Fast and Furious (3 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Fast and Furious
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Chapter Four


Allie stood back slightly from the window separating her office from the bays and watched as the tall brown-haired man lowered the mustang from the wrecker. Both were handsome but he was … well, he was gorgeous. And that would make for a distraction she really didn’t need.

Dray walked into the room and shut the door behind him. “You said three,” she murmured. “Where’s the third?”

“He went to get lunch for everyone.”

She nodded, but said nothing else. Was he as good looking as the other two?

“The half Asian is Blaine. The other you keep ogling is Chase.”

She scowled over her shoulder at him before returning to stare at Chase out the window. Chase. A very cowboy sounding name. “And the third?”


She again nodded. “Easy names to remember. Are they any good with cars?”

“Chase is especially good with engines. Logan and Blaine are good with body work.”

Her lips twisted slightly. It should be the other way around. Chase should be good with body work. Especially work on her body. She could easily see herself being tuned up by that man.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Dray teased.

She turned her back to the window. Dray rested one hip on her desk and smiled at her with his usually easy-going grin that never failed to draw a smile from her as well. “What am I thinking?”

“You can’t screw the help.”

Allie leaned against the window and crossed her arms over her breasts. “He’s your help, not mine. You hired him.”

“He’s on your payroll.”

She rolled her eyes. “You make me sound like some kind of horny manizer.”

“Well, aren’t you?” Dray asked, his lips twitching.

She pursed her lips, pouting. “Not always.”

This time Dray laughed. “Please. Woman, you’re worse than I am. You like to fuck. Admit it.”

“I’ve never denied that.”

“I know you haven’t. That’s why I’m telling you … hands off the help.”

Allie chuckled and looked down at the floor, kicking her toe at some imaginary bug that crawled across the tile. “I should be giving
this speech.”

Dray snorted. “I prefer women, thank you much. Nice full-figured, bubble-butt women. We’re just alike, you and I,” Dray said as he wiggled his finger between the two of them. “I know what was going through that mind of yours when you saw Chase. I know he’s your type. Tall, big dark green eyes, shoulders wide enough to make you feel safe. He’s ex-military. Seals.”

Her eyes widened slightly as she lifted her head and stared at him. “Really?”

Was it possible they knew her dad? Not all enlisted Navy actually met SECNAV in person so just because they were Seals, didn’t mean they had ever met him. Still she wondered.

“All three of them are. They were in Iraq together. Iraq, the Med, Pakistan. They seemed like a good choice to have around, you know?”

She looked away, her heart breaking at the mess she’d gotten them both into. She wanted to tell him she was sorry, but was afraid to get into it here. They hadn’t found any bugs, but they couldn’t be certain. The last thing they needed to do was give themselves away. She didn’t even feel safe in her houseboat tied up in the canal behind the shop. Dray had one as well, tied up next to hers.

He’d been with her at this shop since he was nineteen. He’d become her best friend, her confidant, her business partner. They’d made a fortune redoing cars, outfitting cars for street racing, not to mention all the races they’d won. It’s how she’d gotten into the cartel. They’d approached her on her street credit, her ability with a car. Now she was trapped and didn’t know how to get out.

They were out there now. Watching. Waiting for her to do something stupid. They didn’t trust anyone and now two of the other drivers had turned up dead within the last four months. She hadn’t told Dray. He would freak and insist on running so she wouldn’t be next.

They were dying in the order they were hired. There were two more left before they got to her, and she wasn’t any closer now to finding the man in charge than she had been in the beginning. Everything was done through a third party.

Unfortunately, because she was watched so closely, she hadn’t even been able to get word to her boss. She wasn’t sure even if she were to leave Miami that they wouldn’t find her. She was screwed no matter what she did.

She pushed away from the wall. “I should probably get changed so I can help with some of those cars.”

“Chase will like that,” Dray drawled. “Should I send him to your boat to help?”

“Funny,” she replied as she opened the door.

At the sound of Dray’s chuckle, she turned to leave and almost ran smack into Chase’s wide, hard chest. “What the hell?” she snapped in surprise, shocked he’d snuck up on her like that.

“Sorry,” he replied. His voice was deep and sultry and he had a devilish look in his eye that made her heart race. God, he was gorgeous. “I need the keys.”

She frowned. “I beg your pardon?”

He raised an eyebrow in amusement over green eyes so dark and so pretty she couldn’t stop staring. She’d never seen anyone with eyes that deep green. “The keys to the Mustang so we can pull it into the bay.”

She felt the heat of a blush move over her cheeks, which only made her scowl deepen. She hadn’t blushed in years. What was it about this man that made her feel like a teenager again?

Ah, shit.
“Yeah, I guess you do, don’t ya?”

She sighed and reached into her pocket, pulling them out. She placed them in his hand and his fingers curled briefly over hers, making her arm tingle. She jerked her hand out of his grasp and waved him away. Watching through her lashes as he walked back toward the car, she couldn’t help but admire his tight ass.

“Couldn’t you have hired three men a little less attractive?” she mumbled to Dray as her gaze moved from Chase’s backside to Blaine’s shorter but no less muscular body.

“Like I said, mama,” Dray whispered as he came up behind Allie and slapped her on the ass. She flinched, but didn’t say anything. “Hands off the help.”

“God,” she groaned. “Nothing like asking for the impossible.”

* * * *


Allie stood just inside the bay and stared in stunned silence as she watched the third mechanic, Logan, climb from the Avalanche and walk across the parking lot.

Son of a bitch.

As if tall, dark hair, blue eyes the color of a summer sky and a body that made her insides quiver wasn’t enough, the man had a smile that made her weak in the knees. Chase was still the one who could melt her like butter, but Logan ran a close second with Blaine trailing a very close third.

She tilted her head and smiled slightly. She’d done two men at once, but never three.

“Thinking of a foursome?” Dray asked, his voice dripping with amusement.

She straightened and sent him a chastising look as he passed. “No.”

Dray chuckled. “I’ve been a part of a foursome before,” he said, his voice loud enough to carry over to Chase, who looked at him from under the hood of the car he was working on.

“Foursome’s are fun,” Chase said, his lips twitching. His gaze moved to Allie for a brief second before going back to Dray. “Especially if the girl is enjoying it.”

“Don’t you mean girls?” Allie asked as she walked over to the toolbox and lifted out a socket wrench.

“Nope,” Chase said. “One girl. Three guys.”

A prickling sensation moved over her skin as she imagined herself pinned between their three new-hires. “Are you bi-sexual?” she asked, curious as to how they handled that situation.

Chase smiled just a little and her stomach did a flip. “No. I prefer girls, or women. But I’m also realistic and know when you’re in that type of play there’s bound to be touching. It can’t be helped.”

“I found that out the hard way,” Dray grumbled.

Allie laughed softly. “Dray doesn’t like it when a man touches him, even if it is on accident.”

“Hey,” Dray replied. “It tends to ruin the mood when someone’s touching your junk and you get all excited only to find out it’s one of the guys.”

Chase dropped his head and laughed. The deep sound filled the bay, making Allie’s whole body respond in a way that shocked her. Who would’ve thought a laugh would make her wet?

“It’s a good thing we don’t have any customers in here,” Allie said, smiling as she lifted the hood to the Civic in the middle bay.

“I fixed that one already,” Chase said.

She looked at him in surprise, then at the engine. “Oh.” She looked around for something else to occupy her time before she did something stupid like push him into the backseat of the Mustang he was working on and then jump on top of him. “Well…”

Her gaze moved to Logan’s, who stood at the far side of the bay, watching her with curiosity as he sanded the repair on a dent. She felt that same blush move over her cheeks again and scowled, letting the hood drop with a loud bang.

“Looks like you guys don’t really need me tonight. You’ve got it covered.”

“We’ve been working pretty hard all afternoon. How about we head over to the races? See what’s up and who’s racing?” Dray asked as he wiped his hands on a towel.

Allie looked down at her jeans and tank top. “I need to change.”

“Of course. God forbid the street queen goes out in anything but a mini and stilettos,” Dray teased.

“Hey. I’ll have you know that mini has thrown many a man.”

“Yeah and hooked many a man, too,” he countered.

She turned and walked toward the back door. “Damn straight,” she called, letting her hips sway and hoping Chase was watching.

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Chapter Five


“I’m gonna go to hell,” Chase mumbled as he dragged a hand down his face in a mixture of fascination and frustration.

He was here to protect her, but all he could think about doing was getting her in bed. Her father would kill him if he knew and likely rescind the offer of early retirement. That would probably be after he sent him to some out of the way jungle to rot. He needed to keep his mind on his job, not her body.

Glancing around, he studied his surroundings. They’d come to a massive abandoned parking lot somewhere in Miami. They’d taken so many damn turns, he wasn’t sure they were still in Florida. The sun had set hours ago, leaving the sky black, the air warm and humid. Music blared from the many car radios surrounding them as headlights from the cars lit up the parking lot. There were so many people, so many cars parked close by, Chase was amazed anyone could get around at all.

He’d never seen anything like it. He’d also never seen anyone like Allie. Knockout didn’t even begin to describe how good she looked. Everything about her, at least in Chase’s mind, was perfect. Nice curvy body, slim waist, toned arms and legs. He couldn’t stop staring at those legs, imagining them wrapped around his waist as he laid her back over the hood of the car she stood next to. Her short shorts left next to nothing to the imagination and highlighted those long, tan, firm legs. And her ass. It was so perfectly rounded he wanted to drop to his knees and bite it.

Yep, he was definitely going to hell.

“You’re second in line behind me, especially if you’re thinking the same thing I am,” Logan mumbled as he leaned against the convertible Spider and crossed his arms over his chest.

“That we’ll go to hell if we sleep with her?” Chase asked.

Logan’s lips twitched slightly.

“SECNAV would not only kill us, he’d bring us back to life then kill us again,” Chase grumbled.

“Yeah, but it would be a hell of a way to go.”

“Very funny,” Chase drawled as he turned to glare at Logan.

“I know we need to stay away from her, sex wise anyway, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look.”

“Look hell.” Blaine rose up to sit on the back of the driver’s seat. “That woman is begging for it,” he finally said. “If she keeps looking at us like she does, keeping our hands to ourselves will be impossible.”

Chase turned to give him an annoyed look. “Did you seriously just say she was begging for it?”

“Have you not seen the way she looks at you?” Blaine asked as he rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. He looked up at Chase. “When you’re not paying attention, she looks at you like she could eat you alive.”

“Well,” Chase drawled. “Dray did say she would have me for lunch.”

Logan chuckled. “Lucky you. She could have me for lunch any day.”

“Yeah, me, too,” Blaine murmured.

Chase watched as Allie bent over to look at the dash of the car she stood next to. Her laughter carried over the noise and music as she stood and brushed her hair back over her shoulder.


There had to be over three hundred people here and he’d swear she knew them all. Everyone said hello to her. Guys and girls alike admired her. Some openly flirted. Allie took it all in stride, sometimes flirting back, sometimes returning kisses on the cheek. Occasionally, she would dance a little to the music; her hips moving to the beat and making Chase want to join her or go somewhere private were he could masturbate to the image.

Like he said; he was going to go to hell.

“This was a mistake,” Chase grumbled.

“I don’t know,” Logan replied. “Coming here gives us a little insight as to who she is, how she got mixed up in this. Apparently, her reputation here is what drew them to her. From what I understand, she lived this scene for a couple of years before she finally got a break.”

“You’ve been talking to Dray,” Blaine said with a grin.

Logan nodded. “Oh, yeah.”

Chase sighed. “Coming to the races wasn’t the mistake I was referring to.”

“Yeah, I know.” Logan reached over and patted him on the shoulder. “But we’re here so get used to your hard-on or become close and personal with your hand.”

“My hand hell, how about I just meet up with you in the shower?” Chase asked with sarcasm.

“Wouldn’t be the first time, now would it?” Logan countered, grinning.

“We had a woman between us,” Chase snapped.

Blaine laughed. “Damn you’re a grouch. He’s wound up so tight, his balls are gonna explode. You need to relax and have some patience. That woman will be in your bed before the week’s out. Or you in hers. I have a feeling that girl always wants to have the upper hand, be the one calling the shots.”

“That should be an interesting experience for Chase,” Logan drawled.

Chase snorted. “I’d gladly take her orders … for a while, if it meant I got inside that tight, hot body of hers.”

God, this was so wrong—his strong attraction to his boss’s daughter. He knew better. Or at least he should. He glanced over at Logan and tried to take his mind off Allie and her long legs. “Have you heard anything from SECNAV yet?”

“Not yet. He’s got people on it, though. We’ll probably have an answer tomorrow. He said he’d text as soon as he got something we could use.”

A tall black man jumped onto the hood of his car and spread his arms wide. “I say we race!”

Chase raised an eyebrow and looked around the crowded parking lot. Where the hell did he plan on racing?

“Allie, you in?” he asked from the hood of the car.

Chase looked around quickly for Allie.

“Not tonight. I figure I’ve taken enough of your money for a while.”

The crowd laughed; some moaned in disappointment. She stepped from behind two girls and moved close to the car the man stood on. “I’ll put someone in my place, though.”

Three men came forward. One stared Allie up and down like she was a piece of meat. Chase stiffened, wanting nothing more than to smack that look of lust off his face.

“I’ll race,” the man said. “Who’s this person you want to take your place?”

She smiled and looked over at Chase. “My new mechanic. Chase.”

Blaine coughed and Logan snickered. Chase reached over to slap Logan across the chest with the back of his hand. His heart raced at the idea of getting behind the wheel of Allie’s car. The Talon was quick and equipped with more technical gadgets than he knew what to do with.

“I’ll race,” Chase said. “If I can drive the Talon.”

Allie rolled her eyes slightly, but her smile widened. “Fair enough.”

“Wait a minute,” a young Hispanic guy said as he stepped forward. “I gotta race this guy in your car?”

Allie smiled a smile so adorably sexy Chase couldn’t take his eyes off her as she turned to speak. “It’s not about the car, José. It’s about the driver.”

José snorted. “Not always.”

She shrugged. “If you’re afraid, then don’t race.”

“I am not afraid,” he replied, frowning. “I’ll race.”

“Good.” Allie turned to Chase and held the car keys out, waiting on him to come take them from her hand. “I’m curious as to how my new mechanic handles himself behind the wheel.” She shook the keys as though to entice him to move from his spot.

Chase cocked his head in amusement and stepped toward her, working his way through the thick crowd that had gathered. As he broke through the people surrounding her, he didn’t miss the way her gaze wandered down his body from head to toe. His balls tightened at the look of desire that shone in her brown eyes.

Did his desire show in his own?

He met her gaze head-on as he reached out to grab the keys. She didn’t relinquish her hold right away, and he tugged, actually pulling her a step toward him.

“What do I get if I win?” he asked.

“Half the winnings. There’s always money involved in these races.”

He let his gaze drop to the white, off-the-shoulder blouse she wore. The ruffle of lace rested against her breasts that were pushed up to create a mouthwatering cleavage he wanted to bury his face in.

His eyes moved back to hers. “Maybe money isn’t what I’m after.”

The crowd around them mumbled and awed at his comment, then grew silent, waiting for her answer. Her lips twitched slightly as she stepped closer, still holding on to the keys. “I’m your boss, so doesn’t that make this sexual harassment?”

Chase grinned. “That’s only if

“I think you’re wrong, but I’ll give it to ya. So what is it exactly that you want other than money?”

“If I win, I get a kiss.”

The crowd got loud, clapping and laughing at his proposition. He didn’t know why he’d said it. The thought just popped into his head as he stood close to her, staring at her glistening lips.

Allie glanced around at the people surrounding them, her cheeks slightly flushed, but her stance and look no less confident. If he’d thrown her for a loop, she hid it well.

“I’ll tell you what, handsome. If you win, I’ll give you more than a kiss.” With that, she let go of the keys and started to walk away, but before getting too far, she called over her shoulder. “But you have to win.”

The crowd moved aside, making room for the cars to move toward the abandoned four-lane running through the middle of the warehouse district.

So this is where we’ll race

Chase quickly made his way toward Allie’s Talon parked just a few feet away. Logan and Blaine joined him as he climbed into the car.

“Have you lost your fucking mind?” Logan snarled as Chase shut the door.

The window was rolled down, and Chase smiled up at Logan through the opening. “Over what? The request for a kiss or racing?”

“Both. Get us fired, asshole, and we can’t do our job.”

“She’s not going to fire us,” Chase said as he turned the key to start the ignition.

The sporty V-6 engine roared to life, vibrating the seat beneath him. His blood pounded through his veins in anticipation. He lived for this as a teenager and hadn’t had much chance since entering adulthood to pursue his love of fast cars.

“From your mouth to God’s ears,” Logan mumbled as he straightened and slapped the hood of the car twice with his palm.

Chase revved the engine and pushed forward carefully through the crowd. Some of the men nodded and offered luck. Some offered early condolences, as though they expected him to lose. Women openly smiled and flirted, offering to give him what he wanted if he lost, since Allie only wanted him if he won.

With a grin, he sought Allie and found her by the starting line. She wiggled her fingers, indicating he should pull the car where she stood. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she moved around to the driver’s window and leaned down. She rested her elbows on the window sill, crossing her arms as she stared at him through the opening.

“How about a change of plans?” Chase asked.

She eyed him skeptically. “What kind of change?”

“A kiss for luck instead.”

Allie snorted softly and looked toward the front to make sure the race starter wasn’t in place yet before turning back to him. “You put me on the spot back there, suggesting a kiss in front of everyone. Don’t press your luck.”

Chase smiled slightly as she straightened. “Oh, yeah,” she said as she backed away toward the front of the car. “Screw up my car or her engine, and I’ll have your balls.”

Chase’s smile widened as he imagined just what he’d like her to do with his balls. He pushed in the clutch and revved the engine as a response. Allie shook her head in amused disbelief as she took her place in front of the drivers.

“You all know the rules. Quarter mile down, turn around at the intersection, then the quarter mile back. First one to cross the painted line wins,” she called.

Chase stared down the street, making note of the intersection she referred to.

“Everybody pay up. Money goes to Dray,” she called, and Chase frowned. Allie looked in his direction and replied, “I’ve got yours.”

That must be the money she referred to that they would split. Apparently, drivers had to pay a fee to race, then whoever won got the total amount. Did they bet too? He looked for Dray and spotted him on the other side of the line of four cars. He was taking money and writing something down on a pad. Yep, they bet too.

Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the strip of road in front of him.

“Drivers at the ready,” Allie called as she raised her hands high above her head.

Chase had to concentrate hard to keep the small bit of stomach he could see as her shirt raised above the waistline of her shorts from distracting him. He really needed to win this race. Not just to get the kiss, but to maybe earn a little more of her respect and possibly her trust.

And of course, to get the kiss.

“Go!” Allie yelled and dropped her arms.

Chase hit the gas.


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