Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again (12 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Yip

Tags: #Calendar Men: Mr. October

BOOK: Falling For Her Navy Seal…Again
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He’d lost a friend, a lover, and a part of himself—all in one gamble.

Her words poured over him again and again. He’d returned home that afternoon, partly broken and in a daze. His dad had taken one look at his brooding and turned in the other direction. As much as Matt knew it was over between him and Jenesi, he couldn’t seem to accept it. How could she have ended it between them?

He rolled over and stared out into the window. Tree branches brushed against the pane and made a scratching noise. A
struck the glass. Slowly edging his way to the window, he sidled next to the wall and glanced out.

What he saw threw him for a loop. Quickly undoing the locks, he stuck his head out and frowned. “What the hell are you doing?”

Jenesi grinned up at him from her perch in the tree. “We need to talk.”

“I thought we said everything this afternoon.”

“Stop being a jerk and let me in.”

He hesitated then took her arm and helped her across the space between the tree and the house until he pulled her inside. The only time they’d ever used the tree was when Jared and Jenesi had to sneak Matthew out. They’d gotten into all sorts of trouble when they were younger. “What are you doing here?”

She dusted off her jeans and straightened. “I came to see you. Duh.”

“About what?”

She drew in a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“You sound like a bird.” She crossed the room and parked her bottom on the edge of the bed.

“Jenesi.” As much as happiness pounded in his chest at her presence, he kept his cool. No way he’d let her see how much she’d hurt him that afternoon. Her accusations tore at him. The fact she could so easily let him go bothered him more than anything.

“I came to apologize. I didn’t mean anything I said. Well, after I said it anyway.”

He shoved a hand through his hair. “You were right, though. It wouldn’t have been fair of me to make you wait. It wouldn’t be fair for me to lead you on, maybe one day get married and have kids, and for me to neglect them.”

Jenesi winced then moved to stand in front of him. She picked up his hand and laid it against her chest. He shook at her touch. “See, the thing is…I would wait for you. I’d be here, waiting for your return, each time. And if the future does hold marriage and children between us, I know you’d be an awesome dad to our kids.”

His throat closed up. Hope flared, but he couldn’t believe her. Not after she’d turned him away just hours before. He dropped his arm to his side. “Why are you changing your tune now?”

“I was mad. I was mad that you hadn’t told me you were leaving so soon. I didn’t understand. It hurt me more than anything. I thought I had time with you, but I don’t. And I know your duty comes first. I made a mistake pushing you into a corner like that. No matter how many missions you go on, or what you have to do for your job that brings you away, I’d always be here waiting for you. Do you know why?”

He was almost afraid to ask. “Why?” The word came out in a coarse whisper.

“Because I love you. I’ve always loved you. There’s no other man for me. No matter who I date or who I see, they would never compare to you. You’re the only who rocks my world, as corny as that sounds.”

The corner of his lip curved up.

“And if you’re not ready for my love, that’s okay. I can wait.”

Everything inside him melted. With a relieved sigh, he drew her into his arms and kissed her. “You know I love you, right?”

Jenesi stared up at him in shock. “I do now.”

He groaned and kissed her again. “You have no idea how much. The thought of returning and not seeing you again was driving me crazy. God, I love you.”

“Good, because now you’re stuck with me.”







One year later


“Thanks for the help. If I had to decorate this place myself, it’d be a mess.” Gerald Hunt gave her a quick hug. “Don’t know how my boy got so lucky to have you around.”

Jenesi grinned. “He knows. That’s why I make him grovel whenever he comes home.”

The older man chuckled. “He’ll be surprised at what you’ve done to our living room and kitchen when he returns.”

She glanced around at her handiwork. After spending two weeks painting and picking out new furniture for the rooms, she finally gotten the place to look a little more modern than a typical bachelor’s den. “Have you heard when he’s coming back?”

Gerald shook his head. “You know how it is, and he can only tell us so much.”

Jenesi nodded. “I do miss him. It feels like he’s been gone forever, even though it’s only been a month.”

“You get used to it. You are, right?” He lifted a brow in question.

“I’m a patient girl. No worries.”

“He don’t know what treasure he got.”

“Oh, he does.” She smiled. Matthew had gone five times in the past year, some missions taking him away only for days, some for months, but each time she’d been here waiting for him. She couldn’t complain about how their relationship had progressed. They were taking things slow, not rushing into anything, and just enjoying their time together. Everyone knew they were a couple. Some people had asked when they were getting married, but Jenesi would only smile and shrug. The future didn’t bother her because she knew her place, and with Matthew in the picture, she had no fear of anything. “I’d better get home. The kids have state tests tomorrow, so I have to get in early and get ready.”

“Thanks again,” Gerald said.

“No problem. You enjoy your new sixty-inch TV.”

“Oh, I will.” He clapped his hands together in delight.

Jenesi laughed and waved a good-bye as she made her way to her car. It didn’t take her long to get home. Once she got inside, she locked her doors and trudged up the stairs. A light from her bedroom caught her attention. She frowned. She could have sworn she hadn’t turned on her lamp that morning.

Slowly edging down the hall, she reached her door and pushed the panel open. Joy spread through her.

Matthew stood in the middle of the room with a big grin.

“You’re home!” She rushed into the room and jumped into his arms. He spun her around before kissing her. His fingers tugged at her clothes. Jenesi laughed as desire took over her whole being. No matter how many times he touched her, the passion she felt for him would never fade.

“God, baby, I missed you so much,” he said in between kisses. He ripped her shirt off her shoulders and tore at her jeans.

“Me, too.” Jenesi did her own share of ripping. After jerking his jacket off, she worked on his pants until they pooled around his ankles.

“Where have you been?” He got her jeans off and lifted up to wrap her legs around his waist.

“Your dad’s”—she kissed his nose—“decorating”—his cheek—“the living room”—his lips—“and the kitchen.”

Matthew hefted her higher, carried her to the bed, covered her body with his, and latched his mouth to her nipple. “God, I need this.”

She giggled and ran her fingers through his hair. “I need

He growled at her words. Parting her legs, he moved between them. It was like this all the time. Each return, he came back a little rougher around the edges, a little harder in his demeanor, but after spending a few days with her, he’d soften up and become his usual self. But only with her.

“Baby, you’re feel so good.”

His chest rubbed against hers, tantalizing her nipples. She wrapped her arms around him and just held him, as his cock found her center. Without another word, he worked himself in, to the hilt. She held her breath, reveling in the feel of him filling her, completing her.

Matthew started to move. Each thrust made her gasp, each pull made her inner muscles anticipate his return. He drew her legs over his arms, and his groin slammed into her with force. His roughness made her wild. She couldn’t imagine him any other way.

It didn’t take long for climax to strike her. It was always like that with Matthew. Tremors shook her whole being as she felt him stiffen and jerk, as spasms overcame his own body. His release coated her insides, and she welcomed the feeling as it brought her closer to him. Since she’d gone on the pill, Matthew found he liked not having to use protection whenever they made love. It made their union all the more pleasurable.

He collapsed against her with a shout, his breathing heavy next to her ear.

Stroking his back, she pressed a kiss to his chin. “Welcome home.”

“I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

He shifted her until her head reached a pillow then tugged the covers over them, never detaching himself from her. The way he prolonged staying inside her made her smile. Usually, during the night, she’d wake up to him making love to her slowly, just enjoying the sweet glide and pull of him.

It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep.


When Jenesi opened her eyes the next morning, she found Matthew propped up on his hand, smiling down at her. “Morning.”

“Morning to you.” He trailed a finger over her temple to her chin. “So what trouble have you been getting yourself into?”

“Trouble?” She scoffed, closing her eyes. “I never get myself into trouble.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“I should be asking you that question myself.”

“So ask me.”

“Okay, what trouble have you been getting into?”

She opened her eyes when he didn’t respond, only to find him watching her intently. “Stop staring. You’re freaking me out.”

“I put in my resignation.”

She stilled, unsure if she was hearing things. “What?”

Matthew grinned. “I put in my resignation. I have six more months to serve, and then I’m out.”

Jenesi swallowed hard. He loved his job. Even though he never talked much about his missions, she’d always picked up the excitement and thrill he got from his adventures. “Are you sure you want to?”

He slid his hand over her stomach to cup her breast. His thumb flicked a nipple. Warmth traveled through her body. “More than sure. It’s time I came home and stayed home.”

“Matthew, I don’t want you doing this because…. Why do you want to do this?”

He laughed. “I think it’s time that I put down some roots of my own around here. Dad wants me to take over the farm, and he’s not getting any younger.”

She bit her lip. “But wouldn’t you miss your work?”

He caressed her collarbone. “Not as much as I miss being away from you. I hate leaving you each time. Without you, nothing matters.”

A lump filled her throat. Tears sprang to her eyes.

Matthew reached under the pillow and drew out a little blue box. She gasped. Any girl would be stupid not to recognize it. He flicked the lid open and extracted a smaller jewelry box.

Jenesi clutched the sheet to her chest.

He watched her every move as he popped the top open. A marquis ring winked at her. “Marry me.”

“As if you need to ask. Hell, yes!” She launched herself into his arms.

He laughed. “God, I love you. Our kids are going to be holy terrors with the way I’m going to spoil them.”

“And they’ll have the best dad ever.”

“You bet.”

He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her.







Contemporary romance author, Clarissa Yip, leads a life of adventure and mischief. Constantly on the run, she’s always hanging out with her muse, plotting the next best story, and looking for anything that will fuel her imagination. Besides being an avid reader and writer, Clarissa enjoys scrapbooking, video games, immersing herself in addictive TV shows, and engaging in anything that will challenge her mind. A lover of food and languages, she also loves to try new things. Her dreams involve finding the ultimate way to share her world with yours. From the Hawaiian island of Oahu to the beautiful season-changing New York, you never know where she’ll be.


You can visit Clarissa at:





Other Stories in the Decadent Publishing Calendar Men Series




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