Familiar Desires: 5 (Protective Affairs) (13 page)

BOOK: Familiar Desires: 5 (Protective Affairs)
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“But what about searching the kidnap sites?” She looked up
at him and raised a brow, as if she thought that would be the one thing he
couldn’t get past.

“We’ll find them. You know this is going to be slow. None of
the scenes are fresh and we’ll learn what we can from them when we visit them.”
Kane put a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed. “We’re going to have to
take time and find a little distraction from the frustration when we can.”

“Roaming either Devoe or Corona City looking for the
kidnappers won’t help. We don’t know what we’re looking for or who we’re
looking for. It would be useless. There are two cities full of suspects.”
Michael grimaced. He didn’t like it, but it was true. Without more information,
they had to wait.

“It still feels like we should be doing something.” Alana
sighed and her shoulders slumped, but the muscles around her mouth and eyes
were tight. He could see the stress building inside her.

“Nothing to do, but learn what we can, wait and prepare.”
Kane curved his arm around her waist.

Michael tried to keep a straight face when she simply sat
there. She did look down at where Kane’s hand was curved around her hip, but
she made no move to ease out of his hold. If she hadn’t wanted his hand there,
it wouldn’t be there. Their woman was stubborn and determined. If she didn’t
want to be touched, she would get up and tell them it was time to go.

“We haven’t done anything like this before,” Michael said and
eased down beside her.

“Like what? We haven’t worked together before, but we all
know that.” She turned her head and looked at him.

“Not that. We haven’t walked through the forest. We haven’t
even had a picnic together. I think that’s something we should remedy.” Michael
gently rested his hand on her thigh.

Alana smiled. “We did miss that, but we’re lacking a few
ingredients here.”

“We’ll get the food and the blanket tonight. I think we
should have our meal indoors this time. We just want to be with you and enjoy
the day a little. We’ve done our work, or at least what we can do now. It’s
time for a little relaxation.” Kane tugged her closer until she was leaning on

“Relax? When even now, they could be out there taking
someone else. Maybe a friend of yours?” She looked up at Kane with a distinctly
disbelieving look. “You two are crazy.”

“That’s something we wouldn’t be able to control even if we
were out there rushing to examine every kidnap site and badgering the families
and friends of the victims.” Michael lifted his hand from her thigh and drew it
across her cheek. “Admit you’re a little afraid of letting yourself relax
around us. You’re not ready to accept the ties between us. We’ve told you we’re
ready. It’s you who’s holding back.”

“I’m not afraid to relax around you. These choices can’t be
undone once made. I don’t want you to regret it.” She sighed and gently clasped
his hand.

“We’re not boys anymore. We’ve thought about this for years.
Now, trust us to know what we want and just let things go naturally. If that
means you jump us, then we’re not going to complain about it.” Kane nibbled at
her neck.

Alana chuckled. “Nice image and it might not be too far off
from the truth.”

“Not running scared. Now relax a little and just enjoy. We’ll
go no farther than you let us.” He moved a little closer and rested his palm on
her stomach. Her muscles tightened beneath his hand, but she didn’t grab for

“You’ll know if someone comes close?” She met his eyes

He knew with that question she was agreeing to their touch,
but he held in the shout of triumph. He put up a shield net around them. It
wouldn’t hurt anyone who encountered it, but it would warn them of the
approach. “Before you get even a whiff of a strange scent, we’ll know.”

“Um, you’d better be sure of that.” She smirked tauntingly. “My
nose is very good.”

“We’re doubly sure, baby.” Kane nipped at her neck and
pulled her closer. “Now give me a kiss and let us get acquainted with your

“You held me last night,” she whispered the words. She
leaned toward him and her mouth raised for the kiss.

“Not like we wanted to. We had clothes on and I wanted to
feel every inch of your skin on mine.” Michael drew his hands down the outsides
of her thighs and then back up them. He didn’t want to force her into more than
she was ready to accept.

“I wanted that too.” Alana barely got the words out before
Kane’s lips covered hers.

Michael explored the curve of her thigh, ass and up to her waist.
He pushed the shirt up while his hands traveled over the warm skin of her belly.
He wanted to go slow, but he needed to touch her in some way. He’d love to see
it, but he wanted to let her relax a little more.

She moaned and her stomach tightened beneath his fingers. He
loved the sound. He wanted to learn how she responded to the feel of his lips,
what she liked and what sent her right over the edge. His imagination didn’t
come close to how sweet it was to touch and simply be with her.

“What do you want us to do? What do you like?” Michael
trailed his fingers up her ribs.

Alana wiggled. Her mouth tore away from Kane’s. “Tickles a
little. Touch me anywhere. My breasts, my legs, my—”

Michael held back a laugh when her voice cut off as Kane’s
lips once again closed over hers. Michael took the “anywhere” as an invitation.
He unbuttoned her shirt slowly. He gave her time to object to the touch. She
didn’t even tense. Once he reached the last button, he spread the fabric wide,
baring her to his gaze.

He licked his lips at the sight of her breasts in a pink
lacy bra. He wanted to peel the the delicate lingerie off her slowly, but at
the same time, he ached to rip it away and bare those gorgeous mounds. The
fabric loosened and he realized his brother must have unfastened the catch at
her back. Michael tugged it down and let it hang beneath her breasts, the
straps caught up on her arms with her shirt.

Those firm mounds entranced him. They were perfect. Not too
full, but enough to provide a nice bit of cleavage and the perfect amount to
suck and nibble. He reached out and drew his fingers across the underside of
one. He traced the mound, staying carefully away from the nipple even though he’d
love to touch and taste. Not too fast. He kept the litany in his head. Her hand
covered his and pressed it to her breast.

He reveled in the knowledge she wanted more. He was happy to
give it to her. His fingers tightened He squeezed the mound and stroked his
thumb over the taut nipple. Her back arched, mashing her breast tighter into
his hand. A soft groan rolled from her, muffled by Kane’s mouth. Michael used
his free hand to pluck at the nipple of her right breast while he squeezed and caressed
the left.

“One day, I want to stretch you out on the bed and simply look
at you for a while. Then I want to take my time sucking at these nipples and
discovering how sensitive they are.” Michael flicked his thumb across her
nipple at the same moment he plucked the other.

Alana groaned and her legs shifted restlessly.

“I think she liked that. Check and see. I’ll take care of
this.” Kane’s hand took the place of his on one of her breasts.

Check and see, definitely his pleasure. He let his hand
trail down her bare stomach to the closure of her pants. He’d love to strip her
out of them, but she’d feel to exposed and vulnerable here. Drawing his fingers
over the zipper, he let his eyes trail up over her taut body. His fingertips trailed
down the seam between her legs.

“I think I feel a little moisture here.” Michael drew his
finger up and down the seam over her sweet cunt.

“Touch me, Michael.” Alana’s thighs widened more and her
hips lifted.

“Better give our Familiar what she needs. She might decide
to make you pay if you don’t.” Kane spread kisses from her neck back up to her

“Can’t have that.” Michael’s hand began to work buttons of her
pants. He wanted to watch her come, but he wanted to feel the heat-slick juices
on his hand.

Sliding the zipper down, he gazed at the pale skin and
silky, pink fabric he exposed. He eased his hand under the triangle of her
panties. Her skin was smooth and hot. When he eased his fingers down, all he
encountered was soft skin. So sexy.

“Damn, baby, that’s hot.” He traced his fingers over the plump
lips. Michael caught Kane’s curious glance. “Alana is totally bare. I’m going
to love eating this pussy.”

“You’ll have to wait your turn. I’m first.” Kane nipped at
her lips.

Michael laughed. They’d see about that, but now he
concentrated on giving Alana as much pleasure as possible. He pressed two
fingers between the lips. He flicked his finger over her clit. She moaned and
her body rose into his touch. He swirled his fingers in circles and drew them
up and down, trying to decide which she responded to better. He loved the sound
of her soft cries. His fingers skimmed down to her honeyed entrance.

“She’s wet. She definitely likes it.” Michael teased, sweeping
his fingertips around her pussy, before drawing back and circling her clit.

“I want to hear her. Give her a reason to moan,” Kane urged
before he lowered his mouth to her nipple.

Michael swirled his fingers over her clit. He’d love to take
his time, bring her up and then let her desire settle before taking her up
again. They didn’t have the time. The longer they were here, the more she’d
worry someone else would come along.

She lifted against his hand. He watched her face. Her eyes
locked with his. He kept the eye contact while his fingers danced across her
clit. A flush rose over her skin. Soft cries erupted from her lips when he
increased the pace and firmness of his touch. Her thighs clenched around his
hand. He wanted to feel those strong legs squeezing him tight while he rode her
hard and fast.

“I want you to clench those muscles just as hard when my
cock is deep inside you, baby.” He circled his fingers around and over her
clit, working the sensitive bundle of nerves.

Alana’s hips rocked upward into his hand. Harsh breaths
ripped from her lips. Her body tightened. She clamped her mouth shut and tried
to smother her cry. He savored the sound. Tremors ran through her body. He felt
her body shaking and smiled, satisfied they’d drawn such a wild response from
her. She held onto Kane, her nails digging into his shirt. A light purr rumbled
through her as she relaxed. He loved that sound.

His touch lightened to a soothing caress, before finally
drawing his hand away from her pussy. He almost gave into the temptation to tease
her until the desire rose higher and he could watch her go over again.

“Oh, that was so good, but we really should have waited. We’re
working.” She sat up and began to fasten her shirt. Her eyes fastened on her
lap and a blush brightened her cheeks.

“We’re basically sightseeing. When we get more information,
the work starts.” Kane’s fingers brushed across her cheek.

Michael tried to hide a grimace when he rose to his feet.
His cock ached and strained at the fabric confining it. He looked up and saw
her brushing at her pants. There wasn’t as much strain around her mouth. He
might not be comfortable, but it was worth the discomfort to see her contented
and smiling though.

Chapter Twelve


Alana took the steps from the deck down onto the still-dormant
grass. They’d arrived back at the house and she’d needed a little space. Her
mind whirled. She should be thinking about the kidnappings and trying to
discover some kind of motive. The re-interview of some family members hadn’t
revealed anything new, although she’d hoped they would remember something
they’d forgotten when they first talked to the police. That wasn’t what kept
her from relaxing though.

“Hey, it’s a little chilly out here.” Kane came down the
steps with two steaming mugs in his hand and her jacket draped over his arm.

“No more chilly than it was while we were out looking at the
site this morning, and it seemed fine enough then to have some play in the
forest.” She liked the temperature.

“Actually, it’s a little colder here and you know it. Take
your jacket and at least put it on.” Kane turned so she could get to his arm
without dragging it over the mugs he held.

“Not going to nudge me into going inside?” She took the
jacket and slipped her arms into the sleeves.

“No, you probably need the space if you’re out here.” He
handed her one of the cups.

Alana raised the drink and inhaled the aroma of tea and
something fruity. She couldn’t smell anything other than tea in the air so he
must have the same thing. The scent of the tea made her thirsty. She took a sip
and savored the slightly fruity taste of the blended tea.

“Thank you.” She stared up at him. They were both so
thoughtful and considerate. It was impossible not to think of how it might be
if everything was a little simpler, if she had come back and not been here on a
mission. “Want to go a little closer to the water?”

“Lead the way.” Kane smiled.

“I still can’t believe you and Kane found and were able to buy
a place like this.” She looked around the lawn while she walked toward a rocky
patch at the edge of the lake.

“The Council made it possible. They knew you were our mate
and you’d need room to run. So when it came on the market we were called to see
if we wanted it.” Kane stepped up beside her when she came to a stop on a large,
flat stone at the lake’s edge.

The wind blew lightly across the lake causing ripples to
rise up on the gleaming surface. With the trees surrounding the house and no
other building directly across the lake, Alana could almost believe they were
completely private here. She knew there were other houses around the lake. They
were simply spaced out around it to give the owners privacy.

It was a wonderful spot, ideal and she could see herself
being happy here. Her mind spun with thoughts of hikes with Michael and Kane.
She’d dreamed of lying in a hammock with her two men beneath the shade of a
tree and watching the sun go down over the water. The only problem was she
couldn’t focus on that now. She needed to think of those kidnap victims. Someone
had to help them and then she’d have to finish up her duties to the

“Are you thinking about a swim?” Kane asked.

“Oh, no, that water is like ice. I can feel it in the breeze
coming off the lake.” Alana shook her head. The aroma of the tea teased her. She
lifted the mug and took another small sip.

“We might be able to warm it up.” He draped his arm around
her and tugged her closer.

She nestled close to his side and looked up at him. It wasn’t
like a wizard to talk about wasting the energy on useless magic when there
might be danger. When she caught the wide grin on his face and the glint of
hunger in his eyes, she realized magic was the furthest thing from his mind.

“Even as hot as we get, it wouldn’t make a dent on that
cold.” She put a finger on his chest. “I might want to lick you two all over,
but I don’t want a wizard popsicle.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” His arm tightened, pulling
her to him in a hug.

“I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually. There are a few
things I want to try with you and Michael,” she said then stiffened a little when
she realized what had tumbled out of her mouth.

Alana had been thinking of a future with them almost from
the moment she’d realized they were in the Council room. Her only problems with
grabbing what was in front of her was the timing and a few doubts. She wanted a
relationship with them badly.

Everything they did drew her closer to them. The tea, for
example. She wouldn’t have blamed him if he’d gotten a cup of coffee for
himself. He hadn’t though. He’d carried out two cups of tea when she knew he
usually drank coffee. Little things such as that made it hard to keep her focus
on the mission. All she wanted was to get closer to them.

“So what’s on your mind if you don’t want to go swimming?”
Kane turned toward her, angling his body toward hers.

“I was trying to focus on the priorities.” Alana shrugged.
Not doing a good job of it, but she had been trying.

“Should I tell you what’s been on my mind? Aside from when
we were actively hunting or talking to the families.” Kane cocked his head to
the side and waited silently.

“What have you been thinking about?” she asked and took
another drink of the tea.

“Aside from the obvious thoughts of getting you on or
against the nearest flat surface, which I’ll admit does take up a lot of
brainpower, I can’t stop thinking about how good it is to have you with us.”
His hand tightened around her waist.

She exhaled slowly, feeling a little relief, but also some
trepidation about it. From his words, she guessed he felt the sense of
inevitability too. Was this some type of attraction from one of the connections?
She’d never heard of it, but she couldn’t rule it out.

“It feels right.” Alana licked her lips and cupped her other
hand around her mug. She didn’t look up at him. Confusion mixed with that
certainty and she didn’t like the nervous, off balance sensation it created.
How could she feel so sure they were going to make it work after only a few

“Yes, that’s it exactly.” He nodded. “And you’re not ready
for that?”

“I knew I’d run into you two and I knew something would
happen between us, but this… And we’re in the middle of a hunt for people
kidnapping shifters, a witch and humans. I should be trying to outthink them,
to get ahead of them, but the feelings are powerful. I don’t want to get
someone killed or another person kidnapped because I’m not focused on what I
should be.” She put her hand on his chest. The feelings would be wonderful, but
still strange if she didn’t need to focus her attention elsewhere. Now the
conflict of needing to focus on the case, worry about making a mistake and
constantly wanting to touch them had begun to build into a large ache at her

“We’ll catch them and you know we don’t have enough
information yet. Even if you had no distractions you couldn’t find any answers.
You have us and we’re not alone in this hunt. There’s the police force here and
down in Corona City to back us up.” Kane lowered his head and dropped a kiss on
her lips.

He was right. They didn’t have enough information to key in
on any solid lead on the kidnappings. They had a possible motive for some of
them and nothing on the other. She simply hated being behind when someone else’s
life was on the line.

“I guess I’m simply feeling the pressure more now. I know
some of these people.” Alana blew out a long breath and tried to relax. “Thank

“You’re welcome, baby. Why don’t you come on inside? You should
relax and rest a little for our picnic later.” He glanced back toward the deck
and the house.

She laughed. “Are you sure you don’t need to rest for our
picnic? I might be really hungry.”

“We’ll make sure you get everything you want.” He began
guiding her back across the open lawn.

* * * * *

Alana curled up on the gray couch and watched a comedy.
Alone. This wasn’t how she’d envisioned spending tonight after what Kane and
Michael had said this afternoon. They had planned to be here, but they’d been
called in by the Council. Maybe for some kind of status report, but maybe not.

She’d expected to go with them, but Michael and Kane had
said they’d been told only they were required. That was a little strange. She’d
been tempted to go along and maybe do a little shopping, but had remained at
their house when they assured her it wouldn’t take long. They were bringing
food back with them and promised they could get right to the indoor picnic.

She rested her head on the plush arm rest of the couch, but
couldn’t quite get into the movie. The situation felt wrong, but she didn’t
think it was anything about Michael and Kane. She tried to clear the thoughts
from her head. Maybe she was paranoid after being on so many missions. Or maybe
it was because she knew eventually someone would come after her. It could also
be the uncertainty about the entire situation. They knew nothing important
about the witch and the other people behind the kidnappings.

The sound of the door opening caught her attention. A soft
click-click reached her ears, but it wasn’t the sound of Michael’s hard-soled
shoes or Kane’s sneakers. She rose to her feet and turned. Her hand dropped to
her belt where she usually wore her weapon. It encountered not the holster, but
simple fabric. Fuck. She’d taken it off and secured her weapon earlier.

Even as she kept her attention on the door for sign of the
intruder, she searched for a weapon. The only thing she saw that might work was
a poker on a rack of other fire tools near the fireplace. She grabbed it and
eased to the side trying to see who might be coming through the foyer.

When a black-haired woman stepped into view, Alana sighed
and rolled her eyes. The woman’s face was enough like her brothers’ that Alana
recognized her. She put the poker back and waited, leaning against the back of
the couch.

Michael had mentioned wizards and witches tended to get
their ways. It was generally true, which wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Some
of them became big, spoiled brats with god complexes. Alana suspected Gina was
one of those brats.

Whatever Gina planned, Alana knew one thing for certain. The
witch wouldn’t use magic here or even physically attack her. No, the only thing
she had to use at this point was words, fear and intimidation. If Gina did manage
to hurt her, the police woud be able to identify her by the trace of her magic
or her scent.

Gina came into the room and stopped near one end of the
couch. The witch scowled at Alana. Wearing a black jacket over a light-blue top
with black slacks and high heels, which matched the color of her top, Gina didn’t
resemble the wicked witch that Alana suspected she was.

“I see you’ve wormed your way into their home.” Gina tapped
her foot. “How long do you think they’ll keep you around this time?”

“You know Gina, you can save the ‘they don’t really want you’
and the ‘they’re doing what is expected of them’ tactics. What’s between
Michael, Kane and me isn’t going away because you want it to.” Alana
straightened. Did Gina think the same tactics were going to work this time?
Alana learned from her mistakes.

“You left before. You’ll leave again.” Gina’s eyes narrowed.

Alana heard the unspoken “one way or another”. The silent
threat brought her hackles up, but Alana held onto her temper and the urge of
her leopard to claw the woman’s face. If she was right, the woman had managed
to manipulate her before. She wasn’t going to let it happen again. If she’d
known then what was happening, a steam roller wouldn’t have budged her. She’d
have stuck around just out of spite. She hated being pushed and manipulated.
Always had.

“I’m not the young girl I was then. I know what I want and
so do your brothers. Let it go now.” Alana kept her voice calm and smooth. Gina
obviously wasn’t thinking things through. Maybe she didn’t know about the Council’s
latest moves concerning their triad.

“They don’t need some feline whore to ruin their lives. They’re
wizards and that demands more than you can ever give them.” Gina sneered. “You
will leave. Get off the mountain tonight and don’t come back.”

Alana ignored the order. “Was there actually a Council
meeting tonight or did you just lose one of your friends her job?”

Gina waved her hand as if the question didn’t matter. Maybe
it didn’t to her. Alana had a feeling the woman was so focused, she couldn’t
see beyond her goal. Other than getting her away from Michael and Kane, Alana
had no idea what that was though. It made no sense. Gina had been raised among
witches, wizards and Familiars. This wasn’t new to her.

“Leave the mountain, Alana.” Gina took a deep breath and
balled her fist.

“Or what? You’re going to use your magic on me now? We both
know better. If I walked out tonight, you’d probably run me off the road. Go
find a therapist. You keep messing with me and your issues aren’t only going to
be mental.” Alana straightened and held the other woman’s gaze. She wouldn’t be
threatened by this woman even if Gina was Michael and Kane’s sister.

“You won’t mate with them. I’ll make sure of it. They will
get the witch they deserve. Not an animal who wants to change them.” Gina took
an aggressive step forward.

“Did a shifter try to claim you or did one refuse your
prejudiced ass?” Alana raised an eyebrow. It probably wasn’t that simple since
this dated back years, but it sounded as if Gina had something against shifters
in general and her specifically. The woman’s attitude irritated her and the
words were like fuel on a fire, daring her to claim Michael and Kane.

“You have two days.” Gina spun on her heel and started to
walk out of the room.

“Threats won’t work and I’m not going. I could claim them
tonight. They both want it.” Alana took a gliding step forward and smiled. She
loved the idea of claiming them, but she wasn’t letting this woman’s taunts
influence what happened between them.

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