Feather Light (Knead Me) (12 page)

BOOK: Feather Light (Knead Me)
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She loved this cottage. It had been one of those purchases made on a whim, a beachfront property she’d snagged with her first earnings from acting. This had been her home when she’d started her trek up Hollywood’s who’s-who list. By the time she’d moved into her Brentwood estate, the property had doubled in value, so she’d decided to keep it.
It sure comes in handy now
, Kelly thought, smiling to herself.

Opening the Sub-Zero refrigerator, she pulled out the items she’d had one of the girls buy for her and placed them all on the tray. Kelly picked up some napkins from the counter and hurried back to the room.
Seven minutes left.
Her heart pounded to the beat of her movements while she climbed on the spindle bed and placed the tray next to her. Before she got to work, she made sure that a condom and the cuff keys were lying on top of the nightstand so it would be easy for Parker to access them. Then Kelly placed the metal cuffs she’d purchased just for the occasion by her side. A thrill raced through her body at the sight of them.

It was amazing how much she’d learned about Parker from that one article. Though she hated the fact that one of his ex-girlfriends had decided to take a shot at five minutes of fame, she’d found out enough about his humor in the bedroom and his penchant for role-play. Kelly had to admit curiosity had won out, and she was game to play for Parker. This man’s approach to life, head-on and with no regret, reminded her of the person she’d once been.

Kelly glanced at the digital clock.
Four minutes left
. She had to hurry. Methodically, she arranged Parker’s meal on her body. She worked for the next three minutes until she heard the shower turn off. Lying down, she closed her eyes and took several calming breaths. She wanted to do this for him and had been planning it even before she left New York. 

At last, she watched him walk out of the bathroom, a trail of steam following in his wake. The faint glow of the candles cast an erotic shadow on his face. Parker walked with measured steps to the bed, his muscles rippling as he moved, his cock hanging with pride before him. 


Parker stopped at the side of the bed and tilted his head up when he caught the scent of the meal she had waiting for him.

“Your food is ready, my dear Emperor.”

He inclined his head as if he was digesting what she had said. “Ann? Are you messing with me?” he asked in disbelief. 

“My Tenno, your feast awaits you. If you would be kind enough to step forward and take this from me, I’m at your service, and I will walk you through your meal as we go along.” She jiggled the cuffs for him to hear.

Parker looked up and hesitated. “Are you aware of what you’re doing?”

“Yes. You can tell me if it’s up to par—baby steps. If you’re okay with that, then I’m all yours.”

Though she still had a few reservations about the whole process, Kelly wanted to get to know him more, and that was enough reason to try it. At this point, she would climb Mount Kilimanjaro if he asked her to; she hoped he wouldn’t find her efforts silly and awkward.

Taking a step forward, he closed his hands over hers and felt the metal cuffs she was holding. “You’re going all out on me here, my sweet little Ann. Now tell me, what is your safeword?”

“Shogun.” She made sure he heard her, despite the distraction of her heartbeat as it pounded against her chest. “There are spindles on either side of the bed. You can start with my right hand.”

While Parker felt his way through the process, she grabbed the can resting next to her, shook it, and spread a generous amount on her chest.

“Mmm, is that what I think it is?” Parker’s head whipped around to follow the sound.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” She presented her other arm to him. He held her wrist before clasping the cuff with a click. Once her hands were fastened and secured, Kelly spread her legs even wider, loving the softness of the silk sheets against her skin. “You’re to start at the foot of the bed. Stay in the center, between my legs.”

As Parker trailed his fingers along the side of the bed for guidance, her excitement grew and her center throbbed. When he reached the foot of the bed, she began her planned seduction.

“The chopsticks are between my legs if you care to use them, my dear Emperor.” Parker climbed onto the bed, running his fingers over her feet and feeling his way up. He tossed the chopsticks on the floor and waited for her. “Picture my thighs as sushi boats. On the left one, you’ll find two Hamachi sashimi laid out like fallen dominoes. Next to it is a dab of wasabi and ginger. On my belly, you’ll find a tuna roll. On my right thigh, there are Toro sashimi with wasabi and ginger. Up top is a cucumber roll. Dessert will follow when you’re done.”

“You’re full of surprises, my Empress. I don’t think I can keep up with you.” His eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. Kelly shuddered as soon as Parker lowered his mouth to skim along her left leg. She strained to raise her head so she could watch him. Taking his sweet time, Parker’s seduction began with his tongue moving in a slow, languorous pattern across her thigh, creating ripples of goose chills wherever he touched her. He picked up each sashimi with teasing precision. After his first swallow, he licked the surface where the food had rested. Kelly’s responding groans drew a wicked smile from him. He worked his way up, tasting, chewing, and enjoying her offerings. Before he moved to her other thigh, Parker grazed his lips across her nub, teasing and causing her to quiver.

She moaned, feeling the rapid pulsing in her core and imagining him between her legs. Staying still was proving to be difficult because Parker made sure his tongue elicited a visceral response.  

By the time he’d finished eating from her right thigh, she was exploding in orgasmic bliss and could barely think straight. All she felt was his tongue caressing and playing with her. Kelly screamed in agonizing joy when he sucked at her clit and lapped at her folds.

“You’re going to kill me, your Imperial Highness!”

“No . . . I’m eating you alive.” Parker looked up and licked his lips, seducing her even more. “I’m ready for dessert.”

“Would you like a drink of water? Or perhaps

Parker shook his head. “I want something sweet.”

“Taste your way up.”

Still basking from her orgasm, Kelly crossed her legs, savoring the pleasurable tugging in the pit of her stomach. Who would have thought Mr. Davis had so many tricks up his sleeve? Parker straddled her and skimmed his lips over her nether region, grazing her belly button with his tongue before trailing upward and licking the whipped cream from her skin. When he arrived at her breasts, he sniffed long and hard. 

“Strawberries. How did you know I liked them?”

“I didn’t. It was a lucky guess.”

“You did well, Ann. After I eat, I will show you how I properly thank a woman.”

Parker’s promise sent her reeling with anticipation. Had she done well? The whole idea had scared her in the beginning. Jessica had called her a fool, but Kelly had never wanted a man like she wanted him. He was potent, a therapeutic drug she couldn’t do without, and she was powerless to stay away. She had such wicked dreams about him, and no matter how much she tried to deny her attraction, her body wasn’t listening.

Parker curled his lips into a knowing smile just before he began nipping at the rich cream covering her breast. With his hands, he traced her curves and rubbed her heated skin. He circled, trailing his tongue slowly along her chest, climbing up to her jaw to get to her mouth, offering the sweetness to her. With eagerness, Kelly accepted his offering with her tongue before sinking back into the mattress. He continued his assault on her breast until all but one slice of strawberry was left. Picking up the fruit with his teeth, he presented it to her, and she took it eagerly.

He straightened and touched her face. “Who do I have to thank for the lovely dinner?”

“Matsuhisa of Beverly Hills.”

“Now it’s my turn to give

“But you have given me pleasure.”

“Give me the key to the cuffs, and not a word from you. All you have to remember is your safeword.”

“It’s on top of the nightstand, next to the condom.” She watched while he retrieved the key. “Can I ask a question?”


“What do you expect from me at this moment?”

Parker smiled, seeming to understand her hesitation. “I expect you to do what I say so that I can do my thing. It’s important for me to know that you’re enjoying yourself within the boundaries of our exploits here. I’ll lead, and you’ll follow.”

“Okay,” she said.

“And remember, no questions. You only speak if you’re uncomfortable with my commands. This is all about us having fun together.”

It sounded like a promise.

After Parker released her binding, he gave her wrists a brief massage, kissing the spot where the cuffs had held her. Kelly wanted to burst into tears. His gentleness was so overwhelming, but the last time she’d cried had ended in disaster, so she reined in her emotions.

He slid out of bed and scooped her up as if she weighed nothing. Kelly wound her arms around his neck.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked.

“I don’t want you to speak until I say you can.”

Kelly remembered what he’d said. So she clamped her mouth shut and let him take her to the heaven he’d promised.

Parker carried her with confidence toward the bathroom and kicked the door open with his foot, depositing her on the bathroom counter while he felt his way back to the shower. He turned on the nozzle and tested the water until he was satisfied with the temperature.

“Come here,” he commanded, reaching for her hand.

Kelly jumped down from the counter and almost skipped to him, unable to contain her excitement. Thank God he couldn’t see her or else he might think her girlish. Placing her hand in his, she let him lead her inside the shower. Parker grinned when she wrapped her arms around his waist while they enjoyed the warm spray of water overhead. The mist swirling around them was a deliberate invitation, but she had to wait for him to tell her what he wanted.

He drew her closer to him as the invigorating water caressed their skin. Parker filled his hand with liquid bath gel and began lathering her chest, his hands working their magic until he reached her legs, where he took great care rubbing her feet, one at a time. Then he began rinsing her, lingering between her thighs and leaving her helpless, whimpering, and wanting more.

He straightened, his body rubbing against hers. “Your skin feels like velvet. I could touch you forever,” he murmured.

Seeming satisfied with the rinse job, he pushed her against the tiles and caressed the contours of her body as his mouth closed in.

The only thing Kelly could do to keep from screaming was to run her fingers through his hair, clutching with impatience. All she wanted was him inside her. He continued to stroke her nub and toyed with her taut breasts, igniting the desire in her veins.

Afterward, Parker lifted her until their faces were touching. She hitched her legs around his waist and thrilled at the feel of her body pressed against his. It was enough to shatter her waning self-control.

“I’m dying to make love to you,” he said, followed by a soft sigh.

She wanted to answer, but remembered his order. He nibbled on her earlobe, eliciting another long shudder from her. He trailed tender, little kisses along her neck. Kelly arched backward to accommodate him while he explored and ground her body against his, slow and deliberate. This earned her a rumble deep from within his chest. His guttural voice was enough to unravel her.

“You want me to take you now?” Parker asked, as if reading her mind.

Kelly grabbed his hair in response and willed him to focus his mouth on hers. They kissed with hunger and impatience, with his erection punching her skin, tight and hard. She ached to touch him. Instead, she buried her fingers in his wet hair. Water cascaded around them while their kiss grew more intense. When they pulled apart, he set her back on her feet and turned off the water. 

“Come with me.” Parker took her hand, and they stepped out of the shower. Still dripping wet, he led her over to the toilet and lowered the lid. “Sit on me.”

Kelly no longer had any inhibitions. She gingerly sat on top of him, allowing his weapon to enter her. And then she jumped.

“We’re not protected.”

Parker groaned in frustration. “You have ten seconds to get it before this rocket takes off.”

Kelly sprinted back to the bedroom, her boobs bouncing around and water trickling to the floor as she went. She returned within the allotted ten seconds, ripping the foil and pressing it into his hand. 

“Good girl. Now arm the missile.” Parker smiled in a mischievous way and handed the condom back to her. 

“Yes, sir.”

She worked with fevered speed, gripping his erection and securing the rubber in one fluid motion. His groan made her smile.

“Sit on me,” he ordered.

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