Feather Light (Knead Me) (18 page)

BOOK: Feather Light (Knead Me)
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As usual, Webster arrived on time. “So what’s the hurry?” She unlocked the front passenger door of her sedan, and Parker slid in.

“I need your eyes to help me choose outfits and some other stuff for tonight. And I wanted you to take me grocery shopping, too.” It had always been difficult for him to ask for favors, but with Webster, it was different. Maybe it was because they understood each other’s needs without having to explain.

“Big date, huh?” she asked while they cruised along the main thoroughfare of Sepulveda Boulevard.

Parker nodded. “Let’s hit the grocer first. I’m anxious to get back in time to cook and shower.” He drummed his fingers on the window. Anxiety and excitement had been eating away at him since he’d woken up. The run had done very little to ease the building tension within him.

“It’s that Baba chick, isn’t it? Gosh, Parker, do you even know the woman? I mean, she gave us a phony name. How can you fall for her?”

He detected skepticism in her voice that was unusual for her. His head shot up in defiance. “Her name’s Ann Sutton, if you want to know, and I think I know her well enough.” 

Parker heard her pound on the steering wheel. Webster had always been supportive of his every decision, so it surprised him to see her so distrustful of Ann. They spent the rest of the drive in stubborn silence. When they arrived at the strip mall, she looped her arm in with his, and he knew what had happened in the car was forgotten.

“You know, boss, I’m happy if you are, but I can’t help being a little protective of you. Women are just as bad as men when it comes to getting what they want, using whatever method they can. I’m just looking out for you, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop, even if you get married.” She wrapped an arm around his waist as they walked past the shops along the busy street.

“Whoa! Stop right there. No one’s getting married. I just happen to be dating. Nothing serious, got it?” Parker pulled her head toward him and gave her a friendly kiss on her hair.

“Fine . . . but you can’t stop me from doing what I want.”

He could almost imagine her pouting, and he grinned. “Fine. Do what you want—just don’t scare her away.”

Grocery shopping was easy with Webster describing every detail for him. The shop had everything he was looking for, so they were in and out in less time than he’d anticipated. After the initial stress of not keeping to his schedule, Parker began to relax, and the rest of his errands became more enjoyable.

Webster maintained a steady flow of chatter while pushing the cart. She kept him entertained with work gossip as they walked up and down the supermarket aisles. While he was away visiting the other branches, his eyes and ears at work had always been Cork and Webster, unless Cork came along to keep him company.

When they reached his townhouse, Webster stayed to help with the setup. She wrote down some instructions that he dictated while he prepared for dinner. She even offered to arrange the gloriosa lilies he’d ordered from the florist earlier. From Webster’s description, he could almost picture the flowers in his mind. They had the fragile, exotic appearance of crushed red velvet, and while they were not true lilies—growing on a vine rather than from a bulb—they still represented the same sweetness and elegance as their authentic counterparts. Just perfect for what he had in mind.

At a quarter past three, Webster gave him a quick hug, wished him luck and left, assuring him that everything was perfect. With the chicken cooking in the roaster, he sent Ann a text and hurried to take a shower.

Taking meticulous care with his appearance, which was laughable since he couldn’t even see himself in the mirror, he tried to fix his hair as best as he could, pushing the strays back into place that always managed to break free from the gobs of gel he used to tame them. He dressed and chuckled, remembering Webster’s exact words.
“You look like an idiot, but a good looking idiot, and very forgivable.”

His alarm sounded, informing him the chicken was done. Parker hurried out of his bedroom to his small kitchen. Not bothering with the lights, he proceeded to set the table and checked the mashed potatoes. He pressed his watch for the time. Five minutes. He took one stem from the vase and walked back to his room to wait.

Kelly found a parking place right away when she spied a car leaving a spot close to Parker’s home address. She read his text several times and wondered what he meant by it. Texting back, she promised to do as he’d asked. She found the key to his unit underneath the doormat and, with the bottle of red wine in one hand, let herself inside the house.

The scent of vanilla candles mixed with home cooking greeted her. The entire room was dark except for the candles scattered everywhere, giving the place that homey feel she’d always craved. Happiness bubbled within her when she opened the first door to her left—the powder room.

Inside, she found the things he’d mentioned in his text. On the vanity, an envelope awaited her, lying next to a little glass pendant engraved with her initial and tied to a black cord. She gasped with pleasure at the thoughtful gift. Kelly caught sight of herself in the mirror. She looked happy, judging by the pink in her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes, and she was.

Picking up the first note, Kelly read it. Smiling, she unzipped the garment bag hanging behind the door. Inside was a purple outfit made of rich velvet, the bodice accented with muted golden brocade and damask.
, she thought. It was just like the ones she’d used in one of her movies,
Hearts Afire
, a period film set in the fourteenth century. She pulled it off the hanger, pressed the gown against her body, and closed her eyes.

Parker was so full of surprises. She dressed and checked her appearance in the mirror. Her breasts looked enormous because of the tight waistline that pushed her bosom up and out. Kelly gasped at the sight of her enhanced boobs. With care, she pulled her hair up into a loose chignon and used the hair accessories provided in the small velvet pouch that accompanied the dress.

She found the next note, read the rest of Parker’s instructions, and silently applauded him for his attention to detail and meticulous planning. So far, his surprises had been exciting and well-thought-out. Kelly reread the note and memorized her lines. Leaving her things behind, she sauntered barefoot out of the bathroom toward the room he’d instructed her to enter, which was the last one in the long hallway, on the left.

Kelly knocked and waited for an answer.

“Come in, my fair lady,” Parker answered.

When she entered, he was standing by the window with his back to her. City lights twinkled from beyond the glass panes. The entire room would have been dark if not for the light glowing from an oil lamp on his nightstand. Parker turned around, and bending at the waist, he offered her a red lily. 

“Good even. I trust thou hast deemed the provisions I left for thee acceptable?”

Walking closer, Kelly devoured Parker with her eyes, taking in every single detail—his sculpted blond hair and the black knight surcoat he wore over matching leggings and boots.

He straightened just as she reached for the flower. His smile projected just the right amount of flirting—enough to send her reeling with excitement. “My lord, the flower is most beauteous. Such pleasure doth give.”

Parker took one step and circled an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “I wish to behold thy beauty up close.” He grazed his lips across her temple before sliding to the side of her cheek and then capturing her mouth.

“Thou art dapper, my lord. Make haste and show thine lady . . .” she paused, unable to remember the lines he had her memorized, then added, “how a lord loves his woman.” Kelly smiled, unable to believe the words coming out of her mouth. He was making her ache already in the places she wanted him to be.

Parker licked his lips while he traced her curves, his fingers moving in sensual, rhythmic strokes—caressing every inch of available skin until he reached her face. He moved a fingertip around her parted lips, smiling in the process. “And thou art a vision of loveliness.”

“I am thy humble servant. Do what thou must.”
Heat raced through her veins, making her shudder with anticipation. 

“Follow me.” 

He took her hand and led her out of the bedroom across the hallway to another room. When he opened the spare bedroom, a burst of flowery scent surrounded her. The room was as dark as the other one, illuminated by two candles, one on top of the bureau and another atop the window sill. A massage table, imposing, sat in the center of the room.

Not knowing what to expect, but loving the mystery, her heart did a little flip. He took her by the waist and hoisted her up onto the table. “Stay here.”

Parker opened the closet to reveal shelves full of sex toys that she had seen in shops. But instead of picking toys she thought he’d use, he opened a small, personal refrigerator. He pulled out two chilled shot glasses, grabbed the bottle resting on top of the fridge, and then moved in her direction, a mischievous smile on his face.  

“This is Everclear. We’re just having a shot, just to smooth the rough edges. You’re not driving home tonight. You’re spending the night with me, in my arms, fucking me until the wee hours of the morning. What say you, my lovely maiden?” Parker resumed the role-play after explaining his intentions.

She’d heard Everclear was the strongest alcoholic drink there was. Kelly nodded, and then remembered she had to say something. “I am at thy mercy.” She took both shot glasses, allowing him to pour their drinks. He placed the bottle on the table, next to the votive, and took one of the glasses from her.

“To my fair lady.”

Parker raised his glass to her, and she did the same. They pulled the shot down at the same time. The liquid blazed down her throat and smoldered in her system. Parker let out a whoop and blew out through his mouth. Taking the glass from her, he sat them both down on the small table. He nudged her legs apart, letting them dangle, and then leaned in between them to pull her forward.

“I will lead, and you follow,” he whispered in her ear.


Kelly linked her hands behind his neck when his mouth sought hers, plastering her body against his. One minute she felt normal, the next she felt like a ball of lust ready to explode.

They kissed until she could no longer breathe and was forced to pull back a little to gulp some air. Parker sank to his knees, lifting her skirt to reveal the chastity belt he’d asked her to wear. He traced his fingers along the leather belt, hovering at the area of her pussy.

“What is your safeword, my lady?”

“Huzzah,” she answered without hesitation.


“Google is very helpful. SSC.” The tingling effect from the alcohol began working its magic.

He glanced up at her and smiled. “Lie down on the table now.”

Like an obedient girl, she scooted and lay down. Parker produced a small pillow and placed it underneath her head. Kelly looked up at him, noticing the little smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. She wondered if she should speak in plain English, since he had reverted a couple of times, but she remembered his instruction for the role-play. “I am at thy mercy, my lord.”

“Before the feasting begins, understand that I will do what I want with you. You can moan and touch me, but you cannot come until I give the permission. What say you?”

“Thy will is mine to uphold.”

A smile of satisfaction spread across his face. “The chastity belt is a bit of an oxymoron, because keeping you chaste is not my intention. I will take you. I want it there because it tells me you are mine.” 

“I pray thou taketh me. I belong to thee.” She wanted him, there was no doubt about it, but not coming was going to be tricky.

Parker pressed a button on the music player in the corner, filling the room with the strains of a saxophone instrumental. He returned to the foot of the table, and with both hands, he reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. It fell to the floor, forgotten.

Seeming like he was inspecting a piece of meat, Parker walked around the table, trailing his fingers along her leg, up her thigh, the curve of her hips and waist, until he reached her tits. Using his index finger, he began stroking her nipple, circling, tracing, and awaiting the inevitable hardening of the tips. Goosebumps rose when her body responded to his feather light touch.

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