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Authors: Kasey Millstead

Family Secrets (13 page)

BOOK: Family Secrets
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“Let’s get you set up in a room then,” she says, leading the way.

After giving me an internal examination, Marissa declares I am already six centimeters dilated.  She leaves the room, and Brock helps me out of bed.  He runs me a bath and I soak in the steaming water until my fingers start to prune, then I climb out and change into a hospital gown before I begin pacing around the room.  The contractions get stronger and stronger with each minute that passes.  They become so bad, I am crippling over, clutching my stomach with every one.  I do my best to breathe through them, but it is getting harder to manage.

I feel my baby shift down and I know I am getting closer to delivery, so I climb on the bed and Brock presses the buzzer.  Marissa and another nurse come in and immediately give me another examination.  I’m fully dilated. 

This time when I give birth, it is exactly how I imagined it when I was a little girl.  Brock is clutching my hand, encouraging me, whispering words of love, mopping my forehead with a wet washcloth and inserting chips of ice into my mouth.

“You’re doing such a great job, sweetheart,” he tells me.

I squeeze his hand, placing all my concentration into it, channeling the pain.  With one more massive push, my baby slides into the world, giving a hearty scream. 

“It’s a boy,” Brock sobs as he is placed on my chest.

A little boy.

“A baby boy,” I cry, happy tears streaming down my face.

When Marissa takes the baby to be checked over and weighed, Brock leans down and kisses me.

“You did amazing, Cassi.  You were wonderful.”

“Thank you.”

“No.  Thank you.  You’ve given me two beautiful children, and I’m so proud to call you mine.”  His sweet words bring on more tears.  Happiness consumes me.

Our brand new baby is handed to Brock, all wrapped up in a hospital-issued blanket.  Brock tenderly kisses his sweet little face and looks to me.

“What do you think of the name Edison?” he asks

“I love that.” I smile.

“I love you,” he rasps.

“I love you, Brock.”



The End.















BOOK: Family Secrets
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