Falling Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 1 (19 page)

BOOK: Falling Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 1
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“The first time I got in your head I was falling from the sky looking down at the ground below.
When did you go skydiving?” he looked at me with a blank expression.
“A while ago, we should get you to school. I'm going to go pay the bill.”
“Sure,” I said, chewing on a piece of pancake.
Micah hopped over the back of the seat and went over to the counter to pay. He then walked out and
went to the truck. I grabbed my bag and followed him.
He didn't say much for the rest of the journey, he complained about a few holes in the road but said
nothing more about our conversation in the diner. I was itching to ask him about it, I had so many
questions regarding the subject. Like how often did he get these dreams, was it every time he went
to sleep? He'd obviously seen the light falling at school but was I under it when it fell in his dream
or was it some other girl?
Had he dreamt about me before?
He dropped me off in front of the school. I could tell I was early as there were only a few other cars
here and they probably belonged to the teachers. As I was early I decided to look for my lost
hoodie. I checked by the tree where I had sat yesterday, but there was no sign of it. I even checked
in lost property but it wasn't there.
Inside the school was quiet and I only passed one teacher holding a coffee. I walked to my locker
feeling a bit down about my hoodie, I would probably never see it again. I stood at my locker
rearranging books for longer than necessary to pass time waiting for Aimee or Caitlin to show up.
I pulled my arm back out from my locker and caught my sleeve on a piece of metal that was
sticking out of the hinge.
I was surprised I hadn't caught it before, I touched the jagged piece that was sticking up. I thought
about how I had fallen over last night and that now I didn't even have a scratch. I looked down the
corridor there were a few people moving around but no one was taking any notice of me, so I
opened my hand and scraped the inside of my palm down the piece of metal.
It stung as I expected it to and when I turned my hand over to look at the damage drops of blood
rolled down my wrist. I suddenly heard loud footsteps that seemed to have come out of nowhere.
Somebody brushed past me and leaned against the locker next to me. I clenched my hand into a fist
and hid it out of sight.
His black eyes stood out, it was the first thing I saw before I saw anything else.
“Morning princess,” Cam said tilting his head to get a better view of my face, I was trying my best
to hide it in the locker.
“Ruby, you can't ignore me forever.”
“I'm not ignoring you, I'm looking for a book.”
“Well you've had your head in that locker for fifteen minutes, sure you haven't found it yet?”
“What do you want Cam?” I asked, annoyed I hadn't noticed him watching me before.
“Nothing. I just came over to say hello, like I do everyday and you ignore everyday.” he sounded
hurt when he said it.
“Ruby, I'm sorry if I've frightened you. I never wanted to scare you away. I'm not the monster you're
making me out to be.”
“I don't think you're a monster Cam.”
“Then why do you look frightened every time I look at you. What's he been saying about me?”
I looked at Cam, I was sure he was talking about Mack, but I didn't get why he disliked him so
much. “I don't get why you don't like him? You don't even know him,”
“I don't like the way he follows you around.”
“I doubt that I hardly see him. I think I've seen more of you.”
He was looking at the floor frowning. I looked down to see a few drops of blood on the floor that
had dripped from my hand.
“Oh yeah, you need to fix that. The hinge, it's a little sharp.”
I picked up my bag and put it on my shoulder, trying to keep my hand out of view.
“Did you hurt yourself?” he asked, as his eyes roamed all over me, coming to stop at my clenched
“Let me see that,” he tried to grab my hand but I moved it back.
“It's just a scratch.” I stepped back.
He frowned again and stepped closer, I immediately tried to step back again but he was too quick
and caught my hand. He pried my fingers open, my inside palm was smeared with blood but there
was no cut, not even a scratch.
Even I was a little shocked at the sight of my smooth uninjured hand. I realised he was looking at
me for answers.
“See I told you, just a scratch you can't even see it now.” I shrugged and pulled my hand back.
“I need to go, maybe you should fix that encase I have another little accident,”
“Yeah I'll do it now.”
He pushed my locker door in and walked off. I turned around to see Caitlin rushing towards me.
“Did you get home okay last night? I tried ringing you but you didn't answer,”
“I know I'm sorry, I fell asleep as soon as I got through the front door.”
“Well as long as you're okay.”
I was waiting for her to ask me about last night and what happened with Mack, but instead she
grabbed me by the arm and pulled me along the corridor. “Caitlin, where are we going?”
“I need to show you something,” she said pulling me into the library.
“So was it just the library you wanted to show me, cause I've already seen it several times,” I joked.
I looked around wondering what it was she wanted to show me. She didn't reply, instead she pulled
me over to the computers were a few other students were already seated. She sat down and pulled
me down next to her. “Caitlin, what are we doing?”
“You'll see in a minute,” she whispered.
“Okay but why are we whispering?” she ignored me and loaded up the web browser page and
pushed the keyboard towards me.
“What do you want me to do with this?” I asked.
“Just type the words Heaven's Point,”
“Heaven's Point,” I repeated.
She nodded and I typed the words out and clicked the search button. I waited for the computer to
catch up with my request the internet speed out here was really slow. Different programmes and
books with the words Heaven's Point showed up in the results. I scrolled down but couldn't see
anything about the actual town. I clicked onto the next page of results but still nothing.
“Trust me, I've searched everything. I even tried searching Heaven's Point High but there's nothing,
we don't even have a school website. It's like the town doesn't exist. I'm starting to think that guy
that works in the town's library isn't as crazy as I had first thought. It's ridiculous, how am I meant
to research for a school assignment if I can't find anything?”
“Have you told your history teacher about this?”
“No, not yet, but I have history fifth period and I will definitely be mentioning it. I'm wondering
where everyone else is getting their research from? I know Mr. Stewart brings books in from his
own personal library for students to borrow, maybe he has something about the town I could
borrow. But don't you think it's strange, there's nothing on the web about the town. It doesn't even
show up on any maps. It's really bizarre,” Caitlin said shifting in her seat.

Robbie's head popped up and he leaned over the computer from the other side of the desk, I hadn't
even noticed he was in here. “Ladies,”
He picked up his bag and walked around the end of the table and came over to us.
“Party this weekend, my place, bring a bikini,” he said grinning, leaning on the desk in front of
Caitlin made a disgusted sound. “A bikini in this whether, grow up.” she said smacking him lightly
to get him to move as she stood up.
“So you won't want to try out the luxury new hot tub my mom's just had installed then?”
“Luxury hot tub. Keep talking,” she said showing more interest.
“I'm planning to do a barbecue, my dad's just had a massive one built in the garden. There will be
free food and drink of course. You know the drill. I'll even throw in some extra special quality
veggie burgers.”
“I'll need an extra special relish to go with those veggie burgers.” Caitlin said picking at her nail
“I think I can add it to the list of things to get. Is that a yes then?”
“Is Josh going?”
“He's helping with the barbecue and he has been my best friend since kindergarten. So yes he will
be there, you already know that.”
“What time do you want me there?” she smiled at him.
“Yeah thought that would do it, why don't you two just get a motel room and get it over with.” he
said playfully yanking on her ponytail.
“Robbie, that's disgusting,” Caitlin smacked his hand away. “And you wonder why you can't get a
“Well F.Y.I. I do have a girlfriend.”
“I don't think the blow up one you keep in your bedroom counts, what's her name again, Nicky or
was it Nicola,”
“You can leave Nicole out of this. And my girlfriends name is Feisty Minx.”
Caitlin burst out laughing.
“It's the name she goes by online, I'm trying to convince her to meet with me at the party. We've
been chatting for months she's a college girl, up at Copeland Harbour. I think she's the ONE.”
He opened the front pocket of his bag and pulled out a flyer and tried to hand it to Caitlin but she
was still laughing.
“It's not that funny, loads of people use random nicknames as their identity online.”
“What's yours?” Caitlin asked in between giggles.
“Rich Randy Roberto.”
She burst out laughing again.
“You know because I'm rich and I'm....”
“I think we get it,” I said cutting him off in mid sentence trying not to laugh.
He looked at Caitlin then back at me shaking his head. I took the the flyer from him and turned it
over. The word
was written across the front with an address and a few doodles around the
“It's just the date, time and my address, but she already knows where I live. Is she okay?” he asked
looking at Caitlin.
She was still laughing. The name Randy Rich Roberto had sent her into hysterics.
“I'm sure she's fine,” I replied trying not to giggle myself, just looking at Caitlin made me want to
“I'm going to go, I can't, I can't look at him without laughing. I think I'm going to wet myself. I'll
see you in English.” Caitlin said hurrying towards the door.
“Well that was pleasant,” Robbie said looking at the back of her.
I was distracted looking at the little stick doodles around the edge of the flyer.
“Did you do these?” I asked curiously, they looked similar to the ones I had seen Mack scribbling in
his notepad before.
“No, that's all Mack. I sit near him in calculus, saw some of his sketches and doodles and asked him
to do a quick design round the edge and voila.”
“So you talk to him?”
“A little, he's not in class much.”
“Do you think he'll be there on Saturday night?” I asked looking at the flyer. Robbie laughed.
“What?” I asked.
“He just asked me exactly the same thing, wanting to know if you would be there, so you coming?”
All I really heard from that sentence was 'he just asked me exactly the same thing' which meant
Mack was at school today. Robbie was looking at me waiting for my reply. “Earth to Ruby,”
“Sorry I was thinking. But I'm sure I can make it, seeing as everyone else is going and I wouldn't
want to miss meeting Feisty Minx if she shows up.”
“Yeah, I've got a good feeling about this one.” he smiled to himself and walked off.
I saw the back of Aimee in the corridor and hurried to catch up with her.
“Hey,” I said nudging her letting her know I was beside her. “So have you heard about this party on
“Sure have. I thought you, me and Caitlin could have a pre party slumber party. Pamper ourselves a
little, nothing over the top just a quiet night in. My mom's away so it would just be us girls.”
She stopped at the sweet dispenser and put some coins into it.
“What do you think, you up for it?”
“Actually that sounds like a really good idea, take my mind off things.”
“Trouble at home?” she asked picking up her chocolate bar from the tray at the bottom.
“Something like that,”
“Well this will be good for you then.” She unwrapped her chocolate bar and took a bite looking at
me. “You planning to re-dye those roots anytime soon?” She lifted a strand of my hair and inspected
“Erm, I dunno? I haven't really thought about it.”
“What about your natural colour?”
She started moving my hair around with her hands fluffing it up.
“You know I could dye it back for you, if you wanted. I think brunette suits you more,”
“How can you tell? You've never seen me with brown hair,”
“No but I can imagine you with brown hair, it definitely suits your face. I could put some layers in it
for you if you want?”
“Since when are you a qualified hairdresser?”
“Relax my mom's a hairdresser and I learned from the best. Think it over about the colour, my mom
has tons of hair dye going spare, I'd love to do it for you. I plan on being a hairdresser when I
escape this place.” she smiled swishing my hair in front of my face then she started making an
alarm sound. I looked at her, laughing not sure what she was doing.
“Hot Guy alert,” she nodded over my shoulder. Cam was walking towards us.
“Lockers fixed.” he said.
“Thanks.” I replied.
“No problem.” he nodded and walked off.
“Oh come on, he's a hottie. You can't keep playing this hard to get routine forever, he'll soon move
“I'm not playing hard to get.”
“Really, so you're not interested in Cam?” she asked.
I frowned. I didn't know how to answer that, so I hesitated. Because I really didn't know how I felt
about him. He was like an unsolved mystery that kept playing on my mind, I couldn't figure him
out. Then there was Mack who was an even bigger mystery.
“No. I'm not interested in Cam.” It felt like I was lying, I was sure I felt the complete opposite. I
was very interested in Cam for different reasons, like why he always smelt of scented roses every
time he showed up.
“So why do you do that thing with your lip every time you see him?”
“What thing?” I asked.
“You know, you sort of bite your lip in that sexy way like you're doing right now or am I reading
that entirely wrong and you're just really hungry?” she grinned waving her chocolate bar in front of
my face. The first bell sounded.
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I replied. Trying not to laugh at her behaviour.
“Okay I'll let you off the hook, for now, but I think you've got it bad and I mean real bad for both
those boys.” she winked at me and we hurried to first period.
I sat in biology staring at my palms, how was it possible my skin had healed itself in a minute. I
scratched at the spot where I thought the cut was, it wasn't even sore.
Aimee nudged me to signal the teacher was watching me. I sat up and opened my textbook quickly
trying to find the right page, at least it would look like I was paying attention even if my
concentration was all over the place. After the lesson I went back to my locker to get my calculus
book, Cam had distracted me earlier and I had for gotten to put it in my bag.
I opened my locker and found a red rose sitting on the top of my books. I picked it up and looked
around to see if anyone was watching me. I lifted the rose to my nose, it smelled just like Cam. It
was the most beautiful rose I had ever seen, but it looked too perfect to be real. He'd obviously left
it for me after he'd finished fixing the hinge.
The hinge looked neat and smoothed down, I wasn't likely to catch myself on that again. I wondered
where he had got the rose from as I'd not seen any roses growing on campus anywhere. I put the
rose back in my locker and picked up the book I needed, I had calculus next then English lit, I was
eager to see Mack again.
As soon as the bell went after calculus I was on my feet a little quicker than necessary and out the
door, I accidentally bumped into a few people on the way. I walked into the chemistry room we
were using for English, I had tried not to get my hopes up too much as to whether Mack would be in
the class as previously he hadn't been attending. But today he was already in his seat at the back
looking at his cell. He had his red hoodie on today with the hood pulled over his head and he was
wearing a pair of black wayfarer sunglasses. I didn't think he had seen me, but I couldn't see his
eyes so I didn't know. I grinned at Caitlin as I walked past, she looked over at Mack then back at me
“Hey, you made it,” I said putting my bag on the desk.
He looked up and quickly moved his cell out of sight and into his pocket and half smiled at me. I
wasn't sure whether he was pleased to see me or not, it wasn't the reaction I was hoping for.
I wanted to ask him about last night, but wasn't sure how to word it. One minute I was looking into
his eyes the next Micah was waking me up on the couch. Had I passed out in front of Mack? Did he
light the fire and leave me on the couch?
“Thanks again for driving me home last night, it was fun.”
He nodded but seemed distracted. He leaned forward, picked up his pen and started doodling on his
small notepad. I took my books out and looked out the door wondering where the teacher was?
“Can I ask you something?”
His hand stopped doodling, but he didn't look up at me.
“It's going to sound a little strange,” he still didn't look up at me. “So recently I've been having
these random blackouts,”
It was the only way I could describe it to him, I couldn't tell him I had been jumping into peoples
heads. I still wasn't sure about what had happened, I couldn't have jumped into Mack's head, what I
saw made no sense. Maybe I had really blacked out this time and I had been dreaming. I had such
an over active imagination anything was possible.
“And I remember the phone was ringing, it was thundering outside,”
Mr. Gibson walked in, I looked at Mack waiting for an answer. He flipped his notepad shut and sat
up straighter, pulling his reading book in front of him. I turned back in my seat and pulled out my
own book.
“I hope everyone is up to date with the reading I have assigned, we will be discussing and taking
notes today I will be calling on you at random to see who's been keeping up with the set reading.”
said Mr. Gibson.
I cringed on the inside, I had completely forgotten to do the reading, fingers crossed he wouldn't
call on me.
Through class I tried my best not to look back at Mack, he was slouched back in his chair as far
away from me as he could possibly get, at least that's how it felt.
He leaned forward to take notes and I was very aware of how close he was. Mr. Gibson was
distracted in deep book conversation with some girl at the front, so I thought now would be a good
time to ask Mack about last night.
“Hey,” I whispered, trying to get his attention.

BOOK: Falling Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 1
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