False Pretenses (7 page)

Read False Pretenses Online

Authors: Tressie Lockwood

Tags: #interracial romance, #erotic romance, #bwwm, #contemporary romance, #bwwm romance

BOOK: False Pretenses
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Piper seemed to think better of stepping to Alyssa, and she took a couple steps in retreat. “I get it. You want to hold it over my head a while, waiting for the right time, when it benefits you the most.”

“Wow, is this how you all are? Trusting no one, assuming the worst?” Alyssa shook her head and turned toward the living room, her hand on the knob. “I don’t give two figs about what you do with your personal life. If you haven’t come out to your family, that’s your problem. If you think I’m lying and that I’m just waiting for the right time, I don’t give a crap about that either. Stay in the hall sulking like an infant if you want to. I’m going in.”

Alyssa put on a smile and rubbed her hands together as if she had the greatest plan in the world to overthrow Nathan and his mom. “Ready, you two? You’re going down. Just want you to know this.”

Nathan cast her a curious glance, but then smiled in return. “Not on your life, baby. You’re beautiful, but I have to show you who has the upper hand.”

“Aw, that’s the sweetest thing to say,” Lydia purred.

“My boy,” Leo echoed.

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “How was that sweet? The man wants to control me. You don’t know who you’re dealing with, Mr. Nathan Corde.”

A challenge reflected in the hazel eyes locked with hers. “I’m beginning to find out, and I think I will continue.”

The game progressed, and a short while later, Alyssa whooped in triumph. “See, I told you! We schooled you, Nathan and Lydia.”

“Yes, you did school us, dear,” Lydia admitted.

Alyssa burst out laughing at the woman’s use of slang. Nathan conceded defeat with less aplomb. She stuck her tongue out at him, and he nabbed her before she could scurry away. He captured her chin and lowered his head as if to kiss her, when Lydia cried out.

“Leo, are you okay?” The terror in those high-pitched words tore across Alyssa’s chest. Nathan released her and spun on his heel to his father.


All three Cordes bent over Leo, who had paled more than he already was. His hands shook with violence, and he seemed to have trouble catching his breath. Nathan’s gaze bore into hers. “Get Aziz now!”

Alyssa nodded and fled the room, shouting for the butler. As Nathan carried his father to the car, Aziz screeched to a halt at the front of the house. Alyssa realized Felix did not live in the house like the other two did, nor did the cook and the assistant maid who helped Talia during the day. Aziz would drive.

Alyssa hung back as the others piled into the car, and Nathan took her hand after he’d buckled his father inside. “Get in,” he commanded. She didn’t protest when his grip tightened to the point of pain. The set of his jaw, the pallor of his own skin, and the way he never looked at her but didn’t take his gaze off his father displayed his fear. He loved his dad, and this situation bore heavy on him.

She settled in at his side as they whisked to the hospital. Lydia barked sharp orders into her cell phone while holding Leo’s hand. By the time they drew into the driveway at the emergency entrance, orderlies were wheeling a gurney toward them, and a man who must have been a doctor by his authoritative presence stood nearby.

The next hour dragged by with the family in the waiting room and Lydia in with Leo. Nathan paced, and Piper sat with feet drawn up, shivering in her chair. The blank expression in her eyes told Alyssa she didn’t realize she’d left the house without her shoes. Alyssa stood and walked over to the triage station. “Any way we can get some of those socks with the nonskid stuff on the bottom?”

The nurse opened her mouth as if to say no. Alyssa interrupted. “The Cordes are so worried about their dad, Piper forgot her shoes.”

“The Cordes, oh yes, of course.”

Alyssa bit down on the bitterness and thanked the woman for the socks. She handed them to Piper, who sat staring at them in her hand. Nathan stooped in front of her and drew them onto her feet. Piper muttered her thanks to her brother, and Alyssa returned to her chair. Time crawled by. Nathan returned to her side and cupped her face between two hands before resting his forehead against hers. “Thank you for being here.”

“You don’t need me,” she whispered back and struggled with the ache caused from seeing his pain. “You’re surrounded by your family, and that’s what’s important. It might be best if Aziz takes me back to your house.”


He gave no elaboration, and she nodded in silence. They sat side by side waiting, and at last, Lydia appeared, looking haggard. The change in the stylish woman worried Alyssa all the more. “He’s out of the woods for now. They say we can see him, but not too long. They’re moving him to the ICU, and I’m staying the night.”

Nathan drew his mother into his arms, and she allowed herself a quick cry before forcing a smile. Alyssa didn’t know how she did it. This time when Nathan tried bringing her along, she dug her heels in and remained in the waiting room until they returned. Just as Lydia indicated, the visit lasted no more than a few moments. Then they were on their way back to the mansion. The silent interior of the car weighed down, and Alyssa hopped out of the vehicle the second it came to a complete stop. She checked her watch and noted the late hour. A glance at Nathan showed he wasn’t ready to sleep.

“Good night,” Piper murmured and headed up to the stairs. If her brother’s response reached her ears, Alyssa would have been surprised. She took his arm and tugged him in the direction of the kitchen.

“This way,” she told him. He hesitated, a questioning expression spreading over his face. “Comfort food.”

They strode into the kitchen, which Alyssa had so far only glimpsed in passing. The room expanded bigger than her apartment. Nathan dropped into a chair and leaned back in it. The faraway look in his eyes told her he moved on automatic.

Shoving aside the fact that she was a guest, Alyssa raided the refrigerator. As she expected, a chocolate cake sat on one shelf with a single slice missing. Good. She wouldn’t need to feel bad about cutting into a brand-new one. After she’d arranged a piece for her and a piece for Nathan in bowls, she discovered vanilla ice cream in the freezer and heaped two spoonfuls for each of them into the dishes.

“Eat,” she commanded, sitting across from Nathan. “The sugar will give you a boost—artificial and short term, but every little bit helps.”

Nathan moved mechanically and spooned cake and ice cream into his mouth. After a few bites, his gaze rose to hers. “How did you know about this?”

She laughed. “A few broken hearts.”


The sweet, creamy dessert eased down her throat, an old friend always willing to be there.
Except when I hate her because she made me gain weight. Then she can kiss my ass.
“Yup, women really do this. It’s not just for the movies. You have to have seen Piper eat—” Maybe he hadn’t. Not that his sister couldn’t get a broken heart, but she guessed Piper kept even that a secret because of her preference.

“No, I haven’t,” he confirmed.

“Lucky you. The tears and snot accompany it, and that’s so not pretty.”

He cringed and put his spoon down.

“Damn, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kill your appetite.”

“You didn’t. I was just thinking how great you are. This is just a gig, I guess you can call it, and you’re all in. You helped me, and even Piper when she needed it. I just wanted to say thank you.” He reached across the table and touched her fingers. She wanted to draw back, to protect herself, but the haunted light had returned to his eyes.

“You all love him very much. I can tell.”

“You have no idea.”

Nathan ran his hands through his hair and stood. He paced a few steps away from the table and leaned on the island in the middle of the kitchen. The stove was situated there, one with five burners and a rack overhead, pots and pans hanging from it. Alyssa had always wanted something like that. Her apartment stove looked like someone had squished it between the sink and the refrigerator. The burners were so tight, she had trouble getting food prepared in a big soup pot to cook evenly.

“When I was younger, he was stronger and tougher. He didn’t allow failure in his subordinates or his family. That doesn’t mean he was a tyrant. His kindness reached every corner of the world, and no matter how busy running a corporation made him, he found time to spend with Piper and me.”

Alyssa had never heard anyone who wasn’t a child idolize their parent so much. She admired it in Nathan.

“I strove to be like him in every way.”

“I bet you did.”

He turned to look at her and offered a tight smile. “Not even close. Like any son, I thought he would be here forever. Losing him will be unbearable.”

Alyssa’s spoon clanked in her bowl when she let it fall, and she rushed over to Nathan. He engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug. She held on, willing her strength to him, but when she peered up, his eyes were dry. He lowered his head toward hers, and his lashes brushed her cheeks. He pulled in a deep breath, his big chest pushing against hers.

“It’s late,” he murmured.

She kissed his cheek and drew from his arms. After they’d washed and dried the dishes they had used, they walked up to the bedroom they shared. Alyssa showered and slipped into a nightgown she’d purchased shopping. Then she climbed into bed. Nathan took longer in the bathroom, but when he returned, he appeared no more unwound than before he went in. She considered offering to find Talia for a sleeping pill, but had another thought.

Nathan climbed into bed and switched off the lamp. The bed sank toward his side, bringing her in closer to him. He lay on his back, and she rested a hand on his bare chest.



“I…um…” Rather than ask him or offer, she ran her hand over his chest, skimmed his nipples, and then explored lower, across his belly. Just before she reached the point of no return, he caught her wrist. She eyed him in the dim lighting. Was he rejecting her?

“I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“You’re not.”

“If you weren’t feeling sorry for me, you wouldn’t offer this.”

She sucked her teeth. “We both know that’s not true. We felt it from day one. I’m a big girl.”

“Alyssa.” He rolled to face her, continuing to hold her wrist in the spot where he’d stopped it. “I’m not in a position to think clearly. I want to forget my head altogether. That might not be the best choice for you.”

She stretched up and nibbled his bottom lip. The sharp intake of breath brought his chest to her pebbled nipples, and the thin nightgown material did nothing to disguise her state. In a moment, she figured Nathan would not be able to turn back. With the tip of her tongue, she teased the soft skin at his mouth and dared to dip inside to the warm moistness. A low groan rumbled in his throat.

His arm shot out to encircle her waist, and he hauled her tight to his chest. Already, his cock had grown hard behind his boxers. Alyssa ran a toe up his leg and down again. He shuddered. When she raised it once more, he caught her behind the knee to keep her legs spread. Her pussy clenched in anticipation.

He parted her lips with his tongue and covered her mouth with such force, it took her breath away. She surrendered to his hungry kiss and knotted her fingers in his hair.

After a few moments, he drew away. “I don’t want you to regret this in the morning.”

“I won’t.” She tilted her head back when he tasted her at her throat.

“Take if off.”

She swallowed and leaned back to pull the nightgown over her head. Lying flat, arms up, she let him study her body in the pale moonlight. Did he like what he saw? Her breasts were still firm at thirty-three, but not as high as they were ten years ago. She thought the size wasn’t bad, not too small, but not Dolly either.

Nathan’s fingers splayed over her rib cage, and his thumb found her nipple to pluck at it. The caress sent signals to her nether regions, making her wetter.

“You’re so beautiful.” He kissed her lips before she could answer and then traced down her chest, leaving small pecks along the way. When his lips closed over the very nipple he’d been playing with, her back came up off the bed. She keened in need. The noises he made with his mouth when he reached her navel drove her insane. He raised his head. “Are you okay with me going down here?”

“Are you serious?”

Nathan thrust the covers away and boosted her thighs. He scooted farther down the bed, and she couldn’t help the shudder that rocked her from head to toe. A curse rose to her lips the second his mouth closed over her clit. What was she thinking? This man—holding out against him meant nothing. She would give it all. His kiss, his touch, his body would demand surrender, if not his words.

“Nathan,” she moaned.

Speaking his name seemed to spur him on. He sucked harder at her bud, and she bit off a scream. Come dripped down from between her folds. She felt it, and he didn’t let it go to waste. Holding her knees in a firm grip, he shoved her legs higher and began licking at her cream. The sensation of his tongue delving inside, retracting to swallow, and then going in again had her squirming. Just when she thought the pleasure bearable, he took it up a notch by returning to her clit again. First flicking it with his tongue, he switched to sucking it between his lips. The abuse of the poor bud demanded she release, and her body geared toward climax. Inner muscles contracting, Alyssa tangled fingers in Nathan’s hair and pumped his face.

“Mm, yes, yes, yes. Make me come. Make me come!”

He didn’t let up, but worked her clit until the orgasm slammed through her core and spread outward. She screamed his name, forgetting there were others in the house. Again and again, she rode his face, until her satisfaction was complete.

Nathan leaped from the bed and shed his boxers. He rustled through the wallet he’d tossed on the dresser earlier and found a condom. Within moments, he sheathed his tool and climbed onto the bed. She was about to raise her legs again, but he tugged an ankle.

“No, turn over. On your knees.”

She obeyed, hiking her ass in the air. Nathan locked strong fingers on her hips. Her mouth went dry at the first touch of his cock head. A mewl of need rose in her throat, and Nathan echoed the sound with his own growl. Soon the cap pierced her opening. She whimpered his name.

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