe we find a way that doesn’t get you in trouble,” she added and Saint thought that was extraordinarily generous, all things considered. Rose must have read his mind. “Aside from the lying for years, never really finding me attractive, faking a lot of sex and fucking a really hot dude behind my back, you’ve been a really solid boyfriend and I’d like to think that we’re friends,” Rose said and Saint couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

“I do love you, Rose. Just not the way you deserve,” he said and she grinned as she nodded toward the drink in front of Saint. He downed it quickly and sent the glass and bottle back.

“I know,” she said softly as she poured herself a shot. Saint knew there was going to be hell to pay later, they were quickly making their way to the bottom of the bottle. For some reason, he was looking forward to it. Rose swallowed her shot and Saint reached for the glass. Her hand brushed his and he took it and gave it a squeeze. “So, are you and this teacher pretty serious?” she asked and Saint snorted as he grabbed the bottle.

“Not any more,” he mumbled as he poured. “He’s not too happy with me after I told him about you,” Saint said and Rose’s jaw fell.

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