Fear Me (26 page)

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Authors: B. B. Reid

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Fear Me
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“You know Keiran. He prefers sleeping with the enemy. He’s kinky like that.” They all laughed at Keenan’s crack.
Hardy har har.
I didn’t find anything funny.

“So what’s the plan, man? I know you need to know if she is guilty and not just for pay back.”

“Wait around for her to crack. I’ve got three weeks.”

“The aunt. She hot?”

“I see where she get’s her looks from.” Keiran stated, not directly answering the question.

“Fuck hot then.” A slap resounded in the air and Keenan cried in pain again. I couldn’t feel sorry for him. I wasn’t even flattered that he thinks I’m hot.

“What are you going to do if she’s innocent?” Dash asked. I held my breath waiting for his response until I was sure I was turning blue.

“Doesn’t matter if she is or isn’t,” Keiran stated with disinterest. “It won’t change anything.”



Chapter Sixteen


I’d given up on eavesdropping and headed back upstairs to shower. There was nothing more that I needed at this moment than my bed. The house was quiet when I finished my shower and left the bathroom so I assumed they finally left. I guess my guns were tougher than Keiran’s after all. He’d probably gotten bored and left, I guessed. I was proven wrong when I pushed open my bedroom door and found him lounging on top of my bed.

“Ready to talk yet?” he asked as his smooth voice filtered through the room. He was holding my journal open in his hand.

“What are you doing?” I shrieked.

“Rereading my favorite bed time story. There are new entries in here,” he said without looking at me. The familiar feeling of dread returned as I watched him read my journal. I started back writing two weeks ago when the first strings of depression and loneliness began to take root. There was no one else I could tell so I told my journal. I usually kept my entries short but it was now almost full. It felt like I was running out of time as well.

“My journal is private. You have no right,” I growled. I looked around my bedroom for something to throw at him or better yet gouge his eyes out with.

“I have every right considering most of it is about me.” He looked way too comfortable lounging against my pillows and reading all my secret thoughts and feelings. They were

“Why are you doing this?”

“You wouldn’t talk so I had to find another way for you tell me what I need.”

“And did you find anything?” I asked sarcastically.

“I found plenty.” He closed the journal but still held it in his hand, probably to drive me crazy. I wanted it out of his hands so bad. I couldn’t erase what he already knew but maybe it would take some of the humiliating pain away.

“Good then you can leave,” I urged.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Get out. I don’t want you here,” I said firmly.

“I think you want much more from me than you’re willing to admit out loud,” he quipped while waving my journal and tossing it on the bed.
“Come here,” he beckoned.

“No.” I braced my feet on the floor to ward off the power and the spell he wielded over me. The one that made me obey.

“You’re going to make me come get you then?”

“If you must,” I said and clutched my towel tighter around me.

“Monroe?” He called quietly, his voice was soft but the look he gave me was intense as his eyes swept my body with burning lust.


“Are you sore?”

“No,” I answered, feeling my pussy clench. It was eager for what was coming and so was I, I admitted begrudgingly.

“When I get my hands on you,” he said, rising from the bed, “I’m going to fuck you hard and I’m going to make you come harder.” He shed his shirt as he took slow steps toward me. “Are you ready for me?”

“If you hate me so much, why do you want me?” I blurted. If I weren’t so focused on him I would have missed his pause and the look of uncertainty that passed in his eyes before he hid it.

“I could ask you the same thing. Besides I think it’s a little too late to question it now,” he retorted sarcastically.

I lifted my chin and backed up a step. “I don’t think you want me. I think you do it to torment me more.”

“Then I’m torturing us both,” he said before he stole my lips with his and backed me up against the wall.

When I opened up for him, he sucked on my tongue and unwrapped my towel from my body. I heard the material fall to the floor at our feet just as he pressed harder against my naked body. He was well over six feet tall and always made me feel so small compared to him. His bare chest was hot against my own skin while his hardness teased my stomach through his jeans. I couldn’t take the separation so I unbuttoned his jeans, pushed them down his hips and immediately gripped his cock in my small hand.

He dug into his jeans and fished out a condom. He pushed it into my hand and ordered me to put it on him. His look was smug as he watched my hand play around his cock. I fumbled with the condom for a minute before I finally figured it out and sheathed it around him.

“Lift your leg,” he orders, tapping my thigh. I wrapped my leg around his waist. The movement opened me up to the feeling of his cock rubbing tantalizingly against my opening. “Put me inside your pussy, baby. I need to feel you now.”

My heart fluttered, hearing him call me ‘baby’ but I knew it had to be the lust talking. Even the night Keiran seemed to lose control when our bodies came together. With one hand on his cock, I used my other to grip his ass and lead him inside my waiting cunt.

“Hold onto me,” he grunted.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he pressed his chest into my breasts and crowded me against the wall. I wasn’t prepared for when he pulled back and slammed into me. I let out a shocked cry of pleasure and looked up at him. His eyes were glazed over as he stared down at the place we were joined.

“You’re so deep,” I said on a shaky moan. He grimaced, pulled back and rammed his cock into me again.

“Not deep enough,” he groaned. We both seemed to lose control at the same time as his hard body rocked into me again and again, forcing passionate screams from my throat. His strokes were brutal and unyielding. His head lowered and mouth latched onto my nipple, biting and sucking. I tossed my head back and pressed up into him. He lifted my other leg around his waist while maintaining his rhythm and control over my body.

“I can feel your pussy clenching around my cock, Monroe. Do you like what I’m doing to you?”


“Say it,” he growled and drove into me harder.

“I like it. Please don’t stop.”

“I won’t stop. I’ll never stop.” He carried me over to the bed where he sat on the very edge of the bed. I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist as he drove his cock up into me slowly. “Your pussy is so hot and wet.” He ground his hips into me and I felt pressure in my lower stomach.

“Yes, right there. Fuck me there,” I encouraged wildly. My inhibitions always fled once his cock was deep inside me.

“So…fucking…tight,” he gritted, pounding me harder from below.

“Please…I need to come.”

“Mmmh, but I think I'd like to make you beg a little more,” he teased.

“No,” I moaned. “Now.” I gripped his shoulders and slammed myself down on him. The night he took my virginity he made me learn how to ride him and so it came in handy now as I rode him furiously, taking over the pace and rhythm. I fucked myself on his cock while he watched me with a smug look on his face. I was doing the fucking now but I knew he still held all the control. Just as I felt my orgasm rising, I found myself face down on the mattress.

“You’re going to have to pay for that,” he said with a hard slap against my cheek. I felt his hands caress my rear and then he was on top of me, sliding inside again. His hand came under to cup my pussy where he we joined and lifted my hips into him. His other hand came around my neck to grip me.

“Now let’s get something clear between you and me,” he said in my ear as he rammed into me once, causing me to cry out. “You don’t run shit.” He lifted his chest from my back and gripped my hair in his hand. “I told you before, Monroe. You will submit to
not the other way around.”

He used his cock to punish me as he rammed me repeatedly. My deafening scream mingled with his roar seemed to shake the house as we came simultaneously.


* * *


It was tradition for Bainbridge to hold basketball games every Saturday morning before the start of the season for the community. It was also a way to scout out new players before tryouts and keep the players ready. The turnout was always huge as all of Six Forks attempted to crowd into the gym. Willow would drag me to these things once or twice in the past but I was always too much on edge to enjoy the game knowing Keiran was there.

Now I was here
Keiran and I still very much on edge as I sat in the team section. Keiran had disappeared to the locker room with the other players after dumping me in the bleachers with a firm order to stay.

“Hey you piece of shit, I’ve been calling you.” I looked up to find an affronted Sheldon glaring down at me before she broke out into a grin and plopped into my lap. All the air whooshed out of me as her weight pinned me to my seat. She looked down at me mischievously as if she knew what she was doing.

“Sheldon, you’re crushing me.” I wheezed out.

She gasped in outrage before rearing back, “Are you calling me fat?”


“I have a surprise for you,” she said in a singsong voice. Before I could ask her what or toss her off, Keiran returned.

“Where is Monroe?” I heard Keiran’s deep voice question. I raised my hand to signal I was there because Sheldon was still sitting on me. Raucous laughter erupted and then her weight was lifted from me just as I begin to see spots.

“You can sit on daddy’s lap if you need a place to sit,” Keenan drawled. She rolled her eyes before pushing him away to sit next to me.

“So? Where have you been and why were you screening my calls?” Sheldon questioned while blatantly ignoring Keenan who then stomped off irritated.

I searched for a reasonable excuse to her but came up short. Do I tell her that Keiran was keeping me hostage in my own home and isolating me from anyone who would help while fucking me to near unconsciousness to pass the time? I looked over at Keiran who was busy lacing up his shoes but I knew he was listening.

“Oh, um…I fell asleep. It was a long night and I slept in this morning.” She stared at me skeptically and I knew she knew I was full of shit.

“Mhmm, so why are you here? You said you hate these things when I invited you.”

I looked up when I felt Keiran watching me now. He shot me a warning glare before walking onto the court. The crowd erupted in an ear splitting cacophony of cheers and whistles as they roared their welcome.

Keiran was back on the court.

The first string of players gathered on the court shaking hands. Keiran, Dash, and Keenan were on the same team and I was surprised to see Buddy teamed with them. I didn’t know he could play basketball much less want to join the team.

Trevor was there and on the opposing team with four other guys I recognized from school. My assumption was that he would be leading the team. He moved forward to shake Keiran’ hand but Keiran smoothly passed the ball to him and got into position to start the game.

“I can’t believe he is just letting Trevor have the ball.” Sheldon stated, bewildered.

I wasn’t an expert in basketball but even I knew that wasn’t how the game began. Keiran’s expression was flat giving the impression that he didn’t care. He stared at Trevor, daring him to protest. I looked around and saw the confused expression among the crowed. The ref shrugged his shoulders and walked off while blowing the whistle signaling the game to begin.

Trevor dribbled the ball but before he could pass the ball Keiran stole it from him, passing it to Dash who effortlessly took a shot, scoring the first point. It all happened too quickly for anyone to comprehend; causing a delay in reaction but soon a deafening roar shook the gym.

Sheldon was worse. She nearly fell on top of me from her jumping and screaming. Trevor was furious. Keiran has basically humiliated him in front of everyone.

When Dash looked over and winked, Willow blushed and turned her head away. These two were hiding in plain sight and Willow still wouldn’t confide in me.

The game was intense as Keiran’s team dominated the court and captivated the crowd. It was a no brainer who would win as Trevor’s frustration grew and he began to take it out on his team.

Keiran was like a general, commanding and cool. He easily read the opposing team defense and exploited their tactics. I learned from Sheldon that he played point guard while Dash was shooting guard and Keenan was the power forward.

Dash was the cockiest player, making many shot after shot, and effectively handling the ball. He had no problem showcasing his skill.

Keenan was the most aggressive player. He mostly stayed near the basket and went in for rebounds or assists while dodging the player who was doing a poor job of guarding him.

I cheered mostly to encourage Buddy who was playing the small forward. Dash looked out for him a lot on the court it seemed, encouraging him to go after the ball while he flanked Keiran to create openings for a shot.

The opposing team was too busy trying to either ambush Keiran, especially Trevor but he handled them with ease. The score was now an embarrassing 34-17. Trevor’s team scoring half the points Keiran’s did.

As it neared the end of the last quarter, Trevor grew more aggressive toward Keiran’s team even though they had already pulled back. They were growing annoyed with Trevor’s behavior it seemed, if their expressions were anything to go by.

Keiran had the ball preparing for a shot but was blocked by Trevor who looked close to assaulting him for the ball when he couldn’t steal it. Keiran’s face remained impassive, not giving anything away until his elbow connected with Trevor’s nose causing him to fall. The ref blew the whistle signaling a foul awarding Trevor’s team the ball.

The coach looked as if he wanted to pull Keiran out of the game but didn’t. After all there was less than a minute left. They had already won the game. Victory came for Keiran’s team and all the players from both teams gathered on the court to shake hands once again.

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