Family in His Heart (18 page)

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Authors: Gail Gaymer Martin

BOOK: Family in His Heart
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“Are you Miss Rogers?”

“I’m Rona Meyers.”

“I’m sorry, but…your brother was killed while attempting to rob a liquor store.”

“No,” she whispered, as tears rolled from her eyes. Don’s life hung before her, sending a deep ache in her heart. Don had destroyed his life with alcohol and drugs. “Did he hurt anyone?”

“No, but we need you or another family member to come here and identify the body.”

She brushed away her tears with trembling hands as she grasped a pencil and paper. “I’ll be there. Could you give me directions?”

When she’d disconnected, Rona stood a moment, letting the sergeant’s message sink in. Then she looked heavenward. Was this the only way?

Clutching her cell phone in her shaking palm, she punched in Nick’s number. She needed Nick. He would go with her. She couldn’t do this alone.

When she heard his voice, peace washed over her.

Rona gazed out the windows at the star-studded sky. The past week had been stressful, but she’d been able to give it to the Lord. He promised to carry her burdens and He had done that.

Nick’s hand touched hers and she lifted her eyes, knowing she’d been quiet too long. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

She nodded, remembering the look on his face when he saw her in the new dress.

“You’re ravishing.”

“You’re pretty handsome yourself.”

He grinned. “Have I told you that I love you?”

“Not in the last ten minutes.”

“Then it’s time I tell you again, but this time with some positive action.”

“Positive action?” Her hand flew to her lacy neckline. “You’re not going to kiss me in public.”

“That sounds like a great idea, but we’ll save the kiss for later.” He lifted his other hand and slid a black velvet box onto the table.

Rona’s heart skipped. “Nick.”

“Open it.”

She lifted it and raised the lid. Inside, the most beautiful diamond she’d ever seen winked at her in the dim lights, its fire of blue and red shooting color like fireworks in her heart. “It’s gorgeous.”

“I’d hoped you’d like it. I bought it downstate and when John was making a trip to Traverse City, I asked him to pick it up for me. I wanted it for tonight.”

“So that’s why you said we had to stop there last week?”

He grinned. “I’m sorry. John and Sherry knew before you did, but they were so excited.”

Rona didn’t care. They’d become good friends. She lifted the ring from the satin and held it in her fingers, the diamond so large she couldn’t believe it was hers. “What about Gary? Does he know?”

“He’s your biggest fan.”

“My fan?”

“He asked me why I took so long. The kid’s wise for sixteen.”

“Nearly seventeen. His birthday’s in a few days.”

“Rona, you’ve made our life so complete. You came into our lives with your energy and amazing smile and straightened us out.”

“I didn’t straighten you out. You did lots of work with God’s help. I watched you and Gary come together and I loved every minute of healing. Both of you came to grips with the problems.”

He squeezed her hand. “But I think you were the catalyst.”

Her heart soared. “I’m glad.”

“Let’s go outside for a minute.”

Rona reached for the box, but Nick took the diamond from her hand, then caught her arm and steered her onto the patio.

Under the summer sky, she turned to face him as he lifted her hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. A perfect fit. Nick lifted her hand and kissed it, then drew her closer and lowered his lips to hers. She tasted his sweetness, the depth of his love flowed from him to her heart and the kiss held promises she could only imagine. A life with the man she loved. A life free from fear. Her mind soared with the new life that awaited them.

Chapter Eighteen

Saturday, September 15

now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Pastor Al’s voice resounded in Nick’s ears. He’d waited so long to hear those words.

Nick caressed Rona’s cheek, gazing at her shining face, a face that had intrigued him from the moment he’d laid eyes on her at the inn. Today her eyes told him everything he needed to know. She loved him with her whole heart. He lowered his mouth to hers, their lips now feeling at home together, a soft touch that deepened for a moment before separating.

They smiled, then turned to face their friends in their family room, the perfect place for the perfect wedding. A cheer went up from those gathered and a rush of guests came toward them, arms open wide to embrace them.

Betsy wiped her eyes and clutched Rona’s bouquet. Gary stood beside them, smiling, and Nick had been so pleased he’d chosen his son to be the best man.

“Toss the bouquet,” someone called.

Rona laughed and took the bouquet from Betsy. She turned and flung it over her head and Nick saw Mandy grasp the flowers above her head. Her date grinned at her and he wondered if it were a serious relationship. Love happens when you least expect it.

Jeanie came up with her parents and gave Nick a hug, then turned to Rona. “I can call you Mrs. Thornton now.”

“You can, Jeanie,” Rona said, as if she’d just realized it. She embraced the girl, and then turned to Gary. “I’m proud to have you as a stepson, Gary.”

“Let’s just say son,” he said, kissing her on the cheek. “You’ve been a great mom to me.”

Tears billowed in Rona’s eyes and Nick slipped his arm around her waist, feeling the silky fabric beneath his fingers, the soft beige gown with lace and beads. When he’d seen her for the first time that day, happiness had filled every pore.

Nick felt blessed with Gary’s amazing change, so blessed that on his last birthday, he’d given Gary a car as a surprise, a car Rona had bugged him about for months.

“Let’s eat,” Nick said, motioning their guests toward the French doors.

Shirley Bailey came forward, a coy grin on her wrinkled face. Nick had finally met her one day in town, and he liked her. She gave him a handshake, then took Rona’s hand in hers. “Didn’t I tell you?”

Rona’s face filled with question. “Tell me what?”

“God knew what He was doing. He had His plan.”

Rona shook her head and gave Nick a grin. “Shirley told me you and I were going to get together the second time I visited her.” She turned to Shirley. “Or was it the first?”

“This old mind can barely remember the time of day, but I did feel it in my heart. You both look so happy together. I’ll keep your family in my prayers.”

Family. Nick loved the sound of that word.

Shirley moved away and, one by one, others wished them happiness, then headed outside until Rona and Nick stood alone for a moment.

He drew her to him. “I can’t say it enough. You fill me with such joy.”

“I love you,” she whispered, her voice catching with emotion. She brushed tears from her eyes. “Now I suppose you expect me to move into the house.”

He laughed at her unexpected silliness. “I suppose, but if you don’t want to—”

She pressed her finger to his lips. “Nothing could keep me away.”

“That’s what I want to hear,” he said, when she lowered her hand. He drew her closer. “Before we go out to our guests, I want to tell you what a blessing you are. You’ve given me so much, especially the family that’s been in my heart.”

“And the family I never had.”

He wove his fingers through hers and they stepped outside into a new day and a new life together.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-1176-0


Copyright © 2008 by Gail Gaymer Martin

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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