Falling for Sarah (7 page)

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Authors: Cate Beauman

BOOK: Falling for Sarah
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Ethan turned his body, pulling her closer, until they were thigh to thigh, until her breasts crushed against his chest. A quiet moan escaped her throat and a wave of need staggered him. He moved his hands to her cheeks, changing the angle of the kiss, deepening it, and dove in again, wanting more of her surrender.

The wail of sirens barely registered as Sarah’s arms came around the back of his neck, and he nibbled her full bottom lip. With his hands still on her cheeks, he eased away slightly. His pulse pounded in time with hers as he skimmed his thumb over her jaw and stared into blue eyes gone electric.

So, this is what had changed. This is what they could bring each other. What he’d been feeling wasn’t all one-sided. Unable to help himself, Ethan took her lips again. He couldn’t get enough of her sweet taste. Tongues met once, twice, and their mouths grew hungry before he rested his forehead against hers. “Sarah—”

Several sirens wailed, flying past the house, stopping close by. The flash of lights reflected in the night sky. An ambulance came to a halt, and both stood.

“I-I wonder what’s going on?”

Ethan’s heart thundered, thinking of their kiss, and he asked himself the same thing. “I’m not sure.”

They walked down the hall, out the front door. Five houses down, the police and paramedics rushed around while an officer began blocking off the scene with yellow tape.

“My God, Ethan, that house is right next to Hailey’s. Someone just bought the place—moved in a couple of weeks ago—a woman. I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself yet. I hope she’s okay.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist. “Let’s go back inside. I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out.”

Ten minutes later, he joined Sarah by the big picture window as the paramedics brought her neighbor out on a stretcher. The blonde woman, covered with a white blanket, cried. Her hand gripped a female officer’s as they put her in the back of the ambulance.

“That poor woman. I wonder what’s happened.”

“She was raped, Sarah.”

She grabbed his hand, clutching. “Oh, my God.”

“They’re saying the bastard went in through the back of the house. I’m not leaving you by yourself tonight. You’re coming with me, or I’m sleeping on your couch.”

Eyes huge, nodding, Sarah glanced from the window back to him. “Will you stay here?”


“Let me get some blankets and a pillow.”

As Sarah walked off, Ethan stared at the house surrounded by cruisers. It had been so close,
close. It could’ve been Sarah. What if he hadn’t come by?

“Here you go.”

He turned.

“You should be warm enough. If not, you know where I keep the extras.” She set the blankets and pillow on the couch cushion, took a step back, licked her lips. “Thanks for staying.”

He could still taste her. “You’re welcome. Go get some sleep.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to.”

He wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. There was too much to think about. A lot had happened in the last half hour. “You’re safe. That’s why I’m here.”

“Okay. Good night.” Shy eyes met his, looked down, and she turned away.

As Sarah retreated, he wanted to call her back, to hold her once more, but he stopped himself. They both needed time to think about the unexpected turn their lives had just taken.

Chapter 5

ARAH TOSSED AND TURNED UNTIL dawn with so many things on her mind. Fear filled her as she thought of how close the rape had been to her house. Had she been letting herself into her own home when the rapist had been letting himself into her neighbor’s?

She shuddered at the thought.

Unable to lie in bed any longer, she sat up and glanced at her bedside table. Jake’s smile filled the photograph she kept close by. She picked up the brushed nickel frame, nibbled her lip as guilt consumed. Ethan had kissed her and she’d done nothing to stop him.
What was I thinking? How could I do that to you, Jake?
She skimmed her finger along her husband’s cheek before she put his picture back and stood.

Sarah walked to the window, touched the wedding rings she wore on a necklace. Her fingers tightened on the gold and diamonds as she thought of firm lips taking hers, of strong arms holding her close. Tears of shame filled her eyes, spilling over, when she realized the lips and arms she craved weren’t those of her husband’s.

She stepped back from the window, dashed at her cheeks. What was she going to do? How was she going to handle this?

The stereo, turned down low, played in the living room, and she knew Ethan didn’t sleep either. Letting out a deep breath, Sarah pulled on jeans and a baggy black sweatshirt before heading down the hall. She stopped in the doorway, watched Ethan, dressed in gray sweat shorts, complete a set of push-ups. He blew out fast puffs of breath as his triceps flexed and bunched with the up and down motion. When he finished, he pushed himself up to standing with an efficient hop and met her gaze. Sweat dribbled down his sculpted pectorals to the darkened waistband slung low on his muscled hips.

Had she truly believed she was unaffected by his looks? She had seen him without his shirt before—several times—but as her gaze traveled up sculpted abs, over broad shoulders and stopped on his lips, Sarah thought of the way his mouth had captured hers, and a swift kick of heat scorched her system.

She cleared her throat, willing the memory away. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” Ethan picked up the glass of water on the coffee table, guzzled, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Did you sleep well?” Sarah gripped her fingers together until her knuckles whitened.

“No.” He glanced at her hands as he set the empty glass down.

“Oh.” She relaxed her grip, moving her arms to her sides. “Was the couch uncomfortable? Let me make you some coffee.” Having all she could take of the awkward small talk, Sarah started toward the kitchen.

“Stop it.”

“Stop what?” She turned, swiping a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Stop acting like that.” He clipped off each word.

His clenched jaw and rigid stance told her a storm brewed beneath his pretense of calm. “Like

Before she could blink, Ethan stepped forward, taking her arms. “Like last night was a mistake.”

Nerves stretched thin and snapped. “It was!” Sarah closed her eyes as a flash of hurt moved through his, and he let her go.

She pressed her lips together, holding back tears as she met Ethan’s unreadable gaze. “What about Jake? We had no right, Ethan.”

“We had every right,” he erupted, spinning away and back again.

“He’s my husband.” She pressed unsteady fingers to her temple, trying to find a way to make him understand.

“I loved Jake like my brother, Sarah, but he’s gone. You have a right to move on, to be happy.”

“I was happy with the way things were. You shouldn’t’ve kissed me.”

His hand snaked out, grabbed her arm, pulled her against him. “You kissed me right back, Sarah. You can’t tell me you didn’t feel anything.” The intensity of his stare dared her to deny the truth.

Her heart pounded as she put her palms to his sweaty chest, desperately fighting the need to press her mouth to his. “Ethan, please.”

“You tell me I’m wrong, goddamnit.” He cupped the back of her neck, pulling her face closer, until his lips feathered against hers with each word he spoke. “You tell me that what I felt, that what we made each other feel, was just a figment of my imagination and we’ll end this right now.” He ran his hands through her hair as his breath shuddered out, mingling with hers.

She clutched his forearms, fighting her need to close her eyes and give in to what they both wanted—but she couldn’t. She couldn’t do this to Jake. “Ethan—”

He held her face in his hands. “Tell me, Sarah.”

She shook her head as the first tear fell. “Ethan—”

“No. You tell me you didn’t feel anything.”

Another tear followed. “I can’t. You’re right, but it can’t happen again.”

He let her go.

She took his hand, terrified she was losing one of the best people in her life. “Let’s forget this whole thing, Ethan. Let’s go back to the way things were three days ago when you were my best friend.”

He dropped her hand, staring at her. “Do you really think it’s that easy? There’s something here, Sarah. There’s something between us.”

“No.” She needed to deny what she already knew. “We’re just friends, Ethan. That’s all we’ll ever be.”

He held her gaze before he picked up his shirt and duffel bag. “I’ll call Austin to come keep an eye on the house until you’re ready to go get Kylee. I’ll have someone do drive-bys at night until they catch the bastard. If you want an agent to stay with you, tell Austin and he’ll set it up.” He walked to the door, opened it.

Sarah rushed forward. “Ethan, please don’t go like this.”

“I’ve gotta get out of here.” And without a look back, he was gone.

Sarah watched Ethan dig his phone from his bag as he walked to the Rover. Tears poured down her cheeks as her hand tightened on the doorknob. She wanted to go out and make him come back, but she stopped herself. He wouldn’t listen to her right now, and she needed time to think, to try to sort out this mess and fix it—somehow. She clutched her sick stomach, already knowing nothing would ever be the same between them.

Ethan sat in his SUV until a sleek red sports convertible pulled into the drive. The driver rolled down his window. Ethan exchanged words with Austin Casey, one of his best close protection agents, before he drove down the road—and out of her life, she feared.

Austin walked toward the house. Sarah swiped at her wet cheeks, tried for a smile as she opened the door.

His smile faded when his dark green eyes met hers. “Hey, Sarah, you okay?”

She dashed away another tear. “Hi, Austin. Yes, I’m fine. Thanks for coming. Come on in. I’ll get you some coffee.”

“Don’t go to any trouble for me. Would you rather I stay outside? I can keep an eye on things from here. It’s no big deal.”

“No, no, please.” She opened the door wider to accommodate his linebacker size. “Can I make you something to eat? I haven’t had breakfast yet myself.” The thought of eating made her stomach quiver, but it was early and Austin’s sleepy eyes told her Ethan had gotten him out of bed.

“I don’t want to put you out.”

“You’re not. What can I get you? I’ve got eggs and turkey bacon.”

He smiled. “Sounds great.”

Relieved to be busy, Sarah dashed around the kitchen, making Austin’s meal. She poured a cup of coffee, set the steaming mug in front of him. His eggs, bacon, and toast followed shortly after.

He sniffed with reverence. “This smells amazing. I haven’t had anything good to eat in a week.”

Wanting to think about anything but Ethan, she sat with a piece of toast and a cup of tea. “Why’s that?”

“I was on duty. Surveillance usually equals fast food and little sleep, but it’s part of the deal.”

“It’s not all glamorous, huh?” She smiled before sipping her tea.

Austin, handsome and sweet, smiled back. “Not even close.”

“Well, I won’t keep you long this morning. I’ll head out to get Kylee in the next hour or so. She’ll be pretty upset I’m so early—so will my mother—but I think a day at the beach should take care of that. My schedule’s clear today so we might as well take advantage of this warm front.”

“It’s no trouble, Sarah. Take your time. I’ll be back at sundown to keep an eye on things.”

“I have to admit it’s a comfort knowing you won’t be far. Having a serial rapist running around the Palisades is scary. Knowing someone was violated five houses down is terrifying. Thank God Hailey wasn’t home.”

“The story’s been all over the news this morning. They’re saying a light blue poker chip was found on the woman’s bedside table. This is the fourth rape with the same M.O. The media’s officially calling the bastard the ‘Blue Chip Rapist’.”

“That’s horrible.”

Disgust hardened Austin’s kind eyes. “Yeah, it is.”

Sarah sat in her beach chair, snapping pictures with her Nikon. Kylee filled colorful buckets with sand while Sarah captured the moment.

In her pink and white striped sun hat, Kylee beamed. “Play with me now, Mama.”

Sarah hit the shutter button before letting the camera hang by its neck strap. “Are you ready to make the castle?”


“Let me put my camera away.” She put the camera in its bag, moved closer to her daughter. Kylee’s small hands patted the sand down in the buckets as Sarah did. Her daughter’s cheerful chatter soothed her as the sound of waves crashed against the shore. The salty scent of the sea whipped along the breeze, giving her the energy she’d lacked for most of the day.

Her argument with Ethan still weighed heavy on her mind. The hard look he’d seared her with and lack of inflection in his voice as he left troubled her. He’d sounded so final when he’d spoken of security and Austin handling it for her—as if he had no intention of coming back.

Tears threatened again.

“Mama.” Kylee’s soft, sandy hand shook her leg. “Mama!”

Sarah blinked behind her sunglasses, forcing herself back in the moment. “Yes, honey.”


The lopsided pile of sand, perilously close to crumbling, glistened in the sunshine.

Kylee clapped and grinned.

Infected by her daughter’s delight, Sarah grinned back. “What a beautiful castle you’ve made. I need to take a picture of you next to it.” She dashed forward, concerned that Kylee’s creation would fall apart before she captured the moment. “Sit next to it. That’s a girl. Now give me your best smile.”

She snapped the picture, looked down at the screen. “Perfect.”

“Dis castle is our house, Mama. I the princess and you are the tween.”

“That sounds very special.” Sarah smiled as she played with Kylee’s ponytail.

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