Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle (46 page)

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Bernie thanked the man and then crossed the road, almost immediately seeing Pearl. She was running back along Falcon Road, her face set in panic.

‘I can't find her, Bernie!'

‘It's all right, love, calm down. She can't have gone far and I've called the police. They'll find her.'

Pearl began to cry then, tears flooding down her cheeks. ‘But what if they don't? Oh, Johnny … Johnny.'

Bernie ineffectually patted her back, his voice coaxing. ‘Don't cry, love. I've given the police a good description and, let's face it, Dolly ain't easy to miss. Now come on, let's get back to the café.
The old bill will be arriving soon to take a statement, and that woman is still waiting to talk to you.'

‘I've put the word about, Bernie, but so far nobody's seen your missus,' the stallholder said when he saw them.

‘But someone must have seen her leaving!' Pearl cried.

‘No, sorry, love.'

Pearl pushed the heels of her hands into her eyes and Bernie could see that she was close to collapse.

‘Come on,' he urged, ‘let's get you indoors.'

‘I can't just sit and wait. I have to do something to find Johnny.'

She made to run off, but Bernie held her arm. ‘Wait, Pearl. We have no idea which direction Dolly took and all we'd be doing is running around like headless chickens. Leave it to the police. They'll find her.'

Her huge eyes were wide, her face drained of colour, and suddenly her knees gave way. Holding her up now, Bernie urged her into the café, mentally cursing his wife.

They hadn't been upstairs for long, Pearl verging on hysteria, when the police arrived. She tried to answer their questions, but had to leave most of them to Bernie. When they left she was unable to
sit still, pacing the room, and when Miss Rosen tried to comfort her, she was barely aware of her as she shrugged the woman off, her mind only on her son.

Miss Rosen's expression was sad, but she sat down again, talking to Bernie now. ‘I seem to have come at a bad time, but surely your wife wouldn't run off with the baby?'

‘Huh, you don't know Dolly. When she gets an idea in her head there's no stopping her. I should have realised that.'

Pearl continued to pace, stopping only to look out of the window every now and then. Eventually she saw Bessie, with Nora by her side, heading for the café. ‘Bessie's on her way over,' Pearl told Bernie, glad when he went to let her in.

‘Don't worry, my dear,' Miss Rosen said, standing up and moving to Pearl's side again. ‘I'm sure you'll have your baby back soon.'

Pearl's brow creased, wondering again why Miss Rosen had come to see her, but then Bessie came into the room, the thought forgotten as she flew across the space, throwing herself into the old woman's arms. ‘Oh, Bessie, Dolly's taken Johnny.'

‘I know, love, but don't worry, I'm sure the police will find her.'

‘But it's been over an hour now!'

‘Train,' Nora said.

‘What did you say?' Bessie demanded, unravelling Pearl from her arms.

‘Train,' Nora said again. ‘Dolly get train.'

‘How do you know?'

Nora shrugged. ‘Just do.'

‘Do you know what station she's gone to?'

‘Big one.'

‘Bernie, call the police, tell them what Nora said. I've a feeling she could be right.'

He shook his head. ‘I should think they're already checking the stations.'

‘I'll call them,' Pearl cried as she ran from the room.

‘It'll be a waste of time,' Bernie said. ‘The old bill know that Dolly has done a runner, that she's taken Johnny, and are taking it very seriously. They're on full alert, and are hopefully checking train stations as we speak.'

‘Bernie, I warned you that Dolly was planning something and I've been proved right!' Bessie said.

Bernie ignored her, his face white with strain, and deciding this wasn't the time to rub salt in the wound, Bessie turned to Miss Rosen, saying. ‘Do I know you?'

‘Pearl knows me as Emily Rosen, but I don't think we've met.'

‘Do you live around here?'

‘No, I've travelled down from Winchester.'

‘Winchester. Blimey, you've come a long way.'

Pearl came back into the room again. ‘I told them,' she said, before staring to pace again. Was Nora right? Was Dolly headed for a railway station? Tears filled her eyes again. It would take ages to check them all, and Dolly could be long gone before they got there. She stopped her pacing for a moment to look out of the window, tears running down her cheeks. Arms wrapped around her, and she turned into them, Miss Rosen holding her close.

Derek Lewis had been on his way to the market when he saw Dolly Dolby. She looked furtive, harassed, and as a taxi drew into the kerb, she climbed inside. Derek was puzzled. She and Bernie were supposed to be moving today, but Dolly was going off on her own. No, not on her own – she had Pearl's baby with her.

He saw another taxi and, acting on impulse, Derek hailed it, feeling foolish as he urged the driver to follow the one in front. The man's eyebrows lifted, and he grinned. ‘In all my years as a cabbie, I've been waiting to hear that.'

‘Just do it,' Derek growled.

With a shrug the driver pulled off, Derek leaning forward anxiously, and relieved to see that they hadn't lost the other cab. They crossed the Thames, driving through London, Derek's thoughts racing. He could be making a fool of
himself and should have checked things out with Pearl before chasing after Dolly. Maybe there was a reason for all this, but if so, why was Dolly acting so suspiciously?

They finally turned into Euston station and in his haste to keep track of Dolly, Derek almost threw his fare at the driver, hurrying into the station in time to see her heading for the ticket office. This wasn't right, he was sure of it, and increasing his pace, Derek grabbed her arm.

She jumped like a startled rabbit, her eyes wide. ‘Derek, what are you doing here?'

‘I'm trailing you, Mrs D, and I'd like to know where you're taking Pearl's baby.'

‘Er … well … it's like this,' Dolly said, her eyes now darting from side to side as she obviously fought for words. ‘Pearl has decided to come with us, and … and she stayed behind to supervise the removals. I … I'm going on ahead, and taking Johnny with me. Pearl and Bernie will travel later.'

Derek cocked his head. She was lying, he was sure of it. ‘Do you mind if I ring the café to check this out?'

‘Don't be ridiculous. Now get out of my way. I have a train to catch.'

‘No, Mrs D, until I've had a word with Pearl, you ain't going anywhere.'

‘How dare you? Let go of my arm!'

Her yell startled Johnny and he began to squall,
but still Derek held on. There was a shout, the sound of running footsteps, Derek still refusing to let go as three policemen surrounded them. He had no idea how they had come to Dolly's rescue so quickly, but as he loosened his grip on her arm, she tugged it away. Dolly then turned to run, but one of the constables barred her path.

‘Mrs Dolby?' he asked.

‘No, I'm not Mrs Dolby,' she protested.

‘Yes she is,' Derek said loudly.

Another officer appeared, this one female and, moving to Dolly, she said firmly, ‘Give me the child.'

‘No,' Dolly snapped.

The policewoman endeavoured to pull Johnny from Dolly's arms, but she shrieked, clutching him to her. ‘No! No, leave him alone. He's my baby, my son! You can't take him!'

A tussle ensued, a male officer joining in, and soon they were surrounded by a crowd, all watching the scene with avid interest. ‘Help me,' Dolly yelled, her eyes frantic with appeal. ‘They're trying to take my baby.'

No-one moved forward to help, and at last the male officer was able to pull Johnny, kicking and screaming, from her grasp. Her arms empty, Dolly went mad. She reared like an angry bull, lashing out at the policeman, her fist connecting with his nose. Derek heard his ‘oomph' of pain, but the
man had the presence of mind to turn away, shielding Johnny in his arms before passing him to the policewoman.

‘That's enough, missus!' another officer shouted, trying to pin Dolly's arms.

‘Get off me!' she screamed, her strength amazing as she shook him off.

With the help of his colleagues, the policeman tried again, this time managing to cuff her, yet still she fought, kicking out with her legs.

Derek's legs had felt glued to the spot, but at last he moved. ‘Mrs D! Stop! This isn't doing any good.'

Maybe it was his voice that penetrated Dolly's fury – Derek didn't know, – but suddenly her struggles ceased. Johnny was still screaming, his face red, nose running, but seeing his grandmother, he held out his arms towards her in appeal.

Sobbing, Dolly tried to move forward, but was held tightly, one of the officers calling, ‘Get that kid out of here.'

The policewoman nodded, hurrying away. ‘Kevin! Kevin!' Dolly screamed in anguish, but as they went out of sight, her legs folded and she collapsed.

Why had Dolly said the baby was her son? Why had she called him Kevin? Derek moved forward, appalled to see her suddenly convulsing, foam forming on her lips. She looked mad, rabid. ‘She's having a fit – she needs help.'

The constables were kneeling by her side, but one looked up, ‘Don't worry, sir, she'll be taken care of.' He then rose to his feet, leaving his colleagues to attend to Dolly. ‘We'll need to take a statement from you.'

‘What about the baby?'

‘He'll be returned to his mother.'

Derek nodded. Yes he'd give a statement, but judging by the look of Dolly, they wouldn't get much out of her.

When the telephone rang, Bernie hurried out to the hall to answer it, returning with a wide smile on his face.

‘It's good news, love,' he said, moving to wrap an arm around Pearl's shoulder. ‘They've found Dolly. She was at Euston station, and Derek was with her.'

‘Derek! What was he doing there?'

‘I dunno, love.'

‘And Johnny?'

‘He's been seen by a doctor and he's fine. He's being driven here as we speak. Dolly had some sort of fit, and I've got to go and see her. Oh yes, and the police want to know if you're going to press charges.'

Pearl flew from the room, dashing downstairs and outside to wait for the police car. Her eyes flicked the street anxiously, just wanting it to arrive, to hold Johnny in her arms.

After a few minutes a costermonger came to her side. ‘Have they found him, love?' he asked.

‘Yes,' Pearl said, but her eyes were still on the road.

‘That's good.'

Pearl hardly heard the man as she saw a police car approaching. She dashed forward as it drew into the kerb, a policewoman climbing out. She was holding Johnny, and Pearl's heart soared. He'd been crying, his eyes red and his nose caked with mucus, but his arms went out when he saw her, a smile now lighting his face. Pearl took him, holding her son closely, her eyes once again filling with tears, but this time of joy.

Johnny lay against her for a moment, but then struggled, pushing back, his eyes now darting curiously around the market and the crowd that had gathered. One of the costermongers stepped forward, patting the boy on the head. ‘I'm glad you've got him back, love.'

Pearl smiled her thanks, but then the policewoman said, ‘We'll need to talk to you.'

As they went inside, Pearl asked, ‘Please, can you tell me how Derek Lewis was involved in this?'

‘From what he told us, it appears that he followed your mother-in-law, and it was lucky he did. He was able to hold her up until we got there, preventing her from catching a train.'

‘He did! Oh, I must thank him.'

They stepped into the living room, everyone crowding around Pearl,

‘Mrs Dolby, we need to know if you intend to press charges against your mother-in-law,' the officer said.

‘Please, I've only just got my son back. Can it wait?'

The policewoman looked doubtful for a moment, but with so many people in the room she nodded. ‘All right, we'll come back in an hour.'

As the constable left, the others all made a fuss of Johnny for a while, but as they moved away Pearl saw Miss Rosen hovering in the background. She again wondered what had brought the woman here, but at the moment all she wanted was to hold her son, to keep him close and never let him out of her sight again.

‘Look, I've got to go, love. What they said about Dolly is worrying me and I need to see how she is,' Bernie said.

Pearl's lips tightened, but Bessie broke in and didn't give her a chance to speak. ‘And we'll go back to the shop,' she said. ‘Come on, Pearl, you don't want to stay here. What about you, Miss Rosen, would you like to join us?'

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