Fast and Easy (6 page)

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Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Fast and Easy
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“Fuck me now, Don.” The demand had come out as a raspy whisper. “Now—right here.”

Scorching heat rose up around them, burning away the days of loneliness and doubt Carmen had struggled through. Her man handled her like she weighed nothing, his mouth warm and devastatingly delicious.

“You wear too many fucking clothes.” His soft complaint was muffled by the ripping sound of her blouse being torn off her body. “You didn’t like that blouse anyway, did you?” He teased her, obviously not concerned about the shredded fabric he tossed on the floor.

He displayed real talent for working hooks of bras, freeing her breasts in one swift motion. “I’m glad you know I love that bra.” She squeezed his dick, pulling firmly to make her meaning clear. “You’re wearing shorts. I want you naked.”

He shed the last bit of clothing he wore, and immediately pressed her to the wall. His mouth crushed down on hers, exploring every angle of her mouth, his tongue seeking hers in a deep, hot kiss.

They kissed with such passion, she sizzled from head to toe, her juices wetting her thighs. She held him in a grip she reserved for a badass trying to give her trouble, wanting the moment to never end.

He sucked her nipples until they ached with the need to swell, and his hands pulled her ass closer to his cock. His pre come lubed her belly as they moved slowly against each other.

She bucked her hips to let him know she was more than ready, and climbed his hard body as he lifted her leg up to his waist. They breathed hard, heat building to such intensity flashes of fire swirled around them. He teased her clit with the head of his dick, slowly pushing forward to fill that aching emptiness in her.

He braced her weight against the wall with his arm, holding back for a second before stroking in and out with a slow torturous rhythm.

She encouraged him to move faster by slapping his hard ass. His deep laugh aroused her desire to dangerous levels, and she slapped the rock hard muscles again.

“You too tired to screw tonight, Genonese?” He drove into her then, the pressure riveting against her tailbone. “Oh my God, that’s what I want, damn you. Stop holding back or I’ll finish myself.”

Carmen gave in to every wave of ecstasy, moved with him, grinding her pussy as close to his cock as she could without throwing him to the floor. Her climax roared up and crashed at the point when she thought his dick touched her heart, splintering inside her with sweet, blissful agony.

His final thrust and loud groan ended the firestorm of pleasure. She was too tired to move and let him carry her to the couch.

“Damn, Redstone, we fucked like two minks, and I still want more.” He dropped down to lay on her, pulling her nipple into his mouth.

For a crazy second, she thought about telling him she was too tired, but the orgasmic flicker in her pussy still yearned for more.

He was hard again, and she wouldn’t let that wonderful thing go unrewarded. She closed her fingers around him, squeezing the head and working her hand back and forth. He wet her fingers with the perfect lube before settling in between her legs. His dick found her, and he crushed her lips beneath his, squeezing her breast as he pumped into her.

The second orgasm was better than the first. The third time he came sent her off into space.

“Captain Genonese, you’ve outdone yourself this time.” She wanted to purr, lying in what she considered paradise with the man she most loved to irritate.

He lifted his head and smiled, his hair mussed just the way she liked it. “You never disappoint me, Captain Redstone.” He kissed her, nibbling on her lips. “In fact, you’re way too damn good for me.”

“I pick my partners, Genonese, and don’t forget it.” Had she read something wrong into his comment? It didn’t matter. She couldn’t let him think he had control of their situation. “Will you get off me, or do I roll you?”

“Hey.” He slid off her to the floor. His dark eyes flashed fire. “What the hell’s wrong with you? Sometimes I think the only reason you give me ass is to humiliate me afterwards.”

“Oh, shut up, you big baby.” She stepped over him and stomped off to the bathroom. As she washed up, Carmen thought of a dozen ways to make up with him, but the devil won out.

He lay sprawled on the floor, eyes closed and fucking beautiful with no clothes on. He tried to catch her ankle as she walked by him on her way to the coffee table. She dug into her purse and pulled out her handcuffs. The metal felt cold in her hand, the silver bracelet snapping around his right wrist with no problem. He stared up at her in astonishment.

“What the hell are you doing, Redstone?”

“What’s it look like, Captain?”

She snapped the open cuff to the fancy claw foot leg of the couch.

“That’s not funny, Carmen.” He sat up, reaching for her. “All this because of something you thought I said? Goddamn it!”

“Wrong as usual.”

“Is this one of your payback tricks?”

“No, I do this to all my guys.” She went into the bedroom and pulled on a t-shirt and jeans. Scuffing out to the living room, she picked up her purse. “I’m going to go have something to eat. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Unless I decide to go shopping.”

He glared at her, and her heart thumped with a raw excitement. For the first time, he was in her control, and she liked it.


She went out the door, closing it and making unnecessary noise while pretending to lock it. Her power surge melted after only ten minutes. Maybe she’d better go back and make sure he was okay.

He shot a glare her way when she went back inside the apartment. “You still here?”

“When I get out of these, I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

She sat down in front of him, touching his thigh, tracing the hard muscle up to his crotch. “Say nice things to me, Don.”

He growled. “You’re a bitch, Redstone.”

“I already know that.” She pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it on his face. “Tell me I’m pretty.”

“No. Say it.”

“You’re pretty.”

He eyed her breasts, and just that simple thing made her nipples hard. “Tell me how I make you crazy for sex just looking at me.”

“You make me crazy for sex just thinking about you, Carmen.”

“That sounded very convincing.” She unzipped her jeans. “I’m going to do something to you, Don.” She kicked her jeans off. “Don’t move and you won’t feel a thing.”

“Okay, but don’t bite my dick, baby.” His glare had become a hot lick that urged her on in their sex game.

She wasn’t surprised that he had a hard on, his voice always told her when he was aroused. His flat stomach jerked under her hand and his cock flattened to his belly in an amazing stretch.

Fitting her mouth over the head, she ran her tongue around the smooth tip, exploring his length. He was in her mouth, hard and veined as she took him in as far as she could. She sucked, and he groaned, his free hand in her hair. He didn’t pull her head closer, just gritted his teeth and moaned.

She licked his length and scraped her teeth up to his balls, mouthing them on her way back down. He was pulsing, his grip in her hair urging her to bring him to climax.

She leaned forward and took him deep in her throat, pulling the head of his dick with hard, steady suction. She didn’t back off when he came, his hips lifting to get closer to her. She could be addicted to the salty, perfumed taste of him, the sound of his voice saying she took him to heaven. He fell back on the floor and groaned with resignation. She tingled with the knowledge she’d whipped him into submission.

He didn’t move while she opened the cuffs, just caught her around the waist to pull her down on top of him.

“You make me crazy for sex just thinking about you, Carmen.”

“I’ll use the cuffs more often.”

While he dozed, she began to regret her crazy trick. The truth was she’d always wanted him to say those things to her. And she’d had to force the words out of him. Her free spirit tumbled to the ground.

Will you ever learn, Carmen?

Chapter Seven

Carmen listened to the little noises Don made while he got ready to leave the next morning. He was trying to be quiet, but his efforts were unsuccessful.

He sat on the edge of the bed to put on his shoes and leaned over to kiss her. “See you later, Sleeping Beauty.”

She sighed, aching to pull him back into bed with her.

Why start something she would regret later? What in the hell would they say to each other? See you after work honey? What do you want for dinner?

That kind of conversation was reserved for normal people, not a loosely connected pair like them.

She sat up and tried to work the tangles from her hair. Lord, she looked a mess, from her whisker-burned chin to her aching thighs. What had made her think she had become a gymnast?

Grabbing Don’s pillow, she pressed it to her face, inhaling his clean scent. At least he’d left her that.

She dropped it when her phone rang. The CID on the list irked Carmen.

“Captain Redstone?”

That was her. “Yes. This is Captain Redstone.”

“I’m Ms. Grimly with KCPD personnel.” The rustle of paper followed her monotone words. “You need to come into the office for information about your reassignment.” Again, the crackle of paper preceded the rest of Ms. Grimly’s words. “Also, you are required to fill out new forms for taxation and retirement funds due to your advanced rank.”

Carmen followed the woman’s drift, freshly aware of the possible mess she’d made of her life.

The conversation had been brief and mind numbing.

This day had to come, and her routine world had already turned upside down. This meant a new precinct, new people, and no partner.

She had to be downtown at eleven-thirty, just in time for lunchtime traffic. Why the hell had she wanted to advance in rank?

After a shower Carmen dressed in a navy blue pants suit and white cap-sleeved blouse, then pulled on a pair of black high heeled granny boots. No use going prim at this point. She omitted perfume, not wanting to offend any delicate noses.

Damn, she loved her perfume

She’d been right. Traffic was a bear, and she already ran ten minutes late for the meeting. That should impress the brass. She drove into the underground garage and parked near the entrance. Maybe she wouldn’t catch too much flak if she hurried. Too hot to worry about fashion, she shrugged off her jacket on her way to the bank of elevators and carried it over her arm.

The elevator to the third floor looked like a can of sardines, packed with plainclothes and uniformed officers. They all gave her the once over, the best looking one of the group tried his hand at flirting.

“That’s a fine looking weapon on your hip.”

She didn’t comment, settled for staring at him with deadpan expression.

“Want to go to the firing range?” He leaned closer to murmur. “I can make a gun do things you never thought they could do.”

She couldn’t hold her tongue. The jerk pissed her off. “The name’s Captain Redstone.” She elbowed his ribs. “I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.”

Thank God the elevator stopped, and the doors opened. She got out and hurried to room 301. Her luck held. Several more officers walked in behind her. The receptionist smiled and checked their names off a list she had on a legal pad.

“Go right in.” She sipped her coffee. “You’re the last ones.”

Oh shit. That meant the wheels were waiting and that meant an ass chewing. She stiffened her spine and walked in with the others.

The faces were a blur, all except that of Chief Drummond. He looked around at the group and sat at the head of the table. She slid into the nearest chair and waited for thunder to roll. To her relief, he started taking without the expected reprimand about being on time.

Carmen relaxed and glanced around the big table. She didn’t know any of them on a friendly basis, and of course the wiseass from the elevator had come in behind her. She looked away when he winked at her. Just what she needed at a time like this.

She tried to concentrate on the Chief’s words as he greeted all the new officers and froze when he said her name. He told the group about her outstanding record and something about her being a credit to the department. Her reply came out well in spite of her nervous tension.

“Thank you, sir.” Had he complimented her, or called her a drooling idiot? She couldn’t remember. The next name he mentioned changed everything.

“Don Genonese.” Had there been a hint of humor in the Chief’s voice as he gave a short synopsis of Don’s career? Damn, she didn’t know he’d been decorated three times for bravery in the line of duty.

She dared a quick glance at the group of officers standing at the back of the room.

Her heart flipped when Don nodded and winked at her. He was a lot of things, but he would never be a conformist.

God, he was the reason her heart banged against her ribs and made her feel giddy as hell. She looked away to find the flirt from the elevator gazing at her.

The rule of fraternization being discouraged fast forwarded through her brain. He was probably with IA.

Her attention jerked back to serious things coming fast and furious. Sign the damn promotion papers and see where she would be assigned.

Her hand faltered for a half second, holding the pen up while she took in all the changes coming in her life.

Captain Redstone is being sent to east patrol, will assume responsibility for forty men, and take over the evening shift. Well, hell. This was what she’d broke her back for, and wasn’t she ready to be given more responsibility?

She unconsciously bit her lower lip and scrawled her signature on the form.

The secretary gathered up the forms and told the group to help themselves to the coffee and sweet rolls. Not interested in the mini-breakfast, she gathered her things to leave.

Her cell phone chimed in her purse, and Carmen hurried to silence the soft ring. She worried her mother might need her. She turned her back to the group and answered the call. “Redstone here.”

“You’re pretty.”


“And you make me hot just to look at you.”

Her gaze slid to the back of the room. She should have been ticked off, but found Genonese’s grin positively devastating. His voice crooned low, but she heard every word.

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