Falling Into Grace (9 page)

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Authors: Ellie Meade

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Falling Into Grace
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I hear the kids in the hallway and hurry to meet up with them. We all head to the kitchen together. We finish up our breakfast and the kids go up to get dressed. I stand and sip my tea as I look at the flowers. What was Grant thinking? Is this his way of making a peace offering?
Thanks for the slap
. He could have thought of something much better, like…
Sorry I tried to molest you in the elevator. It will never happen again
. No, Grant is cocky; he seems like the type of guy who would never say the words
I’m sorry
. I don’t think those words are in his vocabulary. Clearly they aren’t, or he would have put them on the card. I shake my head. I help the kids brush their teeth and wash their faces, and we are off.

When I get to the hospital, I park the truck and turn it off but I don’t get out. I don’t want to go in. I’m embarrassed, and a little ashamed of myself. I hear both my shoulder figures all the time. Today my angel is telling me I have been bad and should feel ashamed. Then the devil chimes in, saying,
let’s do that again, it was fun
. I agree with both of them. Time to get out of the car. I head to the elevators. When the doors begin to open I hold my breath.
Please don’t be in there
. The coast is clear. I head into my office and see a single pink Gerber daisy on my desk. What the hell is he doing coming into my office and leaving me a flower? I quickly pick it up and slide it into my drawer before anyone can see it. I don’t need Michele prodding into my business. I’m closing my drawer when I see a note.

I lean back in my seat and smile. Michele pops her head in my office, interrupting my gleeful moment.

“What are you smiling about? Who is that from?” She is so nosy. I thank God that I put the daisy in my drawer.

“It’s nothing. Hunter wrote me a note at school.” I shove it into my purse before she can ask to see it.

“How is Mrs. Grace?” I try to distract her and it works. She comes in and goes over all the tests.

“She should be good to go home tomorrow. I spoke with Grant last night, and he is having her flown back to her house in Cape Cod. He has been interviewing nurses to come around the clock for the first few weeks she is home.” I give her my ‘that’s no surprise’ look. He seems like a control freak; he wants to call all the shots with her. She is going to be furious when she hears this news.

“Hannah, he is so good-looking. I don’t know if it’s me and the lack of you know what.” She raises her eyebrows and makes a funny expression. “But I could just stare at him all day.” Michele looks happy when she talks about Grant. I wish it was her in the elevator rather than me. She has been divorced for about a year, and much like me, has no desire to date.

“Michele, they are all good-looking,” I say, smiling as I stand. “Let me go check on my favorite patient.”

“I think I will join you,” she says, following after me. When we get to the elevator, I feel better knowing I have someone with me. The doors open, and there is my stalker, waiting for me. He looks coolly at me, and I narrow my eyes at him. I turn and face the door.

“Dr. Mitchell, Hannah.” His voice is deep and echoes inside of me. I think of yesterday, at the way his hands touched me, the magnetism we had.

“Mr. Grace, how are you?” Michele has her flirting face on, and I turn to look at Grant’s reaction. He is nice, but shows no interest in her. I’m sure he gets this all the time.

“Dr. Mitchell, I am very well. How is my mother doing today?” They make small talk. The doors open, and Michele is out first. Shit, she is fast! I follow her, but he is right behind me. He walks next to me and places one hand on my lower back. I elbow him in an attempt to shake his hand off, but he remains, touching the small of my back. I follow Michele into Mrs. Grace’s room. Shane is helping her get out of bed.

“Hannah, I’m glad to see you. Would you mind taking a stroll with me?”

“Sure. How do you feel today?” I ask as I help her put her arms into her robe.

“Good, Hannah. I slept well last night.” She scrunches her nose and smiles. Michele looks a little lost.

“Mrs. Grace, I just wanted to let you know that your test from last night came back. You are recovering nicely. I can assure you that if you keep doing this well today, we will discharge you tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Doctor. Could you please excuse me? I would like to walk now.” She is practically dragging me out the door. Michele follows us. Grant is in the hallway on the phone. He hangs up when he sees us.

“Mother, do you need some help?” His voice is gentle and soothing.

“Yes, Grant, that would be wonderful. I feel better when I have two arms to hold.” I know this look. She is up to no good. She is plotting.

“Hannah, don’t forget we have a meeting at eleven.” Michele looks disappointed that she isn’t part of the walk.

“OK, Dr. Mitchell, I will be there.”

We walk past a few rooms before any of us speaks. Mrs. Grace is the first to talk.

“Grant, how much time do you have until you have to leave?” Her words are soft.

“I have until you get better. I have been doing everything over the phone and computer. I had a meeting in the middle of the night last night. These time changes are a killer.” He is smooth in every way. He has confidence like no one I have ever seen. Well, Aiden, but they are one in the same, I guess.

“Which hotel opened last week?” She seems annoyed with herself that she can’t remember. I interrupt.

“London, right? You told me that the other day, remember?” I say, looking at her.

“That’s right, London. How did the opening go?” He looks at me with gratefulness in his eyes for helping his mother, but it is brief.

“It went well. Better than we projected. We were supposed to open in Rome tomorrow, but we had to postpone it.”

“Oh, Grant, I hope you didn’t have to do that because of me,” she replies sadly.

“No, Mother, it’s not like that. We had a lot of unfinished business, and I used you as an excuse. You kind of saved me.” He winks at her and smiles. They have so much love for each other. I think they have forgotten I was here. By now we have done a full loop of the floor.

“Are you up for another lap?” I think she can do it. She needs to start moving more. “Sure, Hannah. Why don’t you tell me more about yourself.” She looks at me, trying to read me.
Poker face
, I tell myself.

“What would you like to know?” I love to answer a question with a question.

“Grant was wondering if you were dating anyone.”

“Jesus, Mother,” Grant blurts out, annoyed. “I can ask my own questions if I have them.” I laugh. It feels good to laugh. I like the banter they have between them. Maybe he isn’t like I thought he was. Maybe I have him all wrong.

“Well, if you must know, Grant…” I look into his eyes that are a blue oasis. “I am married.” I can tell he isn’t buying it. I can feel Tori squeeze my hand, and it makes me think of what she said. Give it time; I will come around. Yes, I want to come around, but with which
one of your sons? I lead her back into her room, take her soft robe off her shoulders, and help her into bed.

“Hannah, please sit with me for a moment.” She pats her hand next to her on her bed. Grant stands at door, staring at us.

“I’m going to get some coffee. Hannah, would you like anything?” Wow, he’s being nice today. I guess he just needed a good slap.

“No, thank you, Mr. Grace.”

“Please call me Grant.” He looks at me in such a way that I almost feel naked. He is so seductive. I shake off his look and turn back to Tori. She looks pleased.

“He likes you, Hannah.” I try to stop her, but she waves her hands at me.

“Grant is a challenging man, Hannah. He is stubborn and arrogant, but yesterday he came in here and curled up next to me in bed, like he used to do after his father died. I was shocked, but then I looked at him and realized he was afraid that he could have lost me.”

“Life is short, Hannah, don’t miss out on anything. I made mistakes in my life. I dated only one man after my husband passed, and he couldn’t handle four boys who weren’t his. It didn’t last long, and I gave up after that. I wish I had pushed myself to date more. I wouldn’t have to put all my burdens on my sons.” Her eyes have tears in them. I can feel the tears swell up in mine. I rub her arm, and we hug. She is still so fragile. I know what she is doing. She is trying to help me not make the mistakes she did.

“And I could have killed you when you said you were married.” She lightly slaps my back.

I hear someone at the door and we both laugh, wiping the tears from our eyes.

It’s Aiden. I perk up and smile. He has three cups in his hands. He walks over and hands one to his mother.

“I got you a tea, Mother—black, just the way you like it.” She smiles and takes it.

“Hannah, I thought you might want one as well.” He hands me a cup. “I hope you like it.” I take a sip, and it’s the perfect temperature—hot, but not too hot.

“Thank you, Aiden.” I smile and he smiles back. Tori touches my hand and looks at me knowingly.

“Well, I should get going. Tori, you really should rest; you took a long walk. When I come back later, we should try to walk again.” She smiles and takes a sip of her tea. I smile at Aiden as I walk past him. I’m on cloud nine as I walk over to the elevator. I look at my watch, and it’s eleven on the nose. Shit, I’m late for the meeting. I rush into the elevator and head back down. I practically run into the meeting, trying not to spill my tea.

“Sorry I’m late. I was held up with a patient who had a million questions.” I see one chair is still empty, and I quickly sit down. Michele rolls her eyes and begins. I can’t seem to pay attention; my mind is on Aiden and Grant. I look up at the clock and only ten minutes have gone by when Richard walks in the door.

“Sorry I’m late; a small problem arose that I had to handle.” He smiles at me and sits down. Over the next forty-five minutes, we discuss patients and procedures. Michele finishes up and looks over at Richard. He nods at her and stands up.

“Hannah, Dr. Mitchell, can I please have a word?”

“Sure, Director,” Michele says cheerfully. He looks around and everyone makes their way out of the room. Richard looks flustered.

“Hannah, I just had another meeting with Grant Grace; he apologized for yesterday’s stunt.” I look down at my hands, thinking of the elevator. “He has made the hospital a very generous offer I don’t think I can refuse.” He looks down, trying to find his words.

“Richard, are you OK?” I lean over to him.

“Yes, I’m fine; Grant gave me a check for twenty million, so we can start the remodel.” I lean back in my seat. Twenty million dollars. Where did he get all that money?

“There’s more.” He pauses to gather his thoughts.

“He has offered another twenty million, if you would be willing to accept his offer.”

Offer? What fucking offer? Is Richard selling me to him? What the fuck is he up to now?

“Hannah…” I can hear the hesitation in Richard’s voice, and it’s making my head spin. All I can do is stare at him while he struggles to find his words. “Grant is asking that you accompany his mother home tomorrow. He would like for you to stay for a few days, to acquaint the home nurse with his mother’s case.” He pauses and stares back at me, trying to read my expression. He can tell I am furious.

“Hannah, I didn’t give him an answer. I told him it would be entirely up to you.” His eyes look shameful, and they should. He’s trying to pimp me out for $20 million. This is ridiculous, I think, as I stand.

“I don’t know what to make of this. I can’t do this, Richard. I can’t leave the kids.” I shake my head, which is spinning.

“Hannah, please consider it. I already spoke with Mary, and she would love to have the kids to herself for a few days. Mrs. Grace is being discharged at noon tomorrow, and you won’t have to come in till then.”

“Richard, I can’t do this. I have no time to get everything in order. I can’t just blindside the kids and run off for days at a time. No. My answer is no.” I make sure I say the second
louder to make my point clear. I glare at him and he looks down.

“Hannah, I think you should go.” I turn and look at Michele whom I completely forgot was in the room.

“Director, can you please give us a moment?” I see the hope in his eyes as he gets up. She turns her chair and pushes a chair toward me, gesturing for me to sit down. I take a deep breath and sit.

“Hannah, this is a great opportunity. You should consider it.” I shake my head. “You haven’t even left the county since Chase died.” The words pierce my heart. Chase…I miss him so much right now. The hurt creeps up once more.

“Well, Michele, I have no desire to leave my kids.” I scowl at her.

“Think about it. You need a change of scenery; this sounds like the perfect chance to relax a bit.” She’s trying to sell me. Why? So she can get a piece of the twenty million? I’m getting angrier by the second, and my eyes stab into hers.

“Michele, are you freaking delusional? I will be taking care of a patient.” She looks hurt by my words.

“I can’t tell you what to do, but I think you should go. You’re only going to be three hours away, and you could come home anytime.” I lean back in my chair and rub my eyes.

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