Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle (43 page)

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‘Well, I ain't taking them. That place is full of gossiping old biddies and—'

The door opened, cutting Bessie off in mid sentence, and both smiled as Nora came in.

‘Hello,' Pearl said.

‘Hello,' she replied, her eyes puzzled. ‘What you doing here?'

‘I work here now. What about you? Have you found another job?'

‘No,' she said, her eyes flicking to the pram. ‘That your baby?'

‘Yes, and his name is Johnny.'

Nora leaned over the counter, and as she pulled faces at him, he chuckled, dribble running from the corner of his mouth. ‘He likes you, Nora.'

‘What can we do for you, love?' Bessie asked.

‘Want new coat. Mummy gave me this,' she answered, holding out two shillings.

Involuntarily Pearl glanced out of the window. September was drawing to an end, but thankfully it was still mild. They didn't have many winter coats, and with just two shillings Nora's mother must be expecting a miracle. Moving across to the racks, she flicked through them, finding only one that might fit the short, chubby woman. Now that everything was priced, she checked the tag, but it was too expensive. ‘I'm sorry, Nora, but at the moment we've only got one that will fit you and you haven't got enough money. We may get more in later.'

‘Mummy said get coat now.'

Pearl glanced at Bessie but, obviously reading her mind, the woman shook her head.

‘We can't reduce it. I paid good money for that coat and there'd be no profit if we let it go for two bob.'

With an appeal in her eyes Pearl continued to look at Bessie, but to no avail.

‘Now don't look at me like that. We're not a charity and we've got to eat.'

With a sigh, Pearl put the coat back on the rack, but was then struck by an idea. ‘Nora, do you know how to use the machines at the laundry?'

‘Yes. I does our washing.'

‘Bessie, she could take the blankets. Freshly laundered, they're sure to sell and we could let her have the coat for two shillings as payment.'

‘Oh, all right then. Gawd, if I ain't careful I'll end up as soft as you.'

‘I tell Mummy, then come back,' Nora said.

‘What have you got us into now?' Bessie complained as the door closed behind Nora. ‘If those blankets don't shift we'll have wasted money having them laundered, let alone letting Nora have that coat for two bob.'

‘Don't worry, they'll sell,' Pearl assured her, praying she was right as she bent to the pile, selecting those in the best condition. ‘Poor Nora, it's a shame she hasn't found another job. Do you know her mother?'

‘Yes. Lily's a nice woman. She had Nora late, when she was in her forties and must be getting on a bit now. Let me see, I'm sixty-six, so Lily must be coming up to seventy.'

Pearl looked at Bessie in surprise. Somehow she had thought her older, the woman's skin lined and her hair grey. ‘What about Nora's father?'

‘He died a few years ago.' Her eyes took on a
thoughtful look. ‘Lily was often in the market, but I ain't seen her lately.'

‘Perhaps she's ill.'

‘Yeah, that could be it. I'll ask Nora when she comes back.'

Pearl tied the blankets into a bundle, and when Nora returned Bessie was quick to ask the question.

‘I haven't seen your mum for a while, Nora. Is she all right?'

‘Yes,' the woman said, taking the blankets from Pearl's arms.

‘She's not ill?'

‘No,' she said brusquely.

With a sigh Bessie took some money from the till and, shoving it into her pocket, Nora bustled off.

‘Well, that was short and sweet. She ain't one for conversation, that's for sure. If Lily isn't ill, I wonder why I haven't seen her lately.'

Pearl shook her head. ‘I've no idea, but maybe you've been too busy to notice.'

‘I suppose so.' But there was doubt in Bessie's expression.

Pearl was right and, two weeks later, the last of the laundered blankets had sold. There were still loads more unlaundered items, let alone those in the back bedroom so, feeling confident, she suggested that they use Nora again.

‘These quilts would come up a treat, and even if we pay Nora for the hours she spends at the laundry, we'd still make a profit.'

‘I'm not arguing. You've achieved wonders in just a month. It was a good idea to display some of our choice pieces in the window and I've never had so many customers.'

Pearl smiled with satisfaction, glad that she was earning her keep. She glanced at the clock. Bernie would be arriving to pick Johnny up soon and she wondered if there would be any news. He'd said on Monday that a man might buy the café, but wanted to look at the account books first. She looked out of the window, seeking Derek passing the shop, and as their eyes met he lifted his hand to wave. Living in such close proximity, she often saw him out and about, reminded every time of how much she had hurt him. He looked nice, Pearl thought, smart, and thankfully there was no animosity in his manner. She missed his friendship, missed Connie, and as he moved out of sight, she turned away.

When Bernie arrived a few minutes later he held out a bag and her portfolio. ‘We've been sorting out the bedrooms and you left this stuff behind.'

‘Thanks, Bernie.'

‘We've got a buyer for the café, Pearl.'

‘Is it the chap you mentioned on Monday?'

‘Yes, and he's keen to get the purchase through as soon as possible. We could be moving out in less than a month.'

‘Have you found a place in Dorset?'

‘No, and to tell you the truth we haven't been looking. Dolly thinks we shouldn't rush into anything so we're going to rent a little house for a while. It'll give us a chance to find the sort of premises we're looking for, and who knows, we might just find an established business.'

Pearl wheeled the pram from behind the counter. ‘Johnny's had his bottle and he's taking solids too. He scoffed a bit of rusk mashed down with milk, and then went to sleep.'

Bernie smiled fondly. ‘He likes his kip, that's for sure. I'll fetch him back in a couple of hours as usual.'

He called a goodbye and as soon as the door closed behind him, Bessie nodded at the portfolio. ‘What's that?'

‘I went to art classes for a while and they're my efforts.'

‘Can I have a look?'

At Pearl's nod, Bessie began to flick through them. ‘Blimey, girl, these are really good. If you stick them in the window you could make a few bob. They'd look even better in frames and if you have a rummage round, I think you'll find some.'

‘I miss art classes, and one day I hope to get
back to them. I'm not good enough yet and I can't see anyone wanting to buy these.'

‘Don't be daft. I reckon the ones of the market will fly out.'

‘I could give it a try, but I won't be able to sell the portraits.'

‘Why not?'

‘Can you imagine what they'd say? Take Dolly, for instance. I don't think she'd be happy to see her face displayed in the window.'

‘Yeah, I suppose you have a point, but …'

The door opened, Nora poking her head inside. ‘You got job for me?'

Bessie and Pearl exchanged looks, both wide-eyed with surprise.

‘Blimey,' Bessie asked, ‘how did you know that?'

‘Just do,' Nora replied.

‘Pearl, we only just decided to give her some work. Don't you think her turning up on cue it a bit strange?'

‘After living with you for a month, I don't find anything strange.'

‘You cheeky moo.' But Bessie's eyes narrowed as she looked at Nora. ‘Maybe she's a bit psychic.'

‘Goodness, I hope not. I don't think I could cope with two of you.' Pearl then bundled up some quilts. ‘Here you are, Nora, you can take these to the washing baths, but I hope they aren't too heavy for you.'

‘Hang on, I think I've got an old pushchair in the yard,' Bessie said, heading for the back door.

‘She nice,' Nora said.

‘Yes, she is,' Pearl agreed. She was happy – happier than she'd been in a long time – and it was all thanks to Bessie.

Bernie carefully lifted Johnny from his pram and, though he stirred a little, he didn't wake. As he walked into the living room, Dolly indicated the sofa, and as he laid the child down, she looked at her grandson fondly.

‘Bernie, we need to talk. There's a lot to sort out before we move.'

‘I know that, love. You've got so much stuff piled in cupboards that we'll probably need two removals vans.'

‘No, it's not that. We need to talk about Johnny. He shouldn't be stuck in that bloody dump of a shop. If he came with us we could offer him a decent home and he'd want for nothing.'

‘Now then, we've been over this before and you know that Pearl won't come with us.'

‘If Kevin knew what was going on, I reckon he'd agree with me. He'd want the best for Johnny.'

‘Maybe, but Pearl has made up her mind and we can't do anything about it. At least we'll be having the lad for the occasional weekend.'

‘Huh, that's big of Pearl,' Dolly said, her voice
dripping with sarcasm. ‘I've been thinking, Bernie, and I reckon you should go to see Kevin. Tell him what's going on and persuade him that Johnny would be better off with us. He must have some say in his son's upbringing and could sign something to give us guardianship until he comes out of prison.'

‘Dolly, surely you're not suggesting that we take him away from Pearl?'

‘I am, and what's wrong with that?'

‘Christ, I don't believe this. We can't take the child away from his mother!'

‘Yes we can.'

‘Don't be daft. Pearl would never agree to it.'

‘She won't be able to do anything about it.'

‘You're living in cloud-cuckoo-land. Kevin's in prison, and even if he agreed to this daft idea, it wouldn't be legal.'

‘Sod the law then. We'll just take the boy. We won't go to Dorset. Instead we'll go north and go somewhere that Pearl won't be able to find us.'

‘Bloody hell, Dolly. Now you're talking about kidnapping!'

‘No I'm not. He's Kevin's son, we're his grandparents, and despite what you say, it isn't kidnapping.'

‘I think you've taken leave of your senses and—'

‘No I haven't,' Dolly interrupted. ‘And anyway,
if we change our names nobody will be able to find us.'

‘You're mad, woman!'

Bernie watched her rear up, but stood his ground. ‘Now listen, Dolly, I love the boy as much as you, but I can't agree to this.'

Red-faced with anger, she glared at him, but then Johnny stirred. Dolly heaved in a great gulp of air, fighting to calm down before picking him up. ‘Shush, Gran's here,' she said, rocking him for a minute or two.

At last Dolly looked up at Bernie, her voice quiet now. ‘All right, you win. It was a daft idea, but I'm going to miss him so much.'

‘Me too, love,' he said.

Bernie slumped with relief. For a moment he thought she'd lost her mind. To take the lad with them was an insane idea, one that could have landed them both in prison. Thank God he'd been able to talk her out of it.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

By the time another three weeks had passed, Nora had become almost a fixture in the shop. She turned up every afternoon, and though most of the time they had nothing for the laundry, she stayed until closing time.

At first Bessie had grumbled, but gradually Pearl saw a growing fondness for Nora in the old woman's eyes. Nora was always cheerful, making herself useful, and Pearl often saw Bessie slipping her a couple of bob.

Luckily the business was continuing to do well, and Pearl had been pleasantly surprised when her paintings sold. Now there was only one left. Cocking her head on one side, she looked at it critically. It was a winter scene and perhaps too bleak. The market stalls were also a little out of proportion, but if she reduced the price someone might buy it.

Nora came in, and Bessie smiled a welcome.

‘Hello, love. We haven't got anything for the laundry today.'

‘Mummy cross. She chucked me out.'

‘Lily wouldn't do that.'

‘Kicked me.'

‘What did she do that for?'

Nora shrugged. ‘Dunno.'

Bessie came out from behind the counter. ‘Pearl, there's something fishy about this. I think I'll pop round to see Lily.'

Nora headed for Johnny, distracted by the baby as Bessie left the shop. A happy baby who rarely cried, and growing rapidly, he chuckled when he saw her. Bernie would be here shortly, and then on Saturday, he and Dolly would be leaving.

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