Fast and Furious (10 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Fast and Furious
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Chapter Fourteen


Allie stood in her office at the shop rapping her fingers against the desk. Beneath her hand was a note to Dray telling him to pack a bag, take Chase’s truck and head to Logan’s condo in Virginia Beach. He would find a new cell phone in the glove box, along with a GPS loaded with Logan’s address, as well as money since it was likely accessing his own accounts would be too dangerous. They had already discussed an escape plan in the event something like this happened, although the plan hadn’t been anything quite like this.

Looking down, she fingered the key to Logan’s condo lying on the note, which Logan had given her earlier when she and Chase had returned from breakfast.

Now that she knew Chase was just as attracted to her, she’d wanted some time alone with him. Unfortunately, they’d arrived back just in time to join the others in working on cars. It was business hours after all and with the spies watching them from across the street, they had to at least appear to be business as usual, although inside she felt like vomiting.

In all honesty, she loved working on cars. She would love to be able to keep this business, but she knew once the shit hit the fan, she would have to leave everything behind, including this business.

Dray walked into the office and grabbed a soda from the fridge in the corner.

“Damn, its hot today,” he said as he popped the top of the can.

“Yeah,” Allie replied. “Dray, I need to ask you a favor, and I hate to do it knowing you’ve just gotten back, but it’s important.”

Dray swallowed his drink and turned to frown down at her. His brown eyes held just a hint of question, but she knew Dray would do whatever she asked. She stood and put her back to the window so the eyes watching couldn’t see. She held the piece of paper in front of her chest, where he could read it as she spoke.

“I need you to head to Tampa and pick up the part for that custom job.”

Dray returned his gaze to her face. “The Spider job?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Allie said with a sigh.

She held out the key and gave him a soft, but sad smile. She knew Chase’s truck hadn’t been bugged or had a GPS attached to it yet, but she still worried about him. He took the key and nodded once in understanding.

Allie wadded the paper and tossed it on the floor. She would burn it later. Right now she just needed to hug Dray, to touch him and assure herself he would be okay.

“I don’t know what I would do without you,” she said as she engulfed him in a hug.

“You’ll never have to find out,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her back. “You saved my life, Allie. You gave me a job. You got me off the street. You gave me hope for a better life for myself. I’ll always be there for you, no matter what.”

Allie sniffed back a couple of tears as she tightened her arms around him. If anything happened to him, she would never forgive herself.

“What’s with all this teary shit anyway? I’m just going to Tampa,” Dray said then winked.

“I know,” Allie sighed. “It’s just that time of the month, I guess.”

Dray snickered. “When do you need me to leave?” he asked.

“Now,” she whispered. “Right now.” Then added as silently as possible. “Blaine will run interference if they follow.”

Dray pulled away and cupped her cheeks with his hands. “You keep those boys in line till I get back.”

Allie smiled. “That shouldn’t be too hard. I had them all three in my boat last night.”

Dray’s eyes widened, then he laughed. “Girl,” he drawled. “You’re such a beast.”

“I can’t help it,” she whined. “They’re so damn hot. Just look at them.”

She turned to study the three men as they worked around the bays. Dray chuckled and shook his head. “Next time we hire help, I get to hire women. Good lookin’, big-assed women.”

Allie giggled and smiled at him over her shoulder. “Done. Be careful going to Tampa,” she added softly. “I hear traffic is bad crossing the Everglades.”

Dray grinned then turned to leave the shop. Allie watched him exit the back entrance then turned her attention back to the shop. She caught Chase’s look of concern, and she smiled softly, letting him know everything was fine for now. Her gaze shifted to Logan’s who also watched her from the middle bay. From the corner of her eye, she saw Blaine leave the shop and knew he was preparing to run interference for Dray if needed.

One part of the plan down. Now all they had to do was wait for that call letting her know another drug run was on.

* * * *


The more Allie stared at Chase and Logan, the hotter she became. Both men had removed their shirts, showcasing wide, sweaty, muscular shoulders and washboard abs Allie just knew she could bounce quarters off. Considering what they were, it didn’t surprise her how in shape they all were. They couldn’t be anything but in shape. For Seals it was a requirement.

With a sigh, she lifted her hair off her neck and let the breeze from the fan blow across her skin. She should’ve put her hair up. It would’ve been so much cooler. She struggled with the heat all afternoon, until finally closing time hit and they shut the doors, continuing to work on what cars remained. They turned on the air-conditioner, but it had been so hot, it was taking it a while to cool things off.

She was amazed at just how much work the three men had accomplished since they’d arrived. She was about all caught up. Not that it really mattered. She was sure there would be a target on her back at the next drug run.

She dropped her hands and sighed loudly. Blaine entered the back door and Allie jumped at the loud sound of it slamming closed. He held up a brown bag and grinned devilishly. “Who wants a beer?”

“Oh, God. Me,” Allie replied.

Blaine handed her a cold bottle, and she smiled her thanks.

Blaine shook his head. “I think that deserves a kiss.”

Allie glanced over at Chase, who just grinned. Did it bother him his friend suggested something like that? Especially after what he’d said at breakfast?

“Don’t look at him,” Blaine growled as he gripped her chin and turned her to face him. “This turns him on.”

Allie’s lips twitched as her eyebrow rose in interest. “Really?”

“Really,” Blaine repeated just before his lips slanted over hers.

His kiss was sweet, gentle, hot. She enjoyed it and parted her lips to allow him to slide his tongue into her mouth. With a moan, she returned his kiss, hoping he’d been right about this turning Chase on.

He pulled back just enough to whisper. “Now that’s what I call a thank you.”

With that, he walked away and tossed both Logan and Chase a bottle of beer. Allie twisted off the cap with shaking fingers. Her gaze sought out Chase’s, and her heart skipped a beat at the desire she could see darkening his eyes. Had Blaine been right? Had that kiss turned him on? It had certainly turned her on.

But hell.
Let’s be honest
. It didn’t take much to turn her on. She was game for sex anywhere, anytime. And right now looked like a perfect time to her.

She lifted the bottle and swallowed down several sips of the cold beer. She sighed as the cool liquid hit her stomach. It was just what she’d needed in this heat. The other thing she needed was staring at her like a hungry wolf—three hungry wolves ready to pounce.

Her skin prickled with awareness and her nipples hardened. She wanted a replay of last night. This time, preferably uninterrupted.

She kept her gaze on Chase as she lifted the bottle to her mouth. She slowly licked her tongue around the tip, enticing Chase before she took a sip of beer. As she lowered the bottle, she grinned wickedly.

“Just what the hell are you up to?” Chase drawled softly.

“We never did get around to that foursome,” she replied.

“No we didn’t,” Chase said. He looked at his friends and winked. “Are you game?”

Logan snorted. “You know you never have to ask me that question.”

Blaine chuckled. “Me either.”

She smiled. “Then follow me.”

Her stomach fluttered with excitement as she walked with the three men to her boat. She’d been with all of them and knew the night ahead would be incredible. Although the thought of doing all three of them at once gave her a second’s pause, the minute Chase’s mouth covered hers in a deep, demanding kiss, all thoughts of trepidation fled.

He’d kissed her before they’d even gotten inside her boat. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he walked her backward through the sliding glass door and into the living area. She heard it slide shut, then the lock click into place.

“I want these clothes off you,” Chase growled against her mouth

Every inch of her skin tingled with delight at the sound of his deep voice. God, she loved how his voice sounded when he was aroused.

Logan moved in behind her and slid his hands inside her shirt. Slowly, deliberately, he moved his hands upward to cup her breasts. Allie sighed as his fingers began to gently message and squeeze her aching mounds while Chase lowered the zipper of her jeans. Logan dipped his head and placed soft nibbling kisses along the side of her neck. Vaguely, she wondered where Blaine was, but was too caught up in her growing desire to ask.

“I have the lube,” Blaine said just before she heard the sound of it hitting the coffee table.

Chase pushed his hand inside her jeans and cupped her wet pussy. His fingers smoothed through the juices that already coated her labia and her hips jerked in reflex.

“Let’s take this to the bed. She’ll be more comfortable there,” Chase murmured.

Allie didn’t want him to remove his hand. She wanted him to keep stroking her. She wanted Logan to keep kissing her neck and squeezing her breasts. She had to remind herself they had all night for this. They had hours ahead of them to play.

Chase removed his hand, and Allie moaned in protest.

“Don’t worry, gorgeous,” Logan whispered. “You’ll get what you want soon enough.”

Allie grinned at Chase as Logan loosened his hold, allowing her to take Chase’s hand and follow him into the bedroom area. Blaine had already removed his clothes, and she admired his toned physique. Those brown eyes of his looked at her through his lashes, and she thought she’d swoon he looked so hot.

She was so lucky to have three such incredible guys wanting to please her. It was exciting and at the same time so dangerous. It was kinky, that’s what it was. Sex with three guys was probably the kinkiest thing she’d ever done, and she looked forward to it with an exuberance that even surprised her.

Letting go of Chase’s hand, she walked over and feathered her hand over Blaine’s chest. The muscles quivered beneath her touch, and she smiled what she hoped was an enticing smile.

Blaine returned her grin. “I like that.” Taking her hand in his, he moved it down to his cock. “See how much I like that.”

She gripped his length in her fist. “Yeah, I do.”

Blaine bent down and kissed the tip of her nose. “While Logan and Chase undress, why don’t you do the same?”

“You want me to strip for you?” she asked, breathlessly, her body humming with the very thought.

“I hadn’t thought about that, but now that you mention it … yes. I would definitely like to see you strip.”

Allie’s heart skipped a beat at the way Blaine’s eyes lit up with lust when she mentioned stripping. She let her hand fall to his balls, and she gently cupped them. Blaine’s eyes narrowed, and he growled low in his chest as she gave his sack a soft squeeze.

“Get those clothes off before I rip them off,” he whispered.

Allie grinned and removed her hand from between his legs. “You and Chase are so bossy.”

Blaine snickered. “If you think we’re bad, just wait till you see Logan’s bossy side.”

“What are you saying about me over there?” Logan asked.

Allie glanced at him over her shoulder and her heart skipped a couple of beats. He stood naked, his hard, muscular body glistening in the soft moonlight that now filtered through the boat windows.

“He said you’re bossy,” Allie said.

Very slowly, Allie spun to fully face him and unbuttoned her shirt.

“I’m not bossy. I’m the boss. There’s a difference.”

Allie slowly lowered her shirt as she put her back to the three men who now stood by the bed watching her with definite interest. “I thought I was the boss.”

She glanced back over her shoulder, smiling. Reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra and pulled it off her shoulders.

“Not tonight, you’re not,” Logan murmured, but Allie didn’t miss the tone of authority he carried so well.

She kept her hands over her breasts as she turned slightly to look at him in curiosity. “So are you going to boss Chase and Blaine too?”

“Damn straight.”

Her eyebrow rose. “Really?”

“I say who goes where.”

“Shouldn’t it be me that says who goes where?” She spun around to fully face them before once again putting her back to them. “After all, you’re here to pleasure me.”

“Oh you’ll be pleasured all right,” Chase drawled in a deep, sexy timber that sent shivers of desire up her spine.

She had no doubt she’d be pleasured. Just standing here, knowing they watched her slowly strip gave her pleasure. Knowing they enjoyed it gave her even more. She heard movement behind her and she waited, expecting one of them to touch her, but instead music began to fill the room.

Over her shoulder, she caught Chase’s eyes as he adjusted the volume on her CD player. Soft, sexy jazz filled the room, and she smiled, letting her hips sway to the beat. As coordinated as possible, she kicked off her shoes. The carpet felt rough against the bottom of her feet, just like their hands would feel against her skin.

She loved a man’s rough hands, how the calluses scratched at her flesh, igniting her passion, her need for more. Putting her hands at the waistband of her pants, she pushed them slowly over her hips, exposing her tan ass for them to admire.

“Nice,” Chase said in approval as she bent over and pushed her pants the rest of the way down her legs. “No underwear. I like that.”

“I thought you might,” she said as she stood back up, letting her hands slide up her legs as she went.

She slowly stepped from her jeans and kicked them aside. Her back still faced them, but she could see their admiring stare in the reflection of the windows. Taking in a deep, steadying breath, she walked over to her dresser and lit the candles that littered the top. She loved candlelight and the scent that filled the room whenever she burned them was heaven.

Blaine turned off the lamp, letting the flames bathe the bedroom in soft flickering light. One of the other two came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her stomach fluttered as he bent his head and placed a feather-soft kiss against the side of her neck.

“You’re taking entirely too long,” Chase drawled.

Allie smiled slightly as she tried to catch her breath. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous. Or was she excited? Hell, at this point, she wasn’t sure. Chase trailed the back of his fingers down her arm, sending goosebumps over her flesh.

“Are you nervous?” he whispered.

She shook her head.

He wrapped his arms around her tighter and began to sway to the music. “Then come dance with me.”

Her lips twitched as she fought a smile. “Naked?”

“That’s the best way to dance.”

He backed away from her and grasped her elbow. With very little effort, he turned her to face him. His handsome, rakish grin made her heart flutter in her chest as he pulled her with him to the center of the room. In a move that surprised her, he jerked her forward where she landed against his hard stomach. Just as quickly, he turned her and sent her into a dip.

Allie gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck with a squeal. Laughing, Allie glanced toward Blaine and Logan from her slightly upside-down position. While she was looking at them, she didn’t notice Chase dip his head until his mouth covered her nipple, silencing her giggles. Wild heat cursed through her veins with the feel of his lips wrapping around the tip of her breast. When his tongue flicked across the tight bud, she moaned and forced her chest more toward his mouth.

Very slowly, Chase brought her back upright as his lips moved from her breast to her neck. Allie licked her lips, enjoying the feel of his mouth on her skin. Blaine grasped her arm, pulling it from around Chase’s neck. As he tugged her toward him, Blaine placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, then turned her palm over and placed another one on the inside of her wrist.

Allie grinned at the men’s wicked seduction. She liked this. A lot.

Blaine also swayed to the soft jazz as he pulled her into his arms. His hands slid to her ass, giving it a hard squeeze, and shoving her flush against him. His cock pressed into her stomach, and she rotated her hips, moving herself against him. Blaine moaned and covered her mouth with his. Her lips parted, allowing him to thrust his tongue into her mouth, to torment her with the decadent way he kissed.

Every part of her began to burn with the need to feel them inside her. Her breasts ached, her pussy throbbed, her skin itched and tingled, even her ass began to clench and quiver in anticipation.

This was so crazy and at the same time, so exhilarating.

When Logan pulled her from Blaine’s arms, Allie moaned with disappointment that her kiss with Blaine had to end so soon.

“Come here, gorgeous,” Logan growled in his usual deep, sexy voice that made her wet. “I want that mouth now.”

His lips landed on hers in a kiss that nearly made her knees buckle. Wow, Logan could kiss. She slid her arms around his neck and held tight as she tried to move her body closer to his. The heat of his flesh seeped into hers, making her hot. One of the other two moved in behind her and began to kiss her shoulder.

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