False Witness (64 page)

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Authors: Patricia Lambert

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Ovitz, Mike


Paine, Ruth

Palmer, Henry Earl

as informant

and Ku Klux Klan

and Oswald

and Rarick

story of

testimony of

Panzeca, Salvatore

Parker, Jessie

Parkland Hospital


Perrin, Robert L.

Pesci, Joe

Peterson, Niles “Lefty”

Petroleum Club

Phelan, James

article on Garrison investigation

and covering Garrison story

and evidence

and Garrison

on Garrison

interviews with Garrison


and Las Vegas

and NBC White Paper

and Russo

and Sciambra

as witness for defense

and Woodward

Photographs of Shaw and Ferrie

Pistol whipping

Planer, Ed



Playboy Club

Porter, Marina Oswald

Posner, Gerald

Post-hypnotic suggestion

Preliminary hearing

Press Club bar

Private financing of public prosecutors.
See also
Expense of investigation; Truth and Consequences

Profiles in Courage (Kennedy)


Propinquity theory

Prouty, L. Fletcher


Quiroga, Carlos

Rand, Ayn

Rarick, John

Rault, Joseph M.

Ray, Ellen

Reagan, Ronald

Reid, Bill

Reily Coffee Company

Report from Iron Mountain

Review board of JFK files

Rice, John

Rickenbacker, Eddie

Riefenstahl, Leni

Robertson, Willard E.

Robinson, Jane Ann

Robinson, W. O.

Rogers, Jack N.

Rolland, R.C. “Chuck”

Ruby, Jack

Rusconi, Jane

Rush to Judgement

Russey, Miles De

Russo, Perry

and assassination plot

and Bertrand

and Clinton witnesses

damage suit against

and Ferrie

and Garrison

and his testimony

hypnosis of

and interviews


and NBC White Paper

and objectifying procedure

and O'Keefe

and Oswald

and Oswald/Lewallen

personality of

and polygraph

and preliminary hearing

preperation of

sanity of

on Sciambra

sexuality of

and Shaw

Shaw vs. Garrison

and sodium pentothal

suggestibility of

transcript of questioning by Garrison

at trial

Sackett, Russ

Samoluk, Thomas

Saturday Evening Post, The

Savoy, Brother

Schuster, Peter

Sciambra, Andrew

and Clinton/Clinton witnesses

and Collins

and East Louisiana State Hospital

and Ferrie

and Phelan

and Russo

and Shaw

and testifying at trial

Scorsese, Martin

Search warrent for Shaw's home

Semel, Terry

Shaney, Lyndal

Shaw, Clay

acquittal of

and Andrews

and arrest

and assassination plotting session

and bail

and Bertrand

and CIA

and Clinton/Clinton witnesses

and Cuba

death of

description of

and Eastern Airlines VIP room

expenses of

explanation of items seized

and FBI

and Ferrie

files of

first naming of

first questioning of

and Garrison

on Garrison

history of

and the International Trade Mart

interviews of

journal of

and Life photographer

and media

and meeting Kennedy

and New Orleans

and Panzeca

and perjury charges

portrayal of, in

preliminary hearing of

and press conferences

questioning of

rights of

and risk

and Russo

search of home of

and speaking engagements

and spy accusations

taking the stand

testimony of

trial of

and truth tests

upon hearing verdict

views of Kennedy

and the Wegmanns

witnesses for

and WWII

Shaw/Bertrand witnesses

Shea, Frank J.

Sheridan, Walter

Sheridan Square Press

Shilstone, Cecil Maxwell

Simmons, Richard

Sklar, Zachery

Smith, Sandy

Smith, Sergio Arcacha

Smith, Winston

“Smith Case, The”

Snyder, Barbara

Snyder, David

and Ferrie

and fondling charge against Garrison

and Garrison's expenses

and Russo

and Shaw

Sodium Pentothal

Southeastern Louisiana College

Spacek, Sissy

Spanish Stables

Spiegel, Herbert

Spiesel, Charles

Springer, Eva

St. Francisville

Staples, Brent

Star Spangled Contract, The

Stern, Edith

Stone, Oliver.
See also JFK

adaptation of events for

and Andrews

and critics

and Ferrie's fear

and Garrison

and “free the files”

history of


and the National Press Club

and New Orleans

On the Trail of the Assassins

and photos of Shaw and Ferrie

on pistol whipping

and Shaw

and witnesses

Storm, Bill

Sturgis, Frank

Suggs, Edward Stewart

Sullivan, Monroe

Sulzer, Nina

Summations, transcripts of

Sutherland, Donald

Tadin, Matilda

Tadin, Nicolas M.

Texas, trip to.
Winterland Ice Skating Rink

Texas Rangers

Texas School Book Depository

Thornley, Kerry

Tilley, Steven D.


Tonight Show

Torres, Miguel

Townley, Richard

Tramps at Daeley Plaza

Transcript of bribery recording

Transcript of Garrison's questioning of Russo

Transcript of trial

Transcripts of summations

Triumph of the Will

Truth and Consequences, Inc.

Turner, William

Tyler, Steve

Valenti, Jack



Voebel, Edward

Volz, John

Walker, Edwin

Wall, Breck

Wall Street Journal

Walsh, Kevin

Ward, Charles

Wardlaw, Jack

Warren Commission/Report

and Andrews

and Bush

Case Closed

conclusions of

and Connally

critics of

doubts about

and Garrison's accusation of Shaw

and the House Select Committee

and Meagher

and preliminary hearing

and Shaw's trial

and Stone

Washington Post

Wegmann, Cynthia

Wegmann, Edward F.

death of

and Garrison

files of

and preliminary hearing

and Shaw

Wegmann, William J.

and bribery tape

and Clinton

and Dymond

and Garrison

and preliminary hearing

and Russo

and Sciambra

and Shaw

Weinstein, Edwin A.

Weisberg, Harold

Welsh, Ronald A.

Wershba, Joe

White, Allen

White, Ricky

White Rock airport


Wilds, John

Will, George

Willis, Philip

Winterland Ice Skating Rink

Without Conscience

Wood, WIlliam C.

Woodside, Aline

WWL (New Orleans)


Yockey, Ross

Zapruder, Abraham

Zapruder film.
See also
Assassination; Autopsy report of Kennedy

and Billings article

and Garrison's case

Garrison's use of

and the JFK Collection


showing of, in court

and theories about shots fired

Zelden, Sam “Monk”

Ziegler, Leah Elizabeth

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