Feather Light (Knead Me) (15 page)

BOOK: Feather Light (Knead Me)
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After their long and lingering kiss, they paused to gulp some air. “Woman, you have to eat. You’re using too much energy, and you need to replenish it.” Parker stood up and carried her in his arms, depositing her into a chair. He kissed her once more. “Eat.”

The conversation during the meal was light and easygoing. Parker learned a few more things about Ann, which enabled him to draw a mental picture of the mysterious woman who had him feeling like a teenager again.

“My sister’s children are simply adorable. They refuse to go to bed until Auntie Ann reads them a bedtime story.”

“How old are they?” Parker inquired, enjoying the lilt in her voice when she spoke about her sister and her kids.

“Little Sean is two, but he talks like he’s seven, and Hilary is six going on twenty-one.” She laughed.

He could tell Ann adored children by how animatedly she recounted her last vacation at her sister’s house.

“You’re all by yourself here in LA?”

Parker rested his hand on top of hers. He had no idea how it felt to be away from family. Theirs was a tight unit, and he couldn’t imagine either he or Cork moving away.

“Yeah. My sister and her family live in Chicago. I try to visit them around the holidays if I can get away. They try to come here, too, but having kids and flying is never easy. Good thing my best friend, Jessica, lives close by.” Ann pulled her hand away and started clearing the dishes from the table. “Maybe I should introduce the two of you one of these days. She’s adorable but outspoken—sometimes too outspoken.”

He followed her to the kitchen. “I would love to meet a friend of yours,” he said as he settled next to her, listening to the sound of the running water while she scraped the scraps into the sink. “I would love to meet every person who means a lot to you.”

Parker sensed her quick withdrawal at his words. “One of these days,” she murmured.

“Are you still up to walking on the beach? I have a few hours to spare before I have to leave.” He traced a finger along the back of her neck and was rewarded with a moan. She turned off the faucet and faced him.

“I’d like for you to stay the night if it’s possible, but I know you have that dinner tonight. The walk will have to do for now.” Ann kissed him. “But I need to rinse your shirt before we do. You smell like food, and I’m afraid I’ll eat you if we don’t get that off.”

“I can forgo walking on the beach.” Parker laughed and slapped her in a playful manner on the butt. “I don’t mind a nibble or two.” He winked in her direction.

“You’re just as crazy as I am, Parker.”

She led him back to the bedroom where another round of sparks lit up. This time, Ann obeyed his orders with fervor, letting him lead them both to another sensual and explosive experience.

Kelly reveled in the aftermath of Parker’s lovemaking, adoring every minute of being in his arms. She remembered the kisses that had sent her reeling with lust, the likes of which she’d never felt before. Every persuasive touch awakened newfound sensations in her body. 

“When I touch you here, do you like it?” Parker peered at her, slinking a finger along the juncture of her legs.

“I can’t explain it, but I do. You’ve always touched me in the places that give me the most pleasure. It’s funny you mentioned it, because I was just thinking about that.” Kelly rubbed his relaxed penis, toying with the tip, circling, and arousing.

“I don’t intend to just touch your body, Ann. I want to touch your heart, too.” Parker pulled his finger away, leaving her throbbing with want, and tipped her face closer to him.

Kelly faltered. Her hand paused mid-rub on his scrotum. In all her life, no man had ever expressed such a deep desire for her. Parker had been creeping his way into her guarded emotions—emotions she had repressed out of fear of getting hurt again. She looked up at him, her eyes moistening; she wasn’t ready to get this involved this fast. What she’d thought to be a benign sexual release, a guilty pleasure, was now beginning to tear at her resolve. Parker’s commanding strength, along with his gentleness, was sweeping her off her feet. If she wasn’t careful, this could end as dreadfully as her previous relationships, only for a much different reason.


“Hmm . . .”

“I don’t expect you to feel the same way about me. I know it’s too soon. Believe me, this is the last thing I was looking for, but there are situations in life we just can’t control.” Parker raked his fingers through his hair, looking vulnerable, almost shy. “I’m just asking you to give me a chance to be with you more often so I can get to know you better.”

Kelly stared at him, unable to speak, and brushed a shaky hand across his face. He leaned toward her touch. “I want what you want, but I don’t know if I have what it takes . . . to fully give myself.” 

Parker wrapped his arm around her, letting her head rest on his chest. “All I’m asking is for us to take baby steps. Let’s just see what each day brings. Are you okay with that?” He kissed her hair with such tenderness.

You might not want a woman who can’t get over her past.
“I think so.”

Kelly’s stomach churned from the conflicting emotions within her. She wanted so much to believe him, yet an inner voice warned her of the pitfalls of being in a relationship, especially for someone famous like her.

They lingered for another hour until Parker had to leave for his dinner appointment with his family. Kelly couldn’t even walk him to the car without the fear of being recognized by the limousine driver, so she kissed him good-bye at the door.

After stashing the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher, she set out for her much-needed walk. She took the beach access straight from her property, wearing shorts and a tank top, with her hair up in a loose ponytail.

This had always been her refuge, a place where she could think and be herself without fear of being watched. Kelly stopped and picked up a tiny rock that caught her attention. Wiping the sand away, she slid it into her pocket to be added later to her growing collection.

She thought of Parker while she walked back to her house. The man still had no idea who she was, and her warning bells told her she should confess soon. Would it matter to him if he found out the truth? Only he could answer that question. When she got home, she took a long, luxurious bath and pondered her personal dilemma. 

Her life was under intense scrutiny, and that was something she had no control over. Now she had a man who wanted to control yet another aspect of her life, and in the one place she’d thought she was free to express herself. Kelly wanted to deny what he’d asked of her, but if she were honest with herself, she’d have to admit the man also filled a void in her heart. As strange as it sounded, the more time she spent with him, the more she realized she couldn’t live without him. She wanted Parker as he was and let him lead her into what promised to be an amazing relationship.

Since she had the afternoon all to herself, Kelly lounged on the veranda and read over a script her agent, Connor, had asked her to review. Recently, she had accepted roles based on her willingness to get away, to forget. Out-of-town filming was more to her liking, but with Parker worming his way into her heart, filming in South Africa had lost its initial appeal. After an hour or so of reading, she gave up on the script and decided to call Jessica and meet up for dinner. Kelly drove up to Chateau Marmont in her Range Rover, not even bothering with disguising herself. She was much too happy to even care.

When the valet opened her door, she pasted on a smile and braced herself. Flash after flash snapped in her eyes, and rounds of questions, both hurtful and inane, came her way. She shielded her eyes from the blinding lights and hurried into the lobby.

Jessica waved at her from where she was already lounging with a drink, looking chic in a white cotton tunic and body-hugging jeans. “They’ll seat us in fifteen minutes. I took the liberty of ordering you a glass of wine. Cab, as you prefer.”

They hugged and sat down. The famous landmark hotel was humming with activity, which was to be expected from a place where entertainment celebrities and famous athletes hung out.

“Thank you. It’s a little rough out there.” Kelly glanced one more time at the flood of paparazzi with their long lenses, trying to peek through the glass doors to get a picture of anyone they could capitalize on.

Jessica scowled, her usual reaction to Kelly’s plight. “Some stupid one asked the same question again?”

Kelly nodded and took a big sip of wine. “It’ll never end. They’ll never let me forget. It hurts, you know. I just wish I’d never met Matthew and lost . . .” She took a gulp this time, wishing she could forget the past, along with its ugliness and sorrows.

“Hey, now. No need to think of the past. We’re here so we can catch up.” Jessica reached out and touched her hand. “Tell me, what have you been up to since you came back from Milan?”

Being the new face of Gucci, Kelly had been attending advertising campaigns and one soiree after another to promote their newest line of handbags—a welcome distraction for her. Moreover, the traveling, though exhausting, had kept her from thinking about her loss.

“Well, I sent a limo to pick up Parker, and we spent the night together.” She giggled like a silly school girl, feeling the blush rising up to her cheeks.

Jessica almost choked on her wine and glared at her. “And you still haven’t told the poor man who you are?”

Her smile faded. “No . . . but I will. I just haven’t found the right time.” Kelly paused, unsure why she wanted to keep this little detail to herself.

Jessica narrowed her eyes, a surefire way to keep her talking. “Kelly? What else are you holding back?”

“To be honest, it feels like you’re reading my mind.” Kelly took another sip and dabbed a napkin on her lips. “It’s refreshing to have someone attracted to me without knowing who I am. I can be myself and not worry that he is taking advantage of me.”

Her best friend let out a sigh. “How many times do I have to tell you this isn’t a game for Parker? You think you’re being yourself by concealing your true identity? Don’t you think you’re carrying this attraction or . . . or this game of yours a little too far?”

Groaning, she leaned forward and nudged Jessica. “It’s not a game. Granted, it started out as a mere attraction, but I’m not playing now. I think I’m falling . . .”

“You’re falling for him, aren’t you?”

All Kelly could do was nod.

“You’re going at this all wrong.” Jessica shook her head.

“As crazy as it sounds, I want him for all the right reasons.”

“Which are?” Jessica prodded, raising her eyebrows.

“He’s smart, independent, amazing, and he sees me as a real person.”

“You sound like you’re in advertising,” she said dryly.

Kelly laughed. “He said the same thing.”

Her friend turned somber. “I just worry about you. You seem to like the guy, but you’re not being fair to him by withholding a very important detail.”

Kelly knew she was cornered. “Can you, for just one moment, not be my conscience? Yes, I’ve thought about the stuff you said, but I’m not sure I can trust him yet.”

“I know you have trust issues given what happened between you and that good-for-nothing leech. But you’re making things worse by stalling. Just don’t hurt the man. He seems nice.” Jessica fished for something inside her purse and shoved a magazine on the table.

Kelly stared at it. Parker was on the cover of
Health and Fitness
, and his smile, as always, made her feel warm inside. “Where did you get this?” she asked.

“Believe it or not, when I recognized the gleam in your eyes, I made it a point to find out more about the man.” Jessica gave her a knowing look.

It was no use pretending in front of her friend. “And what did you find out about him?”

“I read some articles about him. He is fascinating, low-key, and well loved by his employees, as well as his clients. If you break his heart, I think a lot of people will be upset and will be coming after you with pitchforks. Many of his admirers are women, young and old, and well-known celebrities who are protective of him. I’m sure you know the rest of what I’m trying to say here.”

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