Fantasy (14 page)

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Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Erotica, #African American

BOOK: Fantasy
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Part Four

Two weeks passed by, and Sharice had been avoiding Maliq like he was the plague. Whenever Mason had practice she would let him drive the car just so she wouldn’t run into Maliq. Mason found this odd, but he didn’t care as long he had the car a couple of times a week. Maliq called every day but Sharice never would answer.

He couldn’t figure out what the problem was. They had had mind-blowing, kinky, animalistic sex and still he couldn’t get her to change her mind about him.

Rubbing her thighs she tried to ease some of the pain that Maliq had caused weeks before. She hadn’t been sore like that since high school. Hearing her cell phone ring ,she picked it up.

showed on the screen; it was Maliq. She didn’t know what to do. A part of her wanted desperately to give him a chance. But logical thinking always kicked in, and then she would dismiss the whole idea. Letting the phone ring until her voicemail kicked in, she waited a minute before checking it. Putting her code in Sharice listened as Maliq poured his heart out over the phone.

Yo’, Ma, I miss you. I don’t know why you won’t answer or return my calls. I wish you would just give me a chance, Sharice. All I want to do is make you happy. If you don’t want that, then I’ll understand. But I can’t keep on going back and forth wit you. For me to be the younger one, it seems to me like you’re the one playing games. This is my last time calling you, so you can quit avoiding me cause it ain’t even like that no more.

Sitting Indian style on the floor, she listened to the message five more times. Maliq was right, she was the one playing games. Looking at her calendar on the wall, she saw that Mason had practice the following day. Tomorrow she would leave all of her insecurities and doubts at the door and give her heart to Maliq.

Pulling up to the field, Sharice inhaled deeply and got out. It was kind of windy and chilly out that afternoon, so she wrapped her arms snugly under her breasts to shield herself from the wind. Finding Maliq standing alone, deep in thought, her heart began to flutter. Tapping him on the shoulder she waited to get his attention. Giving him a half smile, Sharice waited to see his reaction to seeing her again.

“What’s up?” he asked with attitude.
“I got your message last night,” she spoke softly.
“So, you have been avoiding me?”
“No.” Giving her a look that said you’re lying, she told the

truth. “I mean, yes.”
“I don’t see what for. I told you I’m done. I ain’t got time for
all the games.”
“That’s just it; I’m not playing games. I’m just afraid, Maliq.” “Afraid of what? I told you that I wasn’t gonna hurt you.” “I know that. It’s just that I’ve been through a lot, and I’m not
trying to get hurt again.”
“I understand that, Sharice. I’m not like none of them other
niggaz you done fucked wit.”
Smiling, she laughed at the way he talked. Loving to see her
smile, Maliq wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.
Hugging him, Sharice knew that with him is where she wanted
to be. Pulling her behind the outdoors restroom, Maliq
passionately kissed her.
“I want to taste you right now,” Maliq moaned.
“I want you to, too, but we can’t,” Sharice grinned. Flicking his finger across her hard nipples, he made her
“Come on, just a little taste.” Not giving her enough time to
answer, Maliq pushed her thong to the side and lightly licked her
“Ooh, Baby, don’t make me cum,” Sharice moaned again. “Come by and see me tonight,” Maliq smiled, easing his way
back up, now licking her neck.
“Okay,” she whispered, barely able to breath.
Just as Maliq was about to lift up Sharice’s skirt again, Mason
appeared, startling them both.
“What the fuck you doing rubbing on my momma, nigga?”
Mason yelled.
“Mason, watch your damn mouth!” Sharice yelled back. “Nah, fuck that! What the fuck you doing wit this nigga, Ma?
This is my coach!”
“I know, Baby, but Maliq and I care for each other.” “Yeah, man, me and your mom really like each other. I care
for her a lot and would never do anything to hurt her,” Maliq
“Man, fuck what you talkin’ about!” Mason said, getting up
in Maliq’s face.
“Don’t even try it!” Sharice shouted.
“Yo’ Mason, what’s the deal? We can hear y’all all the way
on the field,” a teammate said.
“Fuck this, man, I’m out of here,” Mason said, pushing past
“I am so sorry Maliq,” Sharice apologized.
“It’s cool. He’s just shocked. He’ll be a’ight.” He smiled,
trying to reassure her.
“I hope so,” Sharice said, still worried.
Four hours later Mason still was still M.I.A., and Sharice
paced the floor awaiting his return.
“What’s wrong, Ma?” Mya asked.
“Nothing. I just need to talk to your brother, that’s all.” “He’s probably over Candice’s freaky butt house.” Mya
laughed. Laughing too for a second, she stopped once she heard
Mason walking through the door.
“Where have you been? Mommy’s been worried,” Mya
yelled at Mason.
“Shut up talking to me, lil’ girl,” Mason yelled back, not in
the mood.
“I don’t appreciate how you acted earlier, Mason. I raised
you better than that,” Sharice said.
“And I don’t appreciate seeing my thirty-seven-year-old
mother kissing my twenty-something-year-old coach,” Mason
“Momma, you was kissing Coach Rainey?” Mya questioned. “Yes, I was! I think the two of you forget that I am grown!
There is more to my life than taking care of the two of you!” “You go, Momma. Coach Rainey is
All the girls like
him,” Mya said.
“Thank you, Mya,” Sharice smiled.
“She young; she don’t know no better. How you think that’s
gon’ make me look when everybody finds out that my momma
is dating somebody half her age!” Mason continued to shout. “It’s not about you, Mason! This is about my happiness!
Your father gets to do whatever he wants to do and I don’t hear
you two complaining about that! Finally, for the first time in
years, I have found some kind of joy and you want to ruin it with
your selfishness!”
“Of all the niggaz in the world, why it gotta be Coach
Rainey!” Mason asked.
“Call him another nigga if you want to! Now I’m sick of this!
You get to have football and Candice’s ol’ trifling ass. Your
father gets to have money, the house, cars, and Tammy. And
what do I get? A nine-to-five job, a mortgage, car payments,
bills, and a spoiled, selfish son!”
“I don’t want you seeing that nigga, Ma!”
“It’s not up to you, Mason! Who I date is my business, not
yours! I make my own decisions!”
“Just like you made the decision to date Nathan!” he shot
Before she knew it, Sharice had swung and hit Mason in the
face twice. A knot was already beginning to form on his forehead. Holding his head, he looked at his mother and cried. “I’m sorry, Mason, I didn’t mean to do it,” she said ashamed
of her actions.
“It’s cool, gon’ ahead and be wit that nigga! But when he hurt
you, don’t come running to me ’cause I ain’t got nothing for
you,” Mason said as he turned to go upstairs to his room. Crying too, Sharice slumped down on the couch and let the
tears flow.
“It’s okay, Mommy, I’m happy for you,” Mya said while
holding her mother.
“Thank you, Mya.”
“If I was you, I would’ve hit him again.” Mya laughed. “I know you would have, Mya.” Sharice laughed too. Later that night, after hours of contemplation, Sharice made
the call that her heart dreaded making. Slowly dialing the seven
digits, she lifted the phone up to her ear and listed for the rings. “Hello?” Maliq said, half sleep.
“Hi,” Sharice said, clearing her voice.
“Hey, beautiful, how are you?”
“I’m okay, but…”
“But what,” he asked, hearing the hesitation in her voice. “I need to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“Us,” she whispered while tears formed in her eyes. “What about us, Sharice?”
“I’ve been thinking that maybe seeing each other isn’t a good
idea after all.”
“Is this because of what happened today between you and
“Yes and no. I mean, he’s really hurt by this and I have
already hurt him once before. I will not do that to my son again.” “So you’re just going to let your kids run your life?” Maliq
asked, upset.
“Mason is not running my life. I run my life,” she said, not
believing her own words.
“Yeah, a’ight, whatever, Sharice. When you grow up come
holla at me,” Maliq said, hanging up in her ear.
Still holding the phone to her ear, she listened to the dial tone,
shocked and hurt. After a while, she hung up the phone and
curled up into a ball, crying herself to sleep.
The next couple of days seemed to go by like a cloud of
smoke. Sharice went to work, did stuff for the kids, cooked,
cleaned, and cried.
Her heart hadn’t hurt so bad since Lester had left her for
Tammy. Often at night she would toy with the idea of calling
Maliq but would always punk-out. The night they had spent
together replayed over and over again in her mind. Every single
detail of their encounter was remembered accurately. From the
feel of his tongue, to the way he looked in her eyes.
Maliq brought out things in Sharice that she didn’t even know
existed. She prayed for years that she would meet someone who
could satisfy her every sexual desire. She never knew what good
dick felt like until meeting Maliq. Another month was approaching and she had not spoken to Maliq in weeks.
He hadn’t tried calling her, seeing her, or anything. Sharice
figured that he might have moved on. Mason was happier than
ever. He had gotten his way once again. The more she looked at
him the more she resented her decision. The more time passed
by, the more she wanted to live for herself.
On the weekends, when Mya was home, the two would go
shopping and get manicures and pedicures. Mya even gotten her
mother to dress hipper. Even though she enjoyed her time with
her daughter, Sharice’s heart still ached for Maliq.
Sometimes at night she would ride past his house to see if he
was there. She held her breath each time, hoping that another car
wasn’t in the driveway. Her heart couldn’t take it if she found
out that he was seeing another woman so soon. One day while
they were out, Mya gave her mother some advice.
“Momma, I know you miss Coach Rainey.”
“How you figure that,” Sharice questioned back.
“It’s written all over you. I can look in your eyes and tell.” “I do miss him a lot, but I don’t think he misses me as much,”
Sharice explained.
“Momma, just because he ain’t called you don’t mean that he
don’t miss you. You told him to step, didn’t you?”
“Well then. Men don’t take rejection well, Momma. If you
want Coach Rainey back, you are going to have to go out and
get him,” Mya said knowingly.
“But what about your brother?”
“What about him? You got to do you, Ma.”
“Girl, you are too grown for your own good.” Sharice laughed. “I know I am but I’m right. Watching Oprah has taught me a
lot.” Mya grinned.
“What am I gonna do wit you?” Sharice smiled, hugging her
The next day after picking Mason up from practice, Sharice
made her way over to Maliq’s house. When he opened the door,
he was surprised to find Sharice standing there in a tight pink
Baby Phat shirt and jeans.
“I know that I should’ve called first, but I didn’t have my
phone on me,” she lied.
“It’s a’ight,” he said, playing it cool.
“Can I come in?” she asked.
Holding the door open for her, he didn’t answer. Without a
word, Sharice grabbed Maliq’s face and kissed his lips. Missing
her just as much as she missed him, he kissed her back with
intensity. Tearing into each other’s clothes, Maliq quickly inserted
himself deep into her warm pussy.
“Damn, you feel good.”
“You too.”
“Ooh, I missed you,” Maliq moaned.
“I missed you too baby,” she said while kissing his soft lips. “You feel just as good as last time,” he panted, pumping in
and out of her feverishly.
“Ooh Maliq, fuck me!”
“Like that?” Maliq asked giving her the death stroke. “Ooh yes, just like that!”
“I can’t live without you, Ma.”
“I can’t live without you, Pa,” she smiled.
Smiling too, he fucked her even harder. Biting down on her
nipples, he licked and sucked until they burned a deep red. Every
time Maliq stroked he drowned in the wetness of her pussy. “Damn you wet! You must’ve really missed me!” “I missed you so much, Daddy! Ahh! Fuck this pussy,
“I’m getting ready to cum!” Maliq grunted.
“Me too, Baby! I love you!”
“Promise me you’ll give us a chance,” he said.
“I promise,” Sharice yelled as cum dripped down from her
caramel coated walls.

K. Elliott presents Fantasy
Lady Scorpio
Michael T. Owens

She hadn’t had sex since leaving that sorry Negro in February. That was three months ago—ninety whole days without
She didn’t necessarily miss
but she did miss those big hands on her thighs, that magical tongue, the heat of his body on hers, and that long, smooth, chocolaty
. . .
She didn’t want to think about it anymore, didn’t want to get too hot and bothered at work. He wasn’t much of a boyfriend, but the man definitely had a gift and he knew how to use it. The only problem was he used it on anything with legs and a slit. At thirty-three years of age, Debra Clark didn’t have time for that. But it was getting ridiculous. Simply put, she needed to get a piece, something thick and juicy. Her girls said it would relieve stress and free her mind. But they didn’t have to tell her about the therapeutic powers of sex. She was a Scorpio, a lady Scorpio, the most intense, most sexual zodiac sign, she already knew. Before this drought, she had more sex than all of her friends combined. Those were the days. At anytime, she could get a man; men loved a light-skinned woman, especially a busty one; that wasn’t an issue. But she wanted to honor the promise she’d made to herself: no more casual sex. She knew it would be hard. To ease her mind, she convinced herself that sex was overrated, that most men didn’t satisfy her, and that going without sex wasn’t a big deal. Those lies quickly faded. Often she caught herself fantasizing about men she had sexed and men she wanted to sex, kinky things she wanted to try, etc. However, a promise was a promise. No casual sex. She knew it would take all she had to resist Mr. Jameer Lovett. He recently transferred from another Orlando district, and today was his first day. He would be reporting directly to her.

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