Falling - On the Banks of Lake Saint Clare (Falling - Book One) (47 page)

BOOK: Falling - On the Banks of Lake Saint Clare (Falling - Book One)
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“Yeah,” he said
looking me over
“I guess it will be worth it.”

“You’re a pig,” I slapped his arm.

I looked at the clock and saw it was
15 till midnight
. I sat on the side of the bed and stretched. “I wonder if my mom thought we were going to sleep in the same bed.” I said, watching Michael take his towel off and climb over me into the bed. “Are you sleeping naked?”

“Uh hm
m, are you?” He
, pulling my towel off me. “You made me get in the water so my boxers are wet. And I don’t want to sleep in my jeans.”

“You can borrow a pair of my underwear,” I smiled.

“Oh, that will happen after twenty years together and you walk in on me. I’ll be in front of the mirror in your bra
underwear and high heels. Act surprised, even though I am warning you its going to happen. In fact,
this day down. Twenty years from the day before your birthday.”

“I’m not so sure my bra will fit you
but I am pretty certain we wear the same size shoes. What size you wear?” I asked.


“Oh you could definitely squeeze into my size fives.”

“Don’t put your clothes on,” he said, putting his arms behind his head. “Let’s watch TV and fall asleep naked.”

“You sure you can sleep with our nakedness touching all night?”

“Probably not, but I’m too lazy to get up now. I’m sure there is a change of clothes in the car, but I’m not going to go see. You are stuck with naked Michael tonight.”

“I love naked Michael.”

He turned up the TV and switched the channel to Conan and I moved over against him. I felt his
move around my waist, placing his hand on my breast. I could feel his fingers rub against my nipples. “Oh that feels great. That could easily put me to sleep.”

“What else do you want for your birthday?”

“You,” I smiled.

“You have me,” he said, kissing me on the head.

“Then I got my wish.”



The next morning I woke up with Michael beside me looking at me.

“How long have you been awake,” I smiled, kissing him.

“Not long. Maybe 30 minutes.”

Why didn’t you wake me?
I threw your clothes in the washer and dryer last night. I’ll go get them.”

“When did you do that?”

“After you fell asleep. We ought to get dressed. I have no idea when everyone will be home.”

“Hold on,” he said, taking my hand, pulling me back to bed. He placed his hand on my cheek, “Happy Birthday,” he smiled and kissed me. “I hope they aren’t too late. I gotta go get my shopping on,” he snapped.

“Don’t buy me anything. I am sure my grandparents bought enough for the town and then some.”

“Go get my clothes so I don’t have to strut around here with nothing on.”

I got out of bed and put some shorts and a halter-top on. I looked out the window. “They are home.” I saw the car pulling up the lane.

I ran down the hallway
grabbed Michael’s clothes
and threw them in the bedroom
. I
ran to the door right when they opened it.

!” Grandma screamed. “My girl!!! Happy birthday!”

“You remembered.”

“Of course. Where’s your mom?”

“Not here, where’s Grandpa?”

“He’s getting some packages for the party.”

“Ugh,” I slumped
“I don’t want a party.”

“Non-sense. Every eighteen-year-old gets a birthday party, no questions asked. So where is your Mom?”

Michael walked
into the room. “Michael, sweet
heart,” she walked over and hugged him
“Scoot out and help Buck with the packages.” She squeezed his arm, “Strong as an ox that boy is. Have you felt his arm? I mean, really felt it?”

“He’s an ox,” I smiled, looking at Michael.

I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. “A lot has happened since you have been gone,” I started to explain. I didn’t want to go into everything
but I wanted to hit the main points. I set her coffee down at the table and sat down beside her, telling her what she had missed.

After five trips back and forth to the car
Michael walked into the kitchen.

“Sit down and I’ll fix you some breakfast.” I said to him.

“Don’t bother fixing me anything. I really need to head out. You want to walk me to the car?

“Sure, I’ll be right back,” I said to Grandma.

“Take your time. Thanks for taking care of my girl.”

I loved
doing it.”

“Grandma, what time is this party?”

“Three? Will that work?”

“That’s good,” he said, looking at the clock on the wall.

We walked out to the car, and he climbed in, “I am being serious, what do you want for your birthday?”

“I was serious,” I leaned in, kissing him. “I want you
othing else, just you.

“You are going to be so pissed when I don’t bring you a present.”

“Don’t bring me one and see I won’t be pissed. I love you. Be back at
and rescue me. Come in on a white horse for effect,” I smiled, kissing him again.

“I’ll be here by
, no promise on the horse.”

I ran back into the house and poured me a bowl of cereal.

“That is quite a guy you have,” Grandpa walked up behind me and rubbed my head. Will I ever outgrow the head rub?

“Why do you say that?” I asked
my mouth crammed full of cereal.

“He’s very polite and really helpful. Just a good kid. I think he might be a keeper.”

“He’s a keeper. You want some coffee?”

“Nope,” he stretched
“I am going to go watch the news and relax. Your grandma ran my butt off. She’s a lot younger than me, you know.”

“6 months? That’s an eternity,” I laughed.

“He kept up just fine,” she smiled. “Relax, Buck, we are going to gossip.”

“Let me see your stomach. Is it better?”

“Yeah,” I stood up, and pulled my shirt up
“See it’s a lovely yellow and not as purple. I don’t think I have taken a pain pill in two days either.”

She ran her finger across it, shaking her head. “I hope he does life for this

“He’s not going to get life. He will probably make me go crazy and I will end up pleading guilty for him.”

“Don’t you dare let him get to you. What did you decide about cheer camp? Do we need to get you ready?”

“No, I’m not going. I am afraid I will get hurt. I am just now getting my strength back and I sure don’t want to do 100 crunches a day with broken rips. I’m pretty sure I will get kicked off the squad, but its fine. I’m about burnt out with all the chaos and drama.”

“Alex, you have a great chance to get a cheer scholarship. Think long and hard before you make any rash decisions and quit.”

“I promise. Is that Mom?” I asked, hearing a car pull up.

“I believe it is,” she said, looking out the window.

I walked to the door and opened it or her. “Hey, my love,” she smiled, hugging me way to tight.

“Mom, I love you but you are hurting me,” I sighed.

“Oh! Sorry! I forget.”

“I’m going to shower while you talk to Grandma. Are you okay?”

“I’m great. I slept great and I am ready to celebrate my little baby’s birthday.”

“I’m glad you are home,” I smiled, hugging her.

I walked into my room and saw I had 12 messages all Happy Birthday wishes and questions from the girls about the party. “Yes,
you can bring Derek,” I texted back.

I sat on the bed and thought about Brad. It’s his birthday, too. In all the years we have known each other we never knew we had the same birthday.

I heard my phone ring and I jumped, scared that Brad knew I was thinking about him and called. I looked and saw it was Michael.

“Hey, just an idea, but since you are eighteen now, is there any chance you can go away with me for 2 nights? Only if you want to
and only if it’s okay with your mom.”

“Give me one good reason why I wouldn’t want to. And it will be fine with my mom. Why wouldn’t it be? She let you stay here the last two nights.”

“True. Ok, here is the other deal, and you can say no, but Derek was helping me find a room, and we found a condo that has everything.
already said yes
I know you are shocked and stumped and whatever other word has the same meaning
but she wa
nts to go, too. Is that okay?”

“And who is going to be in my room, you,
or Derek?” I asked.

“No one. We were going to call Lloyd and
and have an orgy in my room. We all find you repulsive
so you have your own room. But it’s a nice room.”

“Repulsive, huh?”

“With love, my girlfriend, with love,” he laughed.

“With love,” I smiled. “Really?
is aware that I am not going to share a room with her?”

“Go to your computer. I emailed you a copy of the reservation and a link to the place. It’s really amazing. If you hate it, you can tell me and I will cancel it. But please don’t hate it.”

“I love it, but it is really expensive. Really expensive,” I said, seeing it was $290 a night.

Michael, that is way too much. We can get a room on Priceline for 35 dollars and William Shatner will even bell hop for us.”

“Alex, it’s not too expensive and Shatner is annoying.”

feel bad you spending all that money.”

“Come on, please, please. I’ll make Derek pay for half if that makes you feel better.”

“Its really nice, but no Shatner?” I smiled.

“Okay, so it’s a yes. I’ll call em back and tell them we will be there by 6. I love you!”


I dialed
, “So what’s this about you willing to go on a two-nighter with Derek?”

“It’s your birthday present from them. I thought it was a nice thought. Did you see it?”

“Yes, its beautiful, but you do know that you and I aren’t going to be having a slumber party
nd Derek and Michael aren’t going to be having a slumber party
Michael and I will have a room. You do know this, right?”

“I know,” she said, “Derek said there are three bedrooms so if I want to decide to have my own room, I can. See it works out perfectly.”

I started packing, wondering what I needed to take. I didn’t even notice what town we were going to
. I looked and saw it was in
. Sweet, I thought. I loved that town.

I heard my phone ring and saw withheld. “Don’t answer it, Alex. He has nothing to say to you that you need to hear.” I watched as it said call ended, but then rang again. I picked it up and it said call ended. Then rang again. I had to answer; knowing it was stupid to feel the need to, but remembered Dr. Wallace said it was natural to want my questions answered. She didn’t say to not answer, but she also didn’t say to. I opted to.

“Hey,” I said, immediately feeling scared to death. I kept saying over and over in my head, he’s not near you, you are safe.

“Hi,” he sighed. “What’s going on?”
“ What are your plans for your birthday?”

“Just some friends coming over
and then
not sure after that.” I wasn’t about to tell him I was going away with Michael. “You?”
“Haven’t decided.”

He sounded so weird. Not at all like he normally did. Kind of sounded upset. For some insane reason I was almost feeling sorry for him.

“Hey Alex?”


“What’s the chance we can meet somewhere and talk?” He
. “I really am sorry for everything. I have no idea what got into me. It’s just been so hard for me to deal with everything. I just want to meet and talk.
Can you meet me somewhere?

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