FATED (12 page)

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Authors: A.S Roberts

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I came to, beca
use my mobile had just pinged with the sound of an incoming text. Through bleary eyes I tried to read what had been sent, it was from Alex of course, but somehow I knew it was going to be.

One sentence and a song title.

I don’t want to miss a thing – Aerosmith

Listen to this...please. It epitomizes everything I feel, right now.

I fell back on top of my covers and searched out the song on my phone. After listening to it a couple of times I reluctantly sat up and swung my legs over the side of the mattress. My blinds were still open and it had grown dark outside. My room was bathed with just a few lights from the city glow. I had been asleep for an hour and my stomach was growling. Sleepily I made my way out to the living room, still clutching my phone to me.

Bella was curled up under a blanket, fire roaring and watching an old movie on the huge TV that dominated one wall. I recognised the film, but couldn’t think what it was called, and quite frankly had better things on my mind than to analyse it further. Without even looking towards me she lifted up one side of the fleecy blanket, gesticulating for me to enter. I did as I was silently asked and curled up against her side.

‘How are you doing?’ she asked

‘Well I had a chat with Aunty Jean, and here’s the thing, you are so not going to believe it. She and Uncle Robert already knew about Alex.’ I needed to look at her expressions now and untwisted myself from her side.

‘You know, I’m not surprised, I’ve been thinking about it whilst you’ve been in your room and that makes perfect sense. They seemed almost happy for you to come over here. I know that sounds wrong, as they have always been supportive of you and want you to have the life you want. But she almost pushed you onto the plane like she couldn’t wait to be rid of you. No that’s come out wrong, although I think you know what I mean, don’t you?’

‘Yeah I do, funny you should mention it.’

Bella turned off the movie and gave me a hug. ‘So what else did she say?’

‘Well that I need to forgive Alex and forgive myself, and basically to get on with life as life is too short and all that.’

‘I’m inclined to agree with her, gorgeous girl. Now enough about Alex, although I will say one thing and one more thing only. In the space of a few hours you don’t call him Jabby at all anymore, you refer to him as Alex,’ she nodded at me hoping I was catching her drift.

I let out a long sigh, all this constant thinking was wearing me out, but yes she was correct as always. I was only thinking of him as Alex now.

‘Right now I need to eat, and after, I must go and check on the drunkard next door.’

‘I tell you what Bella; let’s make a quick omelette... well I’ll make it,’ I said laughing at her lightly, ‘then we’ll both go next door and check he’s not lying in vomit.’

It felt so cathartic to have a laugh with my bestie, or was it because I had made a decision about giving Alex and I a go?

Once we were in the kitchen, I bent down and started pulling items from the fridge. Tomatoes, ham, cheese, onions, eggs and milk. God I was starving. Bella put the kettle on for a cup of tea and finding my iPhone I started playing the tune Alex had just sent.

‘OK that’s very fitting.’

‘Yeah, isn’t it?... Alex sent it a short while ago.’

‘Told you, Frankie, whatever it is that huge hunk of a man has got, he’s got it bad and it appears to all be for you.’ We looked at each other now and I broke into a smile.

‘I did tell you about him in all my dreams, and what he was like, didn’t I? But I obviously didn’t do him justice.’

I carried on mixing the eggs and milk and adding the ingredients. We moved around the kitchen almost pre-empting each other’s movements. I put Aerosmith on repeat.

‘Frankie, you were so funny when you came out and saw him for the first time. I mean before he turned around and you looked as though you wanted to deck him, just before that you looked as though you were going to eat him alive.’ A laugh left her but before she continued she checked to see my expression.

‘I know, laugh at my expense won’t you.’

The omelette was just what I needed and after finishing every scrap on my plate, I ran my finger through the last little drip of HP sauce that I had brought with me from England, smacking my lips together. I drained the last of my tea, looking up to meet Bella’s gaze.

‘So, gorgeous girl, hot screaming orgasms obviously agree with you?... well they certainly give you an appetite anyway.’

‘Enough, come on let’s go and see the bloke you’re lusting after,’ I raised my hand suddenly to her showing her my palm, ‘talk to the hand, don’t even bother denying it, even I can see the chemistry between you two.

‘It’s just...’

‘No I don’t want to know, unless it’s the truth, and quite honestly I don’t think you are even aware of the truth yet.’

‘OK right... Yes, Nathan and I have a bloody arrangement, happy now?’ she forced out.

‘A bloody arrangement, what the hell is one of those?’

‘Come on even in your virginal mind, you must have heard of fuck buddies?’

‘OK, so let me get this straight, you and sex on crutches, with the just fucked hair, are fuck buddies?... good for you girl... I just hope neither of you get hurt at the end.’ I was standing, leaning on the worktop, hands crossed over my chest, giving her a knowing look.

‘Come on, Frankie... there you go again, over thinking everything and presuming one or both people in a perfectly adult agreement will get hurt. It doesn’t always happen you know?’ she had her hands on her hips, obviously trying to accentuate how strongly she felt.

I just twisted my head at her and offered a wry smile.

We made our way out from the kitchen and towards the front door.

‘How are we going to get in to check Nathan? I don’t think we’ve thought this through very well.’

Bella started waving a key card in front of my face. I had to relinquish, that maybe actually she had.

How long exactly had she had a  key to his apartment?

It was cooler in the hallway. I couldn’t help my eyes drifting to Alex’s door. I fought with myself to concentrate on following Bella, who was walking in front of me, as she opened Nathan’s door. She had obviously been over here quite a bit, as she could even find her way around the space in the semi darkness.

The bitch, we were so going to have to have a more in depth discussion about the fuck buddies understanding she had going on. I understood the concept. But I needed many, many more details.

I made sure to follow close behind Bella as we went as quietly as possible through Nathan’s apartment, stepping behind her as we finally made it to his bedroom. The sound of snoring hit me first and I tried not to laugh out loud. The smell of Jack Daniels hit next, it was obviously leaking out of him, from every available orifice. My eyes slowly adjusted to the dull light in the room.

Stretched out magnificently on his bed was a very naked Nathan. Luckily he was lying on his front, arms tucked under his pillow. Even drunk, he made a breath-taking sight.

‘OK, perhaps you had better take it from here, Bella? Not sure he is going to want me seeing his bits.’

‘I hear you, but how the hell am I going to turn him onto his side, all by myself, Einstein?’

‘Right, but I’ll help from his back side and not the front view.’

We carefully got ourselves into position on the bed. Trying to lift various parts of the famous superbike rider, who was like a lead weight in our arms.  We were laughing out loud, at the mess and tangle of limbs we had all become. The more we struggled with the inert frame of Nathan, the more he fought back.

‘Hey, Bella,’ we heard from a slurring Nathan. ‘You smell sexy, come here.’

‘Just trying to move you, in case you’re sick, Nathan, put your arm around my neck and lift yourself up slightly.’

I stopped touching Nathan and sat back, knees bent, bum on my ankles. It was a comical sight. It was great to relieve the pressure of the day. Nathan had hold of her around the neck and was trying to bring her down for a kiss. Bella on the other hand was keeping herself away, trying to manoeuvre him onto his side. For not the first time I felt like a voyeur. But it was too funny to leave just yet.

‘I’m not as... drunk as... you make out, sassy.’

‘Yeah, OK arsehole just move, so you’re on your side, will you?’

Suddenly I became aware of movement behind me, from the door. A deep voice followed.

‘Not quite sure what’s going on here ladies, but do you need some assistance, while you manhandle my brother?’

I felt myself freeze, and just for a second, time stood still. Alex’s fingertips found their way to the place between my shoulder blades and he ran them ever so slightly down my spine to the top of my bottom making my hips jerk forward in response, yet again.

‘Alex, thank God. I just want him on his side, in case he throws up. But he’s fighting me all the way.’

‘Right cover up his junk for me and I’ll move him. Maybe you would be better outside now, Frankie?’ He said it as a given, obviously not wanting me to see his brother’s junk, as he called it.

I made my way out to his living room and began to fumble around, feeling for some lights. Nervously, and trying to occupy my time now I could see, I begin to study all the black and white photographs Nathan had. I picked up the one which had previously interested me. Now I understood why, it was Nathan, Alex and what looked like their other brother? The sound of Alex’s voice right behind me made me place the photograph down quickly. I spun around feeling like a naughty child for even touching it.

He was a glorious sight, standing to his full height, arms crossed in front of his chest. Sporting an amused, knowing smile. A T-shirt stretched across his broad chest and shoulders. I could make out a tattooed sleeve all over the skin of one of his arms. The same old jeans from earlier which were so worn and thin, I felt I could almost see through them and huge bare feet.

You know what they say about men with big hands and feet? Really, I was going to go there now?

I lifted my gaze to meet his smirk; he was obviously pleased that he had found me checking him out.

‘I was wondering if you would mind putting on some coffee, Nathan has just fucking puked, at the moment he is in the shower being watched by Bella, but I need to get back to him... not quite the night I was hoping for,’ he trailed off and I felt his gaze penetrating me.

‘Yeah sure, no problem.’ I started to move forward, expecting him to move out of my way, but he didn’t and I literally walked into the man mountain. Feeling brave I looked up at him. His scruff was longer now and I allowed myself to run my fingertips over it. Immediately his eyes lit up, with the amber flecks now dancing in them. He smelt so clean and irresistible as his cologne hit all my senses at once and I had to really fight hard, to even think lucidly. My thumb traced its way into the cleft of his chin. His arms closed tightly around me.

‘I promised myself I wouldn’t touch you when I saw you from the doorway, Frankie, and Then. You. Go. And. Walk... straight into my fucking arms,’ he placed his face into my hair, and breathed me in.  ‘And fuck me if you don’t feel fantastic there. I promised you I would give you the time you need even if it kills me... I gotta say... it is fucking killing me,’ he was nodding his head as he spoke.

I continued to explore his striking features with my hand. He closed his eyes slowly and let out a sharp expel of air, from those heart shaped lips.

Suddenly his eyes flew open; he crushed my small frame to his enormous one. I could feel his erection, pressing into my stomach. Then all at once he pushed himself away from me.

‘You’re playing with fire, baby; don’t start something you’re not prepared to see through... to the end.’ The look on his face was almost feral.

He spun around on his heels, and back towards Nathan’s bedroom door, pushing his hands deep into the back pockets of his jeans. Gripping his arse cheeks, the same arse cheeks that I so wanted to grip myself.

‘I have already decided,’ I spoke to him, ‘I don’t need till Monday... I want you... I need to give this, whatever it is, a go.’

Did that really come out of my mouth?

I’d shocked myself. But the look on Alex’s face was priceless as he spun back around so quickly. He vaulted over the couch in front of him in order to get back to me quicker.  Upon reaching me he picked me up.

‘Legs around my waist, now!’ It wasn’t a question it was a demand and bugger me if my body didn’t comply immediately. My arse could feel his impressive erection, probing it. Our mouths mashed together and he kissed me like we had been apart years.

I don’t know, maybe we had?

He held my body up to him, like I weighed nothing. His hands clasped around my back like a vice. Our tongues explored each other’s mouths and lips like we were the very air each other needed to breathe. I had read about kissing till you were breathless before, and it seemed like I was going to find out exactly what that felt like, here and now. I only knew that in this very moment in time I needed to kiss him more than I needed oxygen to breathe.  We eventually broke the kiss and he leaned his forehead to mine.

‘You won’t regret that decision, baby. I promise you.’

He broke the moment by swatting my arse with a hand that had just left my back.

‘Jump down. Frankie and go make some coffee please; we need to sort out my inebriated little brother... And then you’re coming home with me.’ He winked at me and let me slide all the way down his body over his erection. Almost to remind me, just exactly why, I needed to go home with him later.

I didn’t need reminding. Every hair on my body was on end and my skin tingled in all the places he had just touched me. My clit was throbbing and my jeans were soaked.

I watched him as he made his way to Nathan’s door once again; he turned and mouthed at me.


I flew out to the kitchen, just desperate to occupy my hands at the very least. My mind didn’t stand a chance.

It proved to be a very late night/early morning for all of us, when Nathan had finally stopped hurling and we had managed to get him to take some fluids, we could at least start to relax.

Bella said she would stay with him and call if he started throwing up again. It seemed in his haste to drown his guilt over opening the can of worms; he had forgotten that pain medication does not mix well with too much alcohol.

It was 3am by the time we made it back to Alex’s apartment.

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